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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shots Fired At Pemberton Apartments

It's been reported Police are everywhere right now at the Pemberton Apartments where one witness heard the gun shots going off. More to come...... Originally posted at 9:10 PM.


Chimera said...

Is it the same complex being shot up again? What is the world coming to?

Anonymous said...

And we don't have gang problems right? Hopefully they will take each other out and save some paperwork.

We need to get rid of Sec. 8 housing in America!

Anonymous said...

You are so right on that 9:36. Section 8 sucks and makes life worse for people... not better.

Anonymous said...

It's probably a bunch of white guys. If not then the cops are racial profiling again.

Anonymous said...

it's not so much sectoin 8 you have to have a good managment staff and field staff, they use to have it, didn't appreciate it.too many management changes if management does't take control and come out of the office some residents take that as i can do what i want.hold on hopefully help and change are on the way

Anonymous said...

Don't blame Section 8 housing. Obviously you have never been in that situation to need Section 8 housing. It is not the fault of some of the people who are truly in need of it. They just need to screen the people better that they are putting into them. If someone who occupies one of the units are caught dealing in drugs etc., kick them out. If they can afford drugs they do not need Section 8 housing anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's a catch-22 situation. Obviously, if a person(s) is/are selling drugs there, people are buying them. No one will rat them out because they will lose their convenient source. And if these same people would stop using drugs they would maybe have enough self- respect to get a job, stop using taxpayer's money for Section 8 housing and become productive members of society instead of leeches who feel they are owed something by " The Man".

Anonymous said...

Who owns that complex?
Can they not be fined for being a nuisance property?

Anonymous said...

go after the property owners. Too much funds are expended there for protection. It's time the governing authority takes charge of that scene and puts the repayment on the owner. Remember they are making all the profit in allowing the situation to continue.

Anonymous said...

I've mentored kids from this neighborhood. Most of these people are working hard to get by. I know it's easy to villify them all when these events happen but just remember that for every 1 thug on the block, there are a load of others walking to McDonalds/Perdue for work, going to school, and doing what they need to do the better themselves. These aren't the stories that sale newspapers so what news do you think you are going to hear?

citygoer said...

Anon 7:28 its likely you wont hear about any of it in the local paper here. They tend to cover up anything that makes the area look bad.

Like I've said before, there are alot of residents here that live paycheck to paycheck. When will the local govt realize that unless real jobs and opportunities are brought here that the amount of ppl here below the poverty level will continue to rise. Nearly 1/4 of the population in Salisbury is already below the poverty level. Nothing changes here, crime still occurs, jobs and businesses leave and what happens? Nothing. Welcome to the backwards eastern shore.

Anonymous said...

Make everybody who receives public aid take a drug test. That will take care of the bulk of these problems.
We have to start somewhere. That's a good place.

Anonymous said...

7:55 am, AMEN. And folks need to realize that because of the lack of opportunities, those shining stars that arise from these communities DON'T STAY!. They can't find work to match their talents here so you are left largely with those who didn't seek out the education opportunities or those stuck busting their butts for minimum wage.

8:05 am, I agree fully. Also cut aid and evict anyone in section 8 who pops up pregnant with more children. But you that will put the brakes on some of the out-of-wedlock births. Hows that for a "liberal" Obama supporter (I'm really and independent Obama supporter)

mad granny said...

SPD should just go ahead and put this into the cold case files. It actually takes detectives that will leave the 3rd floor to investigate...what a bunch of losers! That's why crime is so rampant, everyone knows that our city police dept. sucks and that they can get away with whatever they want. The officers on the street are great, the detectives and higher-ups suck!

Anonymous said...

Is this the shooting on the west side of salisbury that WBOC and WMDT reported this morning but couldn't say where??

Anonymous said...

8:13 I agree! You have these teenage girls having three kids with three different baby daddies who don't pay child support, and the mothers are sentenced to a life of poverty. You shouldn't have to have a license to marry- you should have to have a license to breed!

citygoer said...

Anon 8:13 said And folks need to realize that because of the lack of opportunities, those shining stars that arise from these communities DON'T STAY!. They can't find work to match their talents here so you are left largely with those who didn't seek out the education opportunities or those stuck busting their butts for minimum wage.

Do you think this is maybe why most services around here are half-a$$ed and poorly executed??? Ppl dont move here for the stellar job market. So for every 5 applicants you might have 1 worthwhile person. You can do the math. This area is full of "if it doesnt affect me I dont care" ppl.

Anonymous said...

the management of section 9 houseing gets corrupt. The dealers and gang members put so much fear in them that they are scared to report it. You also have to check and see if it is a USDA contract or HUD. It is much harder to kick some one out of USDA contracted housing. The contract is shitty. HUD can just boot em easier. But the problem is with the managment not reporting the turds for wehat they do. I am sure the actual owners live in some mansion in California and never hear of what is happening. The property managers need to be reporting all the incidences and violence and drug problems. If not it will forever be a hot bed for crime and gang violence. Time to take a stand people. The Do rights in these projects need to take a stand and not be scared any more. stand up to these turds.

Anonymous said...

well since the benefits given by wicomcico and salisbury are some of the best in the state, it's no wonder these scumbags come from baltimore to live here. Damn government geives them every opportunity and they still don't want to get off their asses! Hopefully if the govmnt health plan goes through it'll address stupid fat lazy people! lol!

Anonymous said...

9:05, and you wonder why blacks often call repubs. racist. Areas like Pemberton are largely minority. You categorize all of these people as "stupid, fat, and lazy". Why is it you guys believe poor = stupid, fat, lazy?

Anonymous said...

after the last shooting I've seen the WCSO also patrolling the area on a regular basis. they can't be there all the time as they have a much larger area to cover.

Anonymous said...

You bring up a good point. People are coming from the slums of Balitmore because they get the same amount no matter where they live in Maryland. Rent is cheaper here so we attrack all the people on welfare.

I would love to see some statistics for other counties and how many places they have with section 8? Are other counties doing away with this and forcing them to move here where its still available?

Anonymous said...

I used to live in Mitchell Landing Apts pretty much right across from Pemberton. It was two completely different cities. None of the crap that goes on there would fly at Mitchell b/c the property manager was a STICKLER for EVERY rule. Section 8 isn't the blame. And not everyone who receives section 8 is unemployed!

Anonymous said...

Section 8 housing, welfare, WIC, unemployment benefits, etc... I guess get it if you can.
I blame the Govt. for all this bullshit, they give these people all these handouts and then wonder why this country is so screwed up. Why would someone try to better themselves when they're given everything for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

4:40 has been brainwashed by the right just as much as those who actually believe gov. owes them something have been brainwashed by the left. Being poor is a tough hole to dig out of that takes years, and many people successfully do make their way out. I agree, go after those who defraud the system, but they are a minority, not the majority of people recieving aid.

In fact, if you want to go after the real blood suckers on gov. revenues, how about we just cut medicare for the elderly and social security benefits. These two take up WAY more money than section 8 or WIC. Lets see how tough the budget hawks really are

Anonymous said...

Medicare is for disabled people and retired people, Leave them alone, chances are they worked for their money. Lets stop people from going into DSS to receive benefits wearing designer clothes and shoes. Somehow they cant afford food but they have $100.00 shoes on. I will take the job. I will stop them at the door.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:11, I agree with Anon 9:05. The reason is I have 20-20 vision in both eyes and can see the same thing !

Anonymous said...

This is not about the Goverment, this is about, gangs, the ..Bloods...They don't live in P Block or Waterside....This is retaliation, from when the 5 got shot last month....Am I the only one that see's this?

Anonymous said...

I take it you mean 9:05b.

Unless you can cough up some numbers to support the statement that the majority of people getting aid are "stupid fat and lazy" I would say that you sir have fallen victim simply to a convenient perception that is not related to facts. You guys called Obama racist for saying a cop acted "stupidly" before knowing the facts. Under your definition, the same applies here.

Anonymous said...

Armed security is at Pemberton now. Look out gangster because they will shoot and not question later. They do not have to follow the same rules as the police.

Anonymous said...

lol @ armed security, Where r they at? this is a big joke, I live there and havent seen them... we were told if you see red call the po-po....per Jason King! Only protection is ourselves.