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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't Mess With Texas

Looks like Texas is telling the feds to shove it-- just like many other states are doing.

Homeland Security just recently issued a 9-page alert to local governments/law enforcement about so-called extreme right-wing radicals, and what they're describing includes things like what Texas is doing.

I wonder what Janet Napolitano will do-- have Governor Rick Perry arrested?

UPDATE: Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas' Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment "(


Anonymous said...

Well now it does appear that the Tea Partys are getting a lot of special attention from the feds.

If more states would take the legislative position that Texas is proposing we might be able to re-direct the Feds into doing what they are Constitutionally permitted to do and no more.

I beleive that Obama and the Congress are moving as swiftly as possible to legislate a far reaching federal take over before America wakes up.

retired cop and proud NRA member

Anonymous said...

Let give Texas back to Mexico, with Bush in it.

chuck said...

"so-called" extreme right-wing radicals?

Have you forgotten about Timothy McVeigh and Oklahoma City? How about abortion clinic bombers? What about the shooter last week who killed 3 police officers and was a white supremacist? How about the guy last month in New England who was trying to acquire the ingredients for dirty bomb because he opposed Obama? How about the guy last August in Knoxville who shot up a Unitarian church because he was committing a "hate crime" against Liberals?

And now we've got the white supremacists trying to infiltrate the tear parties around the country. They want to co-opt the message and pull in more converts.

Right wing radicalism is up. That's undeniable. If Rick Perry wants to act like an a$$ about this, politicizing a situation where his own citizens could potentially be in danger, then maybe he doesn't need to be Governor.

Anonymous said...

The Governor of course has no answers to any of the problems in his state, just responses.


Anonymous said...

Wingnut Day!

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like it's the Marxist/socialists that are the ones frothing at the mouth here (probably the same one with multiple comments).
The discussion of McVeigh, etc is a red herring.. it has nothing to do with this. Those were isolated incidents committed by individuals. This is the action of a state legislature representing the people of Texas (and the other states that are enacting the same type of legislation).
The marxists/fascists think they have a death grip on America, but freedom will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage about the civil disobedience ACORN is organising and promoting? Breaking into foreclosed homes and squatting, harassing wealthy homeowners like AIG execs, where is the outrage from them left? The one thing that is the undisputed truth, The far left is the most hypocritical bunch of self righteous smug elitists on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Watch his video on you tube. Just search 10th amendment and it will be up. Listen to it and then come back here and say he's nuts. You won't be able to.

Anonymous said...

These two things have nothing in common.

The complaint is about restrictions on federal funding being used to effectively bypass the 10th amendment. Texas could take this to the USSC, but they would lose there.

That issue has little to do with the rise of radical right wing extremism.

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning of an American trend to take back the U.S. and return it to the Constitutional foundation upon which it was built. The reason Texas resists a runaway Federal Government is no different than the reason the Declaration of Independence was written over 200 years ago. Greed and liberal politics has distorted our country to the point that it is barely recognizable anymore.

chuck said...

11:58, Isolated acts committed by individuals? Do you feel the same way about September 11th? Also, how do you know who is a Marxist and who's a Socialist here? Just to let you know, those two terms aren't interchangeable. You may want to pick up a dictionary sometime to find the difference.

12:18, Please show us where ACORN has ever threatened violence or used violence. To equate ACORN with far right wing militias is dishonest, and you know it. You watch too much Fox News propaganda.

12:52, Was it "liberal politics" that bankrupted our treasury fighting a war of choice in the Middle East? Was it "liberal politics" that allowed the MBS and Credit Swap Markets to be deregulated, allowing the current economic crisis? No, sir. It was the Reagan Cultists who did this to us. Liberal POLICIES are what's needed now to clean this mess up.

Mark said...

Since when is it wrong for people to stand up for what they believe in? I guess it was alright to rant about Bush but it is a crime waiting to happen if someone rants about Obama? This is still a free country last I heard, and I hope it stays that way.

Generic Login said...


Where was all this concern about no limits on executive power, say, 6 months ago> We could have used some then!

Anonymous said...

I really didn't know there were soooo many left-wing liberal demwits on the eastern-shore

Fox is Biased right? yeah right, I'm a conservative and fox stands left of my beliefs, you only see fox as right because you're so far left.

Tim Mcveigh? Bill Ayers and the underground rev. wright, odinga, Chavez etc. I can name many more liberal terrorist and groups than right wing.

we have socialist wuss for POTUS,
To the libs, be thankful for the Tea parties and that hussein obama is still you prez.

He wants to be like Lincoln, and his fate will be the same. No that's NOT a threat, buy some nut will succeed.

Generic Login said...


Tim McVeigh and his twisted ultra-right fear killed more Americans (189) due to politics than Ayers, Wright and Chavez, who have 0 Americans killed between the 3 of them. The shooter in NY last month, the shooter in Tennessee this winter, those were specifically motivated by ultra-right politics. Glen Beck and his ilk will have led more poeople to murder than any "librul" you can name.

Anonymous said...

4:41 When anyone protested Bush they were labeled unamerican, unpatriotic. Remember "your either with us or against us"

Anonymous said...


Thank you for insulting people AND threatening the life of the President. Stay classy, buddy.