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Monday, December 01, 2008

Media Monday - Daily Times, Tall Tales and PAC-14

In August, 2007 we noted that Daily Times reporter Greg Latshaw could prove to be quite dangerous.  Why?  He possesses the doubly dangerous traits of bias and cleverness.  Additional evidence was printed on Sunday with Latshaw's story about PAC-14.

Rather than resort to the normal Daily Times MO of he said / she said journalism, Latshaw wove a wicked little tale with just enough facts to be plausible.  The obvious intent of the piece is to build support for the concept of a so-called "community board" for PAC-14.

The concept of a "community board" is important to those wishing to seize control of PAC-14, and the $200,000 plus in taxpayer dollars that go with it.  If Latshaw had been honest in his reporting his readers would know that this "community board" will be accountable to neither the taxpayers of Wicomico County nor the "community" in general.

Latshaw is clever.  Note his wording in the second paragraph:

... with most saying they want the next board decided by the community and not government appointees.

Latshaw makes it sound as if the "community board" approach is the one that is actually the one which is more accountable to the average citizens.  Forget that fact that it is ELECTED OFFICIALS that are making board appointments.  Forget the fact that these ELECTED OFFICIALS have to stand for election every four years.  Forget the fact that a small, elitist clique would be deciding who serves on the PAC-14 board under the so-called "community board" model.  Let's also forget the fact that this "community board" will be accountable to no one.

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Anonymous said...

Well Said.....and written

Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen, AMEN!

Now, the question:

What can we peons do about it?

Anonymous said...

Who wants higher cable-TV rates like would happen under the Pretl-Tilghman scheme to take over PAC 14?

Anonymous said...

The public should demand the dissolutin, resignation or whatever the term maybe of this "special interests" heavy, task force. Who hired them to begin with, and why were THEY picked and not other people????

Anonymous said...

9:45.....we "peons" can elect leaders who are going to serve the best interest of the community, rather than a select group of issue-elitist.