
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Slow Weekend For News?

I have received several comments making pokes at me for not having much content up for news today.

While you're right, we have slacked off this weekend, I too need a break every once in a while. I sit here most days 16 to 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and God Forbid I take some Family Time and relax, some of you rag on me for it.

Let me remind each and every one of you that this is a FREE service. My guess is that my expense just to run this Blog far exceeds what most of you make in a year individually. Just ask any one of my Lawyers what they have billed us each year and that will be a good start. I'm talking Chief Webster lawsuits, Barrie Tilghman, gas expenses, equipment, time, taxes, you name it, this thing isn't cheap to do, believe me.

Here's a thought. If you're not happy with what we deliver, go out and buy the Daily Times and truly entertain yourself. Your pets will thank you.

Not only do we have those expenses, we also make FREE TICKETS available for Boxing Events and all sorts of other Entertainment Events at the Civic Center. The next time you want to complain, please think about what you're saying first.

This week Salisbury News was ranked #1 in Maryland and #1 on Delmarva. You don't get to be #1 by slacking off all the time. I was watching WBOC the other day and saw them do a 10 minute long piece on a business that advertises on their Station. Then we watched at least another 10 minutes of Weather, (WOO-HOO) and every single piece they did locally had already been on Salisbury News earlier that day. If you watched WMDT this past week you saw several pieces where they credited Salisbury News for several photos we provided. We absolutely encourage this kind of partnership as we all can't be everywhere at one time.
Seriously Folks, I think we're doing a pretty darned good job around here and like I said, before I get completely burned out, I'm going to take a break every once in a while, (when it's slow days) and take it easy. Just scroll back throughout this past week and see up to 40 articles per day, most of which have my name on them. Being a one man show and providing all the information that we do is not an easy task, especially when we're not making a dime at it. I know it's only a select few making these comments and we truly do appreciate every one's support.

If you can't handle that, well, you know where the complaint department is.
There you go, here's yet another article for the day. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Yesterday should of given you plenty of content! I want pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:54 p.m.

If you want pictures, go out and take them. Everyone deserves time off, including Joe, so go honk your horn elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

It's a holiday weekend. You should be able to relax and enjoy your family. Relax, have some fun, I'm sure next week will fill your hours once again.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Joe,

People sure know how to complain. It is hard to take, especially when you are doing a volunteer service. Alot of people, including me, appreciate what you do. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

People are out and about for the holiday weekend. Those b*tching about lack of news content here need a life.

Only here myself for the light stuff and a laugh.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should have a day or two per week dedicated a readers day to post. They'll either see how much work it is and shut-up or send in good stories.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I know I haven't posted for a while, but as an avid reader from VA who used to live in the 'bury, I appriciate the FREE service that you provide. Without you, I wouldn't know what is truly going on in my hometown. As a matter of fact, you are my homepage, and no matter how busy I am I ALWAYS read almost every article every day. You deserve a day or two off!

Kim G.

Reconciled1 said...

Joe I say piss em off and dont post anything else til Monday. Take a holiday.... They are

Anonymous said...

I feel kind of bad commenting because that is further work for you! However, I have to say when I am looking for local info I come here. On rare ocassions I may not see what I am looking for so I check out other sources to see if they may have info. What right does anyone have to moan about not having enough posts on any day, much less a holiday weekend. I have never met you Joe but I have to say your name comes out of my mouth more than anyone elses in the course of a day when I am having discussions because you are the ONLY person I know besides myself that doesn't give a dang what anyone thinks. You go for the truth and for justice so to those who are crying about not getting enough stories....go do some research yourselves, learn how to open your mouths to speak for what is right, and hey here's a thought find your own dang stories worthy of talking about. Joe has a family and the need to be with that family so shut up and do something constructive!

Anonymous said...

And when people comment here they aren't immediately attacked personally if they say something you disagree with. Unlike that other blog that claims to be #1!

Jack K Richards said...

Joe, as an ex-Salisburian, now residing in Florida, I would like to express my thanks for what you do. May not always agree with you and may think that you are a bit out of line on some things but I do not miss a day of reading your blog. I find it very informative, interesting and funny at times. Please disregard the negative comments, just keep up the good work. I for one really appreciate being able to keep up with what is happening in Smallsbury (as my good friend John Bozman, former Times reporter, calls it)

Anonymous said...


We went to another BBQ tonight. Your name came up. I only listened. It was said regarding the reading of SBY News

"I know more now about my town than I ever knew before and I have lived here all my life"

Keep up the good work, you are the future.

Moon Willow said...

I can imagine the work you put into this blog Joe, and it seems to be almost a 24-7 kind of job---and you do it for free! You deserve your time off. No complaints about it from me.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Joe.

Anonymous said...

Hey I wasn't complaining when I spoke with you Sunday about having nothing to read. It was a compliment. You have us so used to only reading your site there is nothing else to read. (smile)