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Monday, July 06, 2009

Weekly Litter


After wasting my time on the phone with the DT telling them to stop littering my yard/ neighborhood with their Tuesday Trash, even gathering up mine and the neighbors’ and dumping them in the DT’s driveway on my way to work, I finally came up with the solution. If the DT has blue boxes for their subscribers’ papers, I’ll provide the proper plastic container for the Tuesday Trash littering spree.

I watch in awe as the litterbug comes down the street flailing the trash out of both sides of the vehicle, then slow to a stop, toss one in my container, then proceed down the street littering away! Then the neighbors use it when they come out to get their mail and the rest of the area is cleaned up!

It’s a real knee- slapper to watch! Spread the word!



Tim Chaney said...

I didn't ask for that garbage either, that should be considered littering.

Anonymous said...

Gary, Believe it or not I did the same thing on Carrol Street and after 17 weeks of calling them to stop the delivery of this piece of chit I was ready to file littering charges when they finally stopped.With all the college kids gone now the streets of Salis look like trash dumps every wednesday morning. Earl

Anonymous said...

I hate that paper and I have called many times and asked to not have that paper thrown in my yard. I am also tired of picking up the scraps when the state mowers come thru and shredd it up all over the place....I have desided to shred all the paper I can and I am going to throw it all over there lawn and lot will look like chrismas in July at the Daley Times

tracy said...

I called months ago to ask them to stop and they did. I did have to call again about a month ago as I received another. They had apparently changed the driver who didn't know to skip my house. The next week - no paper.

Anonymous said...

I love the Wicomico Weekly. It's the only way I can get my hands on the next Michael's Sales Flyer and 40% off coupon. Daily Times is too cheap to include this flyer in their Sunday Times anymore!

Anonymous said...

I would like to know who to call to get it stopped. Im tired of picking up litter in my yard too!