Can someone please tell me what in the world this form is necessary for? I received this in my child’s enrollment package for school and don’t understand its purpose. I thought the good ole USA was suppose to be a melting pot of cultures but with stuff like this it is apparent that this isn’t so. No wonder we still have racism issues when the government keep us separated into groups by race. I could understand if it was for medical reasons but this application just seems to be ridiculous.
School districts say they use this form to better identify the different races in their schools, however; there are multiple uses for this form. One is to code your child in a race, statistical purposes(nationally), and to go to the teacher to let him/her know what students they will have in their classrooms. In DE, legislation passed that those type of forms are no longer to be used to due to the violation of families rights. So, in DE they use a "home language survey" to ask parents what language is spoken at home.
Just sign where it says refuse to identify on the bottom. On the other hand, then you'll just have a school official classify the child based upon what he looks like.
Do the school systems get more funding for Hispanic/Latino, since that's what it seems to be trying to clarify?
refuse to fill it out and home school the kids
Then refuse to pay the portion of your property taxes used to fund public education.
The answer is simple: Liberals must perpetuate racism so they can continue to divide the country and sanctimoniously claim they are "helping" the oppressed. By using this form they continue to create racial divisiveness in order to justify their self-serving crusade.
What nonsense. This form may be stupid but to blame it on liberals and racism is ridiculous. If it is that much of a porblem, then don't fill it out. No one is twisting your arm. Focus on real issues.
If line 3 says “Black or African- American”, shouldn’t the last line say “White or American”?
This is another liberal tool used to keep the mass's divided so they can impose socialism.
Any gov't form or questionaire such as this, should immediately be thrown in the trash and reported to the FBI as violation of the privacy act.
When whites are the minority, you will want this form so you can be counted.
9:18 You hit the nail on the head.
Doug you may be right-they probably base federal funding on how many non-white students are enrolled.It is ridiculous in my opinion and does nothing but pigeonhole kids into racial groups.Its a shame,kids dont recognoze racial differences until adults and society teaches them to.
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm just plain old mutt. I have German, British, Norwegian, Egyptian, and who knows what else blood. The way things are going now one day the earth will only have one major mixed race anyway. The form has a purpose but what exactly it is I couldn't tell you.
Its always about money, always.
My anual statement on that form to the teacher was( Sorry Joe) Are F*****G Blind?
Doug you are correct its about funding
If you are a minority child , you
will be get things free and the government will pay. They just want to make sure if your white , you don't get crap.
Read the first part anon 1:31, if you are Hispanic and preferably illegal you get everything for free.
alright 1:31
I was kisted as minority child, and never once did I ever get any free handout from anyone.
I went to school in St Mary's County and every year we had to fill a form similar to that out for statistical purposes. And every year they would publish the data from last year about students and familys within the school system. It was actually rather interesting to see the demographic breakdown of my school.
The fun part was every year the breakdown sheet would say there were two Native Americans in my entire school (which ever I was attending at the time), those two being me and my twin brother, which always gave me a kick.
Wher box does a white person from South Africa (now American) check?
If they are going to classify children anyway, why are parents required to sign and return? This should be confidential and the numbers justify the state and federal aid schools get for non-English speakers or minorities who don't have the same opportunities all the rich white kids get. What a crock!!!
To the person or persons who said "wait until your the minority and you will want to be counted" and let the democrat party do for me what they've done for blacks... NO THANKS !
The Federal Govt requires that the school get and maintain racial statistics as well as gender and income levels with free and reduced meal programs. They correlate these numbers with test scores to determine if the school meets state and federal no child left behind mandates for adequate yearly progress and yes it is about funding.
As a school official, this has nothing to do with specific funding that the school system gets. It is not tied to Free/Reduced lunch funding as that is based on the applications that parents complete and turn in.
The form is in response to a mandate from MSDE to maintain racial statistics and to establish subgroups for statewide testing. Nothing else.
Thanks all for reminding me once again that the Shore is filled with a bunch of in-bred retards. Glory be to the under-educated.
you should check out Seaford school district. West seaford is at 89% other than white.
these forms are for statistical purposes and you don't have to fill it out. I wouldnt.
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