Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 6 September 2009
Location: 8900 block of Williams Mill Pond Road, Delmar, MD
Suspect: Susan M. Rainey, 52, Delmar, MD
Narrative: On 6 September 2009 at 6:41 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to investigate an altercation that had reportedly occurred outside a residence in the 8900 block of Williams Mill Pond Rd in Delmar.
During the deputy’s investigation it was learned that Susan Rainey allegedly became involved in a physical confrontation with a female victim outside of her residence.
Upon meeting with the victim, the deputy observed signs of injury that corroborated her account.
The deputy placed Rainey under arrest and transported her to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner.
After an initial appearance Rainey was released by the Commissioner on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Assault 2nd degree
Karma Is A Bitch, Isn't It Susan! Susan is the woman/clown who created TWO Anti Albero Blogs as well as created all that attention when I was invited to speak at the Chamber of Commerce. This isn't her first arrest either! States Attorney Davis Ruark is very familiar with this woman and has to ask her multiple times to back down, or else. They should have kept her locked up this time to teach her a lesson.
Anyhow Folks, be careful who you hire as your next Party Clown. Clearly they're not as friendly and happy as they look on the surface.
Whos laughing now...
What did she do? Hit the lady with the big clown horn? Or maybe try to run her over with the clown car with all the other clowns in it? I could go on, but clowns scare me.
Look you old Bich, you better laugh or I'm gona kick your a$$.
Dam Joe, JT and "off the cuff" busted and "toast" in the same week... does it get any better?
I don't know this clown, but I'm sure that there's not one of us that doesn't know someone that NEEDS a good a$$ whoopin'! Actually I know enough to keep the clown busy for a few weeks.
So, I'll side with the clown and assume that the other had it coming. lol
Was she the one that owned Off the Cuff blog? I thought it was that other woman in Delmar that had that blog.
Maybe she is going to be the next Krusty the Klown
That's just too funny. Susan Rainey has always been a nut case. Just ask her husband and kids. Better yet, just look at her Maryland criminal case files.
Don't piss off Mr. Giggles!
this bitc- is well known in the criminal justice circles as being borderline mentally ill. She has a history of unstable behavior and we are all better off if we just stay the hell away from her. PLEASE do not hire her.
Anyone who wears a clown suit has got be flakey!
Wierd doesn't quite explain it.
Flakey, touched, cracked, that better explains it.
Funny how she was running her pie hole now she is the one in trouble...again!!! Just goes to show people need to think before they speak and act, idiot!!
***Side note** this DID make me laugh.
6:33 at $100 - $150 an hour I would wear a clown suit! I might be flakey, touched, or cracked in your opinion but I would be doing much better financially right about now!! Crazy is the fact I used to pay that kind of money for my kids parties and now I am sitting here seriously considering picking it up as a side job!!!
More likely she'll be the next Pennywise the Clown.
(Stephen King's "It".)
Hierarchy of clowns:
1) Rodeo Clowns
2) Clowns
3) Mimes
If the person she beat up was a mime, it's perfectly normal.
I looks like all your enemies are self destructing at the same time.
Mass murderer John Wayne Gacy dressed as a clown to mask his true, evil nature. Hmmm
This woman has a spread sheet longer than a roll of roilet paper. She screamed blue bloody murder claiming child abuse on her husband and the judge gave the husband custody because she was the abuser. Now I come to learn that she was arrested for assaulting her own daughter. It looks like the judge was the wise one. Can you believe it. Her own daughter had to call the police and have her own mother arrested.
How do you know it was her own daughter (not that it surprises me in the least)?
Can juveniles get restraining orders against parents who do not have custody?? Were the visitation rights revoked? If not, they should be, if this is true.
Age has nothing to do with or maturity level.
Betsy Ross
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