I'm not exactly sure what Gary Comegys, Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy were thinking when the ordered such a beast but it begs to question, why?
Seeing this vehicle for the first time reminds me of several meeting in which these very same people were selling the Council on why they also needed a $840,000.00 Fire Boat. It just makes no sense.
Now I'm absolutely sure there will be some who come to this Post and defend why Salisbury needs it but think about it Folks. Anything above three stories requires a sprinkler system. As rare as it would ever be that they need to take this monster out, a truck for about a million dollars less would have done just fine too.
Oh, that's right, they save lives. No they don't! It was pointed out more than a year ago, Firemen Do Not Save Lives. Police Officers and first responders do. YOU SAVE PROPERTY! You see Folks, it's all about the Insurance Companies. Oh, that's right, isn't Mayor Tilghman's Husband in the Insurance Business? Oh, that's right, isn't out Mayor the President of LEGIT, a municipal government insurance group!
You see, you encourage the absolute best at the taxpayers expense and your Insurance rates go up anyway. Maybe not as fast as they might without the very best equipment but this isn't Patomac, Maryland either. Oh, I forgot, we have better equipment and buildings than Patomac, just not the tax revenue, sorry.
There's always a catch behind everything they do. Back to the Fire Boat. Just how many riverfront homes are there on the Wicomico River in City Limits? Remember now, I want to hear how many homes there are that absolutely will not allow the Fire Department to get to their property? There aren't any! So again, spend $840,000.00 on a Fire Boat that is completely unnecessary. Heck, drop the price in half and it's still not worth it. Drop it 90% and it's STILL NOT worth it!
These "Boys and their Toys" are not only out of control, they have no plans on stopping. If it weren't for Campbell and Cohen, you'd be looking at engineering plans for a new Station 2 in the next few months. Oh, that's right, the guy who refused to attend the Meet & Greet at the Fire Department last week, (Gary Comegys) did stand his ground for those members at Station 2 by being the single person who voted FOR a brand New Fire Station.
So what will he do if he becomes Mayor? Spend, Spend, Spend! New Fire Stations! New Fire Boats! New Marina Upgrades! Multi million dollars buildings at the Zoo! No one is asking Comegys or any other Candidate any real questions at these Forums. They're pampered to keep you away from challenging the real Hot Topics in Salisbury.
Take the Urban Salisbury Forum at the Ramada Inn the other night. ALL those questions concerning the Downtown area and actually they were ALL repetitive questions on the same exact topic really. Nevertheless, I stood there for 15 minutes waiting to ask my question and they chose not to allow me to ask one and ended the meeting. They claim it was because WICO was going off the air. SO WHAT? That doesn't mean those of us still standing in line to ask a question shouldn't be heard. I didn't care of my question was on WICO. I simply wanted to ask one question and after the Forum I handed my question to the gentleman in charge and he said, "WOW, that was the best question of the evening."
My question was, what are YOUR intentions with the Old Fire Station 16 Downtown?
Of course they knew I'd have a darned good question and they were smart to avoid me. I then said, so why can't we all stick around and ask more questions then? The event was over. So THINK hard Ladies & Gentlemen. If you have a HOT TOPIC QUESTION you'd like to ask, put it up here and let us know. Then you can see how they PAMPER certain Candidates with cushy questions and keep you off of the REAL issues in Salisbury.
As for the Fire Truck above. Enjoy it in good health Firefighters. It's here, it's expensive and it's the very best money can buy. Please don't take it out to car accidents like you did with the other Ladder Truck. I personally hope you never have to use it but when and if you do, be safe.
1 – 200 of 210 Newer› Newest»That is one butt ugly fire truck!
yeah we got the smoke detector air brushed on the back compartment. we thought it was a nice touch
It's going to break the streets.
I will have you know that the Salisbury Fire Department has the best leadership now than it has ever had. It is also imperative that the SFD has the best equipment possible at any expense. I will do my best to ensure the citizens get the best equipment and best stations available. I get to make that decision.
Deputy Chief of Operations
Richard A. Hoppes
325 Cypress Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
"Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference."
recession??? what recession???
All those guys have on long coats to hide their woodies!
Now I know why all of our Police Officers and EMS/Fire Personnel aren't getting raises. That sucks! Think of how much of a raise that each officer would get for that money. No wonder they are so frustrated!
Firemen do save lives! And sometimes they give up their own lives for others. Think back to 9/11....
Look at those cheesy cartoon stickers on there. How much did that cost? Is that something that is needed for the "BOYS." or they won't play?
To the Firefighter who sent in several agressive comments loaded with foul language, they have all been rejected. Now you claim you want to beat the sh_t out of me? Another tough guy with an anonymous name. What's the matter boy in pick, afraid I'll find you and kick your a$$ instead?
Manuverability , Lets see how they get that thing around Salisbury streets !!
"Bad Boyz of Metro"? That seems fitting...I wonder how much extra we paid to airbrush that garbage on there....
I can think of only a few buildings in salisbury that this thing would service and of those few buildings, I would say that this thing is WAY TOO BIG to properly service at least 50% of them! Bigger is not always better, especially when it can't fit down narrow streets or take tight turns...I would love to see this thing take a tight right hand turn without hitting the curb or reversing. Plus how are they going to be able to fit this thing in the parking lot at Wawa when they go to get lunch? What an ugly, massive waste of money!
WOW!!!!! wait let me say it backwards .. WOW!!!! now upside down MOM.... how about OWW... no matter how you say it, thats one big, expensive truck. Don't let Kramer from Sienfeld drive it... Should be interesting seeing it fit down some of the back roads and streets Wicomico County has..
Rick, you sure say I a lot with tax payers money. You seem to be full of arrogance and self absorbtion. Its not your money buddy, dont act like it is.
Judy said...
Firemen do save lives! And sometimes they give up their own lives for others. Think back to 9/11....
2:30 PM
Judy or whoever you are... what's your point?
Rick said...
"It is also imperative that the SFD has the best equipment possible at any expense. I will do my best to ensure the citizens get the best equipment and best stations available."
Here are some corrections for you, Hoppes:
1. The stations aren't for the "citizens" the stations are for you and your cronies. I would love to hang out in your luxury, but I try not to associate myself with crooks.
2. A new fire station doesn't neccessarily increase efficiency or improve service...
3. Not all of your "toys" need to be garage kept. My truck is 10 years old-its got 175,000 miles on it, it has never seen the inside of a garage, it has started the first time everytime since I bought it, and there is not one single spot of rust on it. Now if this over priced monstrosity can't hang with that, then you got ripped off. (besides you probably won't even keep this truck for ten years) So to say you simply needed a bigger station to fit your toys is ridiculous.
4. The best equipment isn't always the most PRACTICAL equipment!!!!!
You got only one thing right in your statement... "at any expense" Unfortunately for the taxpayers, we are on the sh*t end of that stick!
I would suggest that you just keep your purdy lil mouth shut because you can't say anything right and you will NEVER be able to justify this one...
Does that thing eat the fires or fight the fires?
To: All Personnel
Date: 05 February 2009
From: DC Richard A. Hoppes
Subject: Annual Mandatory Training Policy, Procedure, & Plan
For many years the issue of determining what mandatory training to conduct, when it will be conducted, how it will be delivered, who must attend, why it must be done, and how it will be documented has caused the department and its members much concern and confusion. To this end the department Training Committee has met and discussed all of these questions in great detail. This document is to provide the information necessary for all personnel to be informed on the department’s position and method of execution for delivery of the annual mandatory training to all members. The following is a brief narrative answering the questions listed above. Attached is the formal training plan to deliver the 2009 Annual Mandatory Training.
Various agencies and authorities from outside our department mandate what training must be provided annually to employees and members. The department must be able to demonstrate that all personnel have received the proper training in CPR, AED, BBP, NAERG, Right to Know, Diversity, SCBA Fit Test, & P.P.E. inspection. It is important for all members to understand that the department is serious about its responsibilities to protect all of its members by providing this most important training. The delivery of this training will be completed through the department training section, with all topics being delivered by SFD instructors.
The training committee has agreed that the most efficient and effective method to deliver this training is through a “Training Rodeo” or all day training event designed for students to move through various stations and complete all of the required sections to receive full credit. All personnel shall be required to attend one of these Rodeo sessions annually. The total number of personnel that can attend one session will be held to a maximum of forty-eight (48). This is due to the limits on space of the facility and the manageability of the classes. All personnel must pre-register with the training section for one session to avoid having to turn members away due to class size limitations. The preferred method of pre-registration is through email so that all can have a written verification of signing up for a class.
Students will be divided into teams of four (4) and identified by an assigned color. Students will receive a task check-off sheet that is the color of their assigned team. The individual student is responsible to ensure that they receive a signature from the station instructor in each of the categories, and do so prior to leaving the station. Failure to get the signature prior to leaving the station will constitute a failure of the student in attending or completing the station and be considered to be an incomplete for the entire day. No make ups will be provided on the day of the rodeo. Each team will be assigned a team leader that is responsible for the actions of the team members as well as the movement of the team from station to station. Each team will move from station to station as a group and individuals are prohibited from leaving the assigned stations until the entire group has completed the work of the particular station. At no time will the individuals or groups move to the next station until the group before them has completed their work or assignment. A break area will be provided for groups finishing a station and waiting to move to the next.
The training committee has determined that the total number of sessions will be four (4) and that the annual mandatory training will be conducted in the month of March annually. For planning purposes the committee decided that the sessions will be held on the following days: the first, second, and third Saturdays in March and skipping two consecutive Saturdays and holding the final session on the following Sunday. If there is a need to hold a make-up session for personnel failing to attend one of the regular sessions, the date for the make-up will be the first Saturday in June of each year.
Failure to complete one of the March annual mandatory training sessions will be considered an act of insubordination and the offender shall be automatically suspended from operations for the following terms: career employees shall received a suspension without pay for a period of forty-two (42) working hours and volunteer members shall receive a suspension of ninety (90) consecutive calendar days. Disciplinary actions for subsequent offenses will be grounds for termination or separation from the department.
Any and all questions should be directed to your station training officers for volunteers and to your company officers for career members. I appreciate your efforts to ensure that you are trained and prepared for the rigors of this job and wish each of you luck and safety as you perform the assignments given to you.
Annual Mandatory Training Plan
2009 Mandatory Training
(CPR, AED, BBP, NAERG, Right to Know, Diversity, SCBA Fit Test, & P.P.E. Inspection)
Date Time Location Platoons / Stations Assigned Personnel
07 March 2009 08:00 Fire HQ A / 1E / Vol. ALL
14 March 2009 08:00 Fire HQ D / 2E / Vol. ALL
21 March 2009 08:00 Fire HQ C / Vol. ALL
05 April 2009 08:00 Fire HQ B / Vol. ALL
Note: All topics will be delivered by personnel from the SFD Training Section.
Note: All personnel are required to attend one of these sessions.
Note: All personnel are required to bring their P.P.E. (including SCBA Face Piece).
That's gonna look so cool in a parade!
What's next, free tattoos?
Man , can you imagine the cost of
maintaining that monster!
This ain't New York you idiots.
You know something Judy, someone needs top SPANK you verbally because quite frankly I'm tired of you and every other Firefighters BS when it comes to this.
While I fully respect the VOLUNTEERS, Paid Firefighters are PAID to risk their lives each and every single day. So do Police Officers. That being said, it is their duty to go in there and serve and protect.
I am so sick and tired of your bellyaching. If you don't like the risks, GTF out of it. YOU people of SALISBURY did NOT go into the Twin Towers on 9-11 like my Cousin did and died on the scene trapped inside the building when it collapsed, so F/U and your 9-11 BS!
I mean no disrespect for what you people do but cut the BS out. YOU cannot use someone else's losses to make yourselves look good or have people give you pitty. It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear you pieces of sh!t talk like that. You walk around talking about how all of you lost a piece of yourselves that day. While we appreciate what you do, you are NOT hero's. The men & women, MAINLY CIVILIANS died that day.
Now we have Soldiers fighting and risking their lives to serve and protect YOU and YOU want to talk as if you're just as important????? Are you people F/N nuts?
I happen to think that quite a bit of people in these Fire Departments are mentally unstable. I think they love depression and desire serious attention. You know something though. It's the ones that clearly don't who I respect the most because they're in it for all the right reasons.
respectfully, i disagree. i believe that the firefighters of salisbury should have the most EFFECTIVE equipment to handle the job and keep the operators safe. this being said, i also feel that there's a right tool for the job. this behemoth piece of equipment is WAY OVERKILL! i also disagree that the fire department should be able to obtain such equipment at, how did you put it?, "at any expense". that's not looking out for the taxpayer's best interest. personally, i know of SEVERAL projects that i'd rather see MY tax dollars spent on! and just remember this Mr. "Deputy Chief of Operations", this engine wasn't bought for the "citizens"! it was bought for the fire department. i don't remember ANYONE asking "ME" what i wanted!
It'll be ragged out in 6 months max the way those idiots drive!
It said in the original post that "firemen don't save lives, police officers and first responders do". All I said was that they do save lives--what's wrong with that comment? And I don't think I am important at all, and I was not "bellyaching". I am truly sorry you lost your cousin on that day. I have nothing to do with the fire department. I don't even know any firefighters and really don't even have a comment about this new truck. I don't think I deserved those harsh words.
nice paint scheme...but seriously, what a joke!
Judy said...
It said in the original post that "firemen don't save lives, police officers and first responders do". All I said was that they do save lives--what's wrong with that comment? And I don't think I am important at all, and I was not "bellyaching". I am truly sorry you lost your cousin on that day. I have nothing to do with the fire department. I don't even know any firefighters and really don't even have a comment about this new truck. I don't think I deserved those harsh words.
3:08 PM
Well if you don't know any firefighters and you don't know what you are commenting about you are nothing more than a TROLL!! Get over it.
You know so much about running a fire station why don't you man up and take over?
Judy, again, with all due respect, Paramedics save lives. Police Officers save lives. Firefighters save structures. While I agree, once in a while they do save lives, it's very rare. I'll repeat, that's what they're paid and trained to do. My anger stems from those who desire the attention you mentioned earlier. If you weren't there in New York on 9-11, if you didn't lose a family member, STOP talking about it. We are in a BS war because our Government played each and every American into believing they were a part of 9-11 too. It has destroyed our COUNTRY and that's EXACTLY what these Terrorists set out to do. Or is everyone still stupid to those facts back when this whole thing started? That was Bin Laden's goal right from the very beginning.
THEY WON, there's NOTHING to be proud of here.
Bad Boy's of Metro. What a joke! I didn't no Salisbury was this hughe metropolitan area. Who are we kidding anyway? These are all wannabe firefighter's to begin with. Salisbury has a half azz fire academy and just because someone has been to MFRI they are qualified to be a firefighter. Half of these guys can't even pass a fit test. You got a paramedic who is pushing 400 lbs and can barely walk. Salisbury needs to get a grip with their spending and toys this truck is not needed for this area.
Who ordered such an ugly truck? Whatever happened to just a regular red fire truck? Believe me I think as big as it is people will see it coming. I still think the reason they ordered such a large one was cuz somebody was trying to compensate for their lack of something else. Idiots!!
Joe, you may not like it, but you set the bait with that comment about Firefighters not saving lives, and then blowing up at Judy. You get grief and make assumptions about firefighters just because some have made you mad. Stop putting all of us in the same pot. Everyone who does this job, does it for different reasons. Some selfish, but most not. The ones who do this job,career or volunteer, for the right reasons may, or may not save a life but they damn sure would if it were ever needed. Whitout discrimination, no matter what. Thats what you need to realize. We do not make the final decisions on what equipment or policies come about. If we want to do this job than we just have to "roll with" it. It's ont about being a hero, it's just something we do.
I would consider it an honor to drive you up to NYC and see you tell your views to the other families, including their brothers of the 343 "property conservationist" as you call them. I will even buy your lunch. Don't think you will have to worry about dinner.
Drive this baby up and down Isabella Street for some real fun !!! What a WASTE of money !!!
And the tax payers have to roll with a couple million wasted dollars.
anonymous 3:43,
I'm talking about SALISBURY, not New York City.
I do have Family in the NYFD, do you? I also have Family in the NYPD, do you?
With all respect Joe, who are the guys riding the ambulances saving lives? Yup, they're the firemen who just last shift were on the fire engine...we ROTATE! We all (career) are cross trained with fire/ems. So maybe this shift on the fire engine we don't save a life in a house fire or car accident, however next shift we may save someone from a heart attack when we are on the ambulance...that's why all career members have to be FF/EMT-B or FF/EMT-P. Please know the facts about how we run and how we staff our equipment on a daily basis before making statements as such.
This is just like Gary Comegys has slapped the city tax payer right in the face. He knew what this "thing" was like all along and still was a major supporter of this pork barrel. Anyone who supports him in the upcoming election deserves to lose whatever money he can con out of them.
What I want to know is who can drive this beast. It has to be something with a class A license. Are the people in Salisbury going to have to send all the firemen to school to get that next so people are available to drive this beast or is it going to be only a few select get to drive it?
Bad Boyzs of metro, reall professional guys, who the heck came up with that. Boys OK for sure
I love the way people who have never fought a fire in thier lives are mouthing off here like they are experts.
They are the same people who would be the first to whine if that piece of equipment was needed and not available.
Don't you people ever get sick of complaining about everything?
Joe, I agree with you that this fire truck may not have been money well spent. That in itself was a valid argument on your part.
But I don't understand why you're on the attack about firefighters not saving lives. Look, I've never even been to NY, and I don't know anyone who lost loved ones on 9/11. I'm sorry that you did. But does that mean that I should "STOP TALKING ABOUT IT", as your 3:22 post implies? Should I not respect firefighters in all jurisdictions because I wasn't personally affected by 9/11?
Firefighters do save lives. I think that's the only point Judy was trying to make, Joe. Thanks for your time.
Do you have to parallel park this baby when you get your license to drive it??? That would be good entertainment and sure to draw a crowd. Maybe our man Comegys will take some of us for a spin around the block.
OK, let's try this out for size instead.
BESIDES the Paramedics, tell me ALL the lives Salisbury Firefighters have saved from a FIRE here in Salisbury over the past 50 years.
This should be good! Tell us what kind of structure fire it was too. This way we can ALL look at the MILLIONS of dollars worth of equipment spent in the past 50 years and see what's what.
The "Bad Boyz of Metro" is a name given to the vols. at old 16 years ago. It really doesn't even apply to the new group of Vols. that is there. And underneath it says "if you can read this you must be 2nd due" I dont even get that. For what its worth even the members of the SFD think its too big and don't get it.
In a couple weeks you will probably see a "new" ladder truck rolling into Delmar as well. Now, before any of your readers start belly-aching about Delmar needing a new ladder truck, just remember you heard it here first. It's not new; it has been refurbished. It has been at the Pierce refurbishment plant in Wisconsin since September. The total cost was less than half the cost of a new ladder truck. It has been retrofitted to meet the current NFPA requirements. In these tough economic times, the members of Delmar thought it to be more fiscally responsible than spending close to $1 million on a new vehicle. We hope to get another 10 - 15 yrs of life out of this unit. This post is in no way, shape, or form trying to voice an opposition to what Salisbury is doing. With all the negative comments, I thought this should be brought to the readers attention.
Thank you.
OK Joe, just how many lives has your best buddy Mike Lewis and his boys saved, I mean actually saved .......... it's about the entire job, prevention, suppression, services. You are such an A**. BTW, I see a lot of posts today with curse words, AGAIN you can't keep your word, thats just what a man you are. AND next time you want to take pictures come up and be a MAN, don't hide like a little girl!
i still want to know what was wrong with the "OLD" ladder truck??!!!
Salisbury does not but thier equipement, they LEASE it. Now, if a lease company can buy it, then lease it, and make a profit, well........... what are we missing. The Salisbury FD and the Mare, and Gordy are just spending money, and paying interest, that won't show up for years. Just like the fire chief, wonder why he went broke personally. DEBT is bad, and we have a bunch of "BOYZ" spending money they don't have, simple as that. NOW they also want a raise, heck Obama will rescue them !
A life is not something that you can put a price on.
Joe: regarding your 4:12 post...that does not mean that it can't and won't happen in the future.We have to be more prepared than ever and I know you are more acutely aware of that than most.
If the GVW is 70,000 lbs or less all they need is a Class B license. It's not a semi its a 10 wheeler. I want to see them turn that thing down a side street like Benny off of Naylor without riding over the sidewalks. Kiss all concrete on the corners in the city good bye once that thing takes a few trips over it.
Chief See said he'll get down Isabella St without a problem. They'll run right over top of that idiotic curbing.
anonymous 4:23,
First of all, I was being respectful as I knew ALL of the Firefighters were in training today. Clearly from my photos, it wasn't necessary to be right up to the truck to take good pictures.
As for Mike Lewis, it figures you'd change the subject to another agency. Thanks for proving to EVERYONE that Joe Albero was right once again.
Joe, looks like Dick Hoppes put you straight and told all you other people who are not firemen but sit-home TV viewers. You live in Delaware Joe. How did you get across the border? Come on down to the firehouse after dark. The boys want to talk with you.
4:34, NO you knew there were a few there that would remove your A**, others would just ignore you. As I said next time, just be a man, come over and ask questions, maybe even allow us to show you a few things. Knowledge Joe is something you learn with an open mind, you simply want to be an a** to raise your hits. Karma has got you before, it's coming again.
Bad Boyz of Metro is soooooo f/n GAY!!! To think the Mayor would allow that to be painted on a truck that represents the city. It just shows the childishness that is prevalent in that department. If you want to be treated like professionals, act like it.
You would NEVER see a police car with such a ridiculous phrase painted on it. Not in Salisbury, not anywhere.
I'm still waiting?????????
Any names??????
Any structures?????
I GAVE you an out guys. Come on now, show everyone what HERO'S you are?
No disrespect intended. However, I'm sure MOST of you will take it that way because you HATE getting caught in lies.
Come on Boys, show everyone what your REALLY made of, or did I already prove that?
Hmmm more cops and vehicles or millions in toys for the boys infatuated by flames. You know what freud said about men who like fire and play with big hoses.
Way to fk the community guys. there is no way to justify all that the fire dept has received in funding the last ten years.
Put on the airpax we are going to smell this one for a while.
Joe is always right. Please address him as Dr. Bit** Perfect. For one, I am getting tired of Albero sticking his nose into our business. How about all of you? Oh, I forgot. You don't have to post this a$$hole.It is the city's money and we spend it like we see fit. Period. I think the towns of Laurel and Seaford are calling you Albero.They need help.
Come on guys, you're not going to disappoint Judy now, are you?
4:46 why bother Joe, there are some, and the time to research would be wasted becuase it would prove you got under our skin with your BS. You havent beat us Joe, we like our job, feel good when we look in the mirror, you...... thats why you can't even shave, because you know what trash you are. I think the "boys" have won, because you still won't walk up to them with your trash, just hide in the corners.
Joe, your lack of knowledge but know it all attitude on the fire service severely impacts your credibility. A city like Salisbury NEEDS a truck. If you need to know why it's your obligation to find out. The lack of greater than three story buildings has nothing to do with it. However, I think they could have purchased a very capable truck for far less even new. Stick to that kind of story and you'd be ok, but you spout off on why they don't need one at all and you're wrong.
Firemen, your letting Joe get to ya, get back to work, or sleep, or eating............. he's getting the best of you. Besides, if the chief finds out your commenting, he will be PISSED!
On the right side of the truck, is that an extra step to help Gladwell get up into the cab? I bet when he sits in the front seat of this thing he looks like a little kid sitting on a handicapped toilet...his legs just wiggle around because he can't touch.
I personally think the truck is a bit much for our area considering we do not have any high rises, besides the mess on Riverside Drive. But to say "how are they gonna get it through Sby?" Probably the same way they get them thru New York and LA. I'm pretty sure the streets there are much worse off and much more congested that our lovely metropolis of Smallsberry.
Hey 4:28;
You certainly can, and have to, put a price on life. Sorry for the wakeup call but its true. Dont believe me? What do you think they do in europe with their "fantastic" socialized medicine. They evaluate and make decisions based on "mulah". Sorry chap...we cant give you open heart surgery becasue our government manual says your too old to enjoy the benefits versus the cost to the government.
I cant wait...
Joe said - "Firefighters save structures".
Are you nuts Joe??
When a friggin house is burning with kids inside. You gonna send the police in there??! Your words make you look so dumb sometimes.
Anonymous said...
....It has been retrofitted to meet the current NFPA requirements....
Thank you.
4:19 PM
The NFPA doesn't make "requirements." It is just a standard, nothing more than a guideline. Know the facts before you speak.
Anonymous said...
A life is not something that you can put a price on.
4:28 PM
Some more scare tactics. When does a million dollar ladder truck save lives.
I bet the paid off fire truck will save just as many lives.
Anonymous said...
Joe said - "Firefighters save structures".
Are you nuts Joe??
When a friggin house is burning with kids inside. You gonna send the police in there??! Your words make you look so dumb sometimes.
5:18 PM
When a house is on fire and their are kids in there they will probably die. Just a fact. More scare tactics for justification of wasteful spending.
anonymous 5:18 said....
"When a friggin house is burning with kids inside."
OK Big Shot, tell us their names? Come on Mr. Hero, there's 68 comments on this Post and I called eacxh and every one of you out on your saving lives BS. It's a simple question and I can guarantee you that ONE of you still has the newspaper clipping or the proclamation from the Mayor for saving a life or lives from a house fire????????????
You see, you all talk the big talk and spend $19,000,000.00 of OUR money in the past 14 months, (that's right, nineteen MILLION dollars) and WE want to know what we're getting for our money?
You see, the reality of it all is, we're NOT getting anything YOU speak of. I'm still waiting Spanky?
Anonymous said...
Joe, looks like Dick Hoppes put you straight and told all you other people who are not firemen but sit-home TV viewers. You live in Delaware Joe. How did you get across the border? Come on down to the firehouse after dark. The boys want to talk with you.
4:42 PM
Wussy's making threats against Joe again. I noticed this punk didn't sign her name.
Tried to maneuvre Isabella St. with that massive truck?
Anonymous said...
Joe, your lack of knowledge but know it all attitude on the fire service severely impacts your credibility. A city like Salisbury NEEDS a truck. If you need to know why it's your obligation to find out. The lack of greater than three story buildings has nothing to do with it. However, I think they could have purchased a very capable truck for far less even new. Stick to that kind of story and you'd be ok, but you spout off on why they don't need one at all and you're wrong.
4:57 PM
You might be right, Salisbury probably does need a truck, but not that truck. What was wrong with the truck they had? It had a 100' ladder on it and it was paid off. No more than it got used it was perfect. It just didn't look good in a 10 million dollar station because it was "old."
anonymous 5:27,
It's OK, they have always been like that. There are less than a hand full of real men willing to use their real name on here from the Fire Department. They're just really upset because someone has finally called them out on their 9-11 BS and acting like hero's all the time.
By the way BOYS, don't you think you conveniebntly FORGOT about all the women who serve in the Fire Department? If I were them I'd slap a lawsuit for discrimination immediately on the City for what you had painted on the back of that truck.
To the women of the SFD, it's a slam dunk case against them. Now that I said that, watch See & Gordy kiss your butts for a while because they know they screwed up.
Ask any lawyer. In todays world, that was flat out a slap in every woman's face. In fact, they better make sure a woman can drive it too, just so you know.
I thought this post was about the TRUCK and the money spent on it but some have chosen to go off topic, once again to stir the pot and misdirect the public.
The post was not about firefighter saving or not saving lives.
The post was not about the Sheriff's office.
C'mon folks!
I agree but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Glad I don't live in Salisbury limits. They should've just bought an air force bomber that drops water bombs.
I saw that stuff on the back in the photos and figured that it had been photo shopped on. Tell me it isn't really painted on that truck.
The last photo shows a No Trucks sign in the top part. How the heck are they going to drive it out?
anonymous 6:19, oh yes Sir, it is painted on there.
That machine is simply OVERKILL. It's an obscene waste of Salisbury taxpayer's dollars.
And SPEAKING of fires, I should have gone back with a video cam because you wouldn't believe this. Traveling East on Old OC Road, just past the curve beyond Beaver Run School...in the FRONT YARD a woman, dressed only in a housecoat and flip-flops, was burning trash in these high winds and wind chill. The flames of the fire were about a foot above the edge of the barrel itself.
I did a double-take, couldn't believe the idiocy I was seeing. I should have called the fire department, Parsonsburg would have taken the call to shut down on a NO BURNING...but you had to see it. The idiocy in our area is becoming rampant.
Now I really see why my city taxes are so ridiculously high. Over 4,000.00 a year for both city and county. Guess I now own part of a new fire engine!
It is a known fact that the SFD has saved many lives since it's conseption. The names and addresses have absolutely nothing to do with it. And you started this sh** because you deciced to make a completely ignorant comment like you did, knowing what it would cause. Remember what you said in January, about not pulling this kind of needless crap. Boy those hits are really racking up now huh? PUNK A** SH** stirrer is all you are. I really believed in what you were all about, up untill now.
Joe the comment I left that started with "the fishing is good", never made it. There was nothing wrong with it and explaned about how a real firefighter feels about "Heros" Why didn't you post it?
Joe would you please do us a favor. Take your job back that you had at Christmas working for Walmart as a greeter promoting your blog
Thanks for showing the public the length the SFD goes in training and preparing its members for service. It was a cold day to be standing outside, but everyone present learned a lot about the operational and safety features of this equipment. This is the first aerial of its type for our department, and all took turns to operate the ladder controls under the supervision of the factory representative. Four days of training have been scheduled through this weekend so that all operators, career and volunteer, will be able to attend and receive the same level of instruction, to be followed by further supervised driving and maneuvering practice. Only after sufficient personnel have become competent in its operation will the unit be placed in service, and we look forward to using this carefully designed apparatus to enhance our ability to assist the community.
Joe, explain to me what’s so huge about the truck. What are you comparing it too? What knowledge of ladder trucks do you have? How can you make such statements with no fire service back ground? You CAN’T! You just keep running your pot hole like you know what your talking about and don’t know sh*t!
I own a 48 ft. long luxury motor coach, I think I know what I'm taking about. I don't have dual axel's on the back of mine. I have also seen the other Ladder Trucks and they're not as long, wide and or perhaps tall.
Let me ask you this. What are you so stupid as to ask me this question when you know for a fact it's much bigger than the others? Here's another challenge for all you Idiot nay sayers as well. Tell everyone what other Fire Stations in the state of Maryland have a Ladder Truck this large. Let's start with that and see how smart you are.
Just like the last question I asked and things went silent immediately, what lives have YOU saved?
Come on now, who has a Ladder Truck in the state of Maryland this large?
We're waiting???????
Joe, The boys and I were talking and one said that McDonalds is hiring if Walmart won't take you back. At McDonalds, all you have to say is (Do you want fries with that?). Good luck to you and let the firemen rest for a change.
anonymous 8:25,
First of all, to ALL of you Idiots thinking I worked at Wal-Mart, I rang the Bell for the Salvation Army in front of Wal-Mart unconditionally volunteering, unlike you pr cks who obviously come with a multi million dollar price tag.
Secondly, what kills you the most is the fact that I don't ever have to work. Oh, that's right, you already knew that. While you make mortgage payments and pickup truck payments, my 14 vehicles, 2 motorcycles and luxury motor coach and debt free. The odds of seeing one of you working at McDonald's verses me are far greater on your behalf that it will be on mine.
By the way Fella's, better be careful because you never know who may become your BOSS in 4 years. Think hard about that one.
Oh No, not good enough. Give some details. How long and wide is this ladder truck. Then, how long and wide are their LADDER TRUCKS? Come on now, you're in the business and get woodies over this kind of stuff. Keep it real lguys. Don't just throw out name. Let's hear the stats!
Why don't you just look for yourself? How in the hell is anyone going to know the stats? You know I am right and gave you an answer. And if your so "loaded" as you keep reminding everyone constantly, why don't you just hire someone to look it up for you. And by yourself some personality and some friends while your at it.
Joe, it’s not bigger than other departments goof ball. Get off your ass and do some research before you run your mouth about stuff above your level! Go look at any modern day ladder truck pee brain and report back. Here’s a couple trucks real close for you to learn a little something.
Ocean City-Tower 5 & Tower 6
Laurel Delaware-Tower 81
Princess Anne-Tower 505
Big Boys and big expensive toys makes me sick. I can't wait to move out of this idiotic town. I swear it gets worse every day.
OK, so I've proven you don't save lives, that's a given. Now, all I have asked is for names and details, length, width, height and all you do is come back with names of towns with big Fire Trucks.
PROVE me wrong guys! Like I said, you're in the business, you know the numbers, feed them to us, UNLESS you CAN'T?
I should add, tell us what their piece of equipment cost them too and did they buy it brand new, used, refurbished??????
OMG! you have got to be kidding me! Joe you are a true nut case. You have not proved a damn thing. Where are your Stats for the lack of lives that have been saved. That is not information that most people can just rattle off. And you have forgotten about all of the vehicle crashes with rescues. Thats a pretty big number of lives not saved. Did you forget to take oyur pills today? It is pointless to even try to work with you. You know that you are just making people madder and madder and thats why you continue. Hope your getting your jollies. YOU HAVE PROVED NOTHING! Except that you have issues.
Thanks for "outing" these wannabee's. The firefighters around here think they are better than anyone else when, truth be known, they wouldn't make a pimple on a real firefighters a$$. Calling Salisbury a "metro" is ridiculous. Just a bunch of little boys who got picked on as kids and never outgrew their Superman pajamas screaming for attention. Thanks for keeping them in check, showing their ignorance and proving they are full of crap.
Here, I'll even help you out with one. Although it was in Fruitland, not Salisbury, Mrs. Doris Smith's life was saved at the Fruitland Post Office by Firefighters.
However, I think people would really like to hear about structure fires that require a Ladder Truck. Come on guys, it can't be that hard. Does ANYONE ever remember rescuing someone and carrying them or assisting them down the ladder on one of these trucks?
I know you can do it, THINK!
"My God, this thing is HUGE!"
That's what she told me last night!
Is this the ladder truck that SU is supposed to chip in $250,000? Have they ponied up their share yet?
Anonymous said...
It is a known fact that the SFD has saved many lives since it's conseption. The names and addresses have absolutely nothing to do with it. And you started this sh** because you deciced to make a completely ignorant comment like you did, knowing what it would cause. Remember what you said in January, about not pulling this kind of needless crap. Boy those hits are really racking up now huh? PUNK A** SH** stirrer is all you are. I really believed in what you were all about, up untill now.
6:32 PM
Hey Bad Boy you are the real PUNK A** SH** stirrer. You are right names are not important. I have lived in this city all my life and I never remember anyone in the Salisbury Fire Department saving a life. I will give you the benifit of the doubt saying you don't remember the names, but tell us where and when the rescue occurred that saved the life of a victim by a FARMIN. You punks are doing nothing but living in a fantasy world. That is why your favorite shows are Backdraft and Rescue Me. Oh yeah, don't forget about EMERGENCY from the 70's.
I do not condone the wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars for Gordy, See and Hoppes to have new toys. I do realize the working fire personnel, vollies included, have no say in how the money is spent.
Having said that, I'd like to jar the memories of these firefighters. One day last summer or spring the SFD used the ugly green ladder truck to bring a guy down out of the condos on Fitzwater St to an awaiting ambulance.
See guys, it wasn't that hard and I don't even work for the SFD, I just happened to be riding down Fitzwater St that day.
Anonymous said...
Thanks for showing the public the length the SFD goes in training and preparing its members for service. It was a cold day to be standing outside, but everyone present learned a lot about the operational and safety features of this equipment. This is the first aerial of its type for our department, and all took turns to operate the ladder controls under the supervision of the factory representative. Four days of training have been scheduled through this weekend so that all operators, career and volunteer, will be able to attend and receive the same level of instruction, to be followed by further supervised driving and maneuvering practice. Only after sufficient personnel have become competent in its operation will the unit be placed in service, and we look forward to using this carefully designed apparatus to enhance our ability to assist the community.
6:51 PM
Thanks Rick. Shouldn't you be spending time with your family tonight instead of worrying about the blogs?
Anonymous said...
"My God, this thing is HUGE!"
That's what she told me last night!
9:40 PM
More like what Bunky Adams said to Pinky last night
Joe, looks like this may need to be bumped to the top of the page.
Can't wait for Fire Prevention Week, this will be a great truck to take around to the schools to show off. Just wondering if any money is left to buy a step ladder so the little kids can get on board?????
Anonymous said...
I do not condone the wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars for Gordy, See and Hoppes to have new toys. I do realize the working fire personnel, vollies included, have no say in how the money is spent.
Having said that, I'd like to jar the memories of these firefighters. One day last summer or spring the SFD used the ugly green ladder truck to bring a guy down out of the condos on Fitzwater St to an awaiting ambulance.
See guys, it wasn't that hard and I don't even work for the SFD, I just happened to be riding down Fitzwater St that day.
9:46 PM
Uh, I was on the call and there was no need to bring that person down from the condo's via a ladder truck. It was a very minor incident and the subject could have and should have walked to the ambualance. Better yet he should have driven to the hospital in his own vehicle. I was very ashamed to see my colleagues waste these valuable resources and time like they did that day. EMBARRASSING!!
Anonymous said...
Can't wait for Fire Prevention Week, this will be a great truck to take around to the schools to show off. Just wondering if any money is left to buy a step ladder so the little kids can get on board?????
10:03 PM
The truck already has a step ladder. It was special ordered so that Gladwell can get in it.
anonymous 9:48,
While you and I can't be sure who made that comment, I will say, even if it is Rick, good for him. It was a bitter cold day out there and they were working on that unit like there was no tomorrow. I was around for about a half hour with thermals on and trust me, it was COLD!
Wow Joe, that earlier comment of yours was a slap in the face to all of us working stiffs. Just goes to show that you DO think you are better than anyone else. And here I had you pegged for someone who wasn't snobby. I'm really disappointed.
Anonymous said...
OK Joe, just how many lives has your best buddy Mike Lewis and his boys saved, I mean actually saved .......... it's about the entire job, prevention, suppression, services.
4:23 PM
To the PUNK cop hater from the fire service read it and wheep. You have never done this or you would have signed your name. The Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputies are the best!
Defibrillators in the News
Wicomico Sheriff’s Deputy Saves Teacher’s Life
Salisbury, MD -- Quick thinking by
students and a Sheriff’s Deputy saved
the life of a middle school teacher.
A teacher at Salisbury Middle
School on Morris Street experienced
a medical emergency during class,
police said. Deputy First Class
Christian Pecoraro, a school resource
officer, came to the scene with an
automated external defibrillator
(AED) and was able to stabilize the teacher, who was then
transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.
Camden Ave several years ago. FF D. Simpson got the victim out of a 3rd floor apt.
Wait until you get photos of the crap they stenciled on the bottom of the basket.
If they send that monster to the fire convention in Ocean City this year then they really dont need it. 1 week at the beach coming up. What Ladder will cover the city?
Don't you know how long I've been at this Blogging thing? Play all the games you want and try getting everyone to be mad at me. Guess what, the honorable Firefighters know who I am and what I'm all about. I do not wish any of you anything bad, period. I would love to see things much better than they are for you guys today.
However, there's no such thing as baby steps for many of you and quite frankly when I'm stuck with a $5,000.00 a year tax bill for one building Downtown, up from $2,300.00 a year, I've had just about enough of this crap, as have many of our viewers.
Now come on. Judy made a statement very early on that I felt was completely out of line. We ALL appreciate what each and every one of you do. HOWEVER, the I save lives hero crap needs to end. Acting like YOU were a part of 9-11 needs to end.
Do your business daily because you love what you do or you get a great paycheck for doing something many of us are not capable of doing. I experienced just a very small part of what you guys do and believe me, you have my respect. Just leave out the hero kind of crap and we deserve this stuff because of what you do.
I challenged ALL of you because I want YOU to realize that some of us businessmen look at your purchases and requests lately and NONE of it makes ANY financial sense. A $840,000.00 Fire Boat is crap. You know it and so do all the taxpayers. A Ladder truck like you just got, more BS! A $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace, come on now, everyone knows how crooked that whole thing was. We're NOT that stupid. Equipment disappearing like there's no tomorrow because Gordy allegedly gave it away without informing many of the people there about it.
I keep presenting all of you with facts and reason and I simply asked, show us, tell us what it is that makes you believe you not only need it but why you DESERVE it. So if I'm a bad guy because I'm the only one with the ba((s enough to say it like it is, so be it. However, there isn't a one of you that I wouldn't have your back in any way I physically and humanly could. Ask around and I'm confident you'd find quite a few people there that believe me when I say it.
Coming back with threats because I'm a realist, well, that just makes you guys look really bad.
I have said it already a few times. We have no say in what gets purchased. We mad comments and suggestions to the Admin. and it just falls on deaf ears. Don't hate the players, and it has nothing to do with being a hero.
From what I hear, and I am not personally in the fire dept....people cant put their names to their posts because they will get in trouble with the boss. Also, not sure on this, but wasn't it firemen that saved that guy in the water tower by warwic???
I think it looks awesome and hopefully it will last a long time and help save property and lives one day.
I am a city tax payer and feel that the tower is a great assest to the city. The Salisbury fire dept needs better equipment to keep up with the growing demand of the city. The fire service is a difficult job and the members are never giving respect for the dangerous job they perform to keep the public safe. This tower could save your life but you will never respect it till it does. As for me i am a member of the Salisbury fire dept im not from Salisbury i moved here to join with what i feel is the best family ever. My family will put there life on the line to save mine or your just as i would do for them or you. There is money spent in the city on worse things then a peice of equipment that can and most likly will save one of your lives.
look at loosechange vol 2. google search it and then you can have something to talk about for the goverment.
...sorry...I Meant Wor Wic
I hope Joe's house never catches on fire. I don't think any fireman will drive fast to get there.
Anonymous said...
Camden Ave several years ago. FF D. Simpson got the victim out of a 3rd floor apt.
10:28 PM
I don't remember this happening, but just because someone comes out on a ladder instead of walking down the steps doesn't constitute a "save."
Anyways it has been many years since D. Simpson has been employed with the SFD so just because something happened many years ago doesn't justify spending that kind of money "just in case."
By the way Simpson was one of the smarter ones to bail out of the Salisbury Fire Department while he could. Many others are waiting their time and a few of the sh*t stirrers are following the footsteps of Fatso Hopeless because they can't get a job anywhere else.
Anonymous said...
I think it looks awesome and hopefully it will last a long time and help save property and lives one day.
11:56 PM
Just because it looks awesome doesn't mean it will save property and lives one day.
Must be one of the non tax paying deciples of Gordo and Fatso.
BackinBerlin said...
All those guys have on long coats to hide their woodies!
2:29 PM
Berlin, I know most of the guys in those pictures and I can assure you that most if not all don't care about that ladder truck and don't want to be there. They are forced to be there on their day off in fear of losing their jobs. They are their because the Nazi's leading the Salisbury Fire Department forced them to be their with the new policy of Mandatory Training. Who is paying for this mandatory training? They have been threatened with 42 hours suspension without pay. the Volunteers fear losing their appointed officers rank and 90 days suspension from the department. What kind of leadership is that when you have to threaten your people. Piss Poor Leadership is what it is called.
Jim Ireton and Bob Caldwell we can only hope help is on the way.
I am anonymous 10:18 and I am not a firefighter. Your comment offended me because you rattled off the number of vehicles you have and then say it is jealousy because you own them and don't have to work. You then somehow manage to degrade people who work at McDonalds. You are one of the few who don't have to work. More power to you. But don't put down others who have to. You know thousands are losing jobs, so don't you think that McDonald's is more favorable than unemployment, or worse yet public assistance? You do know the famous quote "then let them eat cake"? Although the quote has been disputed as coming from this particular person, in the end she lost her head.
Oh, and I was not trying to stir any pot and get anyone pissed at you. Just letting you know I was disappointed in your snobbery.
go here and look through the past events and you will see plenty of times where firefighters have saved lives..and gave there own.
I read your blogs and agree with them alot Joe but for you to put down firefighters volunteer or not...is a shame. You didnt single out anyone...just firefighters in general is the way I took it.
Anonymous said...
If they send that monster to the fire convention in Ocean City this year then they really dont need it. 1 week at the beach coming up. What Ladder will cover the city?
10:34 PM
I'm sure it will be OC for the convention. Fire truck manufactures usually have agreements with the buying departments to let them display the new unit at the convention.
I'm sure you wont believe this since this blog is for negative bashing only.
The Wor Wic water tower rescue was a joint operation with members from Parsonsburg FD and Salisbury FD. There was not a ladder tall enough to bring the guy out the side so a rope operation was used to lower the victim. 1 FF also became a victim. It this tower ladder could reach the height of that tower in the event of another rescue of that type the victim could be brought out in a stokes basket and brought to the ground.
Mr Albero
The Salisbury Fire Department has saved lives. Back in the late 70's or early 80's a call came in for a
house fire with subjects trapped. Firefighters Doug Brown,Darrin Scott and Bryan Records saved the lives of three children that were trapped in this Eastern Shore Drive housefire. You see Mr Albero the Salisbury Fire Department has saved lives. I am sorry that I don't remember all the people involved in the incident.
Thank you
Harold S. Scott
and i STILL want to know... WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE OLD LADDER TRUCK??!! NONE of the fire-fighters that are OBVIOUSLY posting here have answered THAT question yet!
I'd like to respond to the question about if firefighters save lives or not from a DIFFERENT point of view. I believe they do and this is my logic. They go to schools during fire prevention week and educate children on what they should do in the event of a fire. They give away free smoke detectors. They educate people on how to be prepared like having a toss down, storable ladder to get out of a second story window. By doing this, they are actually teaching others how to save their OWN lives which in a round about way, IS saving their lives had they not been taught this BY the firemen.
Excellent point Cindy.
How about 808 Alvin Ave, March 2000. HQ and Sta 2 respnded and on scene with heavy smoke showing. Jon Gray, Todd Pruitt and Joel McCroy rescued a woman trapped on the second floor. Transported to Bayview Medical Center and later released. Sounds like a rescue to me.
anonymous 11:31, thanks for sharing that. There will be a major post up at 2:27 PM today. You ALL should see it. You're definately going to like it.
Thank you Mr. Joe, I love a good debate and don't think the mud slinging that some have done is necessary. I just felt like it was important to see things from a different perspective which hopefully, others may agree with. My point was, statistics are not that important. My point is..what we have learned from from the fireman who REALLY care, COULD save our own life some day.
I am not in the fire department and have no relatives there. But I DO come from a long line of past fire fighters. What they taught me will stay with me forever. My favorite days of school was when my father came in, in full uniform and talked to us.
Keep up the good work Mr. Joe!
Harold Scott, thank you for your information.
While we all fully expected to hear lives are in fact saved, the point here is, how many with a Ladder Truck?
Millions of dollars are being spend on equipment that is not necessary. Mind you, I'm not stating Salisbury doesn't need a Ladder Truck, because they do and have had one. They could have sent their old one back to have it completely refurbished and or bought a used one from elsewhere in the United States and saved at least a million dollars.
Instead, the taxpayers were NOT properly educated and the fact that Mayor Tilghman is a part of LEGIT and her Husband in the Insurance business as well, there's possibly yet another connection towards why all this new equipment is being purchased?
You will see at around 2:30 today another well written article about the SFD and saving lives. However, I'll remind everyone that STRUCTURES are being saved while Homeowners pay heavy duty money each year to protect their investments. Perhaps the City tell each Homeowner how much they should be saving on their Homeowners Insurance because of such purchases? Nah, that wouldn't work either because you see, then people would be calling their Insurance Companies each year and asking for more reduced rates! That's not healthy for the Insurance Agents now, is it?
I mean, with such fine equipment and a far better Fire Palace, maybe Homeowners should reduce their major coverage because the Firefighters are so confident they'll get there in enough time to put the fire out and save lives? DON'T DO THAT FOLKS, I'M BEING SARCASTIC.
Open your eyes Salisbury. There's been a catch with everything they have done.
This post needs to be moved to the top!..lol..I am wearing out the wheel on my mouse from scrolling down to see it!
What happened to your comment moderating? Looks like it's back to more of the same old Joe crap here. Everyone bashing everyone else. This makes me sick.
Anonymous said...
I am a city tax payer and feel that the tower is a great assest to the city. The Salisbury fire dept needs better equipment to keep up with the growing demand of the city. The fire service is a difficult job and the members are never giving respect for the dangerous job they perform to keep the public safe. This tower could save your life but you will never respect it till it does. As for me i am a member of the Salisbury fire dept im not from Salisbury i moved here to join with what i feel is the best family ever. My family will put there life on the line to save mine or your just as i would do for them or you. There is money spent in the city on worse things then a peice of equipment that can and most likly will save one of your lives.
1:26 AM
Sign your name you so called tax payer.
Anonymous said...
From what I hear, and I am not personally in the fire dept....people cant put their names to their posts because they will get in trouble with the boss. Also, not sure on this, but wasn't it firemen that saved that guy in the water tower by warwic???
11:45 PM
That was not a true "rescue" to save a life. That was a feel good operation where a subject injured himself and needed assistance down. No life saved. As a matter of fact Dru (Butt Kisser) Bragg tried to steal the show for the media photo op and got hung up in the ropes and tried to be a hero by faking an injury. There was nothing wrong with him and PRMC treated and released him. That wasn't good enough so he went to Dorchester General Hospital in Cambridge to get a second opinion. LMAO. DGH is not a trauma center mind you. That Butt Kisser is not a firefighter and never has been. That entire incident was a joke.
I do remeber the Sheriff's office saving a guy that got shot a couple of times. Does it count if they shot him and then saved him. Hose Beaters I love you guys. God Knows you are needed. Its apples and oranges. Stop trying to drag your brothers in blue into your fight with Joe. Dont be a hater because Joe likes "Maryland's Finest" the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office
You know damn right well we got a book mobile painted and it looks great by the way. Maybe if it breaks down we can use the PIG to tow it.
I dont even mind that you put that guy flexing and the Bad Boyz thing. Its you world we just live in it, right. It appears to be the major flow of most of your post. So i would tred lightly on the throwing the WCSO under the bus we have little to do with YOUR world.
I do know if I was a city cop. I would be furious. Tell them again why you guys deserve the lions share. I think we all know the answer to that. Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees. You guys have forgotten about your brothers in blue and all the other city employees at a time they are taliking layoffs you command is blowing major money that if what i am seeing it true could have waited a couple of years.
Be safe and good luck.
quit being a two faced liar, you know full well you hate the career fireman in salisbury. you slam the hell out of us on here and then show up on a scene with us and act like our best friend asking us questions about what happened. i thought my father had scarred you enough when he took you into the control burn a while back and showed you just what kind of risks we take everytime we go to a fire. i guess i was wrong and you still have no respect for those who would put their lives on the line at the drop of a dime when the call comes in. but you wouldnt know anything about that sitting in front of a computer screen all day bashing us.
Your Father raised you better than that. Act like it.
Nothing changes when you voice your opinion from behind a tree, no what I mean.
Look guys, let me explain things to you in a manner I think you may agree and understand. Let,s just say your neighbor is on welfare and sits home all day and watches TV, sleeps, in a house your taxes for. Lets say they eat crabcakes for lunch and prime rib for dinner with the food stamps you provided to them via your taxes.....with me....come on don't fall off yet! Now wouldn't you fell better if they were actively looking for a job and eating egg salad for lunch making those food stamps strentch as far as possible? Remember, YOU are paying for it all the while your body is in disability state. Now, I am working and paying taxes for you to have a Ladder Truck. I would like for you to use my tax dollars resonsibly. Buying a truck of this magnitude is not neccessary, nor it it good use of MY tax dollars. Now, tell me how you feel about paying for your neighbors gourmet dinner and her house payment! And don't forget your neighbors wife is about to have twins.
anonymous 5:03, Great Point. However, the wife has already had twins and is pregnant again with even more on the way. I'm not kissing either. There are more brand new fire trucks on the way. This is just one of a few, if not several.
Brandon, Chill out!!!
Mr. Albero is not slamming you ro career firefighters. He is questioning the fiscal irresponsibility of the chief, and the two deputy chiefs as well as their (few) suck up followers.
Sorry about the spelling guys, I have an old computer and my grandson spilled his applesauce on my keyboard. Brainwaves says I need a new one but I can't afford another computer. I will be in debt for many years to come for your new ladder truck, so having said that you will have to deal with my spelling and I hope you can engage in deep concentration to my point. And for those of you who spell like I do. wellyou will have no problem at all.
Somebody buy that man a drink, somebody feels you, know that partner.
After nearly 30 years with Salisbury I have have seen a dream become a reality. The receipt of a new Tower Lsdder that can do so many things has finally arrived. Having worked with older aerial trucks in the City for years it just blows you away to see how it enhances our service. The safety features are endless and it will serve the citizens well.
There seems to be a conception that this Apparatus is Too big and Too expensive. All apparatus has gotten larger because of what the fire service expects from a rig. This is a heavy duty ladder with a prepiped waterway. You can lower civilians in the bucket away from harm in a safe fashion. This was not the case with Salisbuty's previous ladders. This model ladder is the same as those all over the U.S. built by Pierce. They didn't build us a bigger ladder because we're Salisbury. We didn't get a special discount either, because we're Salisbury. It's the price you pay for such a rig. It shuld last 20 years with no trouble if properly cared for.
If your not a fireman, it's hard to invision the uses for such a rig. I can only reflect on what I have experienced in recent years. How about the need to remove a 500lb. man from his home on Maryland Ave. as well as several others where Hebron had to be called. The Wor Wic water tower rescue. Salisbury University to remove a construction worker from the third floor with a broken leg. Numerous structure fires in homes over two stories and commercial buildings. Salisbury University has had three working fires in recent years. These are just a few.
If a fire were to break out in the old Feldman's building. What would happen.? The entire block would certainly be endangered. This truck would be the best line of defense for this fire. You can bet this truck would be protecting the beautiful historic building that Mr Albero owns and neighboring buildings. The fire would be stopped right there, I assure you.
Perhaps that puts things into percspective and clears up any misunderstandings. The truck was funded by the citizens to serve the citizens. The SFD members appreciate this and will be there when needed. Thank you.
albero you can leave my fathers as well as any other member of my family serving in the dept. out of your mouth. i get so tired of you and every other person that compares me to my father, as well as my uncle and grandfather. i dont know if i will ever be as good and knowledgable at this job as they are, i am my own man. all of my life i have looked up to and envied my father and what hes done and accomplished throughout his career. my father did raise me well, and i grew up around the firehouse learning the ins and outs of the fire service at a young age and for that i consider myself very lucky. as for your "fireman dont save lives, they save structures" speal. my father has shared with me many stories from throughout his career of times when he and others from the dept. have pulled victims out of house fires, one that i especially recall was a fire on the corner of hammond st and e. church where they pulled a small child out, who later did pass from smoke inhalation i believe. another from only about 2 winters ago where my father jumped into the river right across from your building and held a mans head above water and kept him alive until further help arrived. going to a fire and saving someone from dying is the ultimate accomplishment in the fire service. i know for myself that if i can in my career manage to pull one person, save one life, that i can retire when im older knowing that i have achieved what every real fireman sets out to do everyday they show up to work. i dont understand for the life of me how you can say fireman dont save lives, but im willing to bet that if one day your house was on fire with your children inside you would be looking to the same men you bash for help
Mr. Records,
Again, out of respect for your Father I will refrain from getting into a pissing match with you personally.
I have NO DOUBT that your Father is probably the finest Firefighter Salisbury has ever seen, hands down. He is one of the few that I mentioned who is unconditional and requires NO ATTENTION for what he has done.
The point in which I have been trying to make is, simply show everyone the lives that have been saved, (which I firmly believe there have been quite a few) and show us how this multi million dollar Ladder Truck is so worthy for the City of Salisbury.
Now I'm sorry that my line of questioning and attempt of accountability bothers you so much but usually when someone has something to hite they get as pissed off as you seem to be. So lets cut through all the crap and show me where this vehicle was so well worth the purchase. Your own Father has come back on here being VERY respectful with CLASS. I had truly hoped the apple didn't fall far from the tree?
You have every right to prove me wrong, that's cool with me. However, you, young man, are not seeing the entire picture here. I do NOT dislike career firefighters, so stop putting words into my mouth. I'll be so bold at to flat out tell you who I don't like. I don't like See & Gordy and that's it. I have NO issues with anyone else there. They may have them with me and that too is cool, that's their right. However, I'm asking for accountability. If you cannot reply acting like a professional than I suggest you stop commenting.
8:41 Bryon, I follow this cesspool of a site for entertainmemt, it's little mote than Jerry Springer aka Joe Albero. You my fine man, are a very good example of a hero, not because of what you do, or may do one day, but because of your heart. You represent the department well, and maybe someone in the right position soon, will see that and you will be the leader everyone needs. Your brothers at the OCFD
I think this thread has played itself out and its time to put it to bed. Comments here have strayed so far from the subject and tempers are getting enraged for no reason. Please, lets move on to more important issues. Theres probably a robbery or shooting happening as we speak.
Anonymous said...
8:41 Bryon, I follow this cesspool of a site for entertainmemt, it's little mote than Jerry Springer aka Joe Albero. You my fine man, are a very good example of a hero, not because of what you do, or may do one day, but because of your heart. You represent the department well, and maybe someone in the right position soon, will see that and you will be the leader everyone needs. Your brothers at the OCFD
8:55 PM
Oh Lord, an illiterate retard from OCFD who can't read or right. You should have stayed in school and got a proper education instead of hanging out at the farhouse as a volunteer FARMIN. I guess you are what they refer to as a TICK!!!
Firehouse Mouse said...
I think this thread has played itself out and its time to put it to bed. Comments here have strayed so far from the subject and tempers are getting enraged for no reason. Please, lets move on to more important issues. Theres probably a robbery or shooting happening as we speak.
9:13 PM
Joe, this is a great post please keep it going. These morons must have something to hide.
The monies spent on that motorized monstrosity should be a slap in the face to every taxpaying citizen in Salisbury who has to pony up the $$.
All for the 'vanity' of a few?
Ask THEM to buy your groceries next week or pay your mortgage payment.
I am SO thankful I don't live in Salisbury, however I'm terrified that same disease that inhabits Salisbury is spreading.
Run for the HILLS!
20 C Thanks for suggesting we keep this going.
Anonymous said...
20 C Thanks for suggesting we keep this going.
10:09 PM
fire in the hole guys have some nice photos of this unit on their site under new arrivals. this unit looks big
What is a 20 C?
9:42 And who might you be, a POS from salisbury that just wishes he/she could hold a candle to a real "farmen" Go back to sleep, I am sure Brion took my comment as intended, bet you have your nose right up the chiefs a** right now.......... lets see how you do when a real chief takes over.
9:42 I am not a "volley" thank you, and I make three times what you do, you sorry a**. We will be posting soon, and when you and "just the facts" apply, we will see who the ticks are. I know you both, look over your shoulder .. remember those cameras
While i connot agree with the amount of money spent on or the size of the new truck, i will inform all of you concerned that it was worn out years ago and was bought used to wait for a structure that could house the weight and size of new equipment of today, The old sta could still be used for the fire service however it is not safe for the weight of the equipment of today which es much bigger and heavier than the equipment in 1926 when the old headquarters building was built. When my father who was a volunteer at that sta joined in the 1950s it had 4 doors across the front as the truck and engines grew in size the doors were removed and the 2 that are on the building today were constructed. however the height of the opening could not be altered, thus too short for todays equipment. As far as firefighters saving lives i have personally pulled 2 out of house fires 1 died and 1 is still alive today I have volunteered for 25 years and am proud of that fact. Really joe stop bashing us for what we do for FREE. Not to mention all the time tranning and missed time with my family. I sincerely hope that people don't think this of what i have done , don't have to thank me just don't bust on me.
Is that the same Harold Scott that caused all the trouble over at Station 2 about four years ago? What a loser! I remember when he caught his foot in the old LaFrance ladder truck at a fire back in the 70's and never did anything besides catch his foot in his mouth after that.
Who is the real Chief that you think is going to take over? What do you think they will do for the fire department?
Brandon you shouldnt be posting on company time from the company computer.
Oh Lord, an illiterate retard from OCFD who can't read or right. You should have stayed in school and got a proper education instead of hanging out at the farhouse as a volunteer FARMIN. I guess you are what they refer to as a TICK!!!
Umm read or right?
that thing is hot!
Lets have a rundown for a second:
Princess Anne: 100' Tower Ladder
Berlin: 100' Tower Ladder
Laurel: 100' Tower Ladder
Pocomoke: 100' Tower Ladder
Crisfield: 100' Tower Ladder
Ocean City: 100' Tower Ladder
Care to explain to me why this particular truck is too much for Salisbury?
I've read the majority of the comments on here and all I have to say is there are a lot of misinformed people (or downright stupid) who read this blog.
Thank you.
David Dixon
Wagonmaster, I don't believe a word you said. Please tell us who you are so that we may know if this is a credible source or not.
The fact that you chose Wagonmaster as your username tells me you are a wannabe. The fact that you bragg about personally saving two lives even though one died tells me you are a wannabe. Only wannabe's bragg about themselves as being a hero. You remind me of Skip Carey another legend in his own mind.
Anonymous said...
Is that the same Harold Scott that caused all the trouble over at Station 2 about four years ago? What a loser! I remember when he caught his foot in the old LaFrance ladder truck at a fire back in the 70's and never did anything besides catch his foot in his mouth after that.
11:23 PM
Harold Scott didn't cause all that trouble at Station 2 a couple of years ago. That loser Stephan K. Brezler that mare dinglebarrie hired as did. Those butt kissers from station 16 that were his followers started all that trouble. The vollies at station 2 were right in what they were doing, but lost because dinglebarrie change the city code because she was afraid to lose her cash cow from the county.
You cast stones at Mr. Scott, but you don't have the balls to sign your name. YOU are the LOSER and you are a COWARD. Why don't you sign your name since you picked on Mr. Scott.
Dave Dixon said...
I've read the majority of the comments on here and all I have to say is there are a lot of misinformed people (or downright stupid) who read this blog.
David Dixon
8:12 AM
And you are obviously one of them.... Here's your sign!
Anonymous said...
Oh Lord, an illiterate retard from OCFD who can't read or right. You should have stayed in school and got a proper education instead of hanging out at the farhouse as a volunteer FARMIN. I guess you are what they refer to as a TICK!!!
Umm read or right?
6:13 AM
Uh, Dummy, it was a joke, read the rest of the grammar. He was poking fun, lol.
Bad Boyz of Metro....Metro what?...metro sexual? LOL
That friggin fire truck will last 20 years Brian? That is f__cking fantastic. We will still be paying for it in 2050!! Smart move on your leaders part. Now what do we do in 2029? Great Job Guys. You spend the taxpayers money like you do your own....IT IS WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD...not what you like or want.
Did your father need this monster truck? Well neither do you. Your father would not have bought this peice of eqiupment with his own money or OURS!
I have a stupid question.
How is Jimmy going to reach the gas petal?
Anonymous said...
Bad Boyz of Metro....Metro what?...metro sexual? LOL
12:21 PM
When I think of the Gordy's,Jeremy and Bill I think is is more like Homo Sexual.
Anonymous said...
I have a stupid question.
How is Jimmy going to reach the gas petal?
12:33 PM
Who cares... hopefully he will be history with the rest of them when the new Mayor takes office.
Its great to see Mike Layne still has an interest in what goes on in Salisbury. A little Brandie with your whine and cheese.
Anonymous 9:14 (or is it Harold S. himself?) As far as Station 16 "buttkissers", at least none of us ever got charged with pulling a knife on a fellow firefighter at the firestation. You are still a loser and never were a real firefighter. You call us a coward but you also hide behind the name "anonymous".
An interesting group of names from the SFD past: Whatever happened to Stephan Brezler, Tony Sterling, Skip Carey, And Harold Scott ? Any of them still fighting fires today?
11:28 No, he got BUSTED, his grammar was so dam good, just like the job he claims to do. BUSTED!
The "boyz" from the metro, have shown thier colors, just read this entire post. They have no brotherhood, otherwise they would not turn on each other. joe, you have been right from day one, the Salisbury "firmen" are a bunch of fakes!
Bad behavior seems to follow firemen around town. I was in the green turtle recently and a captain of salisbury got in a fight and was thrown out. He was so drunk he couldn't hardly put a sentence together. Dont know if he was paid or volunteer, but he got thrown out.
Katie, that was Jester, and he acts that way all the time.
Joe...one last time...can you kick this to the top of the page please?
Anonymous said...
Katie, that was Jester, and he acts that way all the time.
7:38 PM
Jester is not a captain or a lieutenant. He is just a firefighter.
I do remember when paramedic cramer from the Salisbury FD ran his mouth at the Greene Turtle and got his butt whipped by the doorman. It was wrong of the doorman to whoop up on him, but he should have been drunk and running his mouth. Typical of the SFD.
He wasnt the first from b shift to get thrown out of the Turtle.
The guy had a crew cut and his name was Buddy or Butny. I know Jay and it wasn't him. The guy was with a girl and trashed. Thats what lead to the fight.
They are all rednecks. Bragg, Adams, Jester, Cramer, et al.
Anon. 8:51
What is your name? So, that I might tell you in person! Why must you hide behind Anon. what are you scared. I know what i did and i am not bragging but the man called everyone out and asked so i told it like it is and the truth at that.
I thought that Salisbury got out of the traffic control sh*t. that thing will do great for blocking off the end of the streets while the MEN from 1 and 2 will ladder the roof.
who cares, this is way off topic now. Futher more the fire department is made up of PEOPLE, meaning when on their own time these people can do what they want. Perhaps they need to drink to relax, from dealing with the 20 or so bs medical calls they had on their shift. Back to topic the truck looks great hope they use it, hope is what they think they needed. If it isnt useful then i wish they had given all f.f. a raise.
The drunk captain would be "Capt. Bunky Adams" and he thinks he's worthy of a promotion. LOL
Anonymous said...
The drunk captain would be "Capt. Bunky Adams" and he thinks he's worthy of a promotion. LOL
10:28 AM
He has been kissing butt since Chief Pinky Higgins was around. How do you think he got the job and the promotions.
Bunky Adams has had numerous brushes with the law while employed by the city of Salisbury. He was arrested for getting drunk at a local night club after getting into a fight. He then got into a fight with a Salisbury police officer. Lucky for him Chief Higgins was able to pulls some strings. I believe the guy he got into a fight with was named "Donalds?"
O.M.G. Did the guy press charges? This isn't the first time this has happened with him. Lift the rugand get the broom.
You're kidding me right? Bunky actually thinks he deserves a promotion? For what? His knob slobbering skills with Pinky? That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard today. Him, Tull and Gladwell are all LUCKY to have jobs. Hopefully, they will be replaced under a new command.
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