I know why the delay in the Ethics board decision getting released. That way, Jonathan Taylor and the Barrie Tilghman powermongers got to smear Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen on the newspaper's highest circulation day (Sunday) and announce they were cleared of all wrong doing on the newspaper's slowest circulation day (Saturday). I have family in the media business down south. Circulation numbers are used to plan advertising. The Tilghman Times people have played the same game with their news.
Did you see Taylor's quote at the end of today's Daily Times article? He said this was all for better government. Now you got to know he didn't come up with that quote himself. Look at what he said in the previous Daily Times article. He just sounded like a crank nutjob mad that Campbell and Cohen got insurance and was trying to embarrass them. (Forget that Shanie took city health insurance needlessly for four years!)
All of a sudden Taylor sounds like Barrie Tilghman trying to sound like Terry Cohen talking about good government? ROTFLMAO! The difference is, sincerity can't be faked and Barrie was always trying to fake it. Guess that's why Lynn Cathcart was there and left early. She knew the Scheme Team's butts got kicked and they had to go into major damage control.
You can bet it won't end here, sorry to say for the two ladies on council. Sorry to say for us!
Jonathan the Blob has revealed himself to be a liar as well as a slimeball.
There never was good government in Salisbury from the day the botch got elected mayor.She destroyed Salisbury with the likes of Lynn Cathcart,Mikey Dunn,Shinney Shields,Gary Comegys,Weasel Smith.The slum LORDS prevailed.GOD BLESS DELAWARE.
Mayor Ireton:
At the Council meeting on Monday please tell us why it was necessary for both Lore Chambers and John Pick to be at this hearing.
In fact, why did either have to be there?
It is obvious that there are too many city personnel doing nothing in the "mayor's office".
For the life of me, I just can't figure out what these people think they stand to gain by continuing the legacy of Barrie Tilghman.
You have family "down south"? If you haven't noticed, the eastern shore is the south. The politics alone should have given that away. That, and the accents.
Who's the chick in the corner with the big hooters?
Probably true. Not many comments here today and traffic is low on Daily Times.
Grinch back to hidden threats against Joe and Debbie.
But Jonathan Grinch just cares about better government.
What a farce this place has become. Tilghman really has ruined it.
What is Lore Chambers there for?
Did you really need to have family in the "media business" to understand that circulation is used to plan advertising?
Jonathan Taylor should crawl back under the rock from which he came. The Daily Times has absoluely NO credibility.I believe they are witnessing their own demise. And it's by their hand.
I said if it don't end here it's time to take off the gloves and go at it bare knuckle.
If Wilbur didn't advise that due to the Maryland Consitiution ruled and they should go ahead with the budget but instead stayed mum for monetary gains there is an ethics investigation right there! The city should sue Wibur if that be the case.
What comes round goes round and maybe this is the best way to get rid of Wibur.
He should be de-bar'd for raping the taxpayers of Salisbury.
Why all the loyalty to Barrie Parsons Tilghman? Is there a conspiracy beyond our vision? Or is it a matter of "one hand washing the other"? I wonder.
Barrie was a dedicated, educated politician. That's why Albero hated her so much. She had lots going for her.
That's why she sent her children to Boarding School, right Jonathan. Let's see, I retired at 40 years old. The only person I know that beat me to retirement was Jonathan Taylor. Oh, that's right, he never went to work. Instead, he's sucking off the teet of the taxpayers, living in Section 8 Housing for $35.00 a month and is the only reason his Wife sticks around.
Barrie Tilghman, an Idol, I think not. Look how her own Daughter turned out. A spoiled little biotch who would rather get violent than talk things out. It's no wonder you like the Tilghman's Jonnie.
Are you at home screaming and yelling at your Wife today. Oh, that's right, she works 6 days a week to feed you what disability won't. You must be a very proud man Jonathan.
I must have missed something!! What's this about the Maryland Constitution??
She was dedicated, indeed: to self-promotion, to enriching herself and her friends, to tormenting those who disagreed with her. Very, very dedicated. Also she was educated, as a poacher is educated.
Look at Lore Chambers I really believe she is a man!
A citizen of Salisbury needs to go to the City Council meeting on Monday and ask: why Lore Chambers was there on the tax payer's dime; what the Mayor is going to do about John Pick lying under oath - he tried to claim the Commission review board didn't discuss health insurance as compensation, which they did and Pick knew it because he was there and he sent an e-mail about it -; also, ask the Mayor when he's going to fire Wilber for costing you all so much money.
While you are at the city meeting please ask for a breakdown of total costs for this meeting including salaries of all individuals on the city clock, ie. Chambers, Pick. Time to prepare the room, costs for operating the room at the city fire department. Opportunity costs for commission members? Time lost for Councilwomen Cohen and Campbell. Please give the city taxpayers a breakdown of all costs incurred.
Why was the Salisbury Fire Department used anyway? Oh yeah that's right we have to justify that $10 million building. Weren't there any rooms available at the GOB? YES!!
Is councilwomen Cohen and Campbell being compensated for their time lost at their first jobs? Pain and suffering? Attorney costs? No! Well they should be!
I guess Barrie wanted to give Lore an $8000 raise so she could say the taxpayers are so dumb they paid for Lore's boob job?
Between Gary, Louise and Shanie there are three boobs, one in the middle of the back for slow dancing ; )
This picture goes perfectly with Muir Boda's letter to the editor in the Daily Slime today. A friend said Boda was sitting next to Lynn Cathcart at the budget meeting.
Everyone can see where this is going. These vindictive people are going to finish the job of ruining Salisbury. Nobody of quality is going run now.
9:05, you're right. Look at the connection. And Bam! Boda's got a letter in to the editor before the ethics commission's ink is dry.
Look for this to be THE campaign issue of 2011.
Wondering if Bota would even run if there are no benefits? The council should but this to bed and vote on it as part of the city charter.
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