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Saturday, April 04, 2009

Bill To Outlaw Organic Farming Next Week

Subject: Monsanto: A bill to outlaw organic farming next week?

US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875). There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening.

Main backer and lobbyist is (guess who) Monsanto (aspartame maker) - chemical and genetic engineering giant corporation. This bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply". This will include backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales.

If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.

There is a video on the subject.
And another one:
The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (bill HR 875).
THIS IS REAL, FOLKS! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL CONCERNED ON YOUR MAILING LISTS & CALL YOUR SENATE REPRESENTETIVES TODAY! Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatened with loss of their position.... They only fear your voice and your vote.

The best thing to do is go to < all you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your congressperson and how to get in touch with them. When you call their office someone will answer the phone, just tell them (politely) that you are calling to express your views on HR 875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and pass your comments along to the congressperson. The following linkhttp://< > is a list of the U.S. senators and their contact info.


Anonymous said...

Even MORE troubling, the "Cybersecurity Act of 2009 S.773 being introduced by Nelson, Snowe and Rockefeller that will give the president the authority to shut down or limit the internet by declaring a cybersecurity emergency--our Constitution is being gutted on a daily basis by the Obama Adminisration .

Anonymous said...

I emailed Kratovil about this about 2 weeks ago. Asking for more clearity about it. I still haven't seen a response. After you fill out the form at the bottom is says

"Regrettably, I am unable to reply to any email from constituents outside of the district."

HELLO I AM in your district and you didn't reply to mine either.

Bryan Fykes said...

Why is it mentioned that Monsanto is the Maker of aspartame? That product has NEVER been shown in SCIENTIFIC studies to be harmful in any way. It does cut calories, which can cut down on weight and reduces heart disease...

Why does everyone assume that Modern farming is bad and Organic is good, anyway? they both have pros and cons. Organic wastes MUCH more energy and water per acre and requires much more land to produce the same amount of food stuffs as modern farming techniques. Additionally, Organic horticulture relies heavily on Manure for fertilizer. Manure contains very dangerous bacteria, mostly E Coli. It is speculated that E. Coli in the human food supply network that we have heard about recently comes from using animal manure as fertilizer. think about it folks, Organic means poop on your food. Modern Farming relies too heavily on untested genetically and chemically engineered products, IMHO.

Whats the solution? I don't know, but condemning one system as bad and touting another system that is equally flawed in another, different way, isn't the whole answer. We should adapt techniques from both and add the good together, while canceling out the bad. perhaps natural pesticides with manmade fertizer and cut back on growth hormones and steroids?

Anonymous said...

You obviously arent aware of the genetic modificatin of seeds by Monsanto. When the US took over Iraq, one of the first things done, was to confiscate the seed banks. They have patented life. Their seeds are designed to corrupt all seeds, so that in a few short years Monsanto will be able to prove with a microscope they OWN ALL FOOD. This is an example of a Global Corporation controlling our government in order to control us.