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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mayor Barrie Tilghman Is One Scary Individual

"Tilghman said she does not anticipate any disciplinary action for the council members."

In today's Daily Times article the Mayor was quoted as making the above statement, surely in an attempt to make the Council Members look as if she was doing them a favor. The fact of the matter is, there's no documentation anywhere stating anything was confidential. More importantly, if there's litigation, there's litigation, period! When she stated it was then a verbal thing by Wilber, he refused to concur with the Mayor.

Why would the Mayor want to hold this information back from the public? The answer is pretty clear, she wanted to keep it from the VOTERS in the upcoming Mayoral Election. The Tilghman Administration is well recognized for pulling all sorts of tricks like this in the past. The Council Members work for the Taxpayers, not the Mayor. If Council Members feel this kind of information is important to the public, I feel it is their duty to bring it to light. I guess the timing wasn't very good for Mr. I'm Instrumental In The WWTP Comegys.

Mayor Barrie Tilghman's reputation, (worth $9,999.00) was severely damaged yesterday by only ONE Blogger, NOT "several" and that Blogger was admittedly, ME! What GA Harrison didn't say in his earlier Post was how Barrie Tilghman actually thought she had one up on the Press yesterday, looked right at GA and then stuck out her tongue out at him. My Grandson was explaining to his Grandmother when we got home how the Mayor was sticking out her tongue and that's not nice.

That didn't bother GA one bit as he immediately started telling the Mayor how it was on another website before I produced the information as well as it being exposed on the Bill Reddish Show almost 2 hours earlier. Mayor Tilghman's face got as red as a fire truck and she shut her mouth fast! She then headed for the door with Wilber running a close second.

Let me give you an example of how a business owner would look at this. OK, here we have thousands of stock holders, (you the taxpayers) who hold ALL the value of the company. You HIRE or VOTE in 5 Officers who are supposed to be the best qualified people you can find to run the day to day business of YOUR City/Business. Now, a VERY serious situation, $84,000,000.00 worth of YOUR investment goes bad, what do YOU expect to happen?

Do you expect the 5 Board Members to HIDE it from YOU? I mean, after all, YOU'RE the ones who could possibly be getting sued! Let's say these Board Members were just days away from an election and ONE of your Board Members will be running for the CEO/President/Mayor position to lead these 5 Board Members, saying he's more qualified than ANY of those 5 Board Members. He has the inside scoop on something gone very bad and rather than HIM going to the shareholders of the company, (YOU) he agrees to keep it quiet with the others because he desperately and they desperately want to get hired in as the new CEO/President.

Gary Comegys could have been the one to come forward with this information and proved to ALL OF YOU that there's going to be a whole new kind of leadership in the City of Salisbury and he's NOT going to put up with this crap any more. But that didn't happen, did it. Instead, because someone leaked this information, the current Mayor/CEO/President of the company isn't going to take any disciplinary action against them. They did nothing wrong. They informed all of the share holders there was something very wrong with their company and because the Mayor, Comegys, Smith & Shields desperately wanted to keep this information from you, YOU should FIRE THEM IMMEDIATELY!

The disciplinary action should be YOU taking these people down by NOT voting for them. Imagine just how many other things that have happened you and I weren't aware of. Look back at the Consultants letter again where he clearly states they have been plagued with problems since the very beginning of the project. IS THAT SO! What were those problems? Did any of YOU stock holders know about all of these other problems?

This is your City. Every time you pay a tax bill, YOU are reinvesting back into that company. How's it working for you Folks? It's time you get a new Board of Directors and keep the one that has been honest all along. You want those members that would be willing to take risks to let YOU know what's going on in YOUR company. Each and every City of Salisbury Taxpayer/Voter needs to get out to the polls on the 7th and vote for Jim Ireton, Debbie Campbell and Cynthia Polk.

I personally think this is the very end of Gary Comegys for Mayor. For once YOU have total control. Use your power through your votes and make the right decision. Get Jim, Debbie & Cynthia in to replace the people that were trying to HIDE vital information from you. Lord knows what these people are going to have to face once there's a leadership change but better now than later, that's for sure.


Anonymous said...

The only litigation I can foresee would be against the City/mayor, no one else.

Anonymous said...

14 days and subtracting by the minute. Tell her lame duck butt she needs to go have a Coke and a smile and shut the f up.

Anonymous said...

Comegys coming forward and relate everything to the public.I bet Shannie could lose a lotta weight before that would happen.

Anonymous said...

At Chef Freds Gary was talking proudly about his support of the wwtp. He knew there was a problem but he was so confident nothing would get out to the public. Any guy that would do something like that is a bum. He thinks of himself only and I won't vote for him. Thanks for exposing this Joe.

Anonymous said...

Disciplinary action? Is this woman nucking futs or what? We the people should take disciplinary action against her and file complaints with the ethics committee. The only problem with that is they are all Barrie Tilghman appointees, not likely to do any of us any good.

Anonymous said...

"Nucking Futs"...I can't be sure, but I think I got schooled in a darts cricket match at that pub in Ireland...Ah, the fish n chips and pints were flowing {until that Loch Ness Monster showed up!!}.

Anonymous said...

The problem I see is that we on the blogs know what's going on but the general public doesn't...they see what's on the news and it honestly doesn't look that bad from that view point as Bubba's name isn't being brought up. These shenanigans need to be exposed to the public like in a billboard or something on Rt. 13 right in the middle of town!

This would GUARANTEE Jim Ireton's election as many that wouldn't have voted then would.

Keep in mind the opposition here may be scum but they are very powerful and will stop at NOTHING to win this election!

"Anonymous for only a couple more weeks!"

Anonymous said...

3:11. You've hit the nail right squarely on the head. Too many people don't read the blogs and therefore only know what they're being spoon fed by the powers that be - including the administration controlled press. Maybe a special site about the scandal should be set up at least thru election day, and then publicize the site address all over town as much as possible??

joealbero said...

You guys are nuts. More people read this Blog than the Daily Times. Don't you worry, everyone knows about Salisbury News. Look at what happened yesterday alone. Salisbury News was the ONLY source that put out thye news about the WWTP and everyone in town knew about it. It was the talk of the town, just ask around, you'll see.

Anonymous said...

Joe -

You do have a strong following, but I can tell you that many of my friends and neighbors (city voters) are unaware. A billboard is a great idea. You probably already have one planned and it's a surprise.

Anonymous said...

It is true that the blogs get a lot of attention and readership, but there is a significant part of the electorate that does not read the blogs (especially senior citizens, who vote). You all can help by writing letters to the editor at the Daily Times. You don't have to attack anyone, just explain why you support Jim Ireton (if that is the case), or why you are disappointed with the current state of things. It is easy to do (go to their website and fine the "contact us" link on the very bottom) and it is a great way to reach folks. You also can volunteer, or join Jim's Facebook page.

Daddio said...

The Daily SLimes won't publish much that is favorable to anyone other than their pet candidates.

They even pulled one letter that was placed online, and it never made it to their printed edition.

cgilbert said...

I wonder how many times the Mayor & council vp have praised the WWTP and publicly made statements about how well the work was going and how well it was working. How are those comments going to help any litigation if the city now wants to claim that the plant is not properly operating and wants the engineering company to pay damages? You can't have it both ways, lying to the public and then changing what you say if yu are called to testify at a trial.