By now you have probably heard about Newt Gingrich standing up to Rush Limbaugh and calling his wishing of failure upon Obama "irrational." If not, here's a link.
So Rush has fired back at Newt, of course. Here is what he said:
"I'm frankly getting tired of talking about Newt. I mean, it's a pointless exercise," Limbaugh said of Gingrich's dismissal of him on "Meet the Press." "I'm surprised by nothing when I'm dealing with people in the media who think they're in politics."
Whoooaaa Nellie!!!! Did I read that right? "I'm surprised by nothing when I'm dealing with people in the media who think they're in politics."
Riddle me this O'Rushy, are YOU in the media or are you in politics? Should be an easy one. I'd have to say MEDIA. Newt was a U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the House soooo...I'm gonna have to say "Yes, he IS in politics."
Rush goes on to say :
They are fly-by-night operators, and most of them stand for nothing until they see a poll about what the American people want, and then they go out and try to say one way or another what the American people want while trying to falsely hold onto an ideology at the same time — and you can't count on them.
OK, Newt Gingrich is a fly-by-night operator whom you can't count on. Suuure.
Here is how big Rush's head is:
“I know that Newt would give his whatever to have what I’ve got,” he said. “So would any of these other critics of mine."
Does this fat windbag even listen to the drivel that is coming out of his mouth? He obviously doesn't think before he speaks.
Rush, you are the best friend a Democrat could have right now. You will single-handedly alienate everyone in your party and we thank you for that. Please continue your obstructionist agenda as we are not falling for it, and it only serves to further expose the joke of an entertainer that you really are.
Rush is a postive voice for many conservatives. he is much more postive than the negativity that comes from air america. This almost seems like it is the early 90's again when the dems tried to over-reach and the republicans swept in. It is going to be even more dramatic this time. many of us intelligent conservatives always knew what Obama was and is and we are not surprised by his socialistic agenda.
That's about what your post is worth...2cents. You took both of those quotes out of context. That's what happens when you transferred it from someone else's article instead of getting it from the horses mouth.
Please place it in context for us then 1:56.
Wow, please change your name to what it's worth and that's Non-Sentz.
You have got to be the most stupid "contributor" I've ever read on a blog.
BTW 1:51, weak attempt at defending you position and simply trying to shift focus to Obama, who had absolutely nothing to do with this post.
But is not the Obama administration trying to get people's mind off of the economy and world affairs by attacking Rush??
I like both men Rush and Newt, one is a conservative and the other is a politician. The GOP has lost its way with us conservatives, they spent too much and catered to the middle of the road and look what we got ! Stand for something or you will fall for anything! I would rather fail at something worth something than succeed at something that ain't worth nothing ! Go Rush! Tell them the truth it hurts!
As a conservative, Rush doesn't speak for us all and contrary to what gets posted often by liberals, we don't take marching orders from him and do as we're told like good little soldiers anymore than liberals do from Hillary or Pelosi. Rush is a very outspoken voice and says things at times just to get exactly what he's doing now, a response.He openly admits he says things to make people talk AND he got you talking now didnt he? He does make alot of good points and usually cuts directly to the bone. He as well as several of us conservatives are quite tired of the politicians that give lip service just to get what they want. On both sides. Say what you mean and mean what you say!!
Let's look at the 'positive' voice for a second:
“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”
“The NAACP should have riot rehearsals”
“When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation”
“If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people - I'm serious, let the unskilled jobs, let the kinds of jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do - let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work”
Those are just a few of the 'positive' things that Rush has said.
But, by all means, he's the head of your party, so make sure you don't disagree with him.
2:08, Rush attacked Obama. Don't try to spin this. "I hope Obama fails" started everything, and now Republicans have to go on his show and kiss the ring whenever they disagree with him. Rush Limbaugh is the head of the Republican Party, and it's because of Republicans that it is so.
2:13, You may not take marching orders from Rush, but Michael Steele does, as does Eric Cantor, and other Republican law makers. He's your party's new leader.
Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat windbag. Divorced three times, drug addict representative of the "family values" party. Please.
Rush said he wanted Obama's policies to fail!! how many Conservatives do you hear wishing the President or VP to die? how many republicans kept pronouncing that we kill womena and children and are lsoing two wars. How many dems wanted Bush to fail as stated by a poll. Conservatives are not always republicans. You will never silenmce conservatives, we will not go away.bring your brown coats, we will still be here.
To Republicans:
With people like Limbaugh as the loudmouth image of the Rebublican Party--you need no enemies.
Keep up the good work.
I hate Rush because he talks as if he is the speaker of the people.
What he says is right, what I think is wrong.
I don't know how much of a "positive voice" he has when he is practically yelling to his audience, telling them what is right and wrong.
it is not like rush cheated on his taxes or ran a prostitution ring out of his apt. Who are those peopel and what party are they in???
But Libs can say anything they want and be heralded as heros for being so brave...... By the way ANONS way to hide behind the keyboard. Sign your name if you truly believe what you say. Take a stand for your beliefs. Yes Rush does have his problems thats for sure. Hey about we drag out your skeletons?? hmmm Thought so..
RUSH really said ---
watch at 5:50 on to hear what he really said. he even says how he would like Obama to succeed.
2:27, Liz Strotta said she wished someone would assassinate Obama on live television on Fox News.
reconciled, Limbaugh is free to say whatever he wants. In fact I want him to say stuff constantly. He's the best gift ever to the Democratic Party.
How about their heros? Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, now there is 3 great americans! If you let it it can make you cry !
The end of the Republican Party.
Don't look now Rush but the market is up 5%$$$$$$$$$$$$
What a lot of you "Rushniks" out there forget is that first and foremost Rush is an entertainer. I truly think that Rush only believes half of what he says, the rest is just to create buzz. He pontificates with such bravado, however, that the mindless sheep just blindly follow. All the while, he just smiles and goes to the bank.
Still waiting, 1:56.
Ecxellent quotes, 2:15 ;)
Reconciled, how can you defend tha s#$tbag and call yourself a Christian? Limbaugh is the epitome of gluttony...a deadly sin.
You're using a quote of a quote to make your point. The context is lost and we only have your word for what the original intent was. Color me unimpressed.
Did your parents name you Reconciled1? I don't think so, so get off your high horse on the anonymity.
anon 2:24; Well letd see. About being a drug addict, your boy Obama admitted to using blow (Cocaine), so does that nake him a drug addict. Rush was on pain pills.
Rush said he wanted your drug addict (Obama) policies to fail, not Obama himself, because his policies would lead us toward socialism.
here's a classy Rush quote:
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill."
"because his policies would lead us toward socialism."
that is his opinion and that is what makes he an entertainer, not to be taken seriously, unless of course you can't think for yourself and need to be told what to think.
Don't look now, burt the market has more under Obama than any other president in our history for this time period...........
Rush is a hypocrite drug addict adulterer. Awesome poster child for the GOP.
I can't believe people take pride in calling themselves "dittoheads." You should change the name to "braindeads."
If you remember a few weeks ago Time magazine or one of the weekly mags had as a cover the word socialism and implied that may be the path on which we are headed. These are the same mags that fawned over Obama during the election. If he gets his way we will have our own version of Hugo Chavez.You know the one in Venezuela that nationalized the oil co. there the same way we are doing banks here
Obama's policies are socialism.......
According to Saul Alinski, all of you Obamaterds are practicing what he preached.
Well done Comrades.
You should all be proud.
4:03 "Obama's policies are socialism......."
Well, if Bush's policies were capitalism, then Obama's "socialism" is just what we need.
As for Rush vs. Newt battle from a liberal perspective, I have mixed feelings.
Both have personal lives that are a mess, but...
Newt is smart and competent. He's one of the smartest conservatives to actually have a leadership role. He is a real threat to Obama, just as he did a number on Clinton in 1994. I have sincere respect for his intellect and abilities, but I don't often agree with his policy choices.
Rush is a bombastic entertainer. He isn't all that smart. He will never have a true leadership position. He will never win over the moderates that the GOP so badly needs back. He is an utter disaster for the Republican party. Steele knows this, but is unable to stand up to Rush.
As such, I am hoping that Rush continues to dominate the GOP. He is just what the GOP deserves!!
OTOH, if I was Rush, I'd keep a weather eye on the GOP center. I think that there's a good chance that Rush will be dead by the next presidential election.
I don't care what side of the political spectrum you are on-listening to these types of cats {or John Kerry and such} after THEY were the "Pied Pipers" of our current economic/political malaise themselves,is the audio equivalent of enduring the extended mix of "She's Having My Baby" [with bagpipe and accordian solos] while having certain forms of unsedated dental surgery. Stop the madness...watch a hockey game or start pre-planning your NCAA b-ball tournament bracket instead.
RUSH rocks! I believe that "Tom Sawyer" was the track that got most air play! I personally like the song "Something for Nothing" (B side of 2112)
fly by night!!!!
"Don't look now, burt the market has more under Obama than any other president in our history for this time period..........."
Whatever that means but I'm sure you are forgetting under whose whatch this started. Yep, Bush. It was already in freefall long before jan 21, 2009.
"All the homeless are drugged out hippies."
Well, at least I know we can't take anything you say seriously, Jack Reylan.
4:27. Getting ready to listen to a little Fleetwood Mic in concert. But I know some of my bodyguards, and groupies, that read here remember some of the good old times. If you have ever been to a RUSH show {especially a Meriweather amphitheater type venue}you will want to be there for The Trees, Subdivisions, and A Passage to Bangkok. Get close...the pyro and lasers are large!!
None of you know what Socialism is if you think Obama is a Socialist. Socialism is limited government control of private industry. Let me give you an example: In Alaska, the government takes oil revenue from the oil companies, and distributes it, equally, to all the citizens of Alaska. I wonder who the governor of Alaska is, and which party controls the State legislature there?
Let me give you a hint: her last name rhymes with FAILIN'
Well if Rush was running for president, I'd vote for him and don't bother answering, because all you liberals can kiss my you know what!
Yeah, Obama's not a socialist.
And you're much smarter than us.
And Rush is a fool.
Sarah is a commie like you.
Guess that pretty much sums it up.
Now go back to your sand box and plunge your head back where it belongs.
Everything is wonderful.
wow, I leave for a little bit and people are responding to what little I said. ANON3:19 OK I'm not defending Rush but the Bible does declare for the one with out sin cast the first stone. Rush has admitted to his" sins". Probably alot more than we have. Maybe he is as you put it a #$$bag, I don't know, but as far as I'm concerned All I can do is walk in Christ as much as I can. Do I always? no, do I fail? everyday sometimes miserably.
ANON3:31My name isn't Reconciled1 Reconciled is something that I am. but my name is on my profile. If you don't want to go there , it's Rick Prouse. Now how about yours? Not trying to be on a high horse but the obvious needed to be stated. Anyone can say what they want when they arent willing to be held accountable. If you really believe what you're saying, why aren't you willing to state who you are?
What a difference 20 years makes. Once upon a time I was a 17 1/2 hr dittohead: 15 hours of rush radio and TV show. Not any more.
Liberalism had once run amuck and Rush was welcome equal time.
His time has come and gone and I'm quite surprised at the lack of intelligent defense of him among these comments.
Among his infamous quotes you can include that uninsured Americans have access to health care: "They can go to the emergency room."
And don't forget the remarks of how ugly Chelsea Clinton when she moved into the White House and how Obama is a "Chicago thug".
Don't look for another 1994 election sweep.
I've watched my standard of living go down sharply for myself and the next generations thanks to republican policies of the past years.
Rush and his followers will be just like the liberals he lampoons : they look at the face of failure and call it success.
bob pinto
Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly are part of the same game as Maher, Olberman, and Matthews. They have the job of splitting us into 2 parts so we will continuously fight with each other. That way, we will never focus on the criminals who run our government - yes, both political parties. The Media is the Government. We have a very intense and effective propaganda machine in America. That's why we are all so stupid about the power behind the curtain.
it seems to me that twosenseless is becoming a "troll" as he has defined it to my self over at his arid desert dry crappy blog site of his own. :)
Wheres the rest of ur senseless possie ? lol
You still defend osama after he has proven his self that he is nothing but a liar. Remember ....line by line ? No pork or ear marks ? You have succeded in confirming the fool all have thought you to be.
It is better to remain silent and thought a fool ..than open your mouth and prove it.
Just promise you will leave the important decisions , such as electing a president , up to those who are not living in some stupid fantacy world. And go on your national historical "changes" in another manner than ruining America !
Two cents we are definitly from differant ends of the cosmic mixture, but I like you. Your a smart fellow, with compassion and motsy. I admire that even if my views are way different than yours. L.Caruso was right about "Honey and Vinegar", you seem to have a good grasp on that yourself. Buddy its not about republican or democrat, its about who and whats going to be left. I have a feeling when the smoke clears ole two/cents be standing there with us.
Two Sentz may be wrong, but he has every right to voice his opinion. Just as those who want the Tea Party do. Our country will lose all hope is differing opinions are shut out.......things are bad enough as is.
Finally, somebody really "gets" it. Thank you, 7:08. You nailed it.
This is nothing more then the liberal media and Obamatrons trying to shift the focus off of them.
To everyone who defended Rush, how can you reconcile this statement:
"I'm surprised by nothing when I'm dealing with people in the media who think they're in politics."
His words, not mine, which someone claimed were out of context. It's Rush a hypocrite for saying that since he is media, not politics.
Dont bother responding if you are just going to make a blanket Obama statement and try to change subjects.
For the record, I used to like Matthews way back when he first started but I have never cared for Olberman or Maher.
5:02, you didn't address the topic.
Is the policy of the Alaska government to take money from the oil companies and give it directly to the citizens Socialism or not?
I'm confused. We are mad at Bush for giving the big oil companies tax breaks, then we are mad at Palin for raising taxes on them. Heaven forbid we give that state's residents some money for their much needed natural resource. If they were drilling on the eastern shore, you wouldn't want some extra tax money back for the inconvenience?
12:13, Not the point. Right-wingers want to call Obama a "Socialist" and they don't want to admit that their VP candidate last year was the biggest Socialist in America. It's called hypocrisy.
Carville wanted Bush to fail... and he said it on 9-11-01.
"Carville wanted Bush to fail... and he said it on 9-11-01.
12:59 PM"
Well, he got his wish. I think we all see now that this is a bad thing to wish for.
12:59, from the article you posted
"Minutes later, as news of the terrorist attacks reached the hotel conference room where the Democrats were having breakfast with the reporters, Carville announced: "Disregard everything we just said! This changes everything!""
So, Carville, when faced with the crisis on 9/11, rallied behind the President. Limbaugh, knowing the crisis we face now, refuses to do so.
That says everything.
Two Sentz ---
he certainly did fail with all those terrorist attacks that we had after 9-11 on American soil.... wait a minute... there were none... the logic hurts the brain.
12:29, that is my point. Not socialism. Unions, welfare-programs used to redistribute wealth. You know how they say you get what you pay for. Well you should get what you work for.
the difference is Obama isn't doing anything to help the situation or prevent it from happening again. he is only helping his ideology and party by giving them everything they have always wanted. the stimulus package only has 20% allocated to rebuilding infrastructure, and a majority of spending goes to irreversible health care programs.
read your history; Hoover raised taxes and started worthless programs which prolonged the great depression.
Oh I'm sorry 1:31. You are right. The country IS better off than when Bush took office. He didnt lead us into an uncessary and unjust war in Iraq. He didn't take our defiect from $0 to $1 trillion. He didn't lead the country into the second great depression and cripple the economy. We should have listened to him and put all of Social Security in Wall Sreet because we'd be so much better off now. He didnt trample the Constituion and trample our freedoms.
You're right, those are sucesses. The logic hurts the brain.
Besides, HE HAD ALL THE INTEL that an attack by Bin Laden using planes was going to take place and didn't stop it. Another success?
Sorry for the off topic rant but the sarcasm of 1:31 warranted it.
Two Sentz, honestly no sarcasm intended. Please explain,"He didnt trample the Constituion and trample our freedoms." I sensed the sarcasm. Please explain.
P.S. I'm not 1:31
Where was a delclaration of war against Iraq? Warrantless wiretaps. Issuance of exec orders superceding AG and SCOTUS powers. Need I continue?
You can't just make up the rules. President doesn't equal king.
two sentz
Which president authorized the ability to offer housing to people who couldn't afford houses and at the same time gave Wall Street the ability to use those mortgages to repackage into investments?
Bill Clinton
"And contrary to the popular opinion that the framers of the Constitution intended that the President cannot engage in war without an act of Congress, in fact the framers chose the final wording with the intent of "leaving to the Executive the power to repel sudden attacks" without the explicit approval of Congress." The intel pointed towards WMD. Even though there were none, was he going to ignore the intel after he apparently, "HAD ALL THE INTEL that an attack by Bin Laden using planes was going to take place and didn't stop it. Another success?" Who is ever right?
3:05, if you are blamiing the current crisis on Clinton then you couldn't be more wrong.
See that was the point of the post. You can't believe everything Rush tells his dittohead followers.
The Bin Laden intel was true.
We may never know the real reason for the false WMD info and subsequent unjust war. That secret will probably stay with Cheney to the grave.
Bin Liden intel true and no action.
WMD intel false and action taken.
If there is a better example of failure, I'd like to see it.
Two Sentz...Hindsight is a gracious commodity. You aren't getting the point. IF he had the intel and didn't stop bin laden, then got intel about the weapons, can you blame them?
in 2001, august, james carvel said he hoped that bush fails. a poll was to bev taken, on air the next month. then we had 9/11.
the poll came back & was on air in 2006.
why is this even news? keeping attention away from the real goings on by continually harping on this non issue is showing the immaturity rampant in this administration.
99 & 44/100 % of people who "hate rush" never listen to him.
I posted this before, but you obviously didn't read it, about Carville:
"Minutes later, as news of the terrorist attacks reached the hotel conference room where the Democrats were having breakfast with the reporters, Carville announced: "Disregard everything we just said! This changes everything!""
So, Carville, when faced with the crisis on 9/11, rallied behind the President. Limbaugh, knowing the crisis we face now, refuses to do so.
That says everything.
You are absolutely right 10:29.
Great point 8:46
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