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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

One Man's Opinion

The President's speech to OUR children....
Secretary Notter:

I just finished listening to your conversation with Megyn Kelly, at Fox's America's News Room, and I am appalled! As a parent, I must inform you sir, that no child should be forced to view or listen to any politician, or political address, unless the parents are in concurrence, and may also monitor the conditions of such a blatant exposure to potential political indoctrination! And, the issue isn't the president, nor is it his politics, and it certainly isn't an issue of his message, or as you put it, civics! "The issue is Freedom of Choice", as guaranteed not by you, the president, or your bosses, but by the Constitution; we haven't lost that, yet! You have no authority, legally, morally, or otherwise, to usurp parental authority, none!

If I were a resident of Broward County, you would be "seeing" me sir! How dare you place yourself above the Constitution of the United States, how dare you? Even the Secretary of Education of the United States, said that this should be a "voluntary" experience! I will wager that a close inspection of your curriculum, with specificity, the teaching of the "unrevised" version of this Nation's History, and the subject of Civics, would be very revealing! "You" must simply leave "our" children alone, when it comes to parental exercise of authority over them; parenthood trumps the government every time on those kinds of issues! Your policy is just despicable, I cannot define it in any other way!

Robert L. Di Stefano
Abingdon, MD


Anonymous said...

I guess Ronald Regan and the first George Bush was overstepping their bounds. I guess both sides of the fence need to watch what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a nut case.

Anonymous said...

I watched those addresses by REAGAN and Bush as a student. There was no 'demand' that we watched and we were told as students to go beyond what was presented and attain more info before forming an opinion! I would hope our students are given this same advice. I do not like Obama, however, if he simply encourages the students to pursue education as a means to a successful future I will be fine. Beyond that I will be even more disgusted with him.
Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and W did not attempt to sway our young students...I believe they truly cared about our future. However, Obama conveys to me that he is only concerned with his agenda regardless of how is helps or hurts. When such a self promoting plan is put first, we will all suffer.

Anonymous said...

Broward is the most liberal county in Florida. Their congressman is Robert Wexler, who for years didn't even live in Florida. He resides with his family in Potomac, MD. and guess what, he pays no state income tax. Shades of Charlie Rangel.

Anonymous said...

The point is they are OUR children and WE have the first middle and last say NO MATTER WHAT!!!! Good for you Mr. Di Stefano...

Anonymous said...

You guys on the right sound crazier by the day. Before Obama, yall considered the presidency a sacred office to be honored. Now because your guy lossed, you want to scream "free speech" and "stay away from kids". Grow the hell up

Anonymous said...

My choice for President was not Obama; however, why on earth would you NOT want someone (no matter who)'preaching' to "OUR" children about staying in school, and how important education & being successful is??? Yes most of us do take care of "OUR" children and encourage them to do their best and stay in school...BUT there are also children out there that don't have Mom & Dad (or in some cases either)at home to encourage them to be successful... I read his speech ( and don't see why ANY parent would not want their child to hear what he has to say regardless of who is saying it. I always talk to my kids about the importance of education, respect, and success but that doesn't mean that's enough and therefore they should never have to hear it again from anyone else. Does that mean the friends, Aunts, Uncles, Grand Mom's & Grand Dad's of your children will be hounded too if they mention the importance of education to "YOUR" child???

Politics is not the issue at hand...respect of adults, themself and others along with the importance of education is!

joealbero said...

I love how you lying wet pants liberals come on here and always start off with, "I never voted for Obama" or, "I didn't like the man at first but how can you argue....."

Get a grop. Learn to stand up like REAL MEN and admit who you are. It just cracks me up to no end. Thanks for today's chuckle, chuck.

Anonymous said...

Would it be OK for a Social Studies teacher to show MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech?


Anonymous said...

Joe has a problem with 1:45's preamble but can't answer the core sentiment of the comment. 1:45 here is your answer;

The current political climate has created one-party rule where the party in power is seeking to stay in power by largely catering to their base (as parties tend to do). The "opposing" party, rather than interject themselves in a productive fashion in the debate in order to construct the best plans for the nation, sits back lobbing outlandish allegations seeking to rack up cheap points until they feel safe enough to pounce on the inevitable mistakes the the party in power will make. This cycle will simply repeat itself with the parties simply changing positions in the years to come.

Until you guys stop all the race baiting, "hitler" lobbing, fearmongering tactics, and until we the voters demand the truth by seeking out and responding only to the truth, this cycle will continue. And every 4 years someone will be screaming "so and so is Hitler" and so so and is "fascist" while more and more of us line up in the unemployment line looking for a gov. check from China.

Sorry moderator for the extremely long comment.

Anonymous said...


Last time I checked MLK was never president of the U.S.

Also MLK was a uniter, not a divider like Obama. Under Obamas leadership of only seven months this country is more divided than at any time in my 58 yrs on this earth.

Orsonwells said...

3:18, You bring a good point about our one party system. Until a third or fourth party is considered by the voters as a viable candidacy, this will remain the same.

However, you cannot deny that what we heard today was "version 2" and that a preview on the White House website (the one that has the presidential seal as a faded afterthought at the bottom of the page) was never going to be made available for review before it got to the kids. That's what got everyone in a stir.

Anonymous said...

i believe that if elected folks president or other wise want to talk to our chidren they should be able to do so....however leave their political agendas and opinions at the door....i dont think schools should reflect their own agendas or opinions off on students....i pay good money for my child to go to school to learn and to not be influenced by others on the political beliefs...teach the political system and how the govt works sure but leave their opinions at the door.....children are children and to young to have that stress and pressure put on them....let them grow up and have their own opinions..teach them how it works and let them was said that most children dont care about health care...well in my opinion children shouldnt care about healthcare...thats mommy and daddys job....let them be children...stop forceing them to grow up to soon....

Anonymous said...

Another extremist heard from.

Helllloooo. It always WAS voluntary. Every parent has the right to exempt their kid from "objectionable content."

Beat the dead horse! Beat it some more.

You all ended up looking stupid with the outrage...out came a great speech that everyone loves and no one can understand what your panties are so in a twist for.

Anonymous said...

You know, there is one critical point missing from all this babble.

When you choose to send a child to public school, you also agree to the curriculum and decisions of the school staff. You can not pick and choose which lessons are appropriate for your child. You can not choose to take your child out of all classes that talk about evolution. You can not tell the school to teach XYZ this certain way. When you send them, you give up some of these decisions.

You do have the right to expose your child to whatever lessons you choose... if you home school them or send them to a private school.

Lastly, I hate Obama... but I would love to have seen his speech -- it would have given me more ammunition against him. This is what an educated person would say. Listen, and respond.

Dr. M Moeder said...

Barrack H. Obama is our elected president, the peoples' choice. The votes that were cast have spoken. The two sides, republicans and democrats fought for their candicate to win like two baseball teams. After the game or in this case the election, it is good sportsmanship and being a true American to support the winner. You people who criticize Obama and speak with idle tongues sound foolish and hurt the president's image abroad. Other countries must view Americans as united. Recite the pledge we say to our flag to renew our patriotism and think what the words really mean. I hope this lesson which was part of my recent lecture at Salisbury University will be thought-provoking and improve the comments made on the blogs.