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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Mayor Ireton Wants To Spend Tax Dollars Educating Criminals

In a Crime Task Force Meeting held yesterday, Mayor Ireton and Lore' Chambers shared their intent to solicit grant money to better educate prisoners before/after being released from prison on how to get better jobs.

While the Mayor is cutting jobs, taking away millions from Public Works to assure even worse conditions for roads than Barrie Tilghman subjected taxpayers with over 12 years, let's spend more money on criminals to make sure they get better paying jobs. Uh, hello, what about the taxpayers and City Employees who are looking for jobs and or more than likely soon to be looking for jobs!

Typical of the left wingers, always wanting to make sure they prove they're compassionate. In fact, Lore Chambers, Terry Cohen, Chief Webster, Jim Ireton and several others will travel to Annapolis today to gain more information on this grant opportunity.

Isn't it bad enough that it has been SEVEN DAYS since the Salisbury Police Department put out their last Press Release referencing crime? We have murders, robberies, home invasions, you name it, most of which have NOT been solved, yet the Chief of Police, (who doesn't participate with the Crime Task Force and or WBI) wants to take a day trip to Annapolis to better serve our criminals!

I'm sorry Folks but even though this entire group are a bunch of DEMOCRATS, we're facing laying off people while they hire others like Lore' Chambers who spends her day looking for grant opportunities and then running to the Council and Mayor saying, look at what I found, isn't this peachy.

Their addiction to what they want to call, FREE MONEY just doesn't sink in. They believe that if we do not go after this money, some other City/County will get it instead. OK, not only is this fiscally irresponsible let's look at it from a different angle.

Back when 9-11 happened our Federal Government stepped in to make sure every Town/City/County in America received money to hire additional Police Officers. However, programs are designed to start and then FINISH. When they Feds stop paying for these Officers, they they go to the taxpayers, (locally) and force them to pay additional taxes for these kinds of programs.

When a Developer would come to former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and say, we'll create this playground area and donate it to the City, the Mayor would say no and rightfully so. Mayor Tilghman was wise enough to know, someone has to pay for the upkeep of such projects. However, when it came to grant money, one never went past her desk without her signing off on it, unless it was an idea from Campbell or Cohen.

The problem we're experiencing is that government continues to grow and no matter what is said and done, these projects eventually run out of money and while they sell you on the idea that it's FREE, it might be today but it will cost you locally tomorrow.

Chief Webster should be staying here and fighting crime., He should be making damn sure the local public is aware of what crime is going on and reassuring everyone that the SPD is being proactive and not reactive. Now maybe some of you believe today's trip to Annapolis is proactive. IMO, that would mean you're a democrat who likes to talk the talk but would never hire one of these criminals and push them off on someone else.

Let's get our priorities straight. Get rid of Chief Webster and Lore' Chambers and find some people who want to work with what we already have and ultimately fix it. The more these people make stupid trips like today, the more it's going to cost you the taxpayer in the end. Ireton needs to stop grandstanding and taking photo ops, throwing out the first pitch, (as if that article actually brought more people to the Stadium) and concentrate on the major issues at hand.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

This is outrageous! I don't have a degree and if I lost my job I would have a difficult time finding something even close to what I am making now-but let's make sure these criminals get better educated while they are incarcerated?! I think not! Taxpayers are already funding their cushy stay in correctional facilities-why should we pay more?!? Where do people think funding for these grants comes from?!

Anonymous said...

Is Sheriff Mike Lewis the only elected official who gets it? Help the good and weed out the bad. Mike just purchsed 5 new patrol cars with seized drug money. Two wins, criminals behind bars and new equipment to catch more bad guys. Can we just turn the keys to the city and county over to sheriff Lewis and sit back and enjoy the ride?

Anonymous said...

Nothing like cutting the taxpayers off at the knees. Take away services they pay for and use the money to find jobs for criminals that don't want to work anyway.

If one of these criminals broke in Lore Chambers West Nithsdale home lets see how fast she would be to help them find anything besides a jail cell.

We don't need job training provided by tax payer funded grants. We already have the Maryland One Stop Job Service. Let's not begin duplicating state services.


Anonymous said...

How can Webster not'participate' in the Task force and WBI?????
I guess law enforcement is optional???

Anonymous said...

While I agree that belt tightening is needed right now, I also believe that educating "criminals" is a good idea (just not right now during the current fiscal crisis).

Dumb kid does something stupid at age 17-19 (sells drugs, steals car) often because they feel desperate and young and dumb. After paying their debt, they need an avenue to become the productive citizens that they want to be when they come out of the system. If we're not providing tools for real "rehabilitation" then these dumb kids will come out as dumb men who can't get a job and who really are desparate to rob you so they can eat.

I'll repeat, bad idea to fund during fiscal crisis, but good overall policy.

beach boy said...

GRANTS? That is our tax money.NOTHING IS FREE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fkem is what I say, take care of the people that are doing the right things in this tough time.

doug wilkerson said...

Recall his a$$ a.s.a.p.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think you are 100% correct and this craziness needs to STOP. This just goes to show why criminals choose Salisbury to do their dirty deeds - they know they will be fed, have a roof over their head and get educated. Wow why not be a criminal?

Anonymous said...

The cuts to Public Works are big. How many people are going to become unemployed as a result of these cuts?

doug wilkerson said...

All prisons should be work prisons where the inmate gets a little check fot their days work,(little check) they can then use their own money to better themselves for their eventual release date.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea. Not only should we not educate the criminals, we should take away their weights, satellite tv, good food. Bread and water and bring back hard labor and chain gangs. Make use of the death penalty and make drug dealing punishable by death penalty also. For way too long, we have been nice to criminals and hard on the victims. Criminals have more rights than the victims.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 10:37.
Too bad the money isn't flowing.

Anonymous said...


If you would stop making jail time as cushy as a paid vacation and make it dreadful like its supposed to be, then you wouldnt have career criminals. And the dumb kids on the street would think twice about robbing and stealing from others. INVOICE the POLICIES we already have! Quit wasting time, quit wasting OUR money and QUIT making excuses for thugs, as humans we are born with the ability to know right from wrong when it comes to other humans.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I guess you guys want the criminals to be released into the commmunity with NO job prospects. I wonder what they would do to survive? Hmmmm. Unless you are willing to PAY to keep nonviolent criminals in jail for life, it is much, much better and cheaper to get these guys on the right track. You are going to pay one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

While I don't excuse breaking the law, I don't hold myself as high and mighty as many of you do to think that certain circumstances wouldn't lead me down the wrong path as a young man.
If you're broke, you are watching your mom struggle, you're hungry, father is not in the house, you have people kickin your butt every day, and the only people showing you love are the older guys who say go sell this drug, we'll protect you from the other guys, and you'll have money to feed yourself and your family, rest assured many of you are going to make the choice to sell. This is the scenario for many teens around the US.

And honestly, I don't think many of you truly understand what is happening. Again, I don't excuse bad behavior, but can recognize the situation for what it is.

Anonymous said...

if the criminal is a kid from salisbury, where you have good schools, little real gang activity, and good opportunities for secondary education, I have little remorse. But a kid living in Balt., D.C., or Philly is likely to grow up in a hell that many of us couldn't imagine.

joealbero said...

anonymous 12:37, OMG! Send them off to Sheriff Joe in Arizona and let them serve real hard time. I know, better yet, send them all to Salisbury and let them get away with all that crime because the Chief of Police has a reputation of not being able to arrest criminals. I mean, it is what it is, right!

joealbero said...

Here they come Folks. The wet pants liberals from the other Blog are all ovber this to protect their boy Jimmy.

doug wilkerson said...

Paper Tigers, you offer help to the American middle class folks who are trying to do the best they can, then you worry about helping people that dont care about themselves or you. Gen-Pop is a disease and its getting worse everyday. Something else, there are no jobs.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you miss the point. Many of you just don't get it. All the thuggin and shooting and pimpin you see on t.v. is real life for alot of kids. Many make it out of this, but unfortunately many smart talented kids don't. Many of you have kids right now who you've given everything to, yet like dummies, they'll go do drugs or break the law in some other way. But you'll rush out and try to protect them. But you don't give a $h!t about a kid who broke the law for much more serious reasons.

Anonymous said...

Let me understand that you want to spend money to educate the crimnals who didn't want to learn while they were in school. Deputy's are haveing to have a pay decrease now of 2-3%. So educate the ones who breaks the laws and punish the ones who lay their life on the line every day to catch the bast*&ds who kill them.
Yea sounds like Salisbury to me.

Tee said...

typical liberal democrat...

they 'think' they can rehabilitate by pouring money at the system...and "showing them the light" the same system that created those criminals.

"it takes a village" :rolleyes:

just more votes for the dems, and that's their only agenda.

Now lets go rob a bank, maybe we can get free collage out of it.

Unknown said...

The Program is called the "The Prisoner Re-entry Initiative"

Information on it can be found at:

DOL grant funds can be used to provide a variety of services to returning prisoners, including workforce development services, job training, on-the-job training, work experience, basic skills remediation, counseling and case management, mentoring, and other reentry services. DOL grant funds may not be used for housing, substance abuse treatment services, and pre-release services other than recruitment, introductory meetings, orientations, and other activities necessary to establishing program connections with prisoners prior to their release. The Department of Justice (DOJ) PRI grants to state agencies will provide pre-release services.

Anonymous said...

i dont feel bad for young criminals.. we as americans have way more oppurtunities for success than people of alot of other countries! if you didnt do too good in school and you live in a sh!thole neighborhood or the ghetto, theres always the military, community colleges and alot of other programs out there. these people are just lazy, dont wanna work and want a handout like they have always gotten. so all you crying ass bleeding heart liberals can all get a life and get a grip on reality. work hard and you will succeed. me and my wife both work 6 days a week, so why cant these other people work as hard? cause they know some lib will give them what they want!... if they cry loud enough.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you just take all of that free money and help the home owners who are having problems paying their mortgage. To Hell w/criminals. Let them rot in jail.
Who's helping the unemployed. Who's helping the furloughs. Who's helping the reduction in pay. Who's helping the the one's on the verge of losing their job. The list goes on and on and on. But, you want to help the ones who eat, sleep, and shitzzle all day. Watch cable TV. Play cards and board game. Go to gym everyday. Have visit all week. Have church services every week. Go to G.E.D. Go to work and participate in the S.I.T program if they qualify. Get practically free dental, medical and mental health treatment. Order grocery from the commissary. Run up and down the hallways of the facility as if they are children at the Hilton Hotel. Totally disregarding the authorities and respect of correctional officers. They make threats and assault each other and staff. They spit, throw urine, and throw feces on each and staff when they have a tantrum. This list goes on and on. These blitches deserve nothing. They need to just rot in jail. Why do we need to educate these fools. All they are going to do is commit other crimes because they think they are smarter then the average man or women due to their education and then return to jail. Over and over again. The public and our children need help much more than these criminals. This is total B. S.

mommaneedswine said...

1:14, thank you for bring some sanity to the chaos. The grant for DOL funds is an entirely seperate matter. The trip to Annapolis today was for a Maryland Safe Streets grant. From wmdt:

If the application is accepted, Salisbury plans to build two police substations, fund overtime for attorneys and officers, and support at least 13 other City agencies.

I'm not exactly thrilled with what's going on politically, either! I'm waiting for the help to arrive like the rest of you.

Anonymous said...

If there is a grant available for this purpose only, why not, get the money and pay someone from this area some money. It's not like they can get the grant and spend it on something else, all that is tracked. They have to supply the records documenting how they spent the money. So, I say if they can get it and spend it here, go for it.

doug wilkerson said...

That kind of thinking will allow Communist China to build another Nuclear sub, go for it.

Anonymous said...

The school teacher comming out of him again. Easy money just give it away. All these idiots seem to think that an education is the answer to everything , well I've
been a millionaire for many years. My education goes clean to the 11th

Chimera said...

I agree with the earlier post-fk em'!If I am lucky and save some money and work until I am 80,I might be able to send my kids to a good college.The thought that my tax dollars are going to pay for some inmate to get an advanced education makes my blood boil.Theres all kinds of good people out here who want to further their education so they can get a better job and are unable to because of lack of funding and not being eligible for programs like this that reward people for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

You got fire in ya sister, sexy.

Anonymous said...

Some of us are really struggling out here. I'm a 48 year old women who has worked honestly all my adult life. I have a 3 year college education. Didn't have the money to finish my last year of college. I joined the military. After years of investing in this career, the RIF program came into play. I got RIF after 8 years. I came to this area and began to work in corrections. This was the BIGGEST mistake I made in my life coming to this area. Now, I'm stuck. Working at a job I don't like because so many inmate friendly organization is constantly telling facilities how to run their jails and prisons.
I make less than 38,000.00 a year. I can barely pay my mortgage. The threat of furloughs, pay reductions, reduction in force and lay offs is hding in the midst of all this economic confession. And, you think it is ok to educate criminals with my tax money. Well, I don't. I think you, dol, doj, aclu, fbi, cia, whomever are full of Sugar Honey Ice Tea. To hell w/these criminals

Anonymous said...

Did he mention this during his campaign. Some of you voted for this person.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this right...

I got laid off from a computer job, have been unemployed for over a year, and lost my house in Salisbury since Tilghman seem to run bigger businesses out of town..

Since my credit is in the shambles, I can't qualify for a college loan to train for a different career, but if I say, rob a convenience store or something else that lands me in jail, Mayor Ireton will provide money to train me for a new career..

That's just brilliant.. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

ok, I'm a democrat but far from being liberal. I agree with everything you said Joe. I also agree with 1:11! We should be taking care of those who want to work, help them keep the money they currently have, keep the jobs we have instead of cutting back.

I don't agree with everything my party says and does. I can cross over party lines and see good/bad there also.

I feel for each of you who has lost your job or who may be cut. I know how it feels. It bites!

Anonymous said...

Joe Albero said...

What do you think?


I think Jim Ireton was a wasted vote. Who is this guy anyway. He is not the same one that knocked on my door and told me he was going to fire Alan Webster.