Dear Fellow Conservative,
We do need health care reform in America, but there is a right way -- and a wrong way -- to go about it.
President Obama and Congressional Democrats want a government-run health care system that puts a Washington bureaucrat between American families and their doctors.
Their first thought was to try to rush a bill to the White House before Congress left Washington for August recess, and now we know why.
The American people have had a chance to read for themselves what President Obama and his Democrat allies in Congress intend for our health care and have been letting them know, loud and clear, in townhall meetings and national polls, that they don’t like it at all.
But the Obama Democrats have circled the wagons, stung and angry that the people dare presume to tell them what kind of health care they want. So Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid will be coming back to Washington to show the American people they won’t let a little thing like public outrage get between them and their desire for socialist control over our lives.
Barack Obama and congressional Democrats think government is the solution to every problem.
They're wrong.
The government already runs car companies, banks and mortgage companies. Republicans believe that the last thing the American people want is government telling them when and where -- or even whether -- they can get medical treatment for their families.
That's why we need you to help us keep the heat on the Democrats, and keep them accountable to the American people.
The RNC believes your voice should be heard before the Obama Democrats nationalize almost one fifth of our economy, incur trillions of dollars in new spending and debt, and begin rationing health care to the American people.
Your opinion on the many domestic and foreign policy issues that America faces has been vital. The future of health care in America is so important -- especially as Obama Democrats are moving swiftly to bring European-style socialized medicine here -- that I am asking for more of your grassroots insight today.
That's why I hope you will take a moment right now to fill out online our Future of American Health Care survey. Your input will help Republican leaders in Washington, D.C. and across America know where you stand on the Obama Democrats' nationalized health care plans and the Republican alternative.
And, after you complete your survey, please take this opportunity to make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to help support our efforts to combat the Democrats' attempt to impose "Obamacare" on all of us.
You and the RNC are all that stand between our sensible Republican plan for real health care reform and the Democrats' scheme to take more of your hard-earned income to pay for other people's health care while limiting yours.
So please complete your Future of American Health Care survey online right now and support our efforts to ensure our health care freedoms by making a special RNC contribution if you can.
Thank you.
Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee
LOL donations.
More blah blah, rile the base, ideaological BS. He would have more credibility if he would have debunked some of the BS scary myths going around while stating exactly why Reps. are against the bill and for other alternatives. Instead he plays up the myths as genuine opposition. And he only gives a rats @$$ about your opinion when he gets you to shout at his opponents. Let Reps. get back in power and you'll see they are full of as much crap as Dems., just like you saw the last 8 years.
Get off your idealogical high horse. Seek the truth and support only leaders who hold allegiance to the facts.
Hey 9:00
Name some of the B.S. scary myths?
The main lie about the program is from Obama himself saying that you can keep your existing plan.
Want to talk about scary myths. Obama is the one lying!
Death panels, kill granny, cover illegals. Are your eyes and ears really that closed to objectivity?
Note I'm not here to champion any plan, just saying, take your Fox News eyeglasses off and make an objective observation.
They will scare you with anything to raise money.
He's worried about the goverment coming between a patient and their doctor?? Isn't that what all the insurance companies do now? They tell your doctors that no you can't have that MRI done or no you can't try that new brand name medication or no you can't stay a night in the hospital after surgery. I don't think the government can do much worse than that.
No, the insurance companies don't say you can't have that brand name medication, that extra night in the hospital, or the MRI, only that they won't pay for it. If you want the insurance company to pay for those thing find another company or upgrade your policy. Now if you have no money, and you want everyone else to take care of you, just slip ,on down to the health dept. and find out just how good the public option can be.
If you give Bush 41 anything, it was that at least he told the truth. Usually. Since he left office, Gingrich, Delay, Cheney, Libby, Rove... all trouble with the truth.
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