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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Man Shot Last Night In Salisbury

While it has not hit any Press Releases and hasn't been out in the news, a man was shot in the chest last night in Salisbury and was taken to PRMC by a woman.

We do not know his condition or any more details other than to say we know he was shot and treated there.

I'm confident PRMC will, (AS USUAL) deny this as being true but we do in fact have two sources and it is what it is. Things are once again getting really bad around here. Did any of you go to the crime website link I provided earlier today. The reason I ask is, imagine what it would look like if ALL of these crimes were actually put out by the SPD. I mean, think about it. Here we have a guy who was shot in the chest and no one has heard a thing!

Jim Ireton, you need to get rid of this Chief of Police. Enough is Enough!


Anonymous said...

Joe , I'm starting to wonder about your new mayor. I would think that
safety would be #1 on his list!
He has had plenty of time to evaluate the chief.

Anonymous said...

Its not that they will deny it, its called the HIPA law. They cant tell you anything about a patient. Stop thinking everything is negative bud. Smile and wait for the info.

Anonymous said...

You just wait. You haven't seen anything yet! This summer you will probably seen more shootings and riots when second great depression really takes hold!! As someone who is unemployed, Jobs are getting really hard to find and you can feel the anger on the streets as well as the unemployment office! Move out of the city and protect yourself and your family!

Anonymous said...

I quess the counsel needs pressure applied to it.

joealbero said...

anonymous 6:44, try again large one. No one said a NAME. So take your HIPA Law and shove it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Shanie , no crime in Salisbury!
Your gonna hear this for a long time. See you in the morning at Mickey D's on Nanticoke road.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday wiped the boy out, rest Joey, rest.

Anonymous said...

If there was no press realease, how do you know?
Maybe the cheif of police has more important things to do.
Yea and the new mayor can call a press conference at anytime. What is he doing?

Anonymous said...

Shooting's always pick up in the summer nothing else to do i guess.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the City Council needs alot of pressure applied (we know you're reading this Bubba, Louweasal and Shamie on you Shanie). Crime in Salisbury is beyond ridiculous and you fools sit there every Monday night and do nothing. Well you know what maybe it needs to happen next door to you night after night, then you'll wake up.

Anonymous said...

Chief Webster, resign.

Anonymous said...

Cruggly 7:15, yes, you are correct. The Mayor may want to fire him, but he has to show cause to the City Council and then the majority of the Council will have to agree to fire Webster. Thanks to your current attorney and former Mayor, they changed the charter to make Jim powerless without a majority of the Council's approval on most things. So this next election cycle, remember that when you vote for City Council. Vote for someone who will support Jim in cleaning house, not the same old cronies backed by the landlords, their families and employees.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why when Tilghman was mayor, it was Tilghman and Webster responsible for the high crime, now it's only Webster? No favortism on display here, right? And since you know absolutely nothing about this shooting, is it possible this shooting occurred in a private dwelling, far from the eyes of police?

Let's be real about Salisbury and crime. Salisbury neither has the money or the stomach to get serious about crime and the thugs that commit them. Salisbury recently shut down their drug unit due to lack of manpower which equates to lack of funds. The Salisbury Police Department no more have the resources to become a proactive agency instead of the reactive one it is, as any other podink police agency. Departments like Salisbury's is akin to buying a suit and getting pants and jacket with only one leg and arm sewn on. You get something close to a suit, but it's really not a suit.

Chimera said...

I have to ask again,what happened to EXILE ? How are all these thugs running around with guns and not doing time?They do not just pick up a gun and decide to shoot one day,they already have extensive criminal records already,so why are they free to roam the street?

Anonymous said...

Now is the time to send in the Wicomico County Deputies.

Salisbury,wake-up.Turn this problem over to the county and consolidate police forces. They know what they are doing.

Don't just sit and whine...let's get it done soon.

Anonymous said...

What could a new Chief have done to stop that shooting. If you want to curb crime in Salisbury, the force needs to double in size. The 5,6,10 cops working in a city one fifth the size of Baltimore city, and the 10th most dangerous city in the nation (per capita of course) can only do damage control.

Anonymous said...

10:00pm, because for 12 years Barrie was in charge and decided along with Webster to underfund the police department. They are why the police are underpaid and understaffed. Ireton hasn't been in long enough to do anything about the situation. He is still working under Barrie's budget and won't be able to put in his budget with increased public safety money into place until next year. Webster has caused many to leave the force with his inept management of the force. Barrie has backed him for all these years with support from her council puppets. It will take Jim Ireton awhile to untangle the mess he was left behind.

Anonymous said...

11:40 You have to ask questions because what you can't understand is these people committing these heinous crimes aren't like you and me, and therein lies the problem. Most people go through life thinking everyone is just like them. When I ride through Salisbury I'm amazed at all the able-bodied black males I seeing riding bicycles, walking, talking on cell phones in the middle of the day. No job. No education. No pot to piss in, no window to throw it from. The majority of them come from single family homes where education was not stressed. What is important to them is achieving some semblance of status by performing the role of their favorite hip-hop thug, even if it is on a bicycle or 49cc scooter. No way they can support a child, but absolutely no problem repeating the generational cycle by dropping their seed and impregnating a woman with an engagement baby. In their youth they squandered their free opportunity to get an education so they could make something of themselves, so now they have to garner "respect" not by earning a paycheck and taking care of their responsibilities, but by being thugs and robbing citizens of money they worked hard to earn. While jail is a deterent for folks like you and me, to them being able to say they spent a few years in jail is akin to us saying we spent two weeks in Australia. It's a badge of honor to these knuckleheads and the idiots they form a pack with and roam the streets with.

Anonymous said...

LIke it or not people, this area is growing. With growth, comes crime. No new mayor or new police chief can reverse that, only try to control it. Tomorrow will never be as good as yesterday in some people's minds. Get over it, or get out.

Anonymous said...

7:32 sounds like Mike Dunn.

There are places bigger than Salisbury that are safer.

So much for your growth = crime theory.

Orsonwells said...

7:29, you hit the nail right on the head. We just need the jail term to last longer so EXILE makes a difference.

Anonymous said...

Jim needs three votes then he can change the city.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to 7:29 a.m. statement. Prescisely what the problem is. And, I have said it before and I'll say it again, city and county forces need to be combined now, not later.

Anonymous said...

True Mikey "I've lost it" Dunn but, I'm retired and we have had many break-ins in daytime hours in our neighborhood. The sad part is they haven't hit my house yet, where I'm laying in wait with the same thoughts for 15 yrs. in the neighborhood,waiting to end their sad troubled past by converting them to a new way of thinking by talking to them with my friends Colt-.45,Smith-wesson,mossberg etc... just before they leave feet first from the last house they ever break-in to in Wicomico County! Don't waste your time with liberal belly aching I'm to set in my ways and my friends are all "loaded"!Also the real sad part is I can't tell you where I live that would make me a "MURDERER" used to be called an AMERICAN!:-}

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really know if there was in fact a shooting. Sounds to me like everybody jumping to conclusions. For your sake lets say there was a shooting, where did it happen? I am by no means a fan of the Chief, but why are you on here bashing SPD about a shooting that may or may not have happened and may or may not have happened in the city.

Anonymous said...

Dont impead the investigation would be my quess.