An interesting exchange occurred yesterday during the open work session of the Wicomico County Council. Rick Pollitt and his staff presented a “Long Range Financial Outlook” from which certain tables and graphs have been reproduced with this post, after which there was a brief but dramatic discussion.
Bill McCain and David MacLeod made no attempt to disguise their desire to kill the tax cap. But John Cannon tried to play an inside straight by urging Pollitt to rally public support to rescind the tax cap.
Rick responded by stating that he has been doing so for several years and urged Mr. Cannon to do so also. Or, as folks in Allen, where Mr. Pollitt was raised and now resides, might say: “Put up or shut up, Johnny m’boy.”
the tax being compared to the 1955 rate should also include the comparison of home values at the present time compared with same time frame.
The county tax rate or state income tax rate may be the same as that of the same time period, but will generate more money due to larger incomes. Surely, Council members and the public realize this.
It seems as though Pollitt may be devloping a shell game or sorts.
Live within projected income and revenue should also apply to government at all levels.
Sounds like the gamesman is Cannon:
Hey Rick, you go fight the battle, and I'll be behind you all the way to the next County election!
It's an open secret that Cannon wants to become County Exec. What could be more obvious than goading Pollitt to continue to argue against the tax cap to drive up his negatives and Cannon's chance in the upcoming Wicomico County election.
anonymous 9:34, it's not an open secret. It's what the Republican Club would like but I do not believe for a moment John would even consider it. Rick would tear him up. That being said, I'm sure Rick would welcome John running for Rick's position because Rick will win.
You forgot the best:
Mr. Cannon, you've been blogged!
As a member of the Republican Club, John Cannon would be too liberal for my vote.
Why elect a Pollitt clone? That would not improve getting a handle on accountability and efficiency in operation of Wicomico County. Surely there must be more qualified, conservative candidates out there!
If our government would stop purchasing "things" as we home owners have had to do there would be enough money for necessities! We dont go purchase a second home, a piece of property we dont really need, a new car if we cant afford it. The county/board of education dont need a new car. These council members need to talk to the average jo with a family and see how they manage with LESS. Might open your eyes and see the real world. We need the tax cap so we the citizens can survive.
There's more than enough time and opportunity between now and the election for Pollitt to loose much of his support. This year's budget predicament is but a harbinger of next year, and there are going to be some other bombs dropping before then -- the PAC 14 takeover scheme and the cluster downzoning scam to name a couple current ones.
Cannon seems to be positioning himself well, and he was a formidable candidate in the last election -- no doubt he would have run much better than Alessi did against Rick. It also appears that the Republicans on the Council will be stronger than the Democrats (assuming that the latter seek reelection, which seems unlikely in some cases).
And Pollitt is now wedded to O'Malley's tax increase fiasco, which could prove to be a further drag.
These charts, etc. appear to be copied from multi-colored originals -- any chance you could get and post those, in color, from the County. They are not on the County website, but the proposed budget and Rick Pollitt's budget message are, at:
This post is really good -- never see this info in the MSM.
Interesting that John Cannon wants public support, the county overwhelmingly supported the FOP and the WCSO in needing a better disability and collective bargaining. John Cannon then lead the complete opposite of the wishes of the public and now he wants the public to offer their opinon first. Make up your mind, you own agenda or the publics.
Does anyone remember the extra raises Mr. Pollit gave his buddies shortly after he took office? Maybe they didn't perform as expected. Think he would like to have the money back? Lets start that countdown clock!!
11:28 --
What about those expensive pens they gave as gifts that Joe Holloway exposed a couple years ago?
Was that council meeting on PAC 14 -- if not, why???
GO John Cannon lets get rid of that slob running the show now. If john does not make a good showing then we can say the same about him and get someone better in the next election. Its all smoke and mirrors from Pollitt and the bad thing is he's kissed so much butt most people don't see it.
What is the story on retirees losing their health benefits...or having to pay 100%...can someone update on this? Thanks, Joe.
i guess you ppl think rick pollitt is a man of his word? has he done anything to the others at the landfill,like he said he was? one of the main thieves is acting superintendent now! lol. looks to me like rick must of had his hands in the ole cookie jar too!
I barfed when Pollitt performed at Ireton's swearing-in this week. He's got to go, along with Cannon and MaCain, too.
We'll keep voting them out, we got to get it right some day! Makes it hard voting for anyone when you can't believe a word most politicians say. And of course like many they flip flop after the election.
Not just here locally either, look how many of Obama's appointments didn't pay their taxes. This isn't a just Democrat party problem, it's throughout politics world wide.
john cannon sucks i would not vote for him he does not support the the sheriff's office or the county john cannon LMB along with all of the county council
Well I for one have been a life long member of the Republican Party. I can say I am truly disgusted with John Cannon and the flat out lies and deception. The people of this county spoke loud and clear on the issues surrounding the lack of a good retirement and disability package for the men and women of the Sheriff's Office. It is very clear he had no intention of honoring the will of the people. I will leave out the collective bargaining issue. Lets take a hard look at the current lack of support he has given the women and men that serve and protect us. I do not know about you, but if all the area jurisdictions can afford LEOPS and we can not there is something wrong with this picture.
I say clean house and start over with a new council that is in tune with the will of the people of this county.
Cannon rode Mike Lewis' popularity. He rode the coat tail of a man that the people have a great deal of respect for. I dont think you will see that support again Mr.Cannon.
As for blaming Pollit for the land fill thefts. That is total B.S. and anyone knowing the facts can tell that was going on long before the Sheriff or Polllit took office. One has to question the abilities of the prior goverment to spot this type of blood letting of our tax dollars. Why was it aloud to go on in the first place.
The management of our past budget is a direct reflection of the current situation. Blame those that were there for it. We are the hub of the shore and we are in such a financial mess it is hard to imagine that anyone was actually at the helm watching over anything. I would be ashamed to have my name attached to that obvious mismanagement of our tax revenue.
I hope Cannon does run for County exec. so that the people have a chance to reward his total defiance of the will of the people. That goes for any politician that has slapped the public in the face with such arrogance. I am angry and intend to do whatever I can on my part to see those gone that showed such disrespect to the voting public.
Take heed and read the writing on the wall. Go ask Barrie what happens when you become bigger than those who put you there.
See you on the campaign trail.
To Sheriff Lewis and Mr. Pollit you have the respect of many. I am sure you will not lose sleep over Cannon's pipe dreams.
4:25 - I'm told the board of ed has a task force of teacher union people, retirees, and ceentral office emplotyees working to get more retiree health benefits this year. They must not have heard about the troubled economy effecting the rest of us.
Looks like somebody would like Mike Dunn to run, you know the guy that threw a wadded up piece of paper at a senior citizen and taxpayer? Maybe as county executive Dunn would give Salisbury the tax differential he was always asking for as city council president!
I'd vote for the mentally handicapped bear in the Zoo before he ever got my vote for garbageman.
Did the liquor dispensory contribute the $450,000 that they promised this year?
Get rid of wasteful spending like that system and maybe I would compromise a little on the tax cap, however only a little. First the county has to cut all pork.
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