SALISBURY, Md- As Maryland counties and cities try to adjust budgets to deal with state cuts, the mayor of Salisbury says his administration will weather this storm.
Mayor Jim Ireton said the city continues to add up the cuts which currently stand at about $1.2 million. That's about 4 percent of Salisbury's general fund.
Ireton hopes to avoid layoffs and furloughs.
"The effect on employees- I can't say that nothing is going to happen to them- but I don't foresee it," Ireton said. "I think we can make up the $1.2 million in spending. We can do that by looking at every department in the general fund budgets."
Potential cuts include new police cars, new sanitation trucks and storm drain repairs.
This latest round of budget cuts has some workers fearing for their job. Employees say whenever you hear of state cuts to your department - it's always unnerving.
"It's a trickle down effect you know," said Jay Shores ,who works in Salisbury's roads division. "We just hope it works out for the best for us."
Seems to me, most everything the Mayor wants to cut, "new police cars, new sanitation trucks and storm drain repairs" relieve him of the majority of his campaign promisses? Very interesting!
how about cutting some of the spending over at the fire department.
Is the money for refurbishing that old water tower "standpipe" still in the budget -- what a waste.
Furlough Lore Chambers permanently!
Hes not even worth the trouble anymore, just a poser.
New police chief for less money and get more work out of him/her.
The fire Dept can easily cover the 1.4! No problem.
That won’t fix the problem; he must cut day to day operating expenditures to not only weather this storm but what will come in the future. Possible reduced assessments and possible no or further cuts to the state budget. A stop gap approach will not work.
They cut the ambulances out of the budget which are needed and bring in revenue. They purchase unneeded fire engines and aerial trucks that are not needed. WTF is wrong there???
Absolutely nothing about fire department in these cuts, start with them.
3:50, here, here! Or how about cutting the employees who leak confidential information? Or cut some employees who don't do squat and give the real worker bees a raise?
I cant even look at him without laughin anymore.
5:14...because Bill Gordy the Great Volunteer runs the city fire department. Vollies don't run ambulances. So anything that's really needed doesn't get purchased.
Ireton needs a new fire chief that's not Hoppes. Hoppes is Gordo's tool. As long as Gordy runs the show, the fire department will get toys, not needs.
Mr. Ireton is giving Dot Truitt his full attention in this picture. Mrs. Truitt is another one abused at the podium by the likes of Smith and Dunn.
Why could he not have extended that kindness to the crime victim muzzled at the meeting?
Jim Ireton has turned into the biggest joke since Bubba Comagys. He got elected under the same false pretenses as Louise Smith. As a matter of fact I have seen him attend numerous meetings and functions with her. He is also attending the bogus church street clean ups with her. That is a joke and so is the two of them. Louweasel Ireton I want my vote back.
If Jim Ireton was so worried about cutting spending then he would not have appointed Richard A. Hoppes as the acting fire chief. He would have appointed a more respected and responsible person to that position. Jim Ireton you have turned into the biggest appointment Salisbury has seen in years.
THE POLICE HAVE BEEN CUT ENOUGH! One piece of fire equipment would equate to a whole new fleet of police cars!
Mayor you need to trim the spending on useless trips, travel time, Hotel expenses, meals,etc. by your department heads and cut out all comp time, your department heads should not be getting comp time in the first place. There is so much abuse of comp time within the City, what a shame to make citizens pay for this crap!!! If you need help let me no, maybe you should consider letting some of your people go there not doing anything anyway (oland and a few others) besides didn't you promise to clean up that mess.
I agree with you 8:42 PM, those 5, yes I said FIVE fire trucks did not need to be replaced and the two did not need to be refurbished. The 2 that got refurbished were only 3 years old.
Jim Ireton has become close with Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes. He welcomed them at a work session and encouraged them to apply for "grants." Grants that tax payers would need to foot the bill on. Ireton is a fake and owes all the voters an apology.
Ireton believes the money will go somewhere else if we don't file for those grants, so why not. Typical wet pants liberal! Yes Sentz & Chuck, Jimmy loves everyone else's money and actually believes it's free. Everyone close to me was scared Jimmy would pull this kind of crap and they were right. Granted, Jimmy didn't lie to anyone. He just kept his mouth shut and stayed away from any conversations referencing matters like grants and so forth. He's a one term Mayor, IF he sticks with it for 4 years. One thing I can guarantee you is, Gary, Barrie and Webster will make Jim Ireton their next target and force him out. They're trying to do it to Debbie and trust me on this, Jimmy will be next. What they say about him could end his interest in serving any longer, we'll see.
Like shootin fish in a barrell to them isnt it.
we have cars that are too dangerous to even function, yet officers are still forced to drive them day in and day out. You want the police to do something, then give them the tools they need, armed robberies of stores, cold homicides, 5 people shot in fairground drive....this means crime is an issue. Start giving them the tools to do it. When someone gets hurt because they attribute it to vehicle failure due to mechanical lack of care and those deficiencies have been noted, then the city will have alot of explaining and paying to do.
Jim is already a target, Joe. They are going after both Debbie and Jim. Terry, too, if they could, but they are having less success there.
What's really disappointing is, Jim has it within his power to shut a lot of this crap down. I can't figure out why he won't.
9:49 Have we talked before?
9:56- He won't because he's a wimp and a poser. I remember seeing him walking in the Christmas parade with his "help is on the way" banner, and I thought "What a joke!" He likes ATTENTION. He's a follower, not a leader.
I thought the budget process was to cut the pork? If that is so why is there still $1.2 million of cuts to be made?
Another case made for a line item budget.
To many big paid chief's and not enough low paid indians in the City of Salisbury. Wasteful spending by the top on trips, hotels and travel is a problem and NO control by the ones in charge. If you look at some of the top positions and eliminanted them the deficit would be solved without furloughs or layoffs. Take charge and do your job, stop overlooking the problem and being a good old boy!
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