
"Well first off. Just let me asy to the Troopers and Deputies involved in the arrest of these three animals. GREAT JOB. There is no better feeling than to speak for the murdered and say yes, you are the one and you will pay. I am just sorry they will not pay with their lives. I am a staunch supporter of the the death penality in cases like this. I know first hand that poor women suffered one of the most brutal deaths. I was one of many that watched this poor women leave this world.
I am sorry to speak on such graphic terms. To the family let you have peace in such troubling times. I say this to you let her strengths live in you. Speak loud as to your pain and suffering. When God grants you the strength let your voices ring loud and clear.
These three offenders are young but I can say that after twenty years of fighting crime and observing the evil than man does to man, some cases touch you. This is one of those cases. The total lack of human values in this case speaks volumes as to what we are dealing with here. The case is solid and no deals should be made. The three should never exhale another free breath. I will keep you in my prayers as your family heal. I will also pray for the officers that dealt with this graphic violence and then have to go home and be a father and mother to their families. Some of these investigators went days without sleep, after just days earlier doing the same thing on a another horrific sensless murder of another young person.
If this is not a wake up call to all politcals involved the ship is teatering. I beseach you to use common sense and give the tools needed to be proactive and not so reactive to crime on our streets. I am no scholar of finance or grants, but something needs to be done and soon. It will only get worse. This has to be addressed at all levels.
Davis Ruark needs the funding to bring in the staff needed to handle the overwhelming case load. The law Enforcement agencies need the funding for a street crime unit that is strictly proactive.
Sheriff Lewis has the drive of ten. The Sheriff's staff has one of the most proactive approaches to crime that I have seen in twenty years. The State Police have the same atributes, The City police have been under seige for years with a lacking budget and man power issues. They are great officers. The tools needed are there, they can not be utilzed if not given financial support and the lattitude to get the job done.
These men and women deal with the elements of this type of crime day in and day out. When it alarms those working the crimes. I know the good people of this county have to suffer the psychological effects as well.
The Sheriff's Office is lacking a retirement and insurance package that fits the bill for years. The request for this package has fallen upon deaf ears for over fifteen years. I can say it is truly sad this is still an issue for these great county servants. I will state once more, if a deputy is injured in the line of duty. They will suffer great hardship in that the insurance is so lacking they will likely lose thier homes and thier children's oppurtunity for college. I say this is appauling. The citizens of this county spoke loud and clear on this issue. It is time to resolve it. I for one will remember each and every member of the coucil that balked at the oppurtunity to correct this issue.
The City Police has had years of a lacking budget and new technologey that is out there to get the job done. It amazes me that we can not hear one another as we work the streets of a county this size. There should be one central communications center at the very least. Our neighboring Sussex County has it. The city has been given the poor distinction of one of the most violent cities per capita in America. They can sugar coat the numbers but the head lines speak the truth of what is out there. The city is part of the county. This poor women could be any one of our family members. Thank God she did not have an infant in the vehicle.
The Salisbury Barrack should be staffed with twice the number of Troopers. This is more than obvious. I do not understand the lack of attention by the Maryland State Police Command on this issue. These Troopers have worked for years without any type of substancial raise. The very cost of living far overwhelms the compensation given to these great Officers.
As for the handling of this call by the SPD Officer none of us where there. I will not stand in judgement. If in fact they are the three it would not be the first time an officer has had contact with a killer prior to a murder. They just dont go out and start murdering. This happened with John Thanos, Duran Moss, Etc.. There has been numerous murders in the county. The offenders are almost always known to the system this is the society in which we live.
The county has the potential to fight crime in a fashion that all will see the results. The City and County Goverment need to get on the same stratigic plan. In that there needs to be one in place. We all share the same schools, stores, parks etc.. Why is there such a division in services. The sytem is failing. The soldiers are here and willing to fight the war on crime. It is time to untie the hands of the leaders of these agencies. The lesson here has been taught to many times. When do we as citizens take heed and make those who control OUR tax dollars answer to the lack of concern or just plain ignorance as to the issues stated.
All I ask is that this women not die in vain. If it does not touch each and every one of us, as every murder in this county should we are no better than the thugs that took her life. This women simply went to get a hamburger. It could have been your own child. Ask yourself how many times you and your loved ones go to the store. I hope no family has to live this horror again.
Martin Fisher
Delmar, Maryland"
MURDER IS MURDER. Why is there variuos degree of this crime. They took a life, why should they not pay with their life. YES, MURDER IS MURDER.Lets go back to the days that if you killed somebody you paid with your life. PERHAPS WE WOULD HAVE LESS CRIME TODAY?
Stop this, poor murderer, we should give them another chance.Hog Wash. They knew what they were doing, and THEY KNEW THE STATE ANNORNEY AND THE JUDGE WOULD AGREE TO A PLEA BARGAIN AND LET THEM OFF..
Sounds like Mr. Fisher would like to live in a police state. We have to many cops now. They are doing there job adequately. It's the Prosecutors and Judges that are failing us. Money is never the answer either. Davis Ruark has 17 lawyers on the payroll, and that is more than enought to get the job done. Public officials just need to do there jobs and quit complaining about there work load. Many people would like to just have a job, and wouldn't complain about having to do a little extra work from time to time.
Wow great post. I think it hit home. I hope the officer from the city did not have them. It just goes to show (if it is true) never take anything on face value. I do not believe anyone ingnored an armed robbery if they did they need to find a new line of work.
Hope the ones that controling the money are listening.
I hope they hear ya brother me and my family are with you !!!!!!!!!
ANON 357 Mr. Fisher put his name out there why dont you. Go tell it to the families of the dead and wounded by the crimnals. I am sure you are one of those so called council members that act as if OUR tax money is all your own. I think Fisher has addressed an issue that obviously struck a nerve in a coward. So next time post your name like that man did. Maybe you think it will cost you votes
Quality not quanity idiot. If you pay them better you get better cops and lawyers. It is a proven fact. The great ones go to the other side in private practice. Unless you have done it dont talk like you have. I think you missed the message in Mr. Fisher's post. Do me a favor go out tonight get youself a hamburger and pray they dont hop in your car. I guess by your post you will be home in your non-police state smoking a fat joint. Stand tall Fish dont you stop the fight.
357 you sound like a bleeding heart liberal. It is your views that created this type of juvenile thugs. Go watch CNN and bad mouth the troops. cops, and America.
Mr. Fisher ,
You are the man of the hour and
I believe in your concepts. I will
take it a step further. Our legal
system sucks. Lawyers get criminals off with technical
issues , they get them off just to prove they are smarter than the
lower paid government lawyers.
I believe everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon . Mike
Lewis is the man of this generation.
ANON 357, give your name the way Fisher did. Sounds like YOU have the answers to all,I just want to know who this all wise and all knowing person is. If not, "Shut the F*#$ Up"
Come on,lets end the suspense, WHO ARE YOU.
I agree with most of what your saying. (all but the free reign to our police cheifs)
Limits have been placed on individuals when it refers to the abilities to protect our selves. We are not being allowed the right to bare arms in order to protect us from these types of preditors.
I dont want to become a kept "pet" in a cage dependant upon the animal keeper for substanance. If permitted , I am more than able to defend my family and self.
And for the times I am unable then that is what I pay police for.
Where I have noticed the trouble at is with our States Attornys office. As you have noted , most of these crimenals have been in "trouble" before.
They have been in trouble and Ruark has failed us all by allowing those animals to walk away so as to save the county the time and money to convict them. (or so I beleive)
I pray God allows you peace in order to sort the truth out , as he has done for me. I to lost a very dear person in my life.
I have spent endless hours trying to figure why there was no justice done and all that has shown itself was the lack of truth and justice our local States Attorny has committed. He is a man , just a man.
I get the feeling he is to tired or accustomed to being lacks in performing his job...As it was found for a time of change in our Federal Government , it is well past time for a change in our State Attornys Department. How many times is this man going to be allowed to miss prosicute criminals ? I can think of over ...well its to many to count. And that is more than one to many.
If it were any other type of employment , including actually being a officer on the "streets", he would of been dismissed long long ago. Yet, there he sits Is it because of his connections ? Ofcoarse it is. And I know he is your buddy Joe but it is time for better conviction of these types of animals.
I know of several people who were cheated out of atonement because of this man. People who would not ever vote for him to be in the position he is in. And wont next elction. This is your wake up Davis. Put up or step down. Stop riding the gravey train and "DO YOUR JOB".
It would at least be a nice gesture as you will be on your way out.
This may not be posted and You are right if your thinking "This is just a person upset with Ruark". Your dam right Im upset. I'm paying for nothing but a lip serviced dummy. And I can buy one of them for $1.99 at the local dollar tree.
It is too late for my and others loved ones to be credited but now there is no reason these murderers should walk free ever again.
I cant beleive any one would of said it is a shame they are so young! They were old enough to kill and should be old enough to die. I feel that apart of why they even attempted to get away with this crime is because Davis has been so inefficent in posing sentences to crimes that the murderers dont even know they would be killed or locked up for life for committing such crimes.
Perhaps a Ad ran on T.V. and radio should be run twice a day every day. It returns back to parents and schools not instructing our children that it is wrong and you will be held accountible if you break laws.
But then again they dont even have to say the pledge of alledgence or the Lords pray any more. Our society has let these kids become what they are...Animals! Society has become so advanced that we have allowed the very basic glue to be watered down to the point of anarcy to have grown.
I am sorry for every ones lost and pray for you in this time needed for healing. Amen
I applaud that post. Ms. Pirkle's brutal murder should force people to say enough is enough.
Investigators did a stand-up job arresting these suspects within 24 hours of the murder. They worked around the clock to get the job done. I only wish every crime was wrapped up so quickly.
These teenagers should be reminded every day of what they've done. A beautiful woman is gone and for what... a car? She was a good person who's family is now heartbroken.
Everyone should be outraged. We should demand more money for police, we should demand better parents, we should demand this horrifying crime never be forgotten.
I hear you Fish!!! To bad the County Council doesn't.
cheese whiz
We should stop giving tax money to people that keep pumping kids out, when a lot of them turn out like these thugs. Why not stay home and make babies, the check is in the mail, thats how they think, then the kids have no decent enviroment. THIS (these thugs)IS A DIRECT RESULT OF WELFARE!PLain and simple!
recognize that trooper?
remember these days?
Don't stand on Mr. Ruark's work. He is limited to what he can do by Maryland LAW. These new 19 year olds have been in the juvenile system before, and have a track record. The trouble comes as juveniles, (under 18) police are limited to a no touch; give them back to their parents or just let them go policy. When they turn 18, they (and I know that they are members of the Bloods) they use the 12-16 year- olds to do their dirty work for them, as an initiation procedure because that gets the job done with no prosecution. This time they made the mistake of taking over a car, and they finally got caught at a legal age. These people have been thugs since they were 10-12 probably, and are used to the fact that they could do anything to anybody without prosecution until they were 18, AKA practiced criminals. I am glad that this .04% of our gang members got caught this night. There's a lot of work to do in this state. The fact that they were in in the company of a 16 year old proves this point.
Why do I know this? I am a parent of a teen Bloods member. I have first hand knowledge and a file 3 inches thick of charges against me from child Protective Services that promotes this gang activity by "protecting" the children from punishment, truancy charges from the school system, and assault charges from trying to parent my child. Let me tell you, any child that wants to be an idiot can be and they are protected by Maryland Law. There is no tolerance for firm parenting in the State of Maryland. Parents are in handcuffs when it comes to a child that enters the Bloods.
This is what trains our young people to become uncaring murderers. The Wicomico Juvenile Jail at a cost of over $70m I'm told can only hold 13 kids. There are probably three or four hundred Juvenile offenders out there, so only the "top 13" will get help via incarceration. The "boot camp" was shut down because the kids were being reprimanded for bad behavior. Now we have 2 dead people in a week in order to be "nice" to these animals.
The Police are doing their jobs to the best of their ability. The courts are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, and to the capacity of the jails, or maybe they are not doing as well.
What we need, people, is for all of us to address this dismal situation to our congressmen and senators. We need to be able to attach and jail minors just for the scared straight tactic. THEN release to parents. make them see where they are about to go if they keep this crap up. It's a simple thing, but effective. Not only that, let the juveniles spend the night. There are many unused holding cells every night; believe me I know; I spent 3 hours there compliments of my daughter, who was left home cheering the sight of me being taken away in cuffs.
Maryland law has everyone in handcuffs except juvenile offenders, and it needs to be changed. Write your congressmen and senators and ask, no, tell them that laws have to be repealed and changed to enact new policies. Empower our police and judicial system. make every homeowner have a right to carry a concealed weapon. This should be an accepted practice. Phoenix Arizona is an example.
we need to fight for our own protection, and the protection of our kids. Look at Joe's video of the man with 2 guns over and over so you know what we are all up against.
My daughter allowed Brittany Barkley to spend the night at my house one night when I was asleep.
Need I say more?
It seems a lot of you are missing a huge problem area. When criminals get sentenced to 20 years and get out in 7 or 8 because of overcrowding, then all the hard work is wasted.
The whole system needs to be changed.
Every business knows that to get better people you need to offer better, yes the county offers a benefit plan that lacks the protection for its employees they deserve.
This area has it's head stuck in a box, we need people to step and offer a better vision for this community.
Before we all blame an officer for an event that they could not have foreseen we need to examine the whole picture.
As a former Salisbury City Officer and having experienced the work load and the lack of support offered by the city and its leaders. Salisbury officers normally go call to call and do not have the time or manpower to give the time to investigate the calls the way they should. Working this way makes you tired and really sucks the motivation out of you. Imagine going into work, doing something you love but you are always overwhelmed, knowing there is a better way to do what you are doing, better equipment to help you do it much faster, better managment to work for. Even though you say you will always do the right thing, you don't, you do the best you can and go to the next call. If you look at cities that have the same amount of crime this area does, they have 20 to 30 more officers, but the cities are normally two times bigger offering that tax base to employ them.
So, what do we do. We pull our resources together to solve the problem. We need to combine and offer a better service for the money.
Interesting, everyone involved in committing this crime lives in the city.
My prayers are with the family of this young lady and also the paramedic who was on this call!
This country is free, so if you have the freedom to go anywhere and do anything within reason. then why would you worry if you had more police around you. You walk by a fire extinguisher probably every day, do you worry it will be used on you to put you out, no, you are not on fire. Don't break the criminal laws, you will have no worry. I guess you are proud of Salisbury being the 11th worst place to live in the Nation.
I do know for a fact the SPD did send some people to help.
The whole system needs fixing, the person in Maryland that is the head dog on this is the Attorney General, so the complaints should be e-mailed to him eveyday until he changes the juvenile laws and system that is soooooo overwhelmed, the jails that are easier then the stress of streets, the police that are underpaid and under protected, the court system that lets you down, the months and months it takes to get evidence processed, the lack of training offered on the new crimes an laws. So, I ask anyone reading who wants things to be different please e-mail you elected officials and the attorney generals office and express your wants. If this state and area does not change you will not attract anything good to come to it.
I heard someone say they saw these 3 walking in front of the Tastee Freez so just where did she come in contact with them...if they are steady talking why do we not know this information?
I think people are missing the point.
How does giving the police more money stop madmen from killing innocents?
You could have a cop on every corner and that still wouldn't have saved that beautiful young woman.
What might have saved her though is a glock within easy reach.
How many obituaries do we all have to read before it makes sense for law abiding citizens to carry a weapon?
I'll tell you when it makes sense, when it's a family member that gets killed.
There is no simple solution to an incredibly complex issue, but we must start somewhere. There are always going to be mean people who intend harm on others. What we must consider is how best to protect our innocent citizens, and apparently that includes protecting our children from being sucked into these gangs. I don't understand the whole gang thing, but I do know that this area is getting to be a scary place, for whatever reason. Again and again it seems to come back to the police protection we're getting, and how can it be the most efficient.
Two recurrent themes seem to be emerging and I cannot help but agree with both. Self-defense and disclipining our children-something to think about.
giving police more money means you can hire better police.
Having a cop on every corner, don't be so blind. If you knew there was a police officer on every corner with radar/laser, would you speed. No you wouldn't. If you add more police, the chances of getting these criminals off the street before they commit these bigger crimes is so much higher.
So does that answer it, there are many more reasons if you need them.
They were in the area of Tastee Freez and asked her for a ride then carjacked her outside of delmar.
Why hasn't the mayor and the chief of police of salisbury made a statement concerning this heinous murder. Will we see an editorial in the Daily Rag tomorrow? Maybe I am being naive but I really believe that the Mayor and other local government officials should make a statement comcerning all these crimes and what they are willing to do to help keep this area safe.
As a twenty-three tear law Enforcement officer I will say that davis Ruark and Sam Vincent sre two of the better prosecutors I know. So this post was not meant to be a sounding board for those against the S/As Office. I dont think any person in the private sector that does not deal with the issues the teachers,doctors, police and yes prosecutors have to see on a daily basis. We get to see nan at his worst. I have seen the most horrific crimes. Ihave seen the best parents on earth with the worst kids, I have seen horrible parents with great kids. I dont think finger pointing is the solution. I totally agree with the post. The pwers to be need to work in concert resolve these issues. A County Police Force ran by a Sheriff is the best bet. The Sheriff and his staff answer to the people you dont like him you vote him out. Mike Lewis is a tireless human being that has great conviction in what he does. Like it or not he is just what the doctor ordered for this county. As for the person stating Fisher is the man of the hour and Lewis is the man of the genaration. I dont think any part of the post questioned the Sheriff of this counties ability to run the ship. I know who Fisher is and he is one of the most convicted officers I have met. I know he loves his career and the people he works with. I also know he is the Vice President Of The Franternal Order of Police. I think he wants the people of this county to take note of what is going on in our county. If a Officer with his time in can see the crime rate going up then i take his word for it. I see that he made points on all aspects about all the agencies in the county. I think they were very valid points. I also know he does take his job to serve and protect very seriosly. I remember when he was a detective that he would be out all hours of the night and stayed out for days to aprehend a felon. That is not taught it has to be in you. It is not a job but a career. I have watched the Sheriff's office do a complete turn around. They went through deputies like hotcakes. They are now the place to be. Mike Lewis has brought a sense of urgency to that Department. If these men and women are working without proper insurance then it is criminal. There is no excuse, Ocean City, Salisbury City, Worceter County and numerous other departments have LEOPS. This is a complete package designed for police officers. One cant say the county can not afford. How can they not afford it. I f one of these fine men or women lose what they have because they chose to serve and protect you then they at the very least deserve the peace of mind knowing their loved ones wil be cared for. I know that poeple doing this kind of profession suffer Post Traumatic Stress disorder early in their careers. The life span of the average police officer is shorter than any other profession out there. it does not have to be at the hands of the offender. They have car accidents, heart attacks, high blood pressure, sleep disorders. The shift work and working in any weather that is out there. When most are running from a situation they are running into it. The meer sight of ones loved ones putting a bullet proof vest to go to work cause their children and spouses stress. Yes there are more dangerous jobs out there, The differance is these men and women put their lives on the line for total strangers. There is a new day on the horizon and if we dont take care of those who take care of us I dont see it being a bright one. There is not one officer I know in this county that I would not walk through hell on a Sunday with. They are heroes. Instead of staring them down when they try to grab a bite to eat in between calls say hello and thank them for keeping your family safe. Yes there will all ways be crime. If you think for one moment the crimnals would not rule the earth you are sadly mistaken. They do not think like you and I. Thank God there are those that chose the path to serve and protect. My grandfather was a cop and he said go to college and get a degree teach or become an attorney. There is not a day that I regret my choice to serve and protect those in my community. We need to take the same approach to law enforcement that we do education. It has to be a priority. that goes for every jurisdiction both state, county, city,and municapality. It isour children's future that is on the line. it is our geat way of life on the Eastern Shore. I would not trade what we have here for any other place on earth. Lets stop the violence and keep what makes the Shore what it is. I remember Donald Shaeffer called it the out house of Maryland. He was dead wrong. We have a great community and the people here know who their neighbors are. This county should be a model for all others. Think out of the box and do the right thing. The City needs a major overhaul. Joe I have watched your post of the filth and decay. It is totally on the money. The pride is slipping away. Thanks for all you do i may not agree with all of your views, but this is America and we can disgree but we are still family.
two things are for sure here. A beautifule women was brutally murdered and the three sub humans are in jail- they will stay there for a while. It is a terrible shame that this happened.
What i am interrested in is weather or not there will be an investigation into the female sby that may or maynot have had the girls fate in her hands earlier that day.
Joe, i think you need to do a post on weather or not webster is going to investigate this.
anonymous 9:48,
Webster is more interested in investigating me for havig postyed a photo in an elementary school than he is something linking to a murder.
I grew up in Delmar, DE. I visit my parents weekly and see the decline in Delmar. My brother has a house on the MD side - in town proper and it's scary. This past summer, an elderly man was moving is lawn 5 houses away from my brothers and someone beat up him and stole his watch. I think they need to revamp the town - starting with the Mayor and City Council. They need to come in and clean up the town. They should hire police that are not afraid of arresting these crack heads and thugs.
I think Webster is talking to us and what he is saying is loud and clear,"he couldnt care less". Sometimes what you dont say is as important as what you do say. I dont blame this officer for thie ladys death, but I do think the public deserves an explanation.
I guess you think our police force is staffed by a bunch of losers, eh?
Otherwise why would you say that we could hire "better" police?
I for one think we have some of the best around and sure as hell don't think more equals better.
And just one more thing, since I do not "speed," having a cop on every corner wouldn't matter, now would it?
Some of you people can't see the forest through the trees and just love throwing money at problems.
The truth of the matter is that there are people walking the streets that don't give a darn about their lives, and could care even less about yours.
Having Navy Seals patrol the streets would definitely quell crime, but then we would have Navy Seals patrolling the streets.
If you don't see the difference in that statement, move to China.
I don't think you even see the trees or the forest.
When your officers are tired, going call to call not being able to spend the time investigating the call, when the average SPD detective has 30 to 40 active cases do you think each one is going to get the proper investigation....not possible...Salisbury needs more officers, look at the growth and no additional man power to protect it. I challenge you to go on a ride-a-long with a SPD officer a few Friday nights and your eyes will open. Not just one, a few and with different officers, then maybe you can qualify your statement.
It's simple business, when you have a mechanic shop that has days of work backed up and the mechanic never gets caught up, you hire another mechanic, get caught up, do some proactive management, some shop repair if you have some slack time, but your business wil not survive if you customers are stacked up for days, eventually they go somewhere else. Just like a lot of the good citizens do here, move somewhere where they feel safer. The businesses looking at this area look at crime rate before they decide to move or start their business in the city. See the forest yet.
Mr. Fisher, have you looked at the economy lately? Be thankful with the state police pay you are now receiving and the take home car you are driving! It's pathetic that you would raise these retirement and pay issues on the back of this young lady getting murdered, may God forgive you and your greedy soul.
Obviously I have not made my last comments easy enough to understand.
I'll try to explain it differently.
The fact that we, as you say, do not have enough police officers to handle all of the cases, is because we have too many freakin cases!
In other words, there are too many idiots out there that do not respect the law.
Furthermore, your analogy of a mechanic shop not having enough employees to handle all of the work could be reduced if manufacturers weren't building garbage that frequently breaks.
Do you see my point?
Let every law abiding citizen carry a weapon and give them the freedom to protect themselves and I can assure you those thugs would begin to respect the law.
Otherwise they would be dead.
Is that clear enough?
Here I am as I sit and think
Of you and your daughter
I can not blink
I feel the pain that is not mine
As I search for a way to try to be kind
I see my family home and safe
I feel quilty in this time and place
I think of you and the pain you feel
And I dont have the power to make it heal
The sadness thats yours and in your heart
Your soul,your mind your life torn apart
I wish I could reach in and turn back the clock
But Im a mere mortal man and part of this flock
I wish I could say that it was all just fate
But I know thats not true for heavens sake
All I know is that for you my heart aches
Your baby has gone on up above
I hope she feels all of our love
We all grieve with you at this place and time
I love your daughter because she could of been mine
I will not forget this sorrow I feel
Were all with you while you try to heal
The answers we need must all be above
I sit here and write to you with nothing but love.
To anon 1227. I will say it again post your name. Worried about the votes you wont get next election. This topic was just the place to post a Blog. It is a Blog site. Now as for what you dont see or hear is the multitude of dangers that face these men and women and citezens of this county face. A couple of names comes to mind here J.R. J.C. and maybe even J.H. you know who you are. Post your names and get into the debate with some charecter not hiding behind your post.
Very nice poem Cruggly.
Our society is crumbling, and people are still asking themselves,why?
Why did this have to happen?
How much money has been spent on higher education, books, and super psychologists trying to answer that question?
That's like asking why the world spins in one direction and not the other.
It's 2009, and no one ever has or ever will figure out why people kill each other.
And you know, it's time that we say we don't need to figure it out.
How long have we listened to the so called "geniuses" try to explain away deviant behavior?
Oh, he had a bad childhood, or came from a broken home, blah, blah, blah.
Enough excuses and explanations.
Understanding the criminal mind won't bring back Ms. Pirkle.
Prisons are full of people with lots of excuses and we end up paying for their malfeasance forever.
Give me a gun, and God can ask the perps, Why?
3:00, Go back to eighth grade and learn how to spell. Also, just because "citizens" don't sign their name doesn't mean they don't have "character". Got it, learn it, live it, idiot.
It is clear, I do agree with the gun point.
So you think that we are going to all of the sudden make better cars, not. The garbage is going to get worse and worse, their is not fix to that anytime soon. So, your point is to not fix this part of the equation because we should fix that. We have more control over this fix, so fix it is my point.
Wow someone struck a nerve. Must be one of the three. lol I think you are entitled to your opinion 4:15 or JR, JH,or JC. Wow all three start with a J did not have a problem spelling that one. If you are in fact one of the three then sign your name and debate the issues openly. Not like some coward. I think Fisher stated was has been need to be said for a while. The issues at hand effect all of us on many levels. If you are elected enjoy it while you can. I see a new day and it has no room for those who dont hear the voice of the comman man or women. The people that put you there will surley take you out. I would not wait until the last minute to do the right thing. Rick Pollit and Mike lewis have the integrity to get the job done. The b/s that has been allowed to run this county is over. The earmarks if you will being traded by those who control my money on a county level is done. That you can take to the auditors office. The people are sick and tired of your kind. I have to go and work for a living now. Fisher you do not back down fight for the common people of this county and the legal system that needs help. God Bless and take care. As for the family of this murdered person. I will pray for your family and hope swift justice is served on those arrested. Sheriff Lewis you need to push to take over the whole county. The style of enforcement you bring is what we need here. The criminals are running the streets. If i am not mistaken this crime started in the city. What a shame we all have to bear the burden of a few.
The reason this topic is raised from this situation is because we in law enforcement know that this did not have to happen. If law enforcement in this area worked together and had better departments that stand behind you and protected you this may not have had to happen. Yes, you can't stop them all, but these kids killed because they thought they could get away with it. Do you speed through Salisbury because you are not worried about being caught. Do you act the same here in this county as you act in Ocean City, no. You know there are too many OC cops to speed through their town. One of the points with the benefits is if a deputy gets hurt while on duty and he/she can not work anymore, the county will only pay them for a short time and they are on their own. So, ask yourself, would you, having a house, spouse, kids to provide for, run into a dangerous situation where you may get hurt and then not be able to provide for yourself or your family anymore. It makes you think twice. Cops shouldn't have to think about being protected in doing their job. Thus this makes a difference in preventing these types of situations. Ride with some cops before you make your final judgement. Please judge slowly.
The various degrees have to do with if you planned it, or was it an outcome of the situation. Did you do something that just happened to kill the person or did you know that what you were doing would kill them. Example, you got into a fist fight and punched a person that died, that would be lesser than pointing a gun and shooting at them when you know shooting could easily kill them.
That's exactly the problem!
All of those "degrees."
We've got too many dang "degrees."
If some body comes at me intent on doing me bodily harm with his fists, should I just try to defend myself as best as I can?
Maybe I should consider my attackers frame of mind, or better, his "degree" scale.
He might have a totally different attitude about whether or not he may actually kill me with the right punch.
So while I go through the myriad of psych calculations in my mind, he's beating the hell out of me.
If I get in to a fist fight with someone, it's only because I'm not carrying my gun.
You see, I do not go looking for fights, but I want to be able to defend myself with lethal force when some one that has no compunction heads my way.
Take your degree scale to S.E. D.C. where I grew up and see how far that gets you.
Nice to see you come out against the Mayor and Council but I have a question for you....
Since you state that you have watched the decline of Delmar, when were you (or your family) present at a Delmar Town Meeting?
I ask this because if you had brought up your complaint to the Town at a meeting, you would have been told that the Town Council does not do the hiring of police officers. The Police Chief does.
Now, does that mean that maybe Delmar needs a new Police Chief?
There are some that say yes and there are some that say no.
I believe that Delmar definately needs to do SOMETHING. There have been elected officials in Delmar over the last several years who have called for Delmar Police to be more PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE, which only makes sense.
However, you rarely see a Delmar cop. The first part of being proactive has to do with being VISIBLE.
In many of the departments here on the shore, I believe VISIBILITY, not the number of officers is the problem and until the visibility gets a lot better, there will be those who will NOT support additional officers OR additional pay.
It's not my degreee scale it is MD's, ok
Don't kill the messenger
As the person who wrote this post I want to make it clear that my intentions were to exspress my sympathy and concern for the Pirkle Family. I am very pasionate about issues on crimes such as this. I have nothing but respect for all law enforcement officers that go out day in and day out to combat crime. I made a very personal observation as to some of the issues that I have long felt. I am by no means an expert in the field, but have spent half of my life doing this job. This crime was so senseless that I could not look beyond what had happend in our community. If I offended anyone I take full responsibilty for my views, they were just that my views. I still feel we need more manpower and resources. All the Departments are doing their part. I just want those that control the financial issue to be more in tune with the fight on crime. We have become very reactive in a time that obviously needs an enhanced proactive approach. I know that budget restraints exist in all goverments right now. I just ask that all that can be done be done. I do apologize to anyone that may have been offended. I still stand firm in my views that anyone that can help the efforts to reduce violent crime in our county do so. I do thank everyone that has supported the officers who are out there fighting this daily battle. May God watch over us all.
Times are tight Joe, and business is what it is but I would give $100.00 if I new where to send it.
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