Gannett Publications opened the day BELOW $3.00 a share and has taken a dive for the worse down to $2.54 a share so far today! http://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE:GCI
Could this be the end of the Daily Times? Should they have interviewed people like Election Board Members instead of the City Attorney instead?
If Joe Carmean, Greg Bassett and the entire Staff haven't been sending out their resume to Salisbury News, shame on them! It looks like the end is very near and the Daily Times/Gannett will finally close their doors in the very near future. Oh well, what a shame, NOT!
BREAKING NEWS! They just dropped to $2.30 a share!
It's not just them either, but they DO NOT help matters with the way they report.
Now is a good time to be a blogger!
Next you'll blame the DT for the weather. Give it a rest already.
anonymous 11:20,
LOL, I guess I was wrong. You must be the ONE Employee that never sent out their resume'.
11:20 must be JT.
Is it now time to swoop in, buy the DT for pennies on the dollar, and build a REAL newspaper?
I highly doubt that the daily times interveiwing the city attourney is causing the stock price, Gannett is a multi billion dollar company that holds many papers, and could care less about the daily times, I just think that its funny how you people think that your "Doing Somthing"
anonymous 11:37,
It's the idea that they brain wash their customersinto believing what they want you to believe.
Do YOU actually think Paul Wilber is better qualified to tell the Daily Times Customer how the election turn out will be over someone from the Election Board?
Soon I will be able to choose between buying the Sunday paper or a share of the company for about the same price.
Thing is, I wouldn't give a nickel for either of them.
I've never seen a stock tumble like Gannett has.
Right out of the gate today it took a steep decline. I heard it was because S&P downgraded them to junk status also.
It went from $3/Sh almost to $2.30.
There is not much more room to the bottom for these folks.
Remember when they got Wilber to opine about whether Terry Cohen would be part of a second mall appeal while being a candidate?
That jerk Wilber said it would be "interesting" if she were to "sue" the city.
Where the hell does he get off calling what the petitioners did a lawsuit? And who cares what he thinks anyway? He had no opinion when Gary Comegys voted himself a raise in volunteer firefighter pension. And he lost the mall case.
I don't know how Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen stand it. I couldn't. The utter lack of professionalism with those other people is beyond words.
What a dipstick article.
Hellooooo, Daily Times, Mayor Barrie and her male clone Gary Comegys along with the rest of Dream Team I CHANGED the election time from November to the unpredictable spring.
Let's lament voter turnout while doing everything possible to suppress it.
I'd post this in their comment area, but no way am I gonna register for that so they can trace me and make me a target.
Closed at $2.22, DOWN 70 cents. That is almost a 24% drop of company value in ONE DAY.
Not a good outlook for them at all.
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