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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wi Middle School Teacher Struck By Car This Morning

Wi Middle School Teacher Mrs. Townsend was heading off to work this morning and attempted to get into her vehicle when a friend of a neighbor coming over to visit struck her around 7:30 AM on South Blvd.

We're not sure of her condition right now but she was coherent and bleeding from her nose. Here's the catch. They were waiting and waiting for the Ambulance to arrive and when one bystander asked if anyone had called 911 for an Ambulance Mr. Townsend stated he already called.

There was a long wait, longer than usual, (so I'm told) and they were told the Ambulance was allegedly stuck at the Bridge and couldn't get through.

Forgive me for breaking away from Mrs. Townsend as we truly hope and pray she is OK. However, Mrs. Townsend just became the first alleged victim, (that we're aware of) of the 99.5% chance the Bridge won't be up statement from Mayoral Candidate Gary Comegys, Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy.


Anonymous said...

Please don't forget Fatso Hoppes on this one. His response is "Oh Well!! It's not my emergency!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why the city needs to keep the old station on South Division Street. Keep a fire engine and and ambulance in that station to protect the citizens of this side of town.

Only a fool would give up property they already have.

Anonymous said...

actually i was driving down 50w this morning turning left onto i guess the start of camden this morning when i saw a fire truck coming from the fire station. The draw bridge was not up but the traffic is so bad there in the morning and the lights are so screwed up, there is no way the fire dept could be efficient in responding during that time of the morning. I was well down camden and turning off close to south blvd before i even caught a glimpse of the truck in my mirror.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to the original poster, I hope she is ok...don't know why the others decided to attack instead of making sure she was ok.

Anonymous said...

12:32, you are absolutely correct. With all of the discussion going on about what to do with the old firehouse, has it occurred to anyone that it should be retained as a firehouse? Those of us who live in the Camden area, especially the historic part with old homes that are most vulnerable to fire damage, now feel bereft if we have an emergency. When the S. Division St. firehouse was occupied, it took only a couple of minutes for engine or ambulance to arrive. We need the former firehouse!

Anonymous said...

The emergency personnel in this city know what routes suffer traffic jams at that hour of the morning, they could have gone up Rt 50 to Rt 13 and south to attend to this person. They could have also done as Lore Chambers said they would do in the event the bridge was up. The could have/should have dispatched from another station, like the one on Beaglin Park Dr. Or is this to much like right?

Anonymous said...

well atleast the crew to at beaglin park drive, ambulance crew were smart enough to check up on this call. i heard them go responding because of the closeness to the area compared to station 16

Anonymous said...

How is Mrs. Townsend?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
12:32, you are absolutely correct. With all of the discussion going on about what to do with the old firehouse, has it occurred to anyone that it should be retained as a firehouse? Those of us who live in the Camden area, especially the historic part with old homes that are most vulnerable to fire damage, now feel bereft if we have an emergency. When the S. Division St. firehouse was occupied, it took only a couple of minutes for engine or ambulance to arrive. We need the former firehouse!

1:32 PM

To all concerned citizens. This is very important to all of us. Please contact the two contenders for mayor (Ireton and Caldwell) and advise them how important this is to us. Please also contact Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, they care.

We want our firehouse back!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The emergency personnel in this city know what routes suffer traffic jams at that hour of the morning, they could have gone up Rt 50 to Rt 13 and south to attend to this person. They could have also done as Lore Chambers said they would do in the event the bridge was up. The could have/should have dispatched from another station, like the one on Beaglin Park Dr. Or is this to much like right?

2:45 PM

The station at Beaglin Park Drive is way to far away and the roads are extremely congested with hundreds of school buses on the road.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone recall the New state of the art firetruck for DELMAR...failed to fit in the firehouse?