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Thursday, January 01, 2009


Folks, I don't know if you have been keeping an eye on our nations status on exploration of outer space, but, if you have you'll soon come to the realization that a little operator - (Bert Rutan - Scaled Composites) - located in the Mohave Dessert has out gunned, out performed, beyond your wildest expectations at a fraction of our Governments cost. In fact, the private space exploration adventure has outperformed NASA by a Factor of 15. Not bad!

And who would have thought that a citizen of any County could pay to purchase a ticket to travel and explore the outer space. YOU CAN'T BUY A TICKET FROM NASA HERE IN AMERICA. THE ONLY PLACE THAT WILL SELL YOU A TICKET IS RUSSIA AND THEY HAVE DONE SO ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS.

Are Americans once again being systemically brainwashed? It's happened many times before. Why do you think Orville and Wilbur Wright originally decided not to donate their infamous wind machine to the Smithsonian. How about Nikola Tesla not being credited for first inventing the radio among other inventions.

Click here to see the video for yourself:


Chimera said...

Private enterprise can always do it cheaper and more efficiently than government.Its simple economics-they have to succeed to survive.

Anonymous said...

I heard about this guy when he designed the first airplane to fly non-stop around the world.

I also saw an interview with him right after his company won the X-Prize for the first private company venture into outer space.

When asked what he thought NASA would say about his historic achievement this is what Rutan said;

"We -(referring to NASA)-
are now screwed"

What he accomplished is incredible considering his resources verses NASA's cataclismic budget.

Anonymous said...

He's also doing something that NASA has done decades ago when technology said it was impossible. Technology has made it possible to do such things. Now when private enterprise beats NASA to a milestone they've really done something, say land on Mars? NASA's been off the moon for forty years and not a single other entity has come close to getting a man there since. And by the way, Russia didn't sell the seats per se, a private enterprise worked that out. Don't down on NASA so much, yes Rutan has done great things but NASA has always paved the way.

Anonymous said...

nasa isnt in the space tourism business. they do have alot of waste, but their mission is quite a bit more than shuttling rich people into space (mars missions, space telescopes, deep space probes, etc.)

space exploration and discovery is important to us as a country and as a species. some things have to be done just because we can do it. (why does the bear cross the mountain? to get to the other side)

NASA needs to clean up their act but there are things that are just too large in scope or cost that one company or organization can accomplish (such as missions to mars or probes to the outskirts of the solar system).

Comparing NASA and burtan's organization are apples to oranges.

Anonymous said...

NASA sent the first American into space in 1962 (over 40 years ago). Rutan is building on top of all those years of experience.

Right now, his company can send a vehicle into a brief orbit before returning. This is no where near sending someone to the moon, the ISS, or hopefully Mars.

NASA has problems and can do things better, but at this point, no company can come close to the accomplishments they have done in the past or what they are doing now.

Anonymous said...

"located in the Mohave Dessert has out gunned, out performed, beyond your wildest expectations at a fraction of our Governments cost. In fact, the private space exploration adventure has outperformed NASA by a Factor of 15. Not bad!" - How, exactly, is this measured? "Factor of 15"...what? You're a fool.