While I read more respectable articles about what had happened, clearly when you read between the lines something just wasn't right. Questions started popping up asking why the case was dropped, yet they could bring it back at any time.
While I cannot get into the details of such, I believe the final tail end of this story will be more telling than anything else brought forth. Something you haven't read elsewhere. What I will tell you will give you a better idea as to what really happened.
You see, States Attorney Davis Ruark has a child that goes to Salisbury Christian School, that's no secret. This is ne reason why Mr. Ruark could not handle this case himself based on a conflict of interest. Let me assure each and every one of you this individual WILL walk into that School with box loads of compelling evidence to present to the leaders of that School. They will clearly show just who Mrs. Mayers is and the danger she creates to other students y being in that School.
You see Folks, once you're a sex offender, always a sex offender. Now the Fat Man may be saying, Oh My God, what is Joe Albero doing making such a statement. Is he that stupid that he's willing to do so at the risk of being sued? While I'm not a stupid man, Fat Man, unlike you I do know the facts in this case and I dare challenge Mrs. Mayers to challenge me in any Court Room. I personally believe Mrs. Mayers is smart enough to know that she was delivered a golden horse shoe up her rear end today and it will never happen again in her lifetime. In fact, IF she's not careful enough the States Attorneys Office can bring back this case any time they like and try it again, indefinately.
Mr. Smith, my hat is tipped to you Sir. You made a very unpopular decision today, one that on the surface gave the MSM a black eye for exposing this story in the first place. However, I have spoken to the rest of the MSM and we firmly stand beside you in your decision and are willing to keep our mouths shut and perhaps even eat crow for a short while. Not that we were wrong, not that we misrepresented ourselves in any way, shape or form. There are times in which, (for the good of those involved) we must remain quiet and in this case we will respectfully do so.
That being said, to the Salisbury Christian School. We are watching this situation VERY closely. We know facts will be presented to you in which YOU will be forced to make a decision as to what to do with Mrs. Mayers prior position. All I can say to all of you is, IF the Salisbury Christian School is not responsible with their decision and I personally feel more must be done, I will file for a FOIA on this case and expose everything I possibly can.
I highly doubt a Christian School would like to see such information exposed as this Blog has grown to proportions no one had ever believed would happen. I say all of this because the Salisbury Christian School will have the final say, after reviewing all evidence in this case. I have to wonder what they will do once all the facts are out. My guess is, once they see the evidence the answer will be a quick and swift NO, Mrs. Mayers may not return!
So while the Fat Man and his own personal comments allegedly continue to rag on me, you have no contacts to know what's really going on and or why certain decisions were made in this case. In fact, IF you actually knew what was going on you'd be ashamed of yourself, if anyone can actually believe you have any shame anyway.
On a personal note to Mrs. Mayers, if I were you, I'd make damn sure no Family Members go pounding their chest in any way, shape or form, especially at the Salisbury Christian School. You happen to know just how fortunate you are today. This was in no way a victory for you today and you know that. My strong suggestion to you is, stay as peaceful as you humanly can because you are walking one of the finest lines I have ever seen and it can and will come back to haunt all of you legally if you're not careful. Respect the fact that you are a free woman for the moment.
Once again in closing, thank you Mr. Smith for a job well done. Many others would have gone for the kill/win instead and you did one of the most honorable things I have ever seen an attorney do. You have set the bar on decency and I strongly encourage your fellow co-workers to follow in your footsteps.
I am an avid reader of your blog... I have read your post..Do you have hard facts or information reguarding this case or is it speculation, hearsay etc...I mean no disrespect to you... I really am more curious how or what the dynamics of this case were to bring this outcome... I thought you may be able to elaborate more on "why Mr. Smith did what he did and why it is such a good decision" and "how the case was dropped etc"......Many Thanks
If they don't have the evidence to convict her now, no matter what she does, they still won't have the evidence to convict her later. Whether she is guilty or not the case is over at this point.
I just re-read your post again and it sounds like you have have said all you can say and cannot answer anymore than you already have. Also, I do not want to put you in a bad position....Thanks for your time...
The rule of law accepts only one reason for not moving forward on charges like these, the position of lack of evidence to convict. The charges should not be dropped to protect any person or institution. These charges will only be brought again if she is charged with a similar crime in the future. there will be more fallout from this at SCS.
She is not free. She will have this hanging over her head until she dies. It was a good desicion by the visiting DA with our DA office concurring. Trial maybe been lost and no guilty verdict. Thanks Joe for the INFO.
The rule of law?????
Clearly you are no lawyer.
My Post clearly tells there is a much bigger story than meets the eye. If YOU can't figure out why the case was set aside, NOT DROPPED, well, I can't blame you because it is quite complicated. However, one thing I can assure each and every taxpayer of Wicomico County, the right choice was made.
Again, it wasn't a popular choice and without your knowing exactly why, I can understand everyone being confused. All I can tell you is this. Mrs. Mayers is a ticking time bomb and sooner or later something is going to go off. Now is not the time.
It is so difficult not exposing what really happened but it's for the best.
Now, if Mrs. Mayers chooses to sue me, well, then that's a whole different story. THEN ALL the information would be exposed. I'm more confident she'd rather see this whole thing go away than to resurface it again and have the TRUTH exposed.
Hey Fat Man, stop sending in messages under anonymous. Talk about someone being a scared little girl. He uses a RSS feed to know every time a Post comes up on Salisbury News and then immediately goes on the attack. He's so stupid that he starts commenting seconds after I put up a Post and he does so under anonymous and then claims he hasn't said a thing on here since Christmas.
The next thing I know he's got a Post up pissed off that I refused to put up his comment and the Post is about everything he had just sent me anonymously and claims he doesn't comment here. Happens every day, several times a day. What an Idiot.
It's no wonder the Fat Man supports Mrs. Mayers. Many have said he likes little children too.
It is amazing how the "Extremely Obese Guy," attacks those whom he aspires to be like. He is a wanna be blogger, so he attacks Joe and his blog. He wanted to be part of Debbie Campbell's inner circle, but couldn't. So, now he makes it his mission in life to attack her.
In my opinion, we as tax payers which pays the salaries of the State's Attorney's, and the police that investigated this incident should be given specific information why this case was not
prosecuted. At the very least the question of registering as a child predator needs transparency.
There is no bigger story Albero. Stop trying to make yourself look like not the fool you are. You have no contacts on the inside. Nice back pedle asshole.
Good Morning Fat Man. Pedifiles like yourself pray on little children and back one and other up. No excuses Fat Man, just the facts.
Can you smell it people? Money talks and bull crap walks. My quess is that the (victim) wont talk and thats the states key witness. I would love to be able to see both parties bank accounts.
anonymous 7:22, normally I would agree. However, in this case, there are times, (rare, mind you) when some things are better left unsaid and undone. The case was not DROPPED and that's what the Fat Man doesn't want to get a grip on. This case can be brought forth indefinately and Mrs. Mayers and her attorney are very aware of that fact.
If Mrs. Mayers insists on having her job back and they give it to her, AFTER the School knows and sees the facts, THEN I will expose the entire story for all to see in order to protect their children.
The other FACTS that the Fat Man tends to ignore is the evidence in this case. It is so compelling against Mrs. Mayers, she should be in jail for LIFE.
To me, the second saddest part about what has transpired in this case is the attorney who pounds his chest because he believes he has won his case. No, that's really NOT the case here at all. If he would have won, he would have the Gold Medal and a judgment clearing the case forever. That didn't happen here. Instead, he has won the first stage of the race and will never receive a Medal for doing so. He didn't cheat and he has played by the rules, just as any good attorney should do. However, if he thinks he's going to walk around bragging he won this case, he too is sadly mistaken.
Time will tell what will come of Mrs. Mayers. God Forbid I ever get my hands on ANY of the evidence, I will expose it and we'll play it out in the Court of Public Opinion. Everyone in this community has the right to know the truth. We'll see what the Salisbury Christian School decides to do and go from there.
As I stated in my Post, Mr. Smith made a very wise decision, yet a very unpopular one. He could have very easily gone for the win but he is a very classy man who thought of others first and I'm personally very proud of his decision.
"That's all I have to say about that." Forest Gump
anonymous 7:33, nope, that's not the case.
This is BULL-Sh@t Joe. The news belongs to all of us, and you know it. That is un-less there are two societies and one gets protected and one does not.
Doug, sometimes life just isn't fair. While the key reason I do what I do each and every day is to expose information that is NOT shared by any other local news source, (in which I believe everyone here would agree that I do a pretty damn good job doing so over the past 4 years) there are times some thing are better left unsaid, (as rare as that may be).
All I can tell you is, TRUST ME on this one. Remember what my case ended with Chief Webster and all we could say was, "Both parties have settled their differences on NON MONETARY terms?" When I tell you this case has no been dismissed and can be brought back indefinately, when I tell you that the Mayers did not win anything, when I say they should NOT go pounding their chest, when "I", of all people tell YOU the prosecutor made the right choice, TRUST ME, some things are better left unsaid. However, some of the things that have been said, like NON MONETARY should be enough to tell you the WHOLE story. That's why I demanded those words in my case.
I dont know I have to think and feel this one out, I dont want to lose faith in you or this blogg. There are a lot of rich and successful local peoples kids that go to this school, that gets a person wondering. Im sure you understand that. Feels to me like it all breaks down to LIABILITY and the ability to get around it. Trust you, I quess you have earned it, hard for me sometimes to trust anyone.
Doug, you're absolutely right, it is extremely difficult these days to trust anyone.
I can only ask that you do so with me on this particular case because it is all I can deliver without harming the very people the prosecutor chose to protect and I refuse to do so. I respect his decision and trust me when I say this, a part of me wishes they would have just moved forward anyway but I completely understand.
So when I share this with ALL of you, know that I am doing what is in the best interest of those parties involved.
Now let me also say this. IF Mrs. Mayers were innocent of ANY of the charges against her, I would MAN UP and admit it right here and now. Actually, I would have done so in the original Post. The evidence against Mrs. Mayers is so compelling, she knows what she did, her attorney knows what she did and more importantly, GOD knows what she did.
Remember the O.J. Simpson trial? We all saw what happened in the original case and he went free butu we ALL knew he was guilty, right?????
Well look at what happened when that case went to Civil Court! Should it ever go to Civil Court, Mrs. Myers is toast! Should the States Attorneys Office choose to bring this case back to trial at any time, she's toast. In the mean time, at this particular time, this was not in the best interest of certain parties involved and we need to leave it at that.
Can you please report the news without calling people names? Be professional for once, please???
I read this blog every day but, along with many others, are getting tired of the negativity.
I would rather get the news a couple of days later instead of starting my day reading things like this. Just a suggestion. You would have MANY more readers if you changed this a little. I hear people talking all the time about it. In the meantime, thanks for keeping us informed.
Alright, Ill trust you and your judgement here Joe. Thats a big step for me, Ill talk to the other ones but I cant promise you anything when it comes to those two. Their nuts.
anonymous 8:19, I say this with all due respect. The day YOU start a Blog and YOU do things your way, I will fully respect that.
However, in the mean time, while everyone else gets hits in the hundreds, (if they're lucky) mine are in the tens of thousands per day. I'd say what I'm doing and saying is exactly what people want.
I can't do this day in and day out being Mr. Perfect just to please YOU. I do this because I choose to expose EVERYTHING possible to help all of YOU and I do so for FREE.
No one has a gun to your head to be here, (again, with all due respect) and if YOU choose to not return, trust me, it will not hurt my daily numbers as they grow each and every day.
IF YOU had been coming here to Salisbury News for almost 4 years now, you'd firmly agree that I have toned things down by at least 90%, right Folks?
Now, after saying all that, I will try to do my best to tone things down again, unless you are talking about the Fat Man. When the Fat Man went after my Wife and Grandson, I lost any respect I had for that piece of crap and I'll treat him as I please.
Doug, Don't confuse Salisbury Christian School with regards to your comment about a lot of rich and sucessful local peoples kids,
maybe your thinking Salisbury School. My thoughts on this is from the Christian side, possibly
forgiveness from the accuser. Just a thought.
I find it hard to beleive the case would not go to trial if she were the dangerous predator you say she is. Sounds more like the kid told the truth. If the DA decided not to go to trial to protect the dignity of some innocent people but left this pedophile predator out to prey on other children then he should be shot. Sorry Joe. I don't buy it.
Based on motions filed by the defendant's attorney, I believe they suggest inappropriate behavior did exist. The defense attorney filed a motion to dismiss the case based on the vagueness of allegations and maturity of the victim. He claimed the alleged victim, now 17-year-old, was too mature to be a victim. So the motion didn't deal with the acts never occuring, rather it dealt with putting a spin on the matter by suggesting to the court that while acts may have occurred between the two, the victim, because of his age and lifestyle, was no victim.
My only question on this matter and its disposition is: I wonder if the teacher was a male and the victim a female, if the same decision to dismiss would have been made?
Doug, don't even waste your time, seriously. It doesn't matter what you say to them, they're not going to listen.
Look, you have to respect their position, seriously. The FACT of the matter is, they have no idea what really happened and quite frankly, I held off this story 100% until I got the FACTS. I knew some of the evidence they had in this case, so I knew something had to be up.
I'll even be so bold as to tell ALL of you this. I flat out explained to certain authorities that unless I was convinced there was a good reason for doing what they did, I would go after the States Attorneys Office like they had never experienced before.
IF someone had not told me the truth from the beginning and we ALL went after this from the beginning with false information, that would have been it, over!
Like I said earlier about the O.J. Simpson Trial, we ALL knew what had happened. This case has NOTHING to do with money influencing anyone by either side, so drop that idea completely.
Mrs. Mayers has a free pass for now and like I said, the smnartest thing to do for her is to appreciate the position she is in and in due time she will face the ultimate judge.
I don't care what the others say Doug, they truly have no clue what happened and they're nowhere near smart enough to know the TRUTH or figure it out. That's cool, I know what to expect from them. In the mean time, they have the right to their opinion just as I have the right to mine.
Everyone can simply look at the surface of this matter and walk away from it thinking she's innocent OR they can look at the details from the wording used by every source of MSM and quickly see there's more to this story than what's at the surface.
Americans are far too busy these days to take the time to create their own opinion and ultimately we simply trust everything we're told within 10 second sound bites or what the newspapers want you to hear. There are no Investigative Reporters on the Eastern Shore. The reason for that is, (and I'm not saying some aren't capable) it cost the news stations and newspapers too much money to go out and research things in great detail. They're losing readership/subscriptions to Blogs who tend to do far more work than the standard MSM and can actually say more without the fear of retaliation.
The Fat Man, as a perfect example, has no respect from ANY real authority. Just look how quick he's been to attack Sheriff Lewis and Davis Ruark. Come on now, do ANY of you actually think any one of them dropped the ball on this one? Heck, the Fat Man didn't even recognize that they brought in a special prosecutor for this case from another County. If ANYONE would have been to blame it would have been Mr. Smith from Harford County, NOT Davis Ruark.
The bottom line is, there will always be people like Patty or the Fat Man who have an axe to grind because they're not popular. The Fat Man will say and do anything for attention. We have learned to simply laugh at his remarks about me personally while he repeats everything over and over again.
So don't waste your time trying to convince them things are different than they apear. Blogs like the Fat Man's will go away because people will simply realize he has no credibility and all he does is attack people. Heck, just take this story for an example. For ONCE he has brought forth an actual story that was about something news worthy. So what does he do. He uses it to attack me personally and tries to discredit my original story and then says this woman is going to sue me, PLEASE! The funny part is, he has no inside information whatsoever. He's not even smart enough to think, man, there must be something up with this story because no one would take a case this far without solid evidence. Nope, he went right for the kill and he's 100% wrong.
So if you like reading made up stories about Joe Albero, by all means go there and enjoy. If you like Photoshop pictures of me, go there and enoy. If you enjoy his site and the childish rants he plays every day, well, you don't belong here because your mentality is at the level of a 5 year old.
anonymous 8:46, You're thinking, I like that!
That being said, I'll direct you back to the O.J. Simpson Trial. Again, we all knew he was guilty. When things went to Civil Court it all turned around.
Don't lose faith in the system. The proper decision was made and everything will come out in the end. It may not happen here in Salisbury, (should the Mayers choose to move) but some day it will resurface, just as it did with O.J. Simpson.
Look, all that being said, one thing I did very wrong in this story was focusing on Mrs. Mayers and Mr. Smith. There are numerous children that will be effected by this for the rest of their lives. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Without a conviction can she sue the school for back wages and her job back?
You cant leave me hanging on this. Explain please.
I have faith that Salisbury Christian School will make the right decision in this case based on evidence they receive as Mr. Fox stated in his comments to the public. They may have made an uninformed decision before, but they will not be fooled twice. Please pray for the students at the school, as well as for Mrs. Mayers' own children, who have all been deeply affected and hurt by this ordeal.
I'm not going to promote the Fat Man's Site Doug.
How the heck did I get tied into this?
Im confused, what just happened?
The SCS has handled this appropriately. Joe, your inferiority complex is showing. The parents of children there are from all walks of life and not all are rich elitists. If anyone is talking and acting like an elitist...it is you, Joe. You have no business how the school handles this and I am offended that you are sending not so veiled threats at the administration. You have a blog. BIG DEAL! Get over yourself.
I dont think I can overlook this. There are principles involved.
anonymous 10:59,
I'll tell you what. This Post clearly stated a completely different twist to this story in the fact thatit states, IF Mrs. Mayers is so innocent, let's see what SCS chooses to do with it after they review ALL of the evidence.
For me personally, I don't believe the Headmaster or Priests should be subjected to such vile evidence, but it is what it is and they will have to do so in order to make a confident decision.
Time will tell and IF SCS chooses to reinstate her, I will most definately do everything in my powers to expose and get my hands on as much evidence as humanly possible. That's not a threat, it's a fact. ALL parents should be well informed just who their own children are being mentored by, PERIOD!
OK so maybe she's not innocent. But the dumba$$ police investigators kept interviewing her and taking statements after she asked for an attourney. Blame it on the cops. Her rights were violated. End of story.
anonymous 12:33, you must be that jackass attorney that just called me trying to get my sources.
Let me ask YOU a little something. First of all, YOU don't know what happened in that interview because YOU weren't there.
You claimed on the phone that my buddy Lewis arrested her after speaking to only two witnesses. EXCUSE ME but just how many witnesses do you think they need to interview about a child molestation case before you freakin attorneys are happy? He also viewed evidence before any arrest was made too. So get off your high horse, shut your trap before this thing gets a lot worse for your client, unless you're purposely trying to set it up so she foolishly goes around suing everybody because you provoked it here on the Blog???????? Once a slime ball, always a slime ball.
The facts are the facts Joe. Her rights were violated no matter how you slice it. any and all evidence or statements taken after she asked for and was not permitted legal representation are not admissible. Blame it on the Keystone Cops.
You shall not covet your neighbors house; you shall not covet your neighbors wife, nor his male servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbors.
that "key stone cop" happens to be from SPD not WCSO. not that I am blaming him becuase it isnt any one persons fault. sometimes things happen and sometimes we have to accept we dont understand why they happen. why does everything always have to be black or white. so much info out there and everyone seems to think they can take a small piece of it and voice a complete and concise opinion.
2:01, sorry the Keystone Cops screwed this up. They ARE to blame.
Why don't we just say it, the incompetent Detective from Salisbury City at the Child Adv Center TOTALY screwed this case up from day one!! Everyone knows that, so stop sugar coating everything. The Spd is notorious for putting their "lazy" detectives in special units so they can get rid of them. Now look who gets the brunt of it, innocent children. Again, way to go SPd!!
2:24 since you are the expert, are we going to close this saying someone screwed up or just say for now it wont be prosecuted. why is it when there is no specific ending we have to find "fault" with someone. the only thing that happened yesterday is that this case is ongoing and not going to trial as set for May.
The States Attorney should provide the citizens a better explanation than this. The lack of info has caused the two camps to go to war on each other, point fingers and blame people who are probably blameless. Quite frankly, it is disgusting.
It is uncalled for to shroud all of this in so much mystery. If the witness recanted or was found to be questionable - just say so. If no other "victims" came forward - just say so. If there are many evidence photos as rumored - not just one, why wasn't that enough to move forward? It doesn't make sense - there has to be a more transparent explanation that what has been given. "Trust us" really doesn't cut it in this case.
Character assasination by innuendo (not just of the accused but of LEOs too) - is that how our system is suppose to work?
As an average citizen, I have to say the way this has been handled makes the legal system look ridiculous. No wonder people think it is screwed up and don't trust our "officials".
anonymous 4:43, was one of your children involved? NO! So quit being a busy body and stop making demands.
Everything will come to a head soon enough and one thing is for sure, Mrs. Mayers and her attorney know the truth, call them and demand answers out of them. I know, better yet, go ask the Daily Times to deliver the truth. Oh, that's right, they don't have the time, talent, sources or money to do investigative reporting.
No one owes you an explanation of any sort. Be patient, many will turn 18 years old soon enough.
I would like to personally challange you to produce the evidence. My children go to the school. I respect your "sources" so please give us the information. There are hundreds of peoples lives who could be endangered. So please give US the information so we can make an informed decision. If you don't have information please stop saying that you do.
THANK YOU!!! You have finally said what everyone associated with this case has been feeling since it began!! I don't blame Smith for looking for a reason to end this mess. The Detective (Spd) has done nothing but half as* everything from the time this investigation started. He should be removed and placed back onto traffic detail immediately!!
Joe that was me who called you at 12:33 I am not a lawyer. My child was interviewed by the State and by the defense. What I am trying to do is not provoke you or give away the sources. What I would like you to do is to let us (that includes me) your loyal bloggers. Why we should think that Mrs. Mayers is guilty. The State had one picture of a questionable nature. The State would not even show this picture to the defense. So. lets have some closure give us the evidence that proves she is guilty. You owe this to us. Once again info not sources
anonymous 8:37,
Please forgive me if I was wrong?
While I can understand your position, I told you everything I am willing to say.
Like I told you, you have every right as a concerned Parent to contact Davis Ruark and or Sheriff Lewis, give up your name and let them confirm, (if they don't already know) who you are and ask them their opinion.
I cannot see why you desire me to tell you such information when we both know, (as I suggested to you earlier) getting any information from these two individuals would hold even more credibility than it coming from me.
Here are their e-mail addresses but I doubt they're going to reply to an e-mail on something this important. druark@wicomicocounty.org, mikelewis@wicomicocounty.org,
Try all you like, I'm not saying any more about this. I have said my peace, accept it or don't. The big question you have to ask yourself is, do you trust Mrs. Mayers at her word?
I do trust Mrs Mayers Joe. You have made threats that you have information that would put Mrs Mayers away for life. Why do you continue to be afraid to tell people the truth about what you know. I think you afraid of people like me who just want the truth
anonymous 9:02, you're putting words into my mouth. I did not say that ":I" have information that would put her away for life.
In fact, I said, "It is so compelling against Mrs. Mayers, she should be in jail for LIFE."
Now show me where i said that "I" had enough information to put her away for life?
You sure do come off sounding like an attorney, always putting words in peoples mouths and full of crap.
Yep, I'd say you're her attorney hiding behind anonymous and doing everything possible to get me to agree with you so you can do something to me. However, I'm too smart for you.
Another thing that convinces me that I pegged you from the start is the fact that you just won't take no for an answer and you won't contact Davis Ruark or Mike Lewis. I will tell you that I did forward your telephone number so they could check and see who you are.
Time will tell where this plays out. My answer was NO from the very beginning and my answer will remain NO.
If you want answers you can go where I directed you. This conversation is over. No one puts words into my mouth.
All I know is she got very lucky.
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