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Monday, December 01, 2008

The Rise of the Citizen Journalist

We have been witnessing a lot of history recently.
The Times they are a changin and we are holdin on for the ride of our lives.
I have written quite a few articles about Mr. Obama having trouble producing his 'real' birth certificate. It has been a focus of many of my articles for the last couple of months, and I have taken a lot of heat for voicing my concerns.

But, lets for one moment put aside that Mr. Obama is a person of color, and lets put aside that he is a member of the Democratic Party. Lets just for a minute pretend that he is a white man and a Republican.

Now, that he is a white Republican lets pretend for a minute that he was born to a woman in Hawaii who was fathered by a German who left her, but soon she remarried a Russian guy who took her and her son to Russia where he adopted him, and enrolled him in a private Russian school?

Then lets suppose he were asked about his birth certificate and his true loyalties, and he refused to show it.
Would there be anyway for this man to avoid producing the documents? I just don't think so!
This is what I see... I see a country that is so taken with the fact that a person of color has been elected to the highest office in the land, that one negative question is construed as racist.
I see a country that is so ridiculously afraid of being politically incorrect that it's supposed Professional Journalists are avoiding this story like the plague.

This story is quite possibly the biggest story since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and what have our MSM reporters done?
Absolutely nothing!
What in the name of everything that is Holy is going on?
Why aren't they all over this story?
Why didn't Barbara Walters ask him?
Professional Journalist are supposed to follow a story to it's completion. They are supposed to check out leads, verify, annalize and report. No matter whether they like what they find, or not.

Hannity has been sent numerous emails about this.

Limbaugh has been sent the same emails.

O'Rielly addressed it once and caved immediately, and never asked again.

There are far too many questions that need answers.

Professional Journalists work for giant corporations that have bought up every independent news paper across the country and the journalist don't answer to their editors any longer as much as they answer to the corporate offices.

Obama is selling papers.
He is like a cult.
He's a Political Rock Star!
Anything about him or his family is making money, so which one of them will step out on a limb and actually ask the tough questions?

This week of all papers, it was the Globe Super Market Tabloid that is reporting about the soon to be released 'tell all' book written by Larry Sinclair. Sinclair claims to have had a homosexual relationship with Obama, used cocaine with Obama, and has evidence in a murder case involving Obama and the Choir director at Obama's sensationalized church led by Rev. Wright.
The Globe is the only publication that would cover the story when Sinclair went public with it last July.

Blogger Citizen Wells reports on the story , Lame Cherry does as well.

MSNBC Blogs were talking about it, but it's not making the front page of the New
York Times, and Greta and Hannity aren't dissecting it.

It is the Citizen Journalists who are hitting this topic head on and they are relentlessly pushing to find the truth.
Our Citizen Journalist aren't owned by a media conglomerate they are merely doing what they know to do that is right.
They want to find the answer to this question, they want the Supreme Court to rule on it one way or the other. They want to be able to go on with their lives and know that whether we like this man for President or not, we know that the Constitution was upheld, and for 4 years he will be our Commander in Chief.
This is far too big to let it slip by, the Citizen Journalists have said so.

We may never win any award, we may never be paid for our articles, we may never even be picked up and syndicated, but it's okay, we do it because it is what we are supposed to do. We are Patriots and we care, and we will continue to care as long as we live.
The following is a list of Citizen Journalist who find this topic important:

There are more and if you read into any of these you will find links to others. I don't agree with everything that all of these folks say, but when you see the numbers of comments attached to these articles, you will see that thousands upon thousands of Americans want and deserve the truth.
Read something other than the MSM and educate your selves, then decide for yourself... Is there enough of a question in your mind that you want the Justices of the Supreme Court to demand to see these documents?


Anonymous said...

If you are so "outraged", get off your ass and really do something about it. The Supremest of Courts can be found a tank of gas away at E. Capitol St. and 1st St. NorthEast. Wear a nice warm hat and make a pretty sign (if you take a bullhorn there and yell at passerbys this is also a nice touch). There is nothing like the smell of tasered skin in the morning.

Anonymous said...

The liberal press would have still covered it up if he or she was white. They were willing to do anything to get a democrat president back in office.

Anonymous said...

The Glode is the same reliable source reporting UFO landings and "Boy trapped in refrigerator eats foot." Come on, please.

Anonymous said...

Would you please explain what would convince you that you are wrong about this? Do you, personally, need to hold the birth certificate in your hand? Under what circumstances would you finally agree that Obama is a citizen? IF your answer is that everything can be faked, then you will never, ever be satisfied, and therefore you might as well just give up. You then must also admit that maybe McCain's birth certificate was faked and he really isn't a citizen. After all, you weren't personally there to witness his birth, right? Get over it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When the election process is over
the Messiah . Will be in total
command. His first process was to brainwash the young , he did that.
He will then start to eliminate
the constitution as we know it.
This will be easy for him , as he has the followers. The MSM is afraid of his following.

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM,

Eliminating the Constitution is something your guy has been doing for the past 8 years.

Wymzie said...

Anon: If you read my older posts you will see that I have not been happy with Bush either.

I have been jumping up and down and screaming about our Constitution for quite a while now!

Anonymous said...

I have noted your loonieness is in fact powerful enough to be bi-partisan. That is why your attempts at idea formation are so terrifying. By the way, if you are jumping and screaming regarding the Constitution, why don't you just go "full bat guano" and sing to it as well. Maybe something like "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister or "I Never Promised You A Rose Garden" by Lynn Anderson. It all has the same (lack of) effect.

sherryande said...

None of this matters. This shouldn’t be about citizenship, I personally believe Obama is a US citizen, however he is a citizen born of dual citizenship. Therefore, at best a naturalized US citizen. Obama is not a natural born citizen as this would require that both parents be US Citizens and we know that is not the case. This is being made into a "right wing" issue (which I can assure you I am not) however this is a constitutional issue and we should all be outraged that no one is fighting for us.

BossHogg said...

Do you, personally, need to hold the birth certificate in your hand? Under what circumstances would you finally agree that Obama is a citizen?

Simple certification by the Federal Election Commission or the US Supreme Court should be enough for anyone.

Senator Obama's qualifications have *NOT* been certified by *ANY* Government agency with authority to certify him.

Posting copies of documents on private websites are not the same as being "certified" by a federal agency.

If he was properly certified by the Supreme Court or Federal Election Commission as eligable for office, then anyone demanding to see the documents would need a sturdy tin foil hat.

Anonymous said...

Here is where your argument falls off the rails:

"He refused to produce it."

Well, that's false. DEMONSTRABLY false. He has produced a copy from the State of Hawai'i, and the Director of Health for the State has certified that the original exists in their vaults and has been reviewed.

So, your premise is wrong, making your conclusion wrong. Pretty standard mistake for a novice.

Anonymous said...

I am not a republican nor am I a democrat. I am independent. I do not vote along party lines nor do I believe everything that is said by one party or the other. The fact is the man should produce his documents. We have a right to know. Why is he covering this up? Do you really not want to know the truth? It doesn't matter which way the truth falls I want to know. He has the power to put all of this to rest. Makes me think there is some truth to this. What better way to destroy a country than from the top. Think about that.

Anonymous said...

I've often thought of becoming a golf glub.

Anonymous said...

You bet your ass FBI director Hoover wouldva been in his bowl of cereal immediately.He called Martin Luther King a liar and proved it. These people today have no balls.Lets see what happens with the review of Obamas Birth by the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT.

Anonymous said...

Should I wear a smart pant-suit or more formal gown to my press conference?

Anonymous said...

I beleive you can't beleive 1/2 of what you see and none of what you hear but it does truly seem like a sort of cover up.Why wont he produce his birth certificate ? I have applied to places that require a leagal copy , not a copy of some document I could of made my self. If the trouble is that obama needs the $36.00 to get the original copy I'm sure Joe or Wymzie would "spread the wealth"and lend it to him.....for a fee, lol. If it looks and feels like dog kawkaw then we dont have to step in it, or inauguate it, to know its poo poo.

Wymzie said...

If you insist on labels then you may label me a Libertarian.

Loon? No. Blonde? Yes!

I don't take myself so seriously as to not be able to admit my mistakes, however, this is a very basel point that must be addressed. It is a non-starter in my book, and we as the American people deserve to heard and assured that the Constitution is being upheld.

Anonymous said...

Obama is not legally obligated to produce anything for anybody. What he is doing is the correct action. When he produces more documents the naysayers will just want more.

No matter what or when he produces something, it has been suspect by the very people he was trying to appease. So he simply stopped playing the game.

Anonymous said...

I think this whole argument is cukoo for Cocoa Puffs. Give it a rest, Burkes.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:09 I bet you watch Oprah!

Wymzie said...

Anon: Is my alerting the public to 17 active cases in our court system including 2 before the Supreme Court hurting you?
I think not!
How much have you heard about it on the MSM?
Have you watched countries around the world be taken over from within your entire life?
Yes you have!
It is the little things like this that the State Run Media ignores that allows Dictators to rise and Police States established.
If I am wrong I will say so, but until proven wrong, I will continue to ring the alarm bell.
If I am right and nothing is done and you end up on the recieving end of a jackbooted thug, I hope you will remember that I tried to warn you.
In your service,

Anonymous said...

If I recall correctly, not too long ago you were putting on your Dora the Explorer water wings in a symbolic gesture to repel an imminent beach invasion by the Russian Navy. I think you were also on board George Will's crazy train regarding the little Chinamen he saw drilling for oil in Cuba this summer. Sorry, but your clinical diagnoses go far beyond "blondness."

BossHogg said...

but your clinical diagnoses go far beyond "blondness"

If you can't respond with logic, then hurl insults.

It's what the NAZI's did to anyone who dared speak out against them.

You are either an asshole or a pussy or both, really can't tell because you don't post your name.

Anonymous said...

You people are nuts. Did the Supreme Court certify McCain's birth certificate? No? Then HE MUST NOT BE A CITIZEN!!!! Great logic.

Anonymous said...

You are asking ME to respond to this laughable premise with THAT deserves a LOL! {BTW...I am best classified as an asshole, but at least a sane one}

Anonymous said...

You have to show your birth certificate to participate in travel sports but not to be POTUS???

Anonymous said...


you said:

"If I am wrong I will say so, but until proven wrong, I will continue to ring the alarm bell."

You haven't proven that you're RIGHT, yet. Obama has requested, and received, a copy of his birth cert from Hawai'i, and posted it online. The director of health has certified that the original exists.

You haven't proven them to be wrong, yet, and the onus lies upon you do so.

So, provide the proof of your assertion that he wasn't born in the U.S. Right now we've got the STATE OF HAWAI'I vs. Wymzie. They put up their proof. And all you have are accusations and assertions.

Thank God you're not running our judicial system.