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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Three Years Ago Today Was The First Time I Met V.P. Joe Biden

While the circumstances weren't the best, I met a man who's heart was touched by the loss of a local Soldier in Delaware. The then Senator and I had a chance to talk and I was able to see a side of our now Vice President most do not see. The usual joking man had truly been touched by the loss of this young man and it's great to see he is now in a position to bring these Soldiers home, just as he desired that first day I met him. It was three years ago today.


Anonymous said...

"and it's great to see he is now in a position to bring these Soldiers home..."

Yes, while he opens up a new front in Pakistan, and sends yet more troops to Afghanistan.

Oh, he's not in a real big rush to bring the troops home from Iraq either. Eighteen months, with a 50,000 PERMANENT troop deployment.

Joe, please don't repeat this man's BS.

Anonymous said...


At least Obama/Biden are sending our troops after the REAL terrorists, unlike Bush's diversion in Iraq!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:02 where are the fake terrorist? That is a typical kool-aid drinkers lefty statement. Osama said Iraq was the front line in the war on terror but keep your head in the sand we were attacked three times under Clinton because he raped the military budget just like Obama is doing now Bush kept us safe and he did his job well. And now that Obama is having to go back on all his campaign promises is looks like BUSH WAS RIGHT !!!

The banned one said...

75% of all kids that are home-schooled in America are Evangalistic Christians.

chuck said...


Bush kept us safe?

August 2001: "Bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S." - CIA memo

September 11th, 2001: Biggest attack on the U.S. by a foreign entity since 1941.

No, Bush didn't keep us safe.

Anonymous said...

We shoulda made G.W. King!!!

Jim S.

Anonymous said...


How many Iraquis were on the airplanes htat hit the towers?

Answer: zero.

How many WMD's in Iraq?

Answer: zero.

Did GWB catch Bin Laden?

Answer: nope.

Yeah, Bush was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Iraq had plenty of Weapons of Mass Destruction, just because he didn't have nukes didn't mean he didn't have plenty of things capable of doing mass destruction. Heck, people tend to forget that he was launching missiles (that had a greater range than he was supposed to have according to the UN following Gulf War 1) at our fighters patrolling the No-Fly Zone in Iraq right up to the war. That's grounds for an attack right there... And how did we know for sure he had WMDs? WE GAVE SOME TO HIM TO FIGHT IRAN. So it was pretty much, "Hey Saddam, tell us what you did with that stuff or give it up or we're going to bomb you." He played stupid, Bush called his bluff.

By the way, our soldiers dug up MIGs in the desert that he wasn't supposed to have either, but I guess they weren't WMDs either?

And I guess he ddn't use WMDs to gas those Kurds that he was hanged for committing genocide on?

People have an incredibly short term memory, and only remember what they want to remember...