For what it's worth, I have a friend who has a contact within the FBI and they have been informed that the FBI is allegedly investigating and planting personnel at each and every Tea Party across the Nation and are allegedly investigating and arresting individuals with large quantities of ammunition.
Now look, this could simply be a ploy to distract many from attending these Tea Parties, I don't know. What I do know is that IF this is true and we start reading more about our governments involvement to disarm citizens, well, we've got a serious problem on our hands.
Nevertheless, wouldn't this be an Unspoken Martial Law? If so, shouldn't they announce they have enacted Martial Law Nation Wide and will be investigating anyone with large amounts of ammunition and weapons? Will those people attending Tea Parties be considered domestic terrorists?
I had heard some time ago, (within the past 2 years) that the National Guard was allegedly preparing for some kind of revolution and along comes all these Tea Parties. I have been to one of the Salisbury Tea Party meetings and no one ever came off as any kind of radical. It was simply a group of people wanting to talk about their freedoms. Taking away their rights to gather and discuss such issues is not where I believe this Country wants to head.
Nevertheless, it is what it is, as many of us say. I'd like to know how all of you feel about this matter. Since Blogs have popped up, YOU are becoming more informed about what's going on around America without the typical control of the MSM and what they're willing to share. I have no interest in rocking the boat here. I'm more interested in your thoughts about SHOULD this become the case and my information actually be accurate.
I was going to hold this story off until tomorrow but I didn't want people thinking this was being done on April Fools Day.
You're kidding right? What a waste if they are actually doing that. Are you sure they aren't April fooling you? Sounds kind of bogus to me.
Wymzie tryed to tell us.
No one is April Fooling anyone.
this is not martial law.martial law is employing the military to carry out security and law enforcement the fbi and any other federal agency can enforce the law and any orders passed down by the feds. they cannot disarm you.youre granted that right by the constitution.however if youre stockpiling large quantities of ammunition and weapons or organizing in a group the government may have reason to believe youre plotting a violent act and can confiscate your ammunition and weapons but only with probable cause and im sure youd have to be charged with a crime.
First Amendment and property rights can be likened to a "bundle of sticks." Some sticks in the bundle push up for you and can provide benefit: allowing critical speech and a chance for your property value to increase. The downside is the evil-twin to the "benefit of the bargain." Some of the sticks in the bundle require you to exercise personal, fiscal responsibility/liabilty to be a party in "the game." One can neither shout "Gigli" in a crowded fire house, or fail to pay their property taxes for multiple years that enable them to participate in the "benefit/risk of the bargain." Someone wake up Clarence!!
I am not a radical by any means. I do however, feel a tide of erosion of rights that may make us decide weather to act against the government with a second revolution.
I am prepared,as many forefathers were, to lay down my life for the protection of my freedom. I will not live in a closed society. We need to wake up and realize that we are powerless without drastic actions.I fear these Tea Parties are not going to get anyone's attention in the government. I pray I am wrong. To repeat, I am a peaceful person who is getting frustrated with the present situation.
3:56 save the drama for your mama.
More fear mongering, nothing more nothing less.
Do you mean UNDECLARED martial law??
To 3:17
You are living in a fantasy land if you belive that our gov't can't/won't have the Supreme Court decide that the constitution is a 'living document', and decide the right to bear arms is restricted to 'state or local malicias' and remove it as an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.
We know that Ginsburg is on her way to retirement very soon and there are at least 1 or 2 others who may follow. Once President Obama has a chance to nominate a few new judges, watch out. You mark my words. They will take away guns and ammo. There may even be a few more 'rights' that you think you have now, but you won't soon. Time will tell.
Call me paranoid, but because Joe's blog is growing so fast in both numbers and name, I will choose to stay anonymous.
The only rebellious thing happening here is to wake people up and make them aware that they must play a more active role in the Congress and Senate by writing, writing, and writing! Everyone knows the pen is mightier than the sword, but neither is effective if laid down. If the FBI wants to study this in action, I invite them to come to the Tea Party and see how many agree with this idea. After all, the FBI works for us taxpayers, too.They are welcome folk, in my book. but, "Don't Tread On Me".
Domestic Terrorist: any person who endangers a human life while at the same time, violating any State or Federal law.
Once you are identified as a terrorist, you are no longer entitled to citizen rights. The larger society is now in danger, and so you will be wisked away and held without right to an attorney, charges, or even the right to be left alone. That's right, our government has become convinced that at times, it is totally beneficial to the society at large to torture some terrorist suspects. The benefits of torture outweigh the legal problems once held in high regard "prior to 911".
Gotta love those Federal Agents!
The constitution is now not worth the paper it's written on and I'll tell you why. On just about any issue that you can think of 9 liberal justices would interpret it one way and 9 conservative justices would interpret it the opposite. So what does this mean? It's all politics. Obviously the constitution only means what the supreme court says it means therefore the constitution is just about worthless because it's all weather you are democrate or republican=Politics! Losers! Corrupt system!
Ok, Let me say it again on this blog...
The folks in the FBI and other Federal Law Enforcment Officers have ALL taken an oath to defend and uphold the consitution.
No ONE in the tea party that I know of is thinking of going McVeigh any time soon.
If they are WE will lock 'em up ourselves.
I am going to need bait soon...
Wait I found it, yeah this is it!
Hear these words
I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
office on which I am about to enter. So help me God
Do you think men of principle say these things like they are nothing?
Of course not.
What this sounds like to me is some Obamabots trying to scare the normally sleeping masses (like me) into not coming because they might be put on a watch list. Come ON people, do you think the men that took that oath think that the constitution is just a piece of PAPER?
IT IS NOT, and they do not.
Don't let the Obamabots scare you into not showing. If there is anyone who is not happy with the direction of this administration, then we let people know at least three ways.
We commuicate our dissatisfaction with our electurd reps, we share our ideas and ideals in peacful assembly, and most importantly we VOTE accordingly.
Was that a fruedian slip? I'll just leave the sp error....
Why are you surprised by any of this? During the 70's the feds infiltrated AIM and the Black Panthers with their COINTEL project. They played both sides of the fence very well. Right down to starting the shootout at Wounded Knee to cutting off the hands of Annie Mae, so she couldn't be identified, after they killed her.
Do you really think the government works for you?
They had plants at every anti vietnam protest held across the nation.
8:11, I couldn't have said it better myself. I guess that's why I didn't! Fear mongering and the "stay low" advice is just what supporters of a Kool Aid society want to promote. Those who want the welfare check are sure that our cause can interrupt their "means without work effort".
I do not work in order to support the government so it can support me; rather I work in order to support myself in order that I can support my government.
Anon 8:11 tell that to Leonard Peltier. He has been in prison for over 30 years that the FBI can not prove he killed their agents Coler and Williams. In court the FBI said they were not sure who fired the fatal shots but someone has to pay. This is how the FBI works.
3:56 "I am prepared,as many forefathers were, to lay down my life for the protection of my freedom. I will not live in a closed society."
How about in a FEMA camp??
"I fear these Tea Parties are not going to get anyone's attention in the government."
Sure they're getting lots of attention. Why do you think that FEMA is spending so much to get their camps ready?
How many tea party organizers will they need to lock up before the rest of us decide it's just not worth it?
hey joe my wife just got a pink 22 rifle and 2500 rounds . can i hide the bullets there .
FEMA Camps? Get a life. Tea Parties? Waste of time. Why don't you just build a bunker in your back yard and declare yourself a sovereign nation? What a load of crap. Back to work.
This is absolutely the case folks...Have you watched the NEWS today? They are calling the demonstrators at the G20 Anarchists and Terrorists because they have their faces covered.
Do you know why their faces are covered the over 3000 cameras around London that are equipped with Bio-metric technology. Look it up!
The ACLU just won a case here in Maryland because State police had infiltrated a peaceful anti-war group. Look it up!
This and much much worse is fact not fiction, and if you don't think there are going to be fed's in the crowd then you are just plain stupid.
But, I'm too radical, and you guys think I'm a whack job, but when you see the outspoken citizens disappearing, or being arrested. Please remember these conversations!
The funny thing is,you can accuse people of being paranoid and "clinging to their guns" all you want but when the sh*t hits the fan in this country you are going to go to these same armed citizens for assistance.
Wymzie-off topic but you go girl!I was visiting P-City yesterday and I saw your signs everywhere!
Some quotes by one of our founding fathers the former President Thomas Jefferson.
"When the people fear the government,there is tyranny,when the government fears the people,there is liberty."
"No free man shall ever be disbarred the use of arms" (weapons)
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort,to protect themselves against tyranny".
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