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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Survey Question


thomas augustus littleton said...

Upon recently completing a survey asking the same question in Delaware & the Eastern Shore of Maryland, I was astonished at the results:

90% of the total registered population responded, "YES, please secure our borders and give jobs & social services only to legal residents!"

70% responded, "NO habla Ingles!"

1% screamed, "Death to America; America is the great Satan!"

I confess that I didn't spend 12 years at MIT, but that seems to add up to more than 100% of legal residents.

Is it possible that SOMEBODY IS HERE ILEGALLY, taking jobs and using social services that should be reserved for legal citizens?

For those who may not have noticed, American workers aren't doing very well right now. I know, I KNOW, there is a world wide recession, but I must ask these questions:
(1) How many U.S. citizens are out of work right now?
(2) How many jobs in America are being taken by criminals who are here illegally?
(3) How many more American citizens would have jobs if we secured our borders & ALL illegals were sent back to where they are legal citizens?

And, yes, if someone is here illegally, they are, by definition, a criminal. If an American business employs such a person, they are also engaged in criminal activity and should have all their assets siezed and distributed to the unemployed American citizens they are discriminating against!

If a person wishes to excessively tax the successful but not pay their own taxes, they should apply for a job in the Obama adminstration.

Anonymous said...

The Dems will fix that with a decent amnesty program. Problem solved. Wait for the filibuster proof majority, and it's a done deal. I don't think that the GOP isn't done screwing itself into the ground (Oh, the ins'Hannity of those who will Rush to bend Steele).

TAL: "...using social services that should be reserved for legal citizens?"

Why is that? Don't illegals also pay sales tax, property tax, and income tax just like you (that is if you actually earn enough money to pay any taxes).

thomas augustus littleton said...

Are you that goofy Professor Brag A. Lot? (You must be. There can't be two people who can actually write and still have this level of stupidity)!

It's impossible to take someone seriously when they defend people who taking American jobs when they have ILLEGAL alien in their description. This is especially true when unemployment for legal citizens is at a 40 year high!

And, NO, a significant percentage of ILLEGALS do not pay taxes. Many are paid cash under the table. But even if they did pay taxes, they are here ILLEGALLY, get it? And they are taking jobs that should go to legal residents. Ask Obama's staff. Not only did they not pay their own taxes, they didn't declare wages for their ILLEGAL help!
But to be fair, that's not a Party thing; it's a traitorous, corruption thing; just as many rich Republicans employ illegals and pay them cash without declaring their wages. It seems to be a requirement for obtaining a high level government job.

Now see here, professor, I thought I asked you to go play in your fog!
Run along now! Go be a good traitor & bring a truck load of illegals over the border to take jobs from our citizens.
Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

TAL "...when they have ILLEGAL alien in their description."

What's that? Like a speeding ticket or something?

The simple fact is, the economy has been greatly buoyed by the presence of illegals (and it still is). Why do you think GW Bush tried so hard for amnesty? Why do you think he put up that BIG welcome sign at the Mexican border?? All his big corporate friends were begging. Bush didn't stop until he was slapped down hard by extremists in his own party. Why do you think that ALL enforcement was aimed at individuals rather than at the corporations who were hiring illegals? Hitting the corporations really would have "solved" the problem. Yup.. It's because they asked Bush to not enforce the laws, and Bush didn't. The laws still are not being enforced. It was and is all done with a wink and a nod.

Now we've got an immigration mess, and the only way forward is reform. Reform is truly coming, but you won't like it. That's partly why your party lost so badly in the last election... and that's partly why you have more losses ahead. There's a price for incompetence and a price for illogical ranting. You get to pay double.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Professor Brag A Lot,
I finially figured out why you have an education but no critical thinking skills. That fog you're in is from smoking crack and weed, isn't it? Go for it; let me hear a fog head's reasons for thinking it's a good idea for millions of ILLEGAL aliens to have jobs that should go to millions of unemployed American citizens.
I assume you think you have reasons
for thinking this abomination of illegal activity that is crippling unemployed American citizens is a good idea. Come on, Professor Smokey, let me hear your twisted, traitorous travesty of logic.

Figure it out, Professor Toke. The reason the rich want illegals here is pure greed and the same disgusting mentality that gave us slavery. The rich traitors you're so proud of say, "to hell with what's right or wrong or legal; I can make more money by hiring illegals and even more if I don't declare their wages."

Put down the pipe, Professor! I invite you to come out of the fog and think like a rational being.
Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

Obama may be willing to throw Detroit down a flight of stairs, but he gives Wall Street whatever they want. ...and Wall Street wants immigration reform, so that's probably what they'll get.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Professor Stoner,

TAL "...when they have ILLEGAL alien in their description."

Professor Stoner: "What's that? Like a speeding ticket or something?"

No, Professor Foghat, most people with a working brain consider breaking the immigration laws and illegally invading a sovereign nation quite a bit more serious than a speeding ticket.

Sovereign nations have immigration policies for some very GOOD reasons!
This is not said in jest. Would the Native Americans of a few short centuries ago not been wise to form a unified nation, draw up a reasonable immigration policy, defend their shores and kill us illegal invaders as soon as we stepped off the boat? I very sincerely suggest that would have been in their best interest and been a wise, reasonable way to handle those who came here uninvited.

I have no problem with any group of immigrants from anywhere in the world as long as they get here LEGALLY and obey our laws upon arrival.

For you to compare a deliberate illegal invasion of our nation with a "speeding ticket or something," evinces that you can't be taken seriously as anything more than burned out druggie or a severely mentally challenged person. I know you are in love with Mary Jane, but let her go. She has destroyed any reasoning ability that you may have once had.

Whether I like Democrats being in power or not is of absolutely no consequence. They are what the majority of Americans elected. I am a law abiding citizen & will follow the laws as written! If our legislature changes our immigration laws, fine, welcome amigos; but we should still deport the criminal scofflaws who came here illegally.

You still didn't give me your pretzel logic of why it's a good idea to allow millions if ILLEGAL aliens to soak up jobs and sevices when millions of legal American citizens desperately need those jobs & services.
Thomas Augustus Littleton

Anonymous said...

TAL: "...Stoner"
??? Huh? I really think you're confusing me with someone else. I've never puffed a joint in my entire life.

TAL "most people with a working brain consider breaking the immigration laws and illegally invading a sovereign nation quite a bit more serious than a speeding ticket."

Tell that to Bush! He's the one who put up the big welcome sign at the border!!

"Would the Native Americans of a few short centuries ago not been wise to form a unified nation, draw up a reasonable immigration policy, defend their shores and kill us illegal invaders as soon as we stepped off the boat? "

No sense of history. Do you know why the colony at Plymouth was allowed to exist? Do you know why colonies didn't happen sooner in New England? like 100 years sooner?

"You still didn't give me your pretzel logic of why it's a good idea to allow millions if ILLEGAL aliens to soak up jobs and sevices when millions of legal American citizens desperately need those jobs & services."

Illegal immigration is part of what fuels our economy. For the most part, they take jobs that few Americans want and they give far more than they take. Why do you think the Wall Street is behind reform. Why do you think the Bush tried so hard to slip reform through with minimal notice??

Here's a quiz for you... What would happen to our economy if all the illegals suddenly go up and left?

Here's another quiz for you. Why is it that places where there's been a crackdown on illegals, there's been a dramatic drop in property values?? (and at a higher rate than the national average)??

You say there's no logic for immigration reform? That's because you can't see beyond your local interests, and you can't even see those clearly.

thomas augustus littleton said...

I'm saying that it should be clear to anyone that native Americans made a fatal error
in allowing any European colonies to exist on this continent for any reason.
You think they made a wise move in allowing us a foothold? "That's because you can't see beyond your local interests, and you can't even see those clearly."

Immigration reform is fine if that's what's put into law, but enforce the laws. You are finally correct; Bush didn't enforce the laws.

You don't think the traitorous rich employ illegals without declaring their wages?

thomas augustus littleton said...

FLASH: GM to cut Pontiac brand & 21,000 manufacturing. 85% say, "Please send illegals back and give us the jobs they are keeping from citizens!"

Actually, I do know why it is written that the Plymouth colony was allowed to exist. History, my dear Professor Foghat, is largely a lie that the winners of culture clashes agree to feed the masses.

I think you will find many different reasons for & versions of what happened during the course of recorded history around our planet.

We need to look at the big picture when drawing reasonable conclusions.

Here is a very condensed & ,I believe, accurate version of the European/Native American cultural exchange program in North America:

(1) Native Americans lead nature oriented lives on this continent for at least thousands of years.
This continent remaind a pristine paradise.

(2) Europeans arrive and make friends with inhabitants, then within a couple hundred years drive thim off their lands & kill
them to near extinction.

(3) "Paradise lost!" Continent and planet polluted to point of total ruin in last 100 years.

Only logical conclusion:
Native Americans should not have allowed European foothold under any circumstances, least of all to enjoy some short term benefit!

Apply these findigs to hoards of ILLEGAL hispanic invaders. Let us learn from the fatal error of our predecessors on this continent.

Thomas Augustus littleton