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Monday, June 08, 2009

Is Anyone Minding The Store At The Federal Reserve?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This does not make America look very good.

Anonymous said...

This isn't about making America look good, etc. We are under attack from within. Wake up America! The fox is gurading the hen house.

Anonymous said...

Are we really surprised????

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the people in Gen-Pop have "Masters Degrees",

Anonymous said...

we are in the process this might take a little while mmmmmmm maybe in a couple of decades we will have time to review the question and ummm what was the question

Orsonwells said...

We are waiting to be sure all our pockets are lined sufficiently before we start the investigation, then we will all be retired and gone before anything comes to light.

Anonymous said...

This is just another good example of how our government spends trillions of dollars of tax money they haven't collected yet. And then nobody is accountable for where the money goes. This is how Obama is going to ruin this country
economically. Here we go down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you elect Democrats.
What happened to the Charlie Rangle tax evasion investigation? What happened to the Feinstein investigation where she was steering government contracts to her husbands company?
What happened to Pelosi claiming that the CIA lied to her.
I could go on and on.
You elect the party of couruption and thuggery and that's what you get!

Bob said...

I'm not as surprised as I am disgusted. I follow these things rather closely because my business depends on it. These large banks are using this money to clear their balance sheets. Their lending criteria has tightened up and even local banks are getting to the point where lending money for business use is becoming increasingly difficult. This is what part of this "bailout" was supposed to relieve. Think about this. The tax credit for energy efficient home improvements. This works. It's limited - but it works.

Action -
Raise the credit limit to $4500.00
Eliminate the primary residence requirement.

Result -
People will take advantage of the tax credit and get to keep more of the money they earn.
In order to do so they must make an energy saving home improvement which puts small contractors to work.
The small contractors use products made by manufacturing companies. The increase in demand for energy efficient building materials creates the need for manufacturers to expand and create more jobs.
At the same time we're cutting down on the use of fossil fuels which will enable us to work toward another goal of becoming less dependent on foriegn oil, etc. THIS is the viable meat and potatos of economic stimulus. NOT giving large banks billions.

This can be done on many different fronts and it all starts with the people. The working people getting to keep more of what they earn. The stimulus portion is giving people the incentive to spend what they earn.

Anonymous said...

I watched this on tv, this woman sure isn't minding the store. He was asking questions faster than she could think up another lie.

Anonymous said...

audit the fed!

Call Kratovil and ask him to sponsor HR 1207, which is a bill to audit the federal reserve.

Anonymous said...

Any attempts to audit the Fed will result in martial law. We are controlled by these international bankers. They own our government - and rightly so! They paid for it.

Anonymous said...

A real disgrace! I'm embarassed to say that I'm an American.