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Friday, April 17, 2009

Thoughts on the Tea Party

While I commend anyone that takes a stand, I have to wonder what they were standing for? I heard all of the complaints of higher taxes. What I didn't hear were the complaints when the City of Salisbury raised property taxes just 2 years ago. I didn't hear the complaints last year when the sewer and water rates were increased 50% over 5 years and now another 15% coming this year. Where were the protesters then? Where were your signatures when we were out collecting them to take the proposed 17% tax hike to referendum? Where will you be when Rick Pollitt makes every attempt at removing the tax cap in the county? Exactly what taxes were being protested? Cigarette tax, fuel tax, food tax, lodging tax, luxury tax, clothing tax, property tax, income tax, school tax, amusement tax, etc.?

While I agree this country is out of hand with it's give aways and wasteful spending I will also agree attention was brought to the White House through a nationwide effort. I don't agree it will be effective. If you want to affect change start in your own towns and cities then take it to the county level, moving on to the state house then take your complaints to DC once you have affected change on a local level.

Start with city and county council meetings, let these elected officials know people are watching and people will stand up and speak against wasteful spending. The city and county are both going into their budget sessions, spend some time hearing how they want to spend your tax dollars. Start with demanding an audit of the Board of Education or making positions at the Board of Ed elected. I'm certain a lot of fat can be cut from their administrative budget. There is a difference in spending on education and spending on administration for education. We can cut the fat in the fire department. What is the purpose of having the newest "toys" if you don't have the manpower to utilize those "toys"? If you are going to be active, be active right here in your own back yard. Believe me when I tell you the city council members get especially nervous when the room is packed with citizens. In fact, Louise Smith comes unglued and has been known to shut meetings down completely.

What will happen to the city when the last of the old timers can no longer attend meetings and speak out against wasteful spending? There will be no one there to hold their feet to the fire. In two years there will be another city council election, the incumbents will either get their act together now during this budget session or know they have no chance of ever being reelected to office. The same goes for the wasteful spending on the county side, hold their feet to the fire or let them know in no uncertain terms they will not be reelected. Of course none of this can be done without active participation of the citizens and a watchful eye.

The apathy has paralyzed the citizens in this area. I have heard people say they don't speak up because it won't change anything, or they say I have a business or, I don't want them coming after me or, I work for the city I don't want to lose my job. The reign of terror in the city is over so stop making excuses and take hold of your city and the way elected officials handle your money.

You need only speak three words for them to hear the message loud and clear. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


Anonymous said...

Well said!


I think the bottom line isn't "where has everyone been?". That's easily answered when you look at the people who AREN'T at the meetings. People are buys with their own lives, trying to pay bills and raise their kids, cook dinner and check homework, or just blow off some steam after a long day on the job. People have lives and hobbies and interests that are beyond politics, and that is to be commended and respected. The true bottom line is "HOW BAD IS THE CURRENT STATE OF AFFAIRS?" IF these people who weren't motivated by all of the BS in the past, are now coming out to tea parties, then there is a perception in them that the S is going to hit the fan.

No one looks at Martin Luther Kings work and says "YEA, he's ok, but where was the generation before him? Why didn't they fight for civil rights?"

Everything has it's time and place, and now is the time for revolution!

Anonymous said...

I would like to nominate "Earlssister" for a leader ship role in organizing our efforts to effectivly battle government waste and intrusion.

All we need is a strong leader who knows how to put our cause into words and create a battle plan .

Anonymous said...

I think this goes well beyond the 'tax' issues that have been cited by the MSM.. this is becoming a rallying point for those who are fed up with the foolishness in this country, and is becoming a swelling tide very quickly.
It might even get some of the apathetic folks around here off their butts if they can get a rally scheduled when it isn't cold and rainy.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great Post --

They (the "T-P's") waste their time moaning about the feds, when they can't possibly outyell the liberals and deadbeats who elect the democrat majority in Washington, but they don't do anything to prevent local mischief in Wicomico County and Salisbury, Fruitland, Hebron, etc. -- where they could make a real difference if they would speak out at public meetings and help elect better officials than those Tilghmans (Barrie and Phil), Comegys, Olinde, Cannon, McCain, etc.

And why do the T-P' persons not speak out against the likes of Pretl and Marvin Long, who want to take over PAC 14 and seize the landowners rights without any compensation?

Wanna bet that most of them go back into their holes until April 15, 2010?

Anonymous said...

These comings are selling short the people who orgnaized the tea party and who I understand are keeping in touch for future events and much more. I am sure the details of what they are doing will leak out over time by word of mouth. You cannot condem those who are trying to turn things around while doing nothing yourself!

Chris Lewis said...

In all fairness, we have just begun. Plans for many more events are in the works, and there a lot who are bgoing to become more involved locally. This land bill is a start and must be voted down. Our Liberty cannot be upheld without private ownership of land. You have Liberty or Tyranny, there is no in between, and we are lsoing our Liberty in chunks.

Anonymous said...


Apparently you do not understand the Constitution. or for that fact, history. Learn about the Beginnings of the Soviet Union, learn the history one the one event that allowed Hitler to seize control of Germany.

Anonymous said...

Hitler? The Soviet Union? Your mind has left the planet. Turn off the Glenn Beck. What a joke.

ken smith said...

I agree that "EARLSSISTER" should step forward and become the leader of this movement. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer,but that is about the best post ever!

Anonymous said...


You area joke.


You are going to need a real leader, posting a comment does not make a real leader!

Anonymous said...

You don't need a leader. What you need is the Dirty Dozens and the Tea Partiers to get together as a group. Work out common goals then get to work on them. I have some really good ideas I'd be willing to share if this comes to fruition.

Anonymous said...


send an email to

Anonymous said...


Let's ROLL!


Chris Lewis said...

Right now, we are in the early stages of organizing a march on Annapolis.

Anonymous said...

what are you marching on Annapolis for? Just making a serious inquiry.

Anonymous said...


You are going to need a real leader, posting a comment does not make a real leader!

It does show someone with a good thought process...that would be a good start.