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Monday, February 09, 2009

Message From Patti Adkins Regarding Homeless Shelter & Needs

Several of the guests at the shelter have specific needs. If anyone can help, please let me know ( or 410-726-0796). You can also drop them by the church starting at 4:30pm. We are also in need of volunteers during the hours of 7-10pm.

Here are the items:
Shore transit tickets
Jacket 6X
Boxers 5X
18 ½ shirt
10 ½ Wide shoe
Hoodie 2X
Jeans 36X34
Tennis Shoes 9 ½
Work boots size 11
Boxers XL
Jeans 38X36
Tennis shoes size 13
Sweatpants size large and XL
Jeans 32X30
Underclothes size Large
Hoodie Large
Heavy Jacket XL
Pants 36X38

NOTE: The items listed above are exactly what is needed. Please do not clean out your closets and deliver clothing and other items. If you can help with the items listed about that would be great.


Anonymous said...

Hi, do the clothes have to be new or gently used?
Also, what is the address of the church.
I think I'm going to do some early spring cleaning in my husbands closet!
Thanks, Virginia

Anonymous said...

respond 11:51 AM... Allen Memorial Church, Snow Hill Rd., Salisbury, MD...check out the name and email address, they can tell you more. Thanks for your generosity.

Anonymous said...

the post says, "Please do not clean out your closets and deliver clothing and other items."

does this mean that they ONLY want items from the list, or is this a typo?


joe albero said...

They ONLY need items from the list provided. While they appreciate the gesture of additional items, they do not have the space to store it and are requesting only the items on the list provided.

Anonymous said...

They need hoodies, someone planning on sticking up a gas station.

Anonymous said...

lets ask marry Barrie tilghman who attends this church what she can do to help. being she was the one who made the Sheffie department and the city workers go and through all of their beings away, so what little they did have to there name now have nothing. get berry tilgman to give back what she took away from them. this really angers me

Anonymous said...

Well sorry for my ignorance but I personally find this very troubling they are asking for very specific needs and telling everyone "NOT" to clean out thier closets due to the lack of room to store said items.

1. I thought this was a church? Next thing you know they will say do not put pennies/coins in the collection plate b/c they don't have room to store it...only paper $money$ allowed.

2. I thought these needy people were homeless? "Anyone" in dire straights and homeless would and should be grateful to recieve "ANY" type of clothing to cover thier body to keep warm in the cold. Hoodies??? Are you kidding me?? What about blankets, food, a roof over thier heads,.... you know, the "real things" people need to sustain breath and life.

I'm sorry but having been exposed to the homeless inviorment, I find it appalling for a "so-called" "homeless shelter" to make this kind of request. Why not accept any and all donations and have a volenteer determine what is "currently" needed with the people they are "currently sheltering" and donate the balance to the salvation army or betterstill, another needy shelter in the area, etc.. Afterall anyone who knows this invironment whatsoever, knows that the "clientell" can change on a weekly if not daily basis.

So my point being they may not have a specific need for our closet "junk" but I happen to know several people who would love to have the leftovers. As one man once said to me at thanksgiving when I asked him if he liked white or dark turkey meat, he replied with great appreciation, "I'll take anything you want to give me, SCRAPS EVEN !!!"

This message truly disturbs me.

Hoodies for petes sake!!