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Thursday, August 06, 2009

A Letter To The Editor On Congressman Kratovil

Congressman Kratovil,

Thank you so much for coming to our area to listen to our concerns. I attended the meeting at Mardela High School. It was unfortunate that either you and your staff did not anticipate the number of people that would attend or that you had hoped that people would leave when they found that they were unlikely to have 5 minutes of personal time with you. What ever the motivation for that forum decision, I am glad that you understood that the people who elected you wanted to make sure that you heard us. I do think that it was unfortunate that a couple of people were trying to shout you down and they do not speak for the all of us in their approach but you must understand that behavior like that is borne of anger and frustration with everything that Washington is doing to us and in that sense we all agree.

Congressman, the group that met with you last night are hard working folks who do not ask anything from their elected officials except to protect us from our enemies, secure our borders and protect our rights as citizens. The federal government, and for that matter state and local governments have proven time and again throughout history that they can not provide the basic life services to our citizens. Our public school systems are not educating our children properly because of government interference and unfunded mandates along with the coercion of the teacher’s union; Social Security is broke and now millions of people who believed that this was their retirement can not retire; medicare is broke and we are constantly hearing of claims of medical rationing.

This government, or for that matter any government can not improve our economy and take us out of a recession by becoming an employer. They weren’t able to do it in the early part of the last century and they can’t do it now. The only way for this economy to heal itself is to let business thrive. It has been proven that revenues will increase if business is doing business. Government needs to get out of the way, reduce some business taxes so that business can grow and hire more people and people will have more to spend. It is after all a very basic idea. We have lost so much manufacturing in this country and we continue to send some of our natural resources to other countries to be manufactured and sent back to the U.S. when we buy the product at now an inflated price. This does not make any sense to me. Why aren’t we helping business to thrive and produce what we need here and reward our citizens.

I am not a radical or a terrorist. I do participate in groups of like minded people, i.e.political, social and religion but I also listen to folks who think differently. I am a United States citizen who has the absolute and God given right to be free to have and speak my own opinion. When my government feels the need to target me as an individual either through the White House’s “flag” email program disguised under the “disinformation” idea or through invasive questioning on the census program now being run through the White House, I start to see a pattern of government wanting to control too much of my life. Unfortunately we have all but lost any unbiased reporting in this country, when Charles Gibson of ABC News refers to Congressman meeting with an “orchestrated” constituency. Where were they when Acorn bused people to the homes of those citizens who received bonuses that they earned. We are not orchestrated or organized, we are making use of our rights under our Constitution.

Congressman, as our representative in Washington and a citizen of this country, I ask you to read the Constitution of this great country. I hope it will be a re-reading of same, as I am sure you have had to read it during your education as an attorney and as I am sure you have had to keep that document in mind as a prosecutor. I do not care what political party you belong to because I have always voted for the person and what they say they stand for. You have been elected by our district as our representative so when and if you run for re-election, I will vote or not vote for you based on how you represent us.

Please go back to Washington and throw out this health care bill. Take a look at the issues of the best health care system in the world and do something to make it work better for the citizens and not the illegal aliens. Take a look at the medicare and the Social Security disaster and fix that. Everyone, citizen or not is getting the best health care in the world. Don’t break the system, make it even better.

Prior to your election you told me that you were a conservative democrat and you reiterated that last night. I am going to hold you to that and I will be watching to see that you act conservatively. So far?.. not so much.


Anonymous said...

THis guy is a flaming liberal trying very hard to disguise himself into something that he aint, and his voting track proves it.

Orsonwells said...

I second that emotion.

smitty240 said...

BRAVO!!! Well said.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of paranoia. Show me an example of someone who did not get their Social Security check because "it is broke." Just one. You cannot do it because the money is still flowing. So is Medicare (the socialized medicine a huge percentage of you take). You have been taking more money than you put into the system (thanks to increased longevity which is in part due to the socialized medicine called Medicare), and therefore are now reliant on social welfare programs. But go ahead and keep yelling about how you don't like socialism! Maybe you win win and the government will stop all forms of socialism--Social Security will be cut off the moment you spend what you put in, and Medicare will stop tomorrow. Would that make you happy?

Unknown said...

What a steaming pile of crap. So you only want the federal government to fight wars and secure borders? Then you must not be farmers, because they want the federal government to guarantee them a profit. You must not be VA beneficiaries. Your kids can't go to colleges which are federally funded, or use scholarships which are. You know you can't be on Medicare and have this position, right?

You need to get honest with yourself.

Chris Lewis said...

Federalism would solve many of our problems. We are supposed to be governed from the bottom up, not the top down.

Anonymous said...


we are not SAYING that ALL subsidies are bad, man you SBY KOS guys are all real pieces of work.

WHAT YOU ARE saying is that if we accept one form of help, like unemployment help or food stamps when I lost my job for three months, that I should just go and accept ALL FORMS of socialism, are you out of your mind?

This health care bill is abot control, you and those like you are ok with increased government control over your lives, I am not.

Your all or nothing thinking proves that you really are Nazis


Anonymous said...

11:29, you are a hypocrite. What you would like to say is any form of assistance that benefits me, me , me. Also the reference to Nazis is over the top hypebole. I expect nothing less from an idiot.

Anonymous said...

So far our Congressman is doing a great service in regard to ObamaCare -- he helped to block it last week.

Keep up the good work, Mr. Kratovil.

Henry said...

Agood rule in most discussions is that the first person to call the other a Nazi automatically loses the argument. In most cases, it's just an ad-hominem attack used by the intellectually lazy, just like "go drink the kool-aid".

Anonymous said...

Kratovil is slowly creating the impression that he is wanting to be a part of, and accepted by, the elitists in DC and his Party leadership, rather than represent his district which consists mostly of hard working self-reliant people falling mostly in the conservative category. Otherwise, I am convinced he would not have walked out of a public hearing until all the participants desiring to question or admonish him was finished, no matter how uncomfortable for him.....that is what we hired him to do!!!!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the commenters on sbynews to call someone a Nazi when they disagree with them.

joealbero said...

Yeah, like I can control what some of you idiots say.

Anonymous said...

If you are receiving Social Security, you will find that each year they send you a notice that your payment has increased by a certain percent. It is tied to the cost of living index. Then the next notice you read is that your medicare payment that will be deducted from your social security has also increased so each year you receive less and less of the cost of living increase. The system is b.r.o.k.e

Anonymous said...

I think this was very well said and true based on my attendance of the Mardela Springs meeting as well. Wake up Congressman you totally missed the point. And did not get it. We need someone to represent our values on the shore and not another person from the City coming down here and telling us whats good for us!

Anonymous said...

No one called anyone a NAZI-reread his comments he reasoned that with you guys it's all or nothing, which is the same as the Nazis, he ended with the Nazi greeting of Heil!-but no one was called a Nazi. It's ok for Senator Durbin to compare Gitmo to a Russion Gulag, or Nazis on the senate floor for doing their jobs, but an anon poster can not absolutely CAN NOT compare your actions to those of the NAZIs...this is hysterical.

Brittanicus said...

The ripples have started before the major storm. WE MUST BE ON OUR GUARD?

More than ever before, this is the time to ignite the major issues under the feet of all politicians. We need the extraction process of mandated E-Verify composite of the SAVE ACT; to remove illegal labor from the workplace in all businesses Gathered together with local police detainment 287(g), the NO MATCH Social Security law and not to weaken ICE raids. All patriotic Americans who believe in a pro-sovereignty, anti-illegal immigrant must contact their arrogant pandering lawmakers, demanding no amnesty, no chain migration and build the border fence according two original specifications. American Workers and the general public must fight against abhorrent special interest groups, such as US chamber of Commerce, ACLU, La Raza, Council of Foreign Relations, ImmigrationWorksUSA and many more. Say--NO--to ACORN INVOLVED IN THE 2010 CENSUS. Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi are the American Workers worst enemies?

That SANCTUARY STATES like California must rescind illegal immigrant refuge policies. That President Obama's health care renewal plan—WILL--attract millions more impoverished people from around the world. That they can join with the 20 plus million already here, to get free medical care under the Democrats law now passing through Congress. MY QUESTION IS! WHY SHOULD TAXPAYERS SUPPORT THE ILLEGAL LABOR FOR THE PARASITE CORPORATE ENTITIES ACROSS AMERICA? CALL TODAY AND GIVE POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121 YOUR CRESCENDO OF FRUSTRATION? THAT'S ALL THEY UNDERSTAND--WHEN THEIR JOBS ARE IN PERIL. GOOGLE NUMBERSUSA AND JUDICIALWATCH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CORRUPTION AND PROFITEERING FROM BOTH PARTIES. OVERPOPULATION will be the irreversible consequences of mass immigration.

Don't Blame Me I Voted For McCain! said...

I am so sick of some of you morons calling Medicare "social"; do you not realize that EVERY working American pays into this all their lives starting from the first legitimate job we have to the day we retire? This is like a "401K" Plan or a savings account for retirement and I'll pay FAR more into it than I will ever receive from it.

Maybe you don't have a "real" job or are just plain stupid or are just so brainwashed from the Usurper Kool-Aid you can't see your A$$ from your face!

Anonymous said...

Frank is a dog, but not a 'blue' dog. He couldn't say "blue dog" enough Tuesday. He's selling hard!

Anonymous said...

I am not "intellectually" lazy.

Lazy, yes, of course.

Very well, you win the argument, I'm going to support Obama now.

Where can I sign up to become a Democrat?

Oh, I found it, the rally is here!

Anonymous said...

Don't Blame Me, 5:47;
You are right about Medicare. Medicaid, however, is doled out to the welfare baby crowd and anyone else of working age and ability who chooses to position themselves in the handout line.

We should all learn the difference here.