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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Truth About "Tea Partys"

For the record, I think it is great that people can come together and organize like this. It reminds me of Obama's Presidential campaign. But I think you all should know exactly what you are getting into and how you are being used like pawns by the people who actually pull the strings. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's "of the people by the people". Just like 99% of things political in this country, nay the world, it is controlled by corporate interests, the same corporate interests that have been robbing the taxpayers, destroying our natural resources, and the same ones Americans elected Obama to stand up to. You are being duped. If you're OK with it, then I'm OK it.

Last week, Think Progress reported on Republican lawmakers planning to speak at anti-Obama “tea party” protests taking place nationwide on April 15. Last night, Eric Odom of the DontGo website — one of the organizers of the protests — wrote a blog post stressing that these protests are displays of “regular American[s] in protest of government spending and extreme taxation,” rather than something affiliated with a political party or special interest agenda.

Today on Fox News — which has actively been promoting the protests — Glenn Beck pushed the tea party talking points, similarly claiming that the protests aren’t “coordinated” and are fully organized by “regular” people.

Despite these attempts to make the “movement” appear organic, the principle organizers of the local events are actually the lobbyist-run think tanks Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works. The two groups are heavily staffed and well funded, and are providing all the logistical and public relations work necessary for planning coast-to-coast protests:

– Freedom Works staffers coordinate conference calls among protesters, contacting conservative activists to give them “sign ideas, sample press releases, and a map of events around the country.”

– Freedom Works staffers apparently moved to “take over” the planning of local events in Florida.

– Freedom Works provides how-to guides for delivering a “clear message” to the public and media.

– Freedom Works has several domain addresses — some of them made to look like they were set up by amateurs — to promote the protests.

– Americans for Prosperity is writing press releases and planning the events in New Jersey, Arizona, New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, and several other states.

This type of corporate ‘astroturfing‘ is nothing new to either organization. While working to promote Social Security privatization, Freedom Works was caught planting one of its operatives as a “single mom” to ask questions to President Bush in a town hall on the subject. Last year, the Wall Street Journal exposed Freedom Works for similarly building “amateur-looking” websites to promote the lobbying interests of Dick Armey, the former Republican Majority Leader who now leads Freedom Works and is a lobbyist for the firm DLA Piper.

Americans for Prosperity is run by Tim Phillips, who was Ralph Reed’s former partner in the lobbying firm Century Strategies. The group is funded by Koch family foundations — a family whose wealth is derived from the oil industry. Indeed Americans for Prosperity has coordinated pro-drilling ‘grassroots‘ events around the country.

This afternoon, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, leader of the corporate-funded American Solutions for Winning the Futures (ASWF), blasted an e-mail to his supporters with a reminder to attend the protests, along with a "Toolkit" of talking points. Gingrich's ASWF is funded by polluters and helped orchestrate the "Drill Here, Drill Now" campaign last summer. ASWF has been an official "partner" in the tea party effort since at least March.


Anonymous said...

Seriously. What are you guys protesting? A tax rate that is 10% lower than what we had under Reagan? Taxation WITH Representation? I don't understand.


I think the "tea Party" idea was started by individuals, not these organizations. Just look at some of the early pictures, there are barely 100 people at some of these things. Since they've taken off, now we have some support and resources to increase and improve our ability to spread our message. This is exactly what Media Matters and George Soros did for the Dems in 2004, 2006, and 2008.

Generic Login said...

A "grass-roots" movement led by STEVE FORBES? One of the richest guys in the world?

Sounds like Astro-Turf to me.

Anonymous said...

You believe in what you want and I'll believe in what I want. We have been taught to embrass change.
The point is , some of us don't like complete government control.
Believe me , socialist government
isn't the best government.

Orsonwells said...

I really don't care who is "behind" it, I just want to see accountability. We had no income tax at all until 1913 and did just fine with a government in place the whole time. That's 137 years! How is it that now they need 1/3 of my income and are still over budget? And trillions in debt didnt happen before 1913!

Amendment 10, the states are united with sole power to tell the US how we want to be governed.

Anonymous said...

The only thing fake at the original tea party were the Native American costumes.

At these new parties, everything is fake. Even the outrage is fabricated by talking heads...

Anonymous said...

Willfull sheep, please go pay your taxes-don't worry about your rights, here have some cheese, here, here's $8 to $10 every payday...yesss...because we all are being duped. Congress knows most people withhold too much or not enough, they're giving us this now but expect no refund in the future. It's automatic anyway, what you don't see, you don't miss-unless you do MISS it, unless you do pay attention, then you get what the Tea Party is all about. How about you get a spine and protest the Stimulus bills filled with pork? If they aren't a threat-How about you ask why/who is paying ACORN to disperse these Tea Parties? If these tea parties aren't grass roots movements, then why is the Salisbury movement being run by a guy from a Deli and not some DC think tank? I assure you the guy from the Deli has political aspirations but isn't linked to anything except (something like that) and they didn't give him talking points or toolkits. Show up, see what it's about, because the gov't is spending money it doesn't have, and when the bills come in the form of tax increases, some of us warned you it was coming. You don't mind now that they only take so much from you, but when costs go up because of all the embedded taxes you might think differently.

Anonymous said...

can i go to protest the spike in cigarette costs? thats bull sh*t

Anonymous said...

"Stimulus bills filled with pork"

2% can hardley be called "filled"

Anonymous said...

All I know is I got about $1500 more back this year than I did last year.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the lack of thought on this. I mean 4 TRILLION dollars down the drain. The pork projects will be over and our kids and grandkids will pick up the bill. Whomever doesn't think taxes are currently going up is crazy. The tax cuts are all going away. Looks and Quacks like a tax INCREASE to me. Who's gonna pay for the bailouts? TAXPAYERS The tea party is to show that us TAXPAYERS want no more bailouts. No more Pork! Spend within our means. No social welfare state! It seems to me someone that is so anti corporate america would be AT the tea party so our bailouts end.

Anonymous said...

5:09 "I can't believe the lack of thought on this. I mean 4 TRILLION dollars down the drain. The pork projects will be over and our kids and grandkids will pick up the bill."

Yet when Obama tries to cut the F22 Raptor, or tries make direct college loans to students (cutting out the banks as the high profit middleman), or tries to cut the massive pork to the mega-farms, THEN the GOP screams about the loss of jobs...

Heck, if we were paying people to dance in the streets, the GOP would scream about job loss when Obama would try to cancel that....

Anonymous said...

Are you guys just jealous that media matters, or George Soros didnt come up with the idea first. Or is it just the left is allowed to have protests.

chuck said...

Once again, I ask:

If this is truly non-partisan, why didn't any of you tea bag President Bush last year or the year before, or the year before that? He spent more money than any other President in U.S. history.

This is nothing more than partisan astro-turf.

And another thing, I noticed that nobody refuted anything Sentz posted in this. He must have put in about 20 links, and no one has anything to say?

I think you guys know you're being duped but you're okay with it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, Two Sentz, but good research! Thanks for the info.

I was thinking about going, but having read your post, I won't waste my time on such a juvenile pursuit.

chuck said...

From NewshoundsAlso, as was reported by two Playboy reporters, CNBC's second-stringer Rick Santelli's rant against President Obama on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange wasn't exactly spontaneous, but was actually a carefully-planned trigger for an anti-Obama campaign, funded and assisted by the right-wing big-wig Koch family, the multibilllionaire owners of the largest private corporation in America, and funders of scores of rightwing thinktanks and advocacy groups, including the Cato Institute, Reason Magazine and FreedomWorks. (The Koch Family's head rightie, Fred Koch, was also a co-founder of the notorious extremist-rightwing John Birch Society). Does seem a little odd, doesn't it, that a bunch of tea party websites and organizations were online and live within hours, even minutes, after his rant, and voila – a week later a protest was born.

chuck said...


At least George Soros and Media Matters would have the balls to stand up and say they were behind it... like they ALWAYS do. Not so much with the right wing astro-turf campaign, huh?

And like the first commenter asked: what, exactly, are you protesting? Paying 10% less taxes than you did under Reagan? Taxation WITH Representation? It doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous said...

"If this is truly non-partisan, why didn't any of you tea bag President Bush last year or the year before, or the year before that? He spent more money than any other President in U.S. history."

Until Obama came along and doubled our deficit in only 3 months and then has the balls to propose a 3 trillion dollar budget! You love him then you get your wallet out; I didn't vote for him and I don't wanna pay for his idiocy!

"Anonymous for 6 more days!"

Anonymous said...

In NC, we protested against forced annexation, which truly is taxation without representation.

And let's talk about fake and staged, shall we.

Like a town hall meeting where all the questioners in person worked for Obama's campaign.

Or Obama's Iraq visit, where the troops were pre-screened, Obama voters moved to the front, and all given digi cameras and told to hold them up.

Most of the protest were started at the grassroots level, by real people with real jobs. Sorry if they haven't been at all the world bank protests, and aren't experienced enough, they were working.

And in NC, AFP has been very up front about their involvement.

And if Fox is the R's house network, what is MSNBC? It should be renamed DNBC, or ONBC - that would be more accurate.

This all goes both ways, and both sides do it all. Guess you libs are upset that you don't have a protest monopoly anymore.

BC in NC

Anonymous said...

I did not have help from any organization to bring about the Salisbury Tea Party. I did not even have any news outlet help. This was a grassroots effort led by the producers on the Eastern Shore. Try and spread your lies if you want for I know what yo are saying is false! You condem people by lying, so who is actually being duped here???

Daddio said...

Why are you so afraid of some folks getting together for an afternoon tea party?

What is it about tax protests that have you shouting conspiracy like a madman?

I have discovered that the more shouting and squirming put out by the left, the more likely they are afraid of folks actually realizing the truth about matters.

Anonymous said...

The reality is our tax code sucks and is getting worse. With Obama's changes we will have 50% of the income earners paying no income tax (versus 40% now). I don't care what you say, that isn't fair. Everyone should pay something. If people dont pay taxes you end up with apathy as to how the money is spent (low voter turnout also?).
Yea I am in the 50% that is paying however I cant believe we cant come up with a SIMPLE system. Why should I need a CPA to fill the tax form out? I just filled out my check to the "United States Treasury" and I think if everyone did the same thing we all would spend more time worrying about how the money is spent.

Anonymous said...

Chuck do you seriously think that someone like George Soros tells the truth about what he has done to manipulate the markets globally? The Obama administration can't even be honest about a "bow" or about their DOG for goodness sakes. That dog was planned for months by Kennedy to give them and they try and say its a "rescue dog" Obama most certainly DID bow to the Saudi King and not to Queen Elizabeth. I cannot understand why you Obama supporters can not see the sheer hypocrisy of these acts, and to pontificate about George Soros's integrity is beyond lunacy.You liberals love to say stop watching FOX news, I suggest you lay off Huff Po and the Daily Kos as well, you are out of touch and your moral compass is as far left as it is humanly possible.

Anonymous said...

I was reading this semi seriously then i saw it was posted by TWO SENTZ.

Anonymous said...

How about the faked meeting with the troops in Iraq? Only those who voted FOR Obama were allowed in and they were all given digital cameras to " memorialise" the blessed event. How about Obama having to have teleprompters at every single event? How about the fake resscue dog named BO just happens to be the initials of the annointed one,sorry libs you bought it now you OWN IT.

Anonymous said...

To the person who got $1500 more back this year than last year: The the federal government thanks you for the interest free loan.

Anonymous said...

leesss see - we spend more money in two weeks than has been spent by one organization in 20 years, obligate the country to spend 25 cents of every dollar earned instead of 8 for the rest of their lives and claim how much it's working before it starts - then claim anyone complaining is part of o conspiacy; yea, that's what's happinin.

Anonymous said...

And maybe everyone would know a little more about this if the lamestream media actually covered this on a national level.

Literally, if 20 people showed up to protest anything Bush was doing, the national media would show up, and claim a huge protest, show a picture from a crazy up close angle, so you couldn't tell how many people were there, and NOT show the 200 hundred people protesting the anti-bush people.

Sorry Two Sentz, but you are bitching about YOUR own media. Maybe if abc, nbc, and cbs did their jobs, you wouldn't have had to make this post.

But then if they did their jobs, Obama would have been laughed out of the race before he won the nomination.

Dan Rather went out of his way to use OBVIOUSLY FAKED docs to go after Bush. There was so much more about Obama, left untouched.

The left wing media sucks. What is news about that!


Anonymous said...

You all think you independently came up with the idea of a tea party? Seriously? Weird how they are all happening this year on the same day . . .

I've got no problem with you all doing this, but to pretend that it isn't partisan is silly. Just look at the comments here! You know who else spent his way out of a recession? Ronald Reagan. look it up and weep.

Anonymous said...

And one more thing again, Two...

I never heard the media mention ACORN's involvement in ANYTHING. Not the bus trips to AIG execs houses, or anything else. Didn't see a post from you about that telling me the truth. But I guess that's ok with you since they're libs huh?

Anonymous said...

Come on folks.

Non-Sentz posted this drivel for only one reason, and that was to discourage turnout.

Who gives a rats arse what Non-sentz or his cronies on this blog think.

To me, the garbage posted here gives me insight into the minds of the enemy.

I'll be at the one in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

7:02 p.m.: You say this is a "grassroots effort led by the producers on the Eastern Shore." If that's the case, name them! Surely you're not ashamed of those with whom you conspire.

Two Sentz said...

"To me, the garbage posted here gives me insight into the minds of the enemy."

Posted like a true America hater.

Two Sentz said...

BC (in NC?), I saw complete coverage on the Washington DC news including when and where the rallies are tomorrow all around DC, MD, and VA. It was NBC4. So sorry, it is being covered, it's just that some people (and networks) are more "extreme" shall we say, in their fervor and opposition to the Obama administration.

Two Sentz said...

7:55, now who's the biased one?

Anonymous said...


You want someone to put their names up on a blog where you can be free to remain anonymous? Why? So then you and other "anonymous" commentors can be free to ostracize and vilify them personally in a public forum without accountability? Believe me. The person(s) who organized this event was/were not coaxed or coached in any way by the groups or people listed in Two Sentz's post. While I respect his right to his opinion, Two Sentz is way off on this one - at least as far as Salisbury's Tea Party is concerned. The idea came up to ask a conservative politician to speak, but in the end "We The People" decided "NO! We've already heard the politicians speak. Now it their turn to hear US speak!"

This is not about Left or Right. It's not about Democrat or Republican (there is plenty of disappointment on both sides of the isle) or Liberal or Conservative. This is about the First Amendment right to speak out against the actions of our government. Actions that have been going on for a long time and have been getting increasingly worse. Actions that if left unchecked are on a path to the collapse of our economy without a shadow of a doubt. We all hoped (OK maybe I hoped) that with the election of a new President, the change promised would put an end to wasteful spending, involvement in the affairs of other nations, and the impending collapse of our economy if things didn't turn around. But instead we accelerated down the same path with the promise of taxes increases and MORE spending. We cannot stand idly by any longer. The last hope we had is fading fast. The math doesn't lie. As sure as the sun rises in the morning and sets at night, this tax and spend - borrow and spend mentality WILL lead to the financial ruin of our nation. We have a right - NO! We have an obligation to stand up and make our voices heard on the issue. Our government has the obligation to listen. Whether or not they will do so is to be seen. Throughout the years our failure as a Americans to stand up against our government when it stepped over the line on smaller issues (NAFTA, allowing our nation to be extorted by North Korea's threats of violence, etc.)has permitted our Federal Government to become too large. Failure to act IS an action. It is an action that we as a people can no longer afford to take.

I have always believed that any effort to effect change in this country must start with the people. These efforts, labeled as "grass roots efforts" are where it all began more than 200 years ago in a monumental move for the freedom of an oppressed people from a tyrant government that altered the course of history. Let's all hope that history doesn't repeat itself in that respect.

Anonymous said...

two-sents, you and those like you are the true American haters. For you to allow and support a socialist government take-over is about as un-American as it gets. Those of you that support this obomanation are simply disgracing the millions of people who faught and died creating and defending our constitution. True accountability of congress is what we need, not socialism {a tool for more gov. control}. To scream Tea parties are "extremist" before they have even happened just shows your exaggeration and void of any logical mentality. For those of you building your world based on lies and distortions, like a house built of sand, you will crumble with the first stiff wind and suffocate with your own lies. No amount of taxes will ever quench the thirst of this gluttonous government.

Anonymous said...

Keep drinking your liberal kool aid all the way to Socialism

Anonymous said...

The idea of the Tea Party started on MSNBC!!!
It was quickly followed up by numerous Facebook pages all across the country.
There were some Tea Party events last month but they followed up by the April 15th demonstration due to the symbolic date of Tax Day.

The left has Media Matters, Daily Kos, Move On, Huffington Post and Acorn.
Unlike those sites, Tea Parties are attempting to be non-bias towards a political party; Tea Parties dislike Obama’s policies and potential tax hike that will be coming due to the fact that we are spending 10 times the amount Bush did.
They are against Obama's policies; not the Democratic Party.
It just happens that all democrats supported the Stimulus/Ominous Bill which no one read!! If that doesn’t make you mad, nothing will.

Mardela said...

It doesn't matter who started this protest, it's something all Americans can grab hold of.

It's time to stop the seperation of us into this group or that one, it's time we all stand up as Americans for the values that started this great nation.

The only reason this post is here is because someone wants to divide us into different groups. That's how any party gets hold, divide and conquer. I for one will not be conquoerd because I stand as an American, with the values that our founding fathers had when they started this great country.

If you want to protest the taxes we pay, go protest. If you don't, stay home. It's that simple. I personally believe we are way overtaxed and some day we will reach the tipping point, when there is no more money to squeeze out. Maybe that time is now.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys even realize that Obama has put in place a middle class TAX CUT?!?!? The vast majority (I would guess 90%) of the people going to these tax protests annd freaking out on this post will have lower taxes under Obama. That is just a fact, but you all seem to want to focus on fear rather than facts. Your tea bag ceremony should be protesting corporate greed and the creation of monopolies, which, by the way, was what the original tea Party was about. A little history lesson: the Tea Act did NOT raise taxes on tea, it lowered them. The problem was that it seemed to create a potential monopoly for the British East India Company. WHich was like the Haliburton of its day. So you all are using the wrong event to protest the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

One of the guys that is supporting the Tea party is a Ron Paul supporter.

There are Christians, non believers, and Democrats supporting the Salisbury Tea Party, the one unifying thing we all share is the ability to think for ourselves. We don't like where the country is headed, and we are here to tell you about it. I wish that the Obama-trons would turn off MSNBC long enough to think for themselves. Many Tea Partyers are NOT glued to FOX, we get our news from more unbiased sources.

The purpose of todays reading of our founding documents is to implore our leaders to return to a more Constitutionally run government with low taxation and a return to the founding concepts of Strong States rights and weak federal governance as we were designed to be.

The few souls that are "responsible" for organizing this have no formal ties to any "right wing" group.

Wait a minute, does Ducks Unlimited and the NRA (inactive) count?

Anonymous said...


GREAT POST!!! usual, we have more in common that location.

Anonymous said...

George Soros spent millions getting Obama elected. George Soros finances MoveOn .Org, and his lover is Arianna Huffington of HuffPo. Soros owns Obama. Soros also owns a big chunk of Haliburton sine 2006. Follow the money trails liberals you will be enlightened. When someone posts information different from your beliefs they are branded "paranoid delusional" Why can't anyone dispute the liberal point of view without getting demonised?

Anonymous said...

813, many at the tea party are exactly worried about some of the things you post. Why don't you come on out and help us read from the founding documents today? DO you own an umbrella?

I do.

Anonymous said...

8:13 SOBER UP!

Spend 4 Trillion dollars AND lower taxes at the same time on 90% of the people will have lower taxes? Why didn't you take elementary math in school? OR Do you go to the Democrat school where a welfare check to the lazy is considered a Tax cut?

Anonymous said...

A tax cut only applies if you actually pay taxes. Otherwise it is WELFARE. Face it, there is a subculture that feels entitled to a handout even though they are perfectly capable of working. Until they are forced to support themselves and stop living off of the taxpayer our economy will be in the toilet. Government handouts funded by the increasingly fewer people who workk hard and pay their taxes guarentees a permanent Democrat majority in power and a permanent impoverished class of citizens.

Anonymous said...

"All I know is I got about $1500 more back this year than I did last year. 5:01 PM"

Do you know how much you paid in taxes last year? I doubt it.
If you ask a majority of the people how much they paid in taxes this will be their response. "Oh I didn't pay anything, I got a refund." This is why the government gives refunds. To make it seem like you your making out on the deal.

I do not mind paying taxes for for services I benefit from such as Transportation, Schools, Military. But when I have to pay taxes to bail out failing company's REGULATED BY THE GOVERNMENT like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, etc.. it makes me mad.

The people who don't support the tea party are probably the 40% of Americans who don't pay taxes but receive a refund.

8:13 You guessed 90% but Obama said he would give 95% of working families a tax cut. This would also include tens of millions of tax filers who do not pay taxes already. Isn't this like welfare? Socialism? Who do you think is going to pay for these bailouts and the stimulus? If you really think taxes aren't going to be raised then you have another thing coming.

chuck said...

Look at all these comments! And STILL no one has commented on the fact that Sentz has provided you with 20 links showing major right-wing lobbyist involvement in this "movement". Not one comment refuting or debunking that evidence. I've seen people say that the Salisbury Tea Party has been completely grass roots. Of course it hasn't. The organizers saw it being covered on the news, and the Internet (through the PR campaign, of course) and decided to get involved.

But, still, it's pretty telling that no one has even attempted to refute the evidence showing that this was a carefully orchestrated partisan astro-turf campaign.

Anonymous said...

The fact that it lowers taxes for some doesn't make it OK to raise them for others. Don't you all see that this is a mechanism of diving and conquering? One of the reasons we are where we are is that we spend so much time wondering what the government is going to do for ME, ME, ME! The whole time we as a nation are being sold down the river. It is NEVER ok for someone to benefit at the expense of another at the hands of the government. If you think the cost of gasoline is too high - DON'T BUY IT! If you think the cost of a new car is too high - DON'T BUY IT! If you think taxes are too high - TOUGH SH** - Right? With taxes you don't have an option. See ya at the Tea Baggin'.

Anonymous said...

NO GROUP helped organize the Salisbury Tea Party. I do not cate what two centz says or posts links to. I know how this began, who was involved and what the message is. For those who do not know, or do not care to find out the truth, do not worry about trying to save America for our children. Continue to sit on your butts and complain about things you know nothing of!!!

Anonymous said...


Are the organizers of the Salisbury Tea Party recruited and paid by these corporate interest right wing groups? Similar to ACORN? Curious

Anonymous said...


Good Point....I'll respond...just should be in the garage right now...

The ORIGINATOR of the MODERN Tea Party was Ron Paul. Look it up. MSNBC, your only news source I'll wager, did a stroy on it the other night, trying to draw the link away from Paul and towards the neo-cons. The Paul-bots, of which I am one are a huge "in the background" force of the tea party movement. I am in contact with many of them. There IS a bit of consternation that the globalist neocons have glommed onto this event in many ways. Many of US have tried to keep them at arms length while "using" their "prostitutional" marketing ability to get the word out, in the hopes of getting people like you more informed about constitutional governance. I urge you to come on out and help us read the constitution today. Our message is one of peace and inclusion.

As far as the two cents post. I do not refute any of what he says, his post like many here are colored to show a particular viewpoint.

I further urge you to explore the fallacy of the left vs. right argument. The founding documents PROTECT us from neoliberals AND neocons.

Please wake up.

joealbero said...

anonymous 9:50, Stop being so stupid.

Two Sentz said...

A couple things:

1. First of all I do not have cable tv so I dont watch MSNBC, CNN, or FOX News. I read the paper.

2. Like I said at the top of the post, I think it is great that everyone one is able to organize like this. And no one on the liberal side is arguing for higher taxes (I don think).

3. Some problems: We are in a seriously bad recession (if not depression) and Obama is (rightly or wrongly) tasked with getting us out of it. Not just getting democrats out but gettig us all out. He has put in place policies that he and his team feel can acheive that. Now, I don't know where all you arm chair quaterbacks got you MBA's and financial degrees, but Obama deserves a chance to do what he said he will do before he is drawn a quatered. Bush had his fair chance with Iraq and even our economy, it is unfair to half of the country not to allow Obama his fair chance. The recession started in Dec 07, 14 months before Bush left office. I didnt see him trying to do anything about it until T.A.R.P. And he basically gave up after November. 3 months into Obama's term we are starting to see small signs things are on the up swing.

So the main problem I think anyone who opposes these protests of Obama has, is that it really seems you are trying to derail him and thereby derail recovery which hurts everyone including you.

Do you all honestly believe we would be better off not to do anything and hope things fix themselves? I don't.

As far as the recovery bill being "loaded with pork", first lets seperate actual recovery projects from pet projects. While there are pet projects in the bills, they are less than 2% of the total so that argument doesn't fly anymore. Do we like it? No, but your rage is misplaced on that one. It's a stale arguement.

Finally, I think most of the commenters here probably are actually "grassroots" people and honestly beleive in the simple stated basis for the rally. And personally I agree with all that. I just want to caution everyone about the larger interests involved here. The ones that, if and when they get their way, will turn their back on you since they will have acheived their aim while the people remain basically voiceless.

Anonymous said...

You just love the term astro-turf. Could you please come up with a term of your own. I think the first place I heard that term was on MSNBC. I guess you leftist just like to use your talking point terms that you get from the so called mainstream media

Anonymous said...


Good Point....I'll respond...just should be in the garage right now...

The ORIGINATOR of the MODERN Tea Party was Ron Paul. Look it up. MSNBC, your only news source I'll wager, did a stroy on it the other night, trying to draw the link away from Paul and towards the neo-cons. The Paul-bots, of which I am one are a huge "in the background" force of the tea party movement. I am in contact with many of them. There IS a bit of consternation that the globalist neocons have glommed onto this event in many ways. Many of US have tried to keep them at arms length while "using" their "prostitutional" marketing ability to get the word out, in the hopes of getting people like you more informed about constitutional governance. I urge you to come on out and help us read the constitution today. Our message is one of peace and inclusion.

As far as the two cents post. I do not refute any of what he says, his post like many here are colored to show a particular viewpoint.

I further urge you to explore the fallacy of the left vs. right argument. The founding documents PROTECT us from neoliberals AND neocons.

Please wake up.

Anonymous said...

953...Good points all around

but please examine history. The O admin is trying to recreate history not learn from it. We are in depression II. Omama-losi-reid is trying to do the same thing that FDR did during depression I. Historians and economists argue about this one but MOST think it made things worse.

Dude, let's get a brew sometime and talk about it. I HAVE to GO right now......

chuck said...


I'm fully awake. Now, here's the question you need to answer, which no one has answered yet:

Why weren't you tea bagging 8 years ago? Here's the annual build of of federal debt during George W. Bush's Presidency:

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86

He DOUBLED Federal debt. Yet, no tea bagging until Obama is President? Why?

Also, I know my Constitution very well, thank you. Were you out reading it in the streets when Bush was authorizing torture, illegal wiretapping, and suspending habeas corpus? Why not?

Excuse me for being a little suspicious of the timing of all of this, especially considering the EGREGIOUS offenses to our Constitution that Bush committed... and NO ONE (save Ron Paul) on the right ever complained about it. I find that level of hypocrisy extremely transparent.

chuck said...


I know all you want to talk about is the "Liberal" media. You can't challenge the fundamentals of the argument, so you attack the source, using the old right wing stand by of "the Liberal media".

The term "astro-turf" in politics has been around for a long time. You may have heard that term on MSNBC when they correctly described what it was, but it was coined by Lloyd Bentzen back in the 1980's.

And the fact that you didn't know about it until now is pretty telling of your knowledge of political tactics that are employed all the time. I've been watching the right wing use astro turf campaigns for a while now... do the Swift Boat Veteran For Truth ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

The answer to our problems is simple! it is not more government, it is not more taxes, nor is it more class warfare. The answer to our problems lies inside each and every individual. the answer to our problems is our own liberty and freddoms. The answer is the CONSTITUTION.

Anonymous said...

I love it! So people acknowledge that Obama is giving a TAX CUT and yet they are going to go out and protest taxes anyway.

Go out and protest corporate welfare, the biggest tax scheme of the Republican Party. It gives tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, sports teams, and corporate farms. But they deserve it, right? Not like the guy working for $6 an hour to make your Whopper, he doesn't deserve a break! You all want to talk about family values? How about making it so we still have a middle class? Under Republican leadership, the rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and the middle class is paying the price. Again, that is just a fact that you can look up. Obama's plan is a combination of Ronald Reagan's spending out of a recession (that's what he did, whether you want to acknowledge it or not) and Clinton's effort to build up a middle class. No sign of Trotsky in there.

Anonymous said...

There is no tax cut, welfare is not a tax cut. Businesses are paying more this year, not less. You cannot have the bottom 50% paying no income taxes and still cut taxes. the stupidity of so many is unbelievable!

Anonymous said...


Please tell us how business are paying more this year.

Anonymous said...

We are just emmulating the great example set forth by the multitude of leftist media and propaganda sites and movement, who are nothing but fronts and financed by your Very Very Very Rich leftist looneys, hollywood, george soros, etc..., and peddled under the guise of grass roots, environmental, community organizers, union whatever, anti military, blah blah blah blah....

If you can't stand it when the rest of us stand up to voice our disgust, mistrust and disaproval of how your champion politicians are ruinning the country, too damned bad. Get used to it. We've learned from the real pros how to play the game.

Anonymous said...

As a business owner, I made less than last year, yet paid more in taxes, both federal and state. but then, you would have to understand small business and the s-corp and the fact almost all small business recored their GROSS profits on their personal income taxes.

Anonymous said...

10:41, that's the dumbest and most contradictory thing I have read here today. It's not "the rest of us" its the Soroses and very rich of the right so how is it any different or better?

Anonymous said...

The dems have more rich donars than the right. Look up the stats.


we are tired, fed up and will not take the lies of the left anymore. The people who make this country great, will once again rise and do so. Those people, are not YOU.....

Anonymous said... cuts? are you that stupid? They give you $14. extra return this year and slap on over $30,000. a year from here out...on children....and your grandchildren...via NEW TAXES!

How the heck do you think they will pay for the new multi-trillion debt?

Anonymous said...

I thought you crybabies were upset that the richest 5% of taxpayers were going to have to pay more under Obama? Well, isn't that the "rich, left wing" snobs you all are talking about? You have all been duped by the Republican Party. Working class and middle class Americans benefit far more from Democratic politics than Republican, yet you continue to vote for these guys. How's that "trickle down" theory working for you now? I hate to break it to you, but you will not EVER become part of the top 5% of earners in this country--it simply will not happen. Face the reality and then vote with your brains. Obama's tax policy will benefit you, your family, and your children, big time. Rush Limbaugh will have to pay more. But then maybe he would lay off the Cheetos and Vicodin and lose a few pounds, so everyone wins!

Anonymous said...

11:10 appart form your expected insult, check your facts and try to educate yourself as to who SOROS is and how many millions he has dumped in front so called, leftist "grass roots" organizations, mainly webbased to sway elections.

Anonymous said...

11:02, I own an LLC and paid no more taxes this year than last. No change in the tax code has been passed by Congress, anyway. If you made less and paid more taxes, maybe you need to get a new accountant. It's not the government's fault.

Anonymous said...


You are either lying, or you cheated on your taxes. You must look at your overall taxes, not just one part. I pray for LLC if you are that stupid. I have both an s-corp and an LLC. But then again, if you lost oney, of course your taxes would not change........if that is the case...

You Are Welcome.......

Anonymous said...

10:41 Nice try.

For true grass roots in the US, look at the Ron Paul campaign and also to the way Obama got elected. Lots and lots of small donors.

The right just doesn't do grass roots very well. It's always fake... like astro-turf. A herd of cattle doesn't have leaders in its ranks.

Anonymous said...


It may have take Bush 8 yrs to double the budget, but Obama has managed to ecxceed the total federal budget for the entire history of the U.S. in 90 days.

As to Bush alleged offenses illegal wiretapping. Not a single person ever came forward with any proof of being wiretapped.

Torture; give me a break what torture ,waterboarding, our military does that to our own intelligence agents. The terrorists at Gitmo were treated a heck of a lot better that our people were that were captured by the terrorist.

Suspending habeas corpus; what war was prisoners of war ever granted access to our courts.

The left is trying to destroy our country.

Anonymous said...

Washington Post headline

"Protesters' Plan to Dump Tea Is Prohibited"

"Protesters, using a rented truck to haul the million tea bags, began unloading their cargo at the park this morning but were told by officials that they didn't have proper permits and must move the tea. They complied with the order but are still considering what to do with the load."

Stay tuned for a ridiculous result. I wonder if the original Boston tea party folks had proper permits?

Anonymous said...

The left is like the BORG. It's the collective, not the individual that has any value.

Anonymous said...

I am attending the "Tea Party" for two reasons:

!. The extreme government spending at all levels of government. The spending by Pres. Bush and now expanded exponentially
by the current Pres. Obama Administration should alarm every citizen.

2. The Home Land Security Report dated April 7, 2009 contains language on pages 5, 6, and 7 that put citizens like me, a retired U. S. Marine and member of the NRA in a dangerous rightwing extremist category. This is very scary. Threfore, I will be attending with a placard identiying me as such.

Anonymous said...

So it IS about partisanship 11:21?

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your tea bagging, right wingers! Go out and protest your tax cuts (apparently you are against tax cuts for the middle class), pay homage to idiots like Rush Limbaugh (who is laughing all the way to the bank at you guys), rant against taxes while using gov't services more than liberals (look it up), and feed your delusions of a grand conspiracy. Tomorrow, you will forget what you did today because you will be focused on yelling about another "threat," gay people.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who goes to one of these will be watched by the FBI for their "anti-American" activities.

It would have happened under Bush too.

Anonymous said...

Could there be anything more American or Patriotic than a Tea Party? Perhaps celebrating the 4th of July?

Shame on you 1:03pm, for trying to put fear in folks, no one has done anything wrong, nor broken any laws.

Shame on the rest of you who try and make this about political parties, while our country, constitution are destroyed and its people further enslaved to taxation.

Shame on any law enforcement that turns its back on the citizens they swore to protect against even congressional crooks and its political terrorist. Bow your heads in shame as you worship your government paycheck and blaspheme the millions that gave their lives fighting for our liberties and freedoms our country was founded on.

joealbero said...

I know of several Police officers who will be trying to attend fot the RIGHT reasons. They will NOT be there in Uniform and they will NOT be there to spy on people. They will be there because they believe in this event. So to all of those people claiming they'll have their pictures taken and be on a government list, YOU'RE WRONG! Get over it, this is our right to free speech.

Anonymous said...

Listen up morons!!!

As I stated in Annon 7:37 this is how the Tea Party idea started.

Anonymous said...

God bless the police officers, EMS, firefighters, and military folks. ALL PAID FOR WITH TAX MONEY!!!!!

In all seriousness, I fully support your right to protest even though I completely disagree with you. I am one of those people who thinks it is patriotic to pay my taxes. Don't get me wrong, I would like my taxes spent wisely, but that is what elections are for. Just remember all of this the next time you look at a bunch of people assembling to protest something you don't agree with, and maybe you will gain a new appreciation for what they are trying to accomplish.