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Friday, April 17, 2009

Delmarva Paintball Responds

"Hello all, This is Dan Wallace, Owner of Delmarva Paintball.

Before people go haywire on this, I'd like to clear a few things up.

First the totals are way off. While still quite high the actual amount is far less than a third of what is listed. The amounts listing me as the officer are duplicates of what the company was assesed but with fewer penalties.

How did it happen? 8 years ago when I moved Delmarva Paintball from DE. to Salisbury I spoke with a representative from the comptrollers office. I asked very specific questions and got horribly inacurate answers.

Much like Crown Sports I was not made aware of the Admissions and Amusements tax and thus did not collect it from my customers.

I also asked about whether paintballs sold for use at the facility were to be charged sales tax. I was told no. To quote the Comptrollers representative "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaraunt either" Turns out they were very wrong and I was very wrong for going to the Comptrollers Office for tax advice.
After being open for more than 6 years in the county and paying all and every tax that I was aware of, I was audited.

It made no difference that the missinformation that I recieved was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers.

Remember... this is not a tax on me or on my business, it is tax on people who play paintball. I am just required to collect it from you for the state.

It would have been simple to charge each customer a few extra dollars during that time and just hand it over to the state. That's what I did with all the other collected taxes.
Now I will admit, when I got that bill I was shocked. I had been playing above board and as far as I knew all was well in taxville.

I had no way of paying what they were asking and of course it was impossible to go back to 6 years worth of customers and say "Hey, I need another couple of bucks from you" So, I am stuck finding a way to come up with the money.

I have never hid this. It is something I have been dealing with for two years. I had to file tons of forms and I am working on payment arrangements with the state.

No, I am not rolling in the dough. Actually the paintball business is a tough one, made even tougher with the extra taxes put on me. Most weekends my referees take home more than I do and the government definately collects more in taxes from Delmarva Paintball than I make in a year. Most days I'm just hoping I can afford to stay open another week.

Thanks for reading.
Dan Wallace
Delmarva Paintball"

From Joe Albero:

Mr. Wallace,

The state has provided this information and fully expects you, (as well as the Corporation) to make good on those figures. Unfortunately, (for you) you will also be subjected each and every day to penalties and interest until the full amounts both corporate and personal are paid off.

I have owned several businesses in my day, some of which were Billiard Rooms. They were subjected to a 10% Amusement Tax as well and this was considered and adjusted immediately when I started those businesses. ANY good Accountant or CPA would know this, as should YOU.

To claim you made calls and were told different, well, no disrespect but that was a lame excuse. I'm personally confident that YOU have spoken to other business owners, (in the SAME business) that bitched and complained about the Amusement Taxes they were paying, therefore I find it pretty much impossible to believe your story.

You went on to quote, "you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaurant either" Mr. Wallace, come on now. That's about as made up a statement as I've ever heard any businessman make. In the Billiard business you hand them a rack of 16 balls and two pieces of chalk, they are expected to return to the counter with the same. If you SELL them something, it's taxed. The ketchup thing, well, that's just ridiculous. When you sold your customers Paintballs, they weren't coming back to the counter to return them.

"It made no difference that the miss information that I received was directly from the Comptrollers Office. It made no difference that the amount they were looking for was never collected from the customers." There was a time I had an accountant who was actually paying the 10% Amusement Tax as well as a 5% Sales Tax. The Accountant was wrong for doing so. It was one or the other, whichever is higher. Nevertheless, when we went to the state and asked for the additional 5% we had been paying, back, they simply told us that if we could prove we were going to pay back each and every Customer that 5% they would do so. However, they knew that was impossible, so hundreds of thousands of dollars was kept by the State. No hard feelings, our mistake. However, at least we were honest and paid our fair share.

The tail end of your message is truly puzzling. My kids played paintball on a Semi Pro level. ANYONE reading this Post that has kids and have been subjected to the cost of a day of Paintball knows the expense of this sport. It's out of this world, cost wise. Let me put it to you this way Mr. Wallace. We used to hear complaints at the Billiard Rooms from people saying, TWENTY BUCKS, YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? Mind you, there were two to four of them playing for hours on brand new tables, TV's showing sporting events all day and night, heat and or air conditioning and space that cost at least $16.00 per sq. ft. Yeah, TWENTY BUCKS!

You sign up for a Paintball Game and it will cost you that much. Then there's the rental of the guns and gear. Then there's the Painballs. COME ON NOW, you must not be reporting every sale Mr. Wallace because I know Paintball Fields where they're making so much money hand over fist it isn't funny. More importantly, while we were paying Staff to man the Billiard Rooms, paying rent, gas & electric and insurance, we also paid our taxes and quite frankly, WE MADE MONEY.

My kids would spend anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 a day, (PER KID) playing Paintball. Not TWENTY BUCKS! Now if I was under the impression you were only bringing in twenty bucks per kid each time they came to play Paintball, I might believe you had some problems surviving. I know that's not the case and so do you. I should add, to EVERY Parent reading this article, they know what they spend on their kids playing Paintball and quite frankly, it's nuts!

Going into business is a serious responsibility. There are laws to follow, NONE of which are ever given to you by the state. They expect each and every business person to know these rules/laws and abide by them, this is why we hire Lawyers and Accountants. This is why Banks require business plans, should you borrow money to get into business. If ANY one of the three didn't pick up on that before you went into business, well, my guess is that you went into business winging it and without professional advice.

Yes, there are actually some cases where a good lawyer is worth his weight in gold. Fortunately for me I have been surrounded by such professionals. Mistakes do happen but negotiating for two years and you still haven't settled on an amount due, you Sir are not serious about being in business. I'm sure the rest of us will pay for your failures through these Bailouts and or simply as a taxpayer in the state.

Mr. Hearne's situation is completely different from yours. Nice try on that one but you're completely wrong. Mr. Hearne didn't believe he owed any taxes on TEAM SPORTS for CHILDREN under 18 years of age. If you simply walked in the door and wanted to play an open game of volleyball, YOU WERE TAXED. If you were an adult, YOU WERE TAXED. The County didn't have enough room to provide ball fields for many TEAM SPORTS for children, so they went to the Crown and asked if they could provide the space. They did so but no one ever dreamed that HE/THEY would be taxed for Amusement for CHILDREN playing organized team sports. They don't charge a tax when you sign your kids up for sports.

Nevertheless, he owned up to his responsibility and quite frankly I'm amazed that the state is allowing you to continue operating your business while you still owe this money after 6 years of not doing so. While many might believe you need to stay in business in order to pay off that debt, I believe after what you've said above that they should close that business down immediately and take their losses. This would still require you to pay back that debt but all in all I do not feel one bit sorry for the position you are in. Get a Lawyer, get an Accountant and face this thing head on. Not doing so for six years, well, shame on the state. You're in a cash business and you don't abide by the rules. It's time you close down and go to work for someone who does.


Anonymous said...

sorry but pretty lame excuse.. u sell paintballs, but don't charge tax for them? when is anything in Md other than food and pharmacy and medical care not subject to sales tax... please anyone with 1/2 a brain would know that.

I pay enormous amounts of taxes and I hate doing it, but I DO IT. Should have gotten a better accountant and/or lawyer.

My kid will not patronize that place until he falls into compliance or ends up in jail which ever comes first

Anonymous said...

oh yea.. last time I went to a golf course I paid for golf balls and paid sales tax!!!!

who is this guy kidding

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read what he wrote? He asked and was given the wrong information. And he paid the sales tax he collected.

Anonymous said...

This guy, Mr. Wallace, seems to want to play dumb about what is going on. I own a business and believe me, I pay PLENTY of taxes during the year and my accountant stays on top of everything. So, who is Mr. Wallace trying to fool? Sounds like lots of cash deals went into his pockets.

Anonymous said...

Admission and Amusement Tax is not a sales tax your customers should be chraged, Mr. PaintBall. It is a GROSS RECEIPTS tax, and it is YOUR responsibility to pay it. If you chose to not seek the advice of a competant accountant and proceed blindly, this is your own fault.
It seems to me, if you are of the mindset that paintballs are not taxable "like ketchup", you probably shouldn't be running your own business.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would you think you'd not charge sales tax on an item you sold? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Also the quote "the referees take home more money than me some weeks" why in the hell are you getting paid anything? You should be getting $0 until all the back taxes are paid. Seems like a money losing venture, doesn't seem like it will be possible to ever catchup with that high of a debt. Bankruptcy and you getting a real job and paying back the state the money it's owed seems like what needs to be done. Quit playing like a boy and take care of your responsibilities like a man.

Anonymous said...

I was told a similar story by the comptrolers office. I was also told the same thing by my accountant. When I went in to apply for a retail license I was told that if I was selling to my members and it was for use in my facility I did not have to pay taxes. I do believe now the comptrolers office and the accountant was wrong. I am glad this was all brought up because I will be looking for a new accountant to make sure I am paying all taxes. I would hate to be audited (I was once and owed 32 dollars) and owe some crazy amount. A word of advice to all businesses, get a a good Lawyer and accountant. The government is going to be coming after us more now than ever. Look how hard we have to press people that owe us money. Theres not much we can do if they don't pay. The govenrment can do what ever they want. Want to keep them out of your life, don't try to get over on them.

Anonymous said...

Go to PKS accountants. They are expensive but worth it. I d rather pay a little more now than $100,000 in the future.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, Stop posting anonymously in your own thread.

joealbero said...

Quite frankly I'm personally a little worried about the figures owed to the State. The way I see it is, this has been going on for 8 years, as Mr. Wallace mentions in his letter. If that's all the taxes you owe after 8 years that includes penalties and interest, what are you reporting for sales????? Remember, the total owed includes the penalties and interest.

Now, if you have ever been in this position where you OWE the IRS, believe me, the penalties and interest that they charge DAILY is almost as bad as a credit card debt! It feels like you'll NEVER pay them off.

I have enjoyed the comments that have come in so far because they key point here is, taxes are owed and the only thing Mr. Wallace is paying right now is excuses. I for one have seen his new trucks driving around over the years with the fancy graphics on them. You don't drive new vehicles with graphics all over them if you're losing money.

I have also been in their facility, (when they were indoors) and to their field and noot only did they have decent business, they had a ton of inventory FOR SALE.

Mr. Wallace, I think you'll find by the end of the day that you need to man uip to your responsibility, pay your back taxes immdiately and make a decision to sell your business because the excuses just aren't cutting it.

As for the other gentleman that has been ALLEGEDLY told wrong by the Comptrollers Office, get a grip! If YOU had to call the Comptroller and you didn't ask your Accountant, well, you too Sir do not belong in business. This isn't the 1950's.

joealbero said...

anonymous 8:52, nice try but I never do so. I'm not Jonathan Taylor.

Joseph said...

Hey pal have you been to where DP is now? He's in a small building with the gun rentals. And he has one truck and he's had the truck as long as I've been playing there. And you are also off on how much it costs to play there. I have my own stuff and pay $10 to get in and then I have to get my paint. Not no $150!

Anonymous said...

i support mr wallace. he is a local business owner who innocent to the local govt rif-raf. keep your head up dan. persistence pays.

BB said...

I can't think of any reason for somebody not to pay their taxes. He might have not realized he had to pay them. BUT No Excuse. He should have done the research and hired an accountant and lawyer.

And if your not making any money then why are you still doing it? I call BS on this one.

8:33 "Admission and Amusement Tax is not a sales tax your customers should be charged, Mr. PaintBall."

Really? Do you think he should just take it out of his profit? No, he would have charged more to cover the expense.

Anonymous said...

So some posts you support Tea Baggers and their fight against all this taxation and on this you bash a guy that is struggling with all this BullSh*t.

joealbero said...

Any a-hol that starts off his message with "Hey Pal" is clearly a disrespectful punk who clearly couldn't be trusted.

If you don't have a GUN or a MASK or CLOTHING, you have to rent it. That isn't $10.00, so don't act like I'm out of line here. If you play an entire day you'll go through a case of paintballs easily. Again, there are a LOT of parents who are going to come on here and see your $10.00 BS and immediately go to their kids and say, what the heck did you do with all that money I gave you to play paintball!

I'm not lying about the money I used to have to fork out. Why don't you tell everyone what a box of paintballs cost each customer. Then the rental fees. Then the cost to play on the field each time. Then the cost for air in your tanks on the guns. Come on now, get real with your figures. It's expensive, period.

That being said, let's get back to the point of this Post which is, why is this DEADBEAT getting away with staying in business while owing all these taxes?

Anonymous said...

Amazing! The same knucleheads that claim we are all over taxed are beating this guy up for tax issues. Guess these are tha same folks that brought us "I'm against any stimulus not intended for me". Give me a break. Hypocrites.

joealbero said...

anonymous 9:22, some me ONE place where I said I was against taxes.

You see Folks, all too often people get on here and think just because someone made a COMMENT about such a thing, they think I had something to do with it. That's NOT the case.

However, I am absolutely against ANY Amusement Tax charged to CHILDREN under the age of 18 years old.

Besides all that, this man owes taxes period. IF Wicomico County LOWERED their Amusement Tax Rates they'd probably find companies and investors, (like myself) willing to come here and open businesses that would entertain people.

However, you're paying a 10% Amusement Tax every time you walk into a Shorebirds Game and you don't feel it. It is in every ticket price. They are DISCOURAGING businesses, not encouraging them.

IF Mr. Wallace would like to contact me and learn how I was able to get around the Amusement Tax, I'd be happy to share that with him. On second thought, I'll tell him when his taxes are paid up in full. No matter what, he owes that money.

bb said...

9:22AM I will keep this short because I'm not going to go off topic. I'm supportive of tea bagging the government but I'm not complaining about paying my taxes for services such as the Military, School, Hospitals, Emergency Personal, and Transportation. I do not support the government's wasteful spending. Such as giving money to community organizations like Acorn, giving refund checks to families who didn't not pay income taxes, and throwing money at failing companies. If the government didn't spend on BS then our taxes would be lowered.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see where he said he didn't owe the taxes, I saw where he said he's been working with the state on payment arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Interesting Joe, I don't see where it would be very ethical on trying to get "around paying Amusement Tax." And he did say he was making payment arrangements! And I do know first hand that one of the packages at Delmarva Paintball includes paintballs, equipment and admission is $27.00. The other package that includes more paintballs is $38.00. I will continue to support Delmarva Paintball!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe.. I can't recall a time I ever spent more than $40 playing paintball. Don't know what you were doing with your money. Of course, the gun, tanks, hoppers, etc are a one time cost but all i ever did was buy some paint and get the free air fills when in a group. Maybe your kids should've toned down on the trigger.

Anonymous said...

Be non-profit like Diamond Dreams. They don't pay no stinking taxes.

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I believe that the Comptrollers office would disseminate incorrect information. Have you ever tried calling there for ANY information?? The people you can manage the phone often have no higher than a 3rd grade education. And, they have no accountability whatsoever for the information they give you. If they tell you incorrectly, then it's your fault you should have known better. I don't know what's worse, calling their or the Dept of Assessments and Taxation. Not saying a business owner can claim ingnorance of the law, but I can very easily see how gov't officials who are supposed to help you can cause even more trouble for you.

doug wilkerson said...

I have an accountant who is legally blind and uses a brail computer. I dont owe them shot, funny but true.

S. Gio. said...

I worked for Mr. Wallace for years, and I can tell you first hand that he is an honest business owner. His motto is: "I don't need to get all my money from one person. I want to keep them coming back." That is why his prices are so low. He opened this business b/c he loves the sport, not to commit highway robbery when it comes to prices. If you knew him like I do you would KNOW that.
His comment about taking home less than his employees some weeks is completely true. There are some weeks that he brings home nothing, however, he needs to survive as well. As far as him getting a real job, maybe he should but that it none of anyone's business.
There is one thing that I have concluded when it comes to this site, most of you have to much time on your hands and just like to stick your noses in other people's business. Everyone has problems and everyone makes mistakes, including you Mr. Albero. You think that you are a reporter, YOU AREN”T, you’re just a gossiper.
Dan stick to it, you know the people that know you will support you. That includes friends, family, and CUSTOMERS.

Dawg the Hallway Monitor said...

Well My Two-cents is this is just more GOVERNMENT.....I can tell you if you call the Comptrollers Offfice in Maryland and ask a can call right back and ask the same question to another agent and you will get a complete different answer....So Joe I tell you what...You are a betting man.....Let bet Lunch that I am right....I will come to your office, We will compile a list of ten questions....and I will bet you lunch, anywhere in a 100 mile radus.... that we get atleast 4 differnt answers to those same 10 questions....You game? I can tell you its sad that the Tax people do not know the laws they are trying to enforce....Accountants who are supose to be proffesionals dont know the tax laws....but we pay them BIG fees to get screwed.....Taxes are so out of control in this city, county, country it for one makes me sick....Which brings me to the "fair tax plan" it is FLAT TAXES........if we had a tax system that was not full of loop holes and grey area....I would think that these kinds of problems would stop.....The problem.... is that it would put too many of these superstar Accountants, Lawyers, and God forbid....IRS and Comptrollers office workers out of jobs.........Then what would they to? Maybe get a real job themselves and see what work is....

Anonymous said...

I know Mr. Hearne personally as well as the people who run the Crown for him on a day to day basis.

The comptroller did not know the Crown had to pay this amusement tax on children under 18. This came out of left field for everyone at the Crown. Couple this with the fact that they are bleeding money to begin with, this was a big hit.

Who is to say that the comptroller DID give wrong info to Delmarva Paintball?? This is possible, as the people there in the comptrollers office have been wrong before. Stop picking and trying to make an example of somebody...

Do know first hand this situation with Mr. Wallace or are you talking off heresay???

This very well could have come out of nowhere as it did for the Crown!!! Stop acting like he knew it all along....

Bryan Fykes said...

"you don't charge tax on ketchup if it's being used at the restaurant either"

Yes, you do. All condiments are paid for by the restauranteur, and are figgured into the food cost of the dish served to calculate the set price that will be charged to the customer. this price is then taxed and collected from that paying customer. The amusement and amissions tax on paintballs (if they shouldn't have been charged sales tax) should have been figgured into the price of the balls. This is rudamentary pricing theory. It is called "Cost of doing business" or indirect taxes.

Anonymous said...

Your quote was what the Comptroller said to him. He would have charged it just as he did normal sales tax. But he was told he did not have to charge Admission & Amusement Tax and that he did not have to charge sales tax on paintballs used at the field.

Also, I know for a fact that Joe Albero does not know Dan Wallace personally. In fact Joe has only met Dan once over 2 years ago. Much of these comments are only hearsay.

I have personally called the comptroller's office and gotten the wrong information. At least that's what I was told when I made a follow-up call. If many of us have experienced this, what's to say Dan didn't either.

I would also like to add Dan does a lot for the community, too. He makes donations to churches, schools and other human service organizations. There have been several comments made that completely slash his integrity and morals...such as Dan is in a cash only business and pocketing the money. Dan is a great guy and anyone who knows him, knows he would help anyone.

Anonymous said...

"The tail end of your message is truly puzzling. My kids played paintball on a Semi Pro level. ANYONE reading this Post that has kids and have been subjected to the cost of a day of Paintball knows the expense of this sport. It's out of this world, cost wise."

Playing paintball on a Semi Pro level is completely different than playing just to have fun with your friends or with a birthday party. especially when you compare the costs.

"My kids would spend anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 a day, (PER KID) playing Paintball. Not TWENTY BUCKS! Now if I was under the impression you were only bringing in twenty bucks per kid each time they came to play Paintball, I might believe you had some problems surviving."

$150 to $200 a day per kid? Talk about false information... Most people that go to Delmarva Paintball pay at most 38 dollars, and that's for everything you need to play (rental equipment) and 500 paintballs. A large majority of the people that play buy the 27 dollar package, which includes everything you need and 200 paintballs, and if you have your own equipment well then its even less money. Also I would suggest you don't compare your kids to the players that play at Delmarva Paintball, considering your kids played "semi pro".

If I raced Nascar I wouldn't be buying a $10,000 Honda would I?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Albero,

I totally agree with 5:41pm, the comment above me.

As someone who used to play paintball competitively at a Division 1 level, I will agree that these costs are a bit off. Don't get me wrong, paintball is an expensive sport. The prices at Delmarva paintball are competitive to the industry. Admission to the field (Which includes all day air fills) is $11. Rental (Which includes gun, mask, and 200 paintballs) is another 12-15$. A case of paintballs (2000 paintballs) is $70, this will last the average player probably 4 times going out.

For your children that played at a Semi-Pro level, here is an approximate cost for a Semi-pro Player today (i can't be sure of prices and whatnot when your children played)

Gun- ~1200$ (One time cost and depends on what you get)
Other Req'd Gear- ~500$
~3 Cases of Paint (6000 paintballs)- ~180$ (Per Tourney and depending on sponsorship status)
Tourney Entrance for Semi-Pro- $2950 (Per Tourney)

These costs do not include travel, room and board for tourneys all around the country (The nation's only semi-pro league plays all around the country). Also does not include usually the weekly practices. These are much different figures than the average paintball player that may go out about once or twice a month and use a walmart gun that is maybe $200?

I will not say that any information is correct or incorrect but please Mr. Albero, provide more information.


All facts and figures can be referenced here- (Currently the only semi-pro league in the nation)

Dave Slidell said...

Joe, no offense but your story is just as far fetched as Wallace's. Semi-Pro Paintball? LOL! 150-200 per day? LOL!

Come on man, stop exaggerating so much!

joealbero said...

My kids went Semi Pro when they were only 14 & 16 years old. They were sponsored and as I'm sure Mr. Wallace can tell you, they were pretty darned good at it too.

It wasn't far fetched at all for each one of them to go through a case of paintballs in a day.

Pamper this all you want, when you get into it and play as many games as they did, it was easy to blow that kind of money.

I'm not saying it cost everyone that kind of money to play, just the really good ones that take the game seriously. You and I both know most families couldn't afford to fork out that kind of money every weekend for each kid.

However, if you want to win tournaments, you're going to go through a ton of paintballs and air. You don't tell a Soldier to conserve on his ammo. If one of the Armed Forces handed me a gun and ammo, I'd blow off as many rounds as humanly possible. While some hide behind bunkers all day long, my kids were out there playing the game the way its supposed to be played and quite honestly if you've never been to a tournament you wouldn't understand. Anyone who has and claims what I'm saying isn't true is a liar. OR, their kid is one of those kids hiding behind a bunker and useless. Which one are YOU?