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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Lost Dog Has Been Found!

"Hi Joe,

I am extremely pleased to report that Piper has been found and is on her way home as we speak. Thanks so much for posting the blog about her. I am very grateful and can't thank you enough."

People Helping People!


Anonymous said...

yeah, another success story. Please people, keep a watchful eye on your pets!!! Do not leave them unattended.

Anonymous said...

These are your 4 legged children.
You have to take care of them
just as you would your child!
Glad all lost animals are found,
but if they are lost due to lack
of irresponsible ownership, then it
it ones duty to GET RESPONSIBLE!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they both made it home. Don't bash the owners, we all know some small dogs are excape artists. Let's be thankful the little guys got home, and I bet the owners take more precautions because that does make for a stressful situation.

If I saw them on here again I might question, until then, welcome back to a happy home LiL guys!