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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

George H.W. Bush's Speech To Students Drew Democratic Probe

When President George H.W. Bush delivered an education speech in October of 1991 to students at a junior high school in Washington, Democratic critics investigated the event, Washington Examiner columnist Byron York reported Tuesday.

Much has been made about the criticism surrounding President Obama's Tuesday speech to the nation's schoolchildren.

But when President George H.W. Bush delivered a similar speech in October 1991 to students at a junior high school in Washington, D.C., Democratic critics went much further and investigated the event, Washington Examiner columnist Byron York reported Tuesday.

Democrats, who controlled Congress at the time, ordered the General Accounting Office to probe the production of the speech and later summoned top Bush administration officials to Capitol Hill for a hearing, York wrote.

The Bush speech at Alice Deal Junior High School cost $26,750 -- an expenditure paid by the Department of Education -- and drew fire from Rep. William Ford, then chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, who ordered the probe.

"As the chairman of the committee charged with the authorization and implementation of education programs, I am very much interested in the justification, rationale for giving the White House scarce education funds to produce a media event."

The GAO found no wrongdoing on the part of the Bush administration

But after Bush spoke, The Washington Post implied in a front-page story that the speech was staged for the president's political benefit, and Democratic allies continued to pounce on Bush for the cost of the event.

Click here to read the entire Examiner story.


jefferson said...

This may be true. However the motive seems to be economic and not ACCUSING HIM OF BEING HITLER. The upheavel over this innocent speech by our President is yet another black mark on the conservative minority in this country which is quickly losing it's grip not only on our political attention, but also on reality itself. they should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

The probe wasn't right either. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Anonymous said...


Do a little research before you post in axxccurate comments like conservative minority.

According to a gallup poll released on 06-15-09 the current makeup of peoplle in the poll was as follows;

Conservative 41%

Moderate 35%

Liberal 21%

Also in a poll released in August of this year conservatives not out number liberals in all 50 States or 57 states if you use Obamas idea of how many states are in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Let's have a probe of the original speech and accompaning lesson plans aimed at long term indoctrination and year long follow-up.
What can I do to help President Obama?

Anonymous said...

8:43 It was Obamas fault that it came to what it did. The innocent speech is what it ended up being but didn't start out that way . He floated out a test fart found out it stunk and sprayed air freshener .

Anonymous said...

12:18 you are just plain dumb.