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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

AFP Meeting Tuesday Night (Tonight) 6PM Adams Ribs

AFP Lower Shore Meeting Tuesday 9/22 at 6pm - Please Attend!

You won't want to miss Tuesday's Meeting! We are bringing our elected officials to you.

AFP Lower Shore Meeting Tuesday, September 22nd at 6pm Adams Ribs, Route 13 Fruitland

Help stop government run health care and outrageous government spending of your tax dollars! Attend this important meeting! We plan on some special guests and want to offer you another chance to be heard.

Delegate Elmore is scheduled to attend, speak, and listen regarding the things that concern you in Maryland politics. Salisbury City Councilwoman Debbie Campbell will also attend.

We also had invited the Wicomico County Council to join us, but no one has responded that they would come. I did get responses from John Cannon, Stevie Prettyman, and Bill McCain with regrets, as they had prior engagements, but nothing from any other council members, so at this point I don't expect any of them to attend. For Information on The Wicomico County Council and night meetings, as well as their contact information: Click Here Please contact them today and encourage them to come to our meeting on 9/22 as well as voting "Yes" for night meetings.

We will however be hearing from from a member of the Salisbury City council who has concerns about the city budget and the need for support of fiscal conservatism.

Additionally we will be discussing what's next, like The Defending the American Dream Summit and other scheduled events as well as activist training. Please come out and bring your friends and neighbors!

Last time our meeting over flowed the room. and overwhelmed Adams. Please lease RSVP to this email by hitting "reply" and let us know if you plan to attend so we can let Adams Rib's know how much help they should have on hand.

Mark your calendars for 9/22 at 6pm for our AFP meeting, 10/2-3 for Defending the American Dream Summit, and 10/6 at 10am for the Wicomico County Council vote to move the meetings to after work ours.

"You can't put a price tag on the American Dream. That dream is the heart and soul of America; it's the promise that keeps our nation forever good and generous, a model and hope to the world." - Ronald Reagan

We look forward to seeing you soon!


Julie Brewington and Joe Collins
Americans for Prosperity Lower Shore
Americans for Prosperity Maryland


Anonymous said...

Good old fashioned Reagan worship. Is he your "messiah"?

Anonymous said...

Reagan defended the honor of this motherland. When a leader gains that kind of "respect" from the people, the people make every effort to hang the moon for him or her.