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Friday, April 17, 2009

Someone Reported To Be Gloating Over Shanie Shields Victory Today

It has been reported that Chief Webster is gloating over Shanie Shields victory today, as if it allows job security. If that's what it takes to make a Department Head happy, good for Chief Webster and others.

How nice it mujst be to go to work every day with some of the worst stats in the entire United States of America and be happy because you think your job is secure. Now that's a man for ya.

So Chief, perhaps now is the time for me to expose your last round of abuse of power. Now seems to be a really good time for everyone reading this Blog to know just what you've been up to lately.

You see Folks, Chief Webster has been doing everything in his powers to have me arrested once again. That's right, he has been trying to have me charged with stalking and harassment.

On April 1, 2009 I came to learn that Chief Webster had been to the States Attorney's Office for a meeting with Davis Ruark and Sheriff Mike Lewis. He presented a package that had information from a Post I put up HERE back on March 8, 2009. You remember the Brooke Mulford Fundraiser at Seacrets, right? Well, it turns out Chief Webster became irate because I Posted 13 pictures, 3 of which had Chief Webster in them.

Mind you, this was a public event in a public building and he's a public official. There are signs posted all over the place in Seacrets stating pictures and video can be taken. Yet the Chief of the Salisbury Police Department felt I was stalking him. You need to seriously get over yourself Chief because I truly have no interest in you or your family. Your paranoia is really shining through.

I went there to cover this event and as many of you know I have pretty much been to almost every one of these events held for Brooke. Since that time, Chief Webster has had detectives investigating me and WASTING your tax dollars because quite frankly Davis Ruark and Sheriff Lewis immediately determined I had done absolutely nothing wrong and no charges were going to be filed against me for breaking any laws.

Chief Webster stated that his Girlfriend's Daughter was with him at the time, like that would make any difference. So you'd think it would be over, right? NOPE, not at all. Furious and frustrated, Chief Webster then took his case to Worcester County to try to get States Attorney Joel Todd involved. Rumor had it that Worcester County was going to file for a warrant against me around April 1, 2009.

It was around this period of time the Fat Man was starting to put out hints of me being arrested, it was only a matter of time, they said. They then posted photo shop pictures of me in the back of a Salisbury Police Car with Chief Webster driving. We immediately started preparing lawsuits against Worcester County just in case something did in fact happen. Fortunately the charges seemed to disappear once the word got out of our intentions.

That being said, we are still trying to decide if we will file suit against the City of Salisbury, Chief Webster and anyone else who was involved. I have done nothing wrong and I have every right to take Chief Webster's photo. Go to the link and see for yourself. I said nothing about the Chief and it's pretty clear that Chief Webster was never a target in those photos. We were in one room and when you Post 13 pictures, I'm sure there are plenty of others out there who ended up in more than one picture.

I believe their goal was to make front page news in the Daily Times. Something along the lines of, Local Blogger Arrested For Stalking, Tied To The Campbell Ireton Campaign. It backfired but YOU should know what YOUR Chief of Police has been up to and or capable of.

How's that gloating working for you now Chiefy? Other lawsuits are also pending against the City on my behalf over the Mayor and Chief of Police refusing to allow me into Press Conferences. The Chief was made well aware that a Judge did consider me Main Stream Media, I just wasn't protected by the "Shield Law" because of only one reason, I haven't taken an income from Salisbury News. Other than that I am Main Stream Media and they MUST allow me into any and all Press Conferences.

As for Press Credentials, they're not necessary. The ONLY time that is necessary on a local level is if the President were to come to Salisbury. I would then have to be registered. Considering I do this full time they must allow me in. Now, if the Fat Man wants to try to claim he deserves the same rights, that's really cool because he'd then have to make contact with Disability and they would have to reduce his benefits substantially, if not all together. He does not have the same rights.

Have a nice weekend Chief and all Department Heads. I too am happy for Shanie's win and I'm sure we'll all be seeing one and other real soon. Oh, by the way. If anyone wants to consider the other person following them, perhaps the Chief should take down that video camera across the street from my building at 300 W. Main Street. After all, there's only been one car broken into there in years. I would hardly think graffiti on a building would warrant spending thousands of dollars purchasing and installing a camera for that parking lot area. That's OK though Chief, I'm not coming back to that building anyway. Thanks for adding that security for those people who will be renting space in my building and I'm sure your people will be keeping an eye on all of their vehicles from here on out.

In closing, if you taxpayers feel this is the way your Chief of Police should be using his resources, so be it. I personally do not feel this was proper. Mind you, when my Wife was working at the Salisbury Zoo for 18 years, when the Mayor wanted to get rid of her she went to the Styaff there and held a meeting asking them to come up with ANY dirt they could on her. One of them told her that she had heard that Jennifer was taking drugs home from the Zoo to euthanize some of our animals. That was good enough for the Mayor and Chief to start a CRIMINAL investigation against my Wife. It was hearsay and certainly NOT something you would assign a Detective to investigate. Nevertheless, this is Salisbury and they went and started interviewing everyone Jennifer knew but they never once interviewed Jennifer. They never once went to Dr. Tragle who's name was on the licence for such said meds. In fact, they NEVER even checked the inventory sheet for the medications they had in stock. Some kind of INVESTIGATION, eh? It was a witch hunt designed to intimidate my Wife and myself. It failed.

I personally would like to see this Chief of Police thrown out of Office because as I have said many times in the past, I think he sucks at what he does. I think he abuses his power and this go around I have enough witnesses to make a very solid case against the city and this man. It's nice that you're happy Chief but I doubt that smile is going to last for very long because you will be hearing from my attorneys in the very near future.

How's that murder case coming along with the dead prostitute Chief?



Anonymous said...


get em Joe!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Crime is up yet the chief is wasting his time on you.

Anonymous said...

He should run out and get a fresh bottle of Jack and join Barrie. Together they can suck it up.

Anonymous said...

This guy has no credibility left, he knows it as well as everyone.

Anonymous said...

can't the mayor suspend the chief of police using personal privilage without the advice and consent of the city counsel?

emo said...

I just can't believe someone would use a successful fundraising event such as the event we held at Seacrets for Brooke, to embark on a personal vendetta against Joe. If anyone has any questions in their mind as to why Joe was there, IT IS BECAUSE I INVITED HIM.

Joe attended the walk we held at Market St Inn to help us publicize it, and I gave him the flyer and invited him. I believe WMDT may actually have video footage of my doing so as they were interviewing Team Brooke members behind us.

Joe has helped us at Team Brooke in ways that we could not help ourselves. To try and justify a stalking lawsuit because of him taking pictures and offering accolades for our success on his website is just ludacris. Sure there were "Jack and Coke" and "Cheify" remarks in the comments, but with all due respect Chief Webster, you are in the public eye and should be used to criticism from opposing points of view. If there are any grounds for stalking by simply taking pictures and publicizing the success of an event, Layton Moore would be broke and we would be fishing from the shore at 49th St Bayside Ocean City.

On a lighter note Joe. We have begun helping other children through our efforts to help Brooke. We have established a Neuroblastoma Research fund at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. We took $15k from Brooke's funds and gave it to the hospital to initiate the fund. We will be giving them an additional $10k as soon as we can raise it. (Please Note: The hospital has NEVER had anyone who is in the midst a cancer battle initiate a fund to help others.)

The money Pohanka has graciously donated is being distributed to two other children here locally.

We are in the process of getting details together on setting up Children's Oncology rooms at a local hospital.

We are purchasing TV's and DVD players along with a library of children's movies for the local Emergency Rooms so that traumatized children can have some form of entertainment during their treatment.

We are working on a business model to establish an event production company to assist local non-profits with their fundraising efforts.

I will have a formal press release for you and MSM very soon, but I just wanted to give you and your readers a brief update. Sorry to have gotten a little off subject, but I feel like the nature of this post needed some positive annotation.

We have and will continue to help the community, and we are very thankful to you for the exposure you have so graciously provided.

Thanks again Joe,

Eric Morris
Team Brooke

No Happy In Salisbury said...

Shields told me personally that the "accounting the city uses is not like anything I had seen at Wor-Wic" Well Webster can't feel to secure with a lazy puppet sitting on his side.

Anonymous said...

joe said

"I doubt that smile is going to last for very long"

that's good because he looks rediculous when he smiles!

Anonymous said...

Fear not, people! The losers can gloat all they want, but change has come to Salisbury! Jim Ireton will bring change, the people will insist upon it. If the council thinks it will be business as usual, they are sadly mistaken.

doug wilkerson said...

How is the little girl doing?

Anonymous said...

It really disturbs me that Ruark and Lewis would waste their time on this. If a crime had occured, it would obviously have been out of Ruark's jurisdiction, so again, why would he waste his time on something like this.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Ireton,I believe you have the power to appoint anyone you feel qualified to be the next Chief of Police.there are many qualified retired or close to retired law enforcement officers who could do websters job ten times better standing on their heads.hit the ground running and quietly discharge webster my opinion he is and has been a waste for years and really don't care about the citizens of Salisbury.every newly appointed Mayor or Governor brings their cabinet.Why? so that they have people to watch their back and people surrounding them that they can trust.OUT WITH WEBSTER .TODAY

Anonymous said...

Talk about blatant abuse of power, and didn't he try a failed witch hunt before. Oh body, this one needs to be settled in a higher court of law once and for all.

Anonymous said...

ANON;504P/M let me explain something to you that you obviously don't know.The States Attorney for any county in Maryland is the highest ranking Law Enforcement representative in that county. for the sake of understanding-- ALL OF WICOMICO COUNTY IS DAVIS RUARK'S JURISDICTION. why would you think otherwise? webster probably felt that if he could win Mr.Ruark and Sheriff Lewis over he could proceed with such a bull---- complaint. got it?

Anonymous said...

WOW chief webster has issues.why not resign and have some dignity about yourself chief.

Anonymous said...

We are getting mugged, shot and assaulted in broad day light and this bozo is wasting time, effort, and taxpayers money chasing what exactly????
I hope help is on the way, this imposter is way out of control.

Anonymous said...

Chiefy is such a waste of time and money, like most everything else Barrie had anything to do with.

Anonymous said...

that crime statistic chart is per capita of coarse salisbury is going to have a higher rate per capita we have a lot less people here than baltimore and annapolis.

Anonymous said...

I know Mike and the chief probably don't care that much for each other, however I bet you would never hear Mike say a negitive word about it.

If they were that close you'd see them together more and that just isn't happening. It's surely Salisbury's loss not having Mike more involved. Chiefy might learn something besides kissing butts.

Chiefy wants to make arrests for loud urinations!

Orsonwells said...

Miss Polk has ordered the recount!

Anonymous said...

The guys a crook, needs to spend some time in his own jail. Thinks he is the old Soviet Union and he is runnng the show. Of course, so do all the other police and district attorneys in Wicomico County, unless of course they get arrested for drunk driving and carrying a gun or something. Then it's a sorry and forget about it. Raving now, bye

doug wilkerson said...

Heart-Break Ridge...
(We aint got nothin else to say to you Webster.) Theres Weekend Liberties involved for all of you. (We aint got nothin else to say to you Webster)!!! Mare Powers is gonna be pissed when SHE hears this.

Anonymous said...

And you all fail to see the realtionship between the craziness happening in Pocomoke???

Wow . . .

Two Sentz said...

Eric you Rock!!!

Two Sentz said...

BTW, you ever get a new Strat?

Anonymous said...

by the way joe those cars at police department that have been in for several weeks...STILL aren't on the road yet.

Anonymous said...

Please as long as Chief Webster is at the Salisbury Police Dept. nothing will get done. If you think for yourself and dont suck up to him he will do everything in his power to get you. Livingston and the rest of the adminstration are puppets and they do what he tells them while he does nothing. Salibury is better off without Chief Webster he has lie to so many people. Shanie you need to wake up and smell the coffee they are only using. Shanie please crime is bad in Salisbury and the Afro-Americans are suffering lets make a change. Help your community lets make a change. Here is your opporunity to finally do something productive. Don't let the community down we are counting on you to help move Chief Webster out remember Mayor Barrie didnt have a problem moving CHief Dykes and Crime wasnt like it is now.

Anonymous said...

I would have never dreamed Jeff Livingston would sell out, how sad. I guess everyone has their price.

Anonymous said...

Chief Webster is unfit to serve as Chief of Police. Is there any mayoral privilege whereby he can be removed form office?

Anonymous said...

Jim should do the same thing Tighlman did after her election, fire the police chief and the city attorney.

Anonymous said...

That's right, he has been trying to have me charged with stalking and harassment

Im sorry Joe but that just makes me laugh. Is this guy paranoid or what. I mean come on hes suppose to be an officer of the law and hes crying like a baby. Is he really that scared? HE CARRIES A GUN!!!! and hes scared. OMG I'm in tears right now. This reminds me of a child, waaaa waaaaa he looked at me again. He is scared Joe is stakling him well no wonder crime is so high in Salisbury the cheif is afraid is being stalked by the big bad Joe! He would probably piddle oh himself if he really came up against a criminal.

emo said...

in response to doug, sorry but i am just catching up on the comments for this post. sorry to bombard your blog with unrealted stuff Joe, but its the only point of contact i have with doug......

Home from CHOP after Round 5
At long last it is me Brookie checking in with you all. Daddy came and picked me and Mommy up today and we are home in Salisbury. Round 5 of Chemo is behind us, just have to get thru the after effects the next few days. Monday after Easter we went to CHOP as you know and started round 5. This is a quick summary of my week. Monday night I was up a lot having to change sheets and diapers because of all the fluids I must take with this round. By Tuesday morning I was getting sick and very tired. Today I also had to get a CT scan to see how the Chemo was working on my tumor. In order to get the scan I had to drink this stuff and because of all the fluids I could not. So I had to have a G Tube or feeding tube feed thru my nose, this was no fun! I was so worn out after today and so was Mommy and Grammy, it was a long day for everybody. On Wednesday I was feeling a little better but still getting sick and not eating much. Mommy and I got a huge boost of spiritual uplifting when Reverend Patterson paid us a surprise visit. This especially gave Mommy a much needed lift. Thank you so much Reverend Patterson for giving my Mommy that extra boost of energy. A little later in the day Mommy got a surprise visit from Bill and Suzanne Hoover, friends from New Jersey. Grammy was here today as well. I also had some energy when I got my Easter baskets from Grammy and Aunt Johanna and Uncle Johnny. I got some stuff Mommy was not to happy with. I did have some smiles when Sara from Child Life helped me paint a couple piggy banks and do a scavenger hunt. By Thursday we were into the routine of getting sick, not eating much and not getting much sleep because of all the fluids round the clock. It was a long day and night for everyone. Grammy was here most of the day trying to give Mommy a break. Friday was here and I finished getting my fluids and Mommy packed up the room and Daddy loaded it into the van. We left the hospital around 2:30 PM and got to our house around 6PM. I was tired, but it was soon time for an ouchie. I really really did not want that today. Something different this time before going to bed I have a Wall-E pole at my house so I can get fluids for a few days at home to try to avoid another trip in an ambulance to CHOP, because of dehydration. Hopefully with all the precautions this time these few days go a little easier than round 3. Mommy should be a nurse by now with all the procedures she has to do for me. Well I think Daddy wants to say a few things and I am very tired. Just bless you all for all the prayers and thoughts you have been saying for me, God is hearing them all and guiding my fight against this cancer. I am going to BEAT THIS CANCER!!! Sorry for not updating this week. With the weather turning it is a lot of work at Market Street trying to get the outside ready to go. I also made a comment that some people were confused on “The poodles are coming”. Next week the Poodle Club of America is in town and it is there big event of the year. People are in Salisbury from all over the world with there poodles and they all like to sit outside with there poodles. This is very busy for us and with the economy the way it is, this is a much welcomed event. If anyone is looking for something to do and you would like to see the most beautiful poodles in the world, take a trip to Salisbury and check it out! Also next week is professional’s day and that is crazy for us. Then we go right into Salisbury Festival which is a big festival in downtown Salisbury. Hopefully that clears some things up on what is going on also in my life and delaying updates. To update everyone; here is some things going on and will be going on with Brooke. After the CT Scan they said, “the tumor has not shrunk any more, but that is ok, because Brooke’s Doctors have decided to remove her adrenaline gland that the tumor is on.” This way they are sure to get the entire tumor, because it is in a tricky place to try to remove it. What this means is when Brooke was scheduled to begin round 6 she will instead have surgery on that day. We will go to CHOP on Monday May 4th for Pre Op stuff and then go back on Wednesday May 6th for the surgery. She will then have 3 to 4 days of recovery and then start Round 6. This will be between a 9 to 12 day hospital stay. We also do not know the extent of the amount of hearing loss that will occur from one of the Chemo drugs. Also after this we hope to have some more definite answers on when the Stem Cell Transplant will occur. This will be about a 30 day hospital stay. I think that brings everyone up to speed. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. I can not express enough to everyone out there the gratitude that Amy and I and our family as well can Thank You All for the Support, Thoughts, Prayers, Fundraisers and Concern that has blessed our family. Please know that it has made this difficult situation such a better situation and a manageable way to care for Brooke. Along this journey it has changed and touched many lives, and because of everyone out there our family will be doing many things in the future to help others who may be less fortunate, raise awareness and establish funds to battle this terrible thing that no family, individual or especially a young child should have to go thru. For now our main focus is to do what’s best for Brooke and do all we can to help her BEAT THIS CANCER! I can tell you this; she is already working on her invitations for her Birthday Party in November!
--Rob Mulford