GRODIN: You're for torture?
HANNITY: I am for enhanced interrogation.
GRODIN: You don't believe it's torture? Have you ever been waterboarded?
HANNITY: No, but Ollie North has.
GRODIN: Would you consent to be waterboarded? We can waterboard you?
GRODIN: Are you busy on Sunday?
HANNITY: I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families.
HANNITY: I am for enhanced interrogation.
GRODIN: You don't believe it's torture? Have you ever been waterboarded?
HANNITY: No, but Ollie North has.
GRODIN: Would you consent to be waterboarded? We can waterboard you?
GRODIN: Are you busy on Sunday?
HANNITY: I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families.
Obviously, this has to happen. For the troops, I mean! Not merely for my amusement! And, look, if Sean Hannity agrees to this, then props to him. That takes real guts. I mean, you don't see me letting people waterboard me, for anything. Mainly because waterboarding is crazy, terrifying and sadistic! But the salient point is this: In a world gone mad, can you really afford to NOT give money to the troops, if it means that Sean Hannity gets waterboarded by the star of the Great Muppet Caper? We truly are the change we've been waiting for.
I'd donate money to that!
I'd donate money to be the one who got to waterboard him!
This is why God created television.
The follow up question to "Ollie North has" should have been, "And did Col. North give information to the enemy as a result of the waterboarding?" If not, then how can you argue that waterboarding is effective? And how does Col. Noth feel about his military doing this to the enemy?
Still, is there any way we can get Glen Beck and Bill O to agree to this as well? Talk about ratings!
Line em up!
Hannity, Oreilly. Limbaugh and Beck give large sums of money and their time to help the troops. The weenie libs just call them murderers and say they terrorize women and children. And before any of you bed wetting weenies say no not me its your leaders like Murtha and Kerry, move on etc.
Wouldnt it be funner to throw yard darts at one another.
11:53, and you weenie cons sent them to die in a war that was never justified and where we used torture to try to find a link between alqaida and iraq. chicken hawk terrorists like conservatives who do that need to go to jail.
Waterbaord Obama!!!! So he can spill the beans on why he really is being friendly to these a$$hole world leaders!! Then we will get real answers and not the flip flop spin crap we have been fed!!!
Waterboard George Soros and find out everything.
Anonymous said...
11:53, and you weenie cons sent them to die in a war that was never justified and where we used torture to try to find a link between alqaida and iraq. chicken hawk terrorists like conservatives who do that need to go to jail.
whoa there code pinko.
would you care to look-up the statistics of the congressional vote on the iraq war.
1:03, whoa there code fuscia. would you care to look-up the statistics of who lobbied for and fixed the intelligence for the iraq war. going so far as to torture people to provide a link for it. or maybe you want to justify war crimes now
There is absolutely no doubt that our Islamic enemies will torture to the death & behead captive civilians, not to mention what they will do to captured military personel. Hell, they are proud of it and show the torture and murder of civilian "infidels" on Islamic TV!
Add to that their often stated goal of destroying us while killing as many American civilians as possible, which they proved they are more than happy to actually do on 9/11, and what do you get? We get pussies who scream "we can't rough them up; that would make us just as bad." If one is going to fight a tiger, he or she had god damned well better use some fangs, claws and whatever means of defense they have at their disposal!
If there was a 1% chance that subjecting a murderous enemy to rough interrogation would produce information that would save your children or even some Americans you don't know from lethal attack, you idiots mean to tell me you wouldn't do that to an enemy who is, as proven by deed, intent on destroying you, your family and fellow citizens? Well, if you're not willing to fight fire with superior fire, you pussies deserve to be destroyed!
Thankfully, there are real, clear thinking patriots who understand that there is a need to treat enemies with the same harshness they are pleased to administer to our citizens!
T.L. you should see what I would do.
"They did it first!" Great excuse Littleton. It's the same one my 7year old uses.
Can this be done with all liquids? Heck make it rum or whiskey and I know people who would treat it as a game.
TAL, good to see that you're not above acting like the people who you hate.
11:53, fyi, those "freedom concerts" Hannity does deliver less than 2% to the troops family's. They are a sham for Oliver (convicted felon) North and Hannity to skim their "fees". But you don't have to believe me, check it out for yourself go to Charitywatch.org. Get informed, these guys are wolves in sheep clothing. Hannity is the biggest buffoon of them all.
2:24, a right wingnut lying about something? I don't believe it! :)
TAL you are right, we should become just like thse guys! After all, they did it first! But why stop at torture? This is a Christian country, right? Let's get rid of all non-Christians. And let's get back to real values, like before those crazy feminists fought for equal rights. Or blacks. Women shouldn't have an education, and black people should be permanently and irrevocably servants. Hey, the Taliban is doing this, so why shouldn't we? Why stop at half-measures, like torture? Make the U.S just like the bad guys, except Christian, and it will be super.
we know the left hates and blames the U.S. for all the downfalls of the world, and advanced interrogation techniques to save thousands of American citizens lives just falls into their hate and blame game. I call it the 'Jane Fonda syndrome'
What I would like to know, that no one can ever answer;
Is what technique should we use to persuade a war criminal or terrorist into giving up information that can and will save lives?
To what extent should one be subject too if they had known plans to kill your family right in front of you? You know they are going to do it, but don't know when or where. They plan to make you watch while they do the deed.
I ask again, when would you sympathizers say Ok that's enough, don't hurt them my family will just die instead of putting this person in any more misery?
I ask again; please point out any lies.
lets start with #1
was husseins mothers name Stanley or not?
great idea, he deserves it! Doubt though that they would abuse him at the same level as the terrorists were!
"For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person..."
Thousands of military trainees have undergone waterboarding during the Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) training. These terrorists strap on pounds of explosives on their bodies with the intention of blowing themselves and others up, yet some candy-assed Americans are having problems with using techniques which results in no lasting physical or mental harm to these demented individuals. How hospitable of us. Enhanced interrogation techniques aided this country in avoiding another airliner attack on the Library Tower in Los Angeles. Are some Americans really that freaking nuts?
As the one commenter said, if someone kidnapped one of your children and had them stuffed inside a box, and the box was buried underground and there was only a couple hours of oxygen remaining before your child suffocated in that box, I know of no parent that would chose to allow their child to die instead of allowing the authorities to utilize enhanced interrogation techniques in order to get the culprit to say where that box, and you child, was buried. For Obama and the likes of Pelosi and Feinstein to suggest they would prefer Americans die instead of authorizing some temporary discomfort to obtain intelligence to thwart an attack is simply crazy.
Anonymous said...
I ask again; please point out any lies.
lets start with #1
was husseins mothers name Stanley or not?
sorry, I put this ^^^ in the wrong place, DUH LOL...
2:06 & 2:20
You guys or gals are paragons of wimpy stupitidy!
Of course we should use ANY & ALL means to protect every American life against attackers!
But I'll tell you what: I won't wish our government to rough up our enemies to save YOUR 7 year old & family. I will, however, sicerely thank our government to use ANY & EVERY means available to protect my sons and daughters and other worthy American citizens!
Unlike you, I'm a clear thinking, patriotic American and epigone of Harry Truman and his no nonsense handling of Japan at the end of WWII! You IDIOTS! Save American lives first and foremost! Damn the cost to the enemy killing us, fool!
In the noble, patriotic American spirit of Mr. Truman, a real president and commander-in-chief who never bowed to Arab princes, I proclaim that if we have to eliminate life in Iran to save one, just one, (except of course, you or your 7 year old), American life from another Islamic attack, that would be a more than acceptable exchange. You say that's extreme? "extremisim in defense of liberty is no vice!" What if it was your son or daughter that would be saved in such an exchange. We don't know whose sons or daughters will die the next time Islamic terrorists pull the attack the proudly scream & promise is coming. But, I'm for the civil right of ALL Americans not to be attacked by Islam or any other enemy, no matter what we have to do to the enemy to achieve that goal. I used Iran for illustration purposes only because they are one of the loudest screamers of what they are going to do to the U.S. and Israel. If there is ever another big Islamic attack of America by Muslims from all over the region, wipe out Iran the following hour and the Islamic attacks on us will stop.
If they don't stop, do what Harry would do and take out Syria after the next attack.
We must impeach ANY president who won't defend America and Americans, first and always.
No, wimpy fool, I'm not crying, "they did it first." You Pussies! Never cry about what an enemy does; just make him pay for it 10,000 times over! I don't even think our enemies are crying about rough interrogation. They probably are scratching their sand flea bitten heads, wondering what kind of idiots & wimps they are attacking. Perhaps even you morons have heard, "All's fair in love and war!" I mantain that anyone who wouldn't use rough interrogation to obtain vital information is an idiot!
When our enemies behead you and are raping your daughters, you can take solace in the fact that you treated them with civility, you damned FOOLS! I will have no such solace, but will have satisfaction & pride in the fact that I will have exhausted, with a patriotic vengeance and extreme prejudice, all avenues of defense of my sons, daughters and fellow citizens against an enemy who has repeatedly, loudly & proudly vowed to kill as many Americans as possible!
Liberals are domestic terrorists period.
Since you are so full of righteous anger, get off your butt, head over to Iraq, and take care of business, tough guy. Or are you just a chicken hawk like Cheney, who deferred his way out of Vietnam? Too old for the military? then join a civilian contracting team, Mr Liberty!
6:02 And what did your post have to do at all with allowing the CIA, FBI and NSA to do their job of keeping us safe?
Why bother? Hannity clearly doesn't know anything.
OTOH, If we could switch to the old cat-o-nine-tails, then I'm all for it.
What's the matter wimpy? Are you a little jealous a man with the will to cause discomfort to our mortal enemies in defense of his family and all Americans, you wimpy pussy?
Yeah, you wimp, Islam can make you and your 7 year old face Mecca or die, you and your lilly liver deserve no better. Do your children know you would rather have them die than encourage our government to use ALL, absolutely ALL, means to protect Americans & defeat their would be murderers?
I will continue to encourage my government to protect the rest of us from murderous attacks by all means available. I will further resist all un-American efforts to piss on our constitution by those un-Americans in the government who would diminish law abiding American's ability to defend themselves by attempting to stop them from "clinging to their guns..." as protected in the bill
We've got a president who holds hands with Chavez and bows to Saudi princes and you criticize Bush? We probably should have crushed Iran instead of Iraq, but thank God we had a president who made a hostile Islamic nation pay for 9/11. In case you're in a fog of denial, it certainly was a deterrent to future attacks. And I'm not to old to do anything, including kicking your wimpy, terrorist supporting
You don't have a clue what you are running your foul mouth about.
First, I totally support equal rights and responsibilities for women, period.
I'm only against Islam because the majority of those Islamic dogs in the Middle East are on tv screaming "death to America," and back that sentiment up with 9/11. You remember 9/11, don't you? Yeah, I admit that's enough for me to hate them and consider them an enemy to be defeated by ANY means.
I'm not against blacks at all. I consider Nat Turner to be a shining example of a freedom fighter and patriot. I put myself in his place, and I can assure you that if any group makes me and my family their slave against our will, I will consider that an act of war and myself a prisoner of war. I hope I would have the courage and integrity to exactly what Mr. Turner did. If you are too dumb to know who Nat Turner was, well, look it up if you can read!
Any more foggy ideas about what I believe, Nostradumbass?
"I'm only against Islam because the majority of those Islamic dogs in the Middle East are on tv screaming "death to America," and back that sentiment up with 9/11."
The utter ignorance in this place is amazing...
"The utter ignorance in this place is amazing..." (chief ignoramous)
You are correct; there are many hundreds of years of history that show Islam to be the enemy of Western philosophy and culture. The millions of Middle Eastern Muslims currently screaming "death to America" and their approval of 9/11 are the reasons all patriotic Americans should hate those rabid dogs. Are you among the ranks of patriotic Americans or do love those who would bury us. To not wish the total defeat of those who strive to destroy us is either treason or the most abject ignorance.
You don't consider brigades of suicide bombers and millions of rabid Muslims screaming their desire for our death somewhat troubling? I think you've pretty much shown who is ignorant! Thanks for proving my point.
I hope they drown Hannity's ass.
"thomas augustus littleton" TAL is so appropos.
You represent the American TALiban. You're no better nor less radical than the extremists you decry from the middle east, and you're clearly no student of history. I find you just as troubling as the rabid muslim, especially since you're apparently the product of a broken American educational system. We can't fix the mideast, but we sure can fix what's wrong with the educational system here.
Quit picking on me. I can't take it.
Nat Turner is your hero? Yep, that sounds about right. I guess I know more about Turner than you do: guy gets a religious "vision," puts together a poorly planned rebellion (well meaning, but terribly planned), gets his supporters killed, goes off and hides in a hole until he gets caught and killed. Sounds like a mixture of Bush and Saddam to me! Apparently, YOU are too dumb to know what actually happened to Turner. Doesn't it suck for you that there is someone else out there who has better command of the historical facts than you do?
You are just full of talk, just like Cheney.
TAL: Quit picking on you? Good grief, man, go back and read what you've written! You've been insulting, called names, used foul language, and allowed yourself to become angry and lower yourself to the level of those you criticize! Get a grip, calm down, and THINK before you blog!
Mam, the "quit picking on me" was sent by an imposter, (check the wrong picture). This coward occasionially does this instead of being woman enough to counter my comments with her own identity. I have read your comments over the last year and find you quite interesting. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't, but I am always, dear lady, your servant, Thomas Augustus Littleton
You racist swine! I'm pretty sure you don't have a better grasp of anything. Ever heard the much praised call to rebellion, "Give me liberty or give me death?" Is that only good for us white folks?
I know what happened to Mr. Turner and his followers. Do you think it's a bad thing that they chose death over slavery? You criticize his "poor planning!" What a racist you are, indeed! How easy must it have been to plan a freedom fight when you are denied education, any civil liberties and are under the total control of another. Are you telling me that if the racial circumstance were reversed you wouldn't rather fight and die than to remain a slave? You are un-American to the core!
I am showing unmitigated admiration for those who chose to fight impossible odds. Of course such a fight was absolutely doomed at that time. But, in your mind, were Mr. Turner and his band of freedom fighters not entitled to put the words, Give me liberty or give me death" into action? Your answer is obviously no! You have labeled yourself a racist.
Even slave owners understood this concept. (Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia) "..and may the slave not justifiably take a little from one who has taken all from him, as he may slay one who would slay him?"
Yeah, I'm lacking in education because I consider a group that proclaims an insatiable desire to destroy us to be our enemy, and believe that we should deal with attackers as harshly as possible. My hatred is not set, however. I don't hate the Japanese or Germans but while we were at war, they were an enemy to be defeated by any means necessary. I am in total admiration of President Truman's decision to save American lives at the expense of the enemy.
Someday I may have nothing against Middle Eastern Muslim nations and consider them friends. Now is not that time!
So, let me get this straight, you find an American patriot who detests our attackers and wishes to use ALL means to thwart further attacks " just as troubling as the rabid Muslim..." Boy, what a thinker you are!
Your education certainly didn't teach you critical thinking skills.
But I'll be a good teacher and give you a free geography lesson and valuable instructions.
My ass is below my waist....Kiss it!
TAL "So, let me get this straight, you find an American patriot who detests our attackers and wishes to use ALL means to thwart further attacks " just as troubling as the rabid Muslim...""
11:26 here.
1. I don't see you as a patriot. I see nothing honorable or brave in anything you've posted. I see no love, only hate. Go look up the definition of "patriot" in the dictionary. Fail.
2. Wishing to use "ALL" means is downright un-American. Fail.
3. Yes, you are no better. You both represent the rabble who work to make the situation than it is. All vinegar and pi$$... nothing to contribute. Fail.
TAL: "Your education certainly didn't teach you critical thinking skills."
I've spent more than a dozen years combined at Harvard, Berkeley, and MIT. Try doing that without critical thinking skills. I am now working to improve the human condition, and am having a good bit of success. OTOH, Your education appears to have been thwarted. Thanks for the lesson anyway.
Well, thank you, TAL. What a gentlemanly response. I shall certainly try to make note of the pictures in the future, but I am stuck in the land of dial-up, so sometimes I never see those pictures. Excuse me now while I swoon. (Seriously, I meant it when I thanked you for such a gentlemanly response.)
I guess we're even. I haven't seen anything you've written that is worthy of anything but execration as foolish, un-patriotic and dangerous to our national security.
Of course I have love in my heart, just not for those who would kill us. But To tell the truth, I'm beginning to lose fondness for you, as well.
If you're so smart, perhaps you will notice the Muslim "rabble" screaming "death to America" is led by Iran's PRESIDENT, you idiot.
Your 3 small minded little arguments are lame and totally invalid. They are so absurd as to be laughable! May I suggest that "piss and vinegar" are a suitable drink to give those who would cut up flight attendants and fly planes into buildings filled with Americans. The question isn't why do I hate those who would kill us; the question is why the hell don't you?
Thank God, there are real patriots like President Truman and President Bush who will treat our attackers as enemies to be defeated by ANY means available.
That's my definition of a patriot!
With enough weak thinkers and panzy patriots like you, our enemies shouldn't have much trouble defeating us.
Preserving our national security by ANY means is the highest form of patriotism. Let our leaders speak all the politically correct platitudes they want as long as in practice they crush our enemies B 4they crush us. Look, Professor Brag A. Lot, just seek the infinite wisdom & patriotism of President Truman as to what we WILL do to preserve American lives and security.
Oh, education brag boy, President Truman never graduated from any college and repeatedly failed at business, but he had a much better mind for how to deal with enemies than a million like you!
I believe George Bush went to an Ivy League school and graduated with a higher grade average than John Kerry. Does that make him a great thinker? By your bragging standard, I guess it does! Of course, Bush is a real man and doesn't brag about his education like some panzy school boy with an inferiority complex. I find him to be vastly superior to you as a thinker and defender of America. He was, after all, smart enough to use ANY means to protect our nation.
I am happy for your success in business, (Hopefully, Obama will tax you greatly for your success:) But I sincerely hope you are never in a position of being counted on to protect our national security.
You may be brilliant in a specific field, and you may have all the education your pathetic mind can brag about, but, in general, Professor Brag A. Lot, you are clearly a grossly inferior thinker.
You're welcome. I didn't blame you for your criticism. It would be absurd for me to cry "don't pick on me," when I am intentionally overly abrasive. I'm not really angry; I just love having fun with my attackers.
I leave you, madam, with hopes that you enjoy what promises to be a lovely week-end. I am, as before, your servant,
Thomas Augustus Littleton
TAL: "The question isn't why do I hate those who would kill us; the question is why the hell don't you?"
Because I'm not a stupid twit with a knee jerk response.
Sir or Madam,
I strongly suggest that hating & sriving to defeat those who scream a desire to kill us and our children is a supremely logical, rational response.
For one not to not have this rational reaction to those who express a desire to kill us evinces a stupid twit who deserves to have his knees jerked.
Don't worry, Professor Brag. A Lot, I'll save some "pi$$ and vinegar" for ya!
I normally don't brag & name drop about my education, but since you did, I will tell you that I graduated 69th in my class at C.I.S.G. (California Institute for the Sexually Gifted).
Are you the genius who was critical of Nat Turner for choosing to die violently resisting rather than remain a slave? I hope that even you are smart enough not to be critical of a brave man and his followers who decided they would have "liberty or death!"
Look, Professor, I feel sorry for you that those fine schools kept kicking you out and that it took you 12 years of wandering from school to school just to produce what appears to be a functional idiot. But don't you understand that it's not my problem. And don't blame those fine schools for your lack of reasoning ability. I'm sure they did the best they could. We just can't change Sh** to gold or a moron to a thinker. It is equally innane to detract from great thinkers because they didn't go college. (Jesus, Lincoln and Franklin & Truman come to mind). Now, Professor, go work with numbers or whatever it is you are gifted at doing. But, please, show some decency and leave national security and deeper philosophical and abstract thought to others with ability in those areas.
I abandon you at this point and ask that you run along and play in your fog; I have grown weary of that travesty of thought that you substitute for reason!
Thomas Augustus Littleton
ROTFLMAO with TAL! That was funny!
Of course, Hannity chickened out and even went so far as to say that he never agreed to being waterboarded (apparently he is not completely informed about a little thing called "recordable media" even though he is a part of it). I suppose that that's just like a right-wing pundit, though, they talk the big talk but when it comes down to brass tacks they're all just a bunch of fucking cowards. That's probably why they could relate so well to a draft dodger like Bush. Why fight your own battles when you can send poor kids to die for your bullshit, right? Oh, and to the dickhead who said that the Fox News fuckwads (Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, et al.) give lots of money to the troops and their families, do you have any proof to back that up or are you just taking their word for it? Because as Hannity has just illustrated their collective word is worth fuck all.
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