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Monday, December 15, 2008

Media Monday - 081215 ...

... The Tin Lady Retires

Is today's Daily Times editorial a joke?  First we're graced with a front page story on Sunday telling us all what we already knew - Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman is not seeking re-election.  Councilman Gary Comegys would never have declared for Mayor if she was.  But given the banner headline, you would have thought it was VE Day again.  Today we have an editorial that portrays Tilghman as the greatest politician in the history of Western civilization.

"She always showed leadership."  Yes, if your definition of a leader is the biggest bully on the block then I guess that you could define Barrie Tilghman as a leader.

"Throwing the old boy network on its head."  I guess that depends on WHO you define as the "old boy network".  From shady real estate deals (Fruitland Wal-Mart, Sassafras Meadows and the Fire HQ) to massive taxpayer subsidies for chosen developers (the old mall, the NE Collector Road, and AGAIN, Sassafras Meadows) Tilghman has been front and center providing for HER "old boy network".

Selective memory, or brazen prejudice, may account for SOME of the ridiculous notions printed today.  However, that does not excuse the outright lies also included:

There were the public attacks and bitter incriminations courtesy of
Robert Taylor, Bob Caldwell, Linda Kent, Carolyn Hall, Jim Ireton, Bill
Reddish and (of course) assorted Web loggers motivated by revenge or
borderline personality disorders.
While Reddish, and Delmarva Dealings can rightfully be charged with attacking Tilghman (but I will always argue that they were justified, accurate attacks), to paint the others with such a broad brush is borderline libelous.  Unless the author believes, like Tilghman, that ANY criticism is an "attack" this simply isn't so.  The implication that a genuinely wonderful woman such as Linda Kent would "attack" anyone is preposterous.  It just goes to show what sore losers Barrie Tilghman, and evidently the Daily Times, are.  To claim that bloggers have a "borderline personality disorders" is probably libelous.  Don't worry Greg and Susan, I'm not planning on suing (I like you too much and it's against my faith).  I can't speak for others.

As for our collective motivation, the author again shows their ignorance and their true colors.  Barrie Tilghman has never done anything to me.  Revenge has nothing to do with the fact that many of us believe that she has been a bad Mayor.

Ironically, the Daily Times accuses certain folk of "attacking" Tilghman but hide from the fact that they have been the primary tool for her vicious, unwarranted, and false attacks against many of those same people - and many others.  Who can forget the Daily Times printing outright lies by Tilghman about city council candidate Tim Spies.  This is but one example of the most potent weapon of the unholy marriage of Tilghman and the paper - wrap it in quotation marks and take no responsibility for printing false information.  Her attacks against us "dirty rotten bloggers" only ceased because her own son happens to be one of us (and a damned good, if liberal, one I might add).

There is no question that she can claim many accomplishments.  Unfortunately, too many of those accomplishments have been bad policy for Salisbury and her taxpayers and residents.  I do commend her for good political instincts, including her realization that her time is over.  However, to compare a tin horn, wannabe dictator to one of the greatest leaders of my lifetime (Margaret Thatcher) is insulting.  It's just one more example of the Daily Times playing Monica Lewinsky to Barrie Tilghman's Bill Clinton.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

You're going to go crazy if you try to rationalize irrational things...the DT, after years of printing (Barrie's version of news) what were essentially press releases, they would have to eat too much crow to admit what a poor job she and the sheep-called-administrators who run city hall have done.
Besides, who reads the DT anymore anyway? Nobody who's looking for real local news.

Anonymous said...

It will be great when all this bickering among "so called adults" can end and those with revenge and personality disorders can leave and go, just leave. Get rid of the acid. Mayor Tilghman has run campaigns against odds, and won.

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:46,


What odds? She ran against what I felt was a mentaly unstable man and the other a Pizza Delivery man. Get your head out of your axx or her, will ya.

Anonymous said...

I was not against the mayor until her tactics against Timn Spies. I will not forget that, nor will I forget it in this election. Comegys was behind most of it.

Anonymous said...

unemployment line=webster,oland,pick/assistant,wilbur,cee,gordy to start with.

Anonymous said...

Tilghman & the Daily Times have no credibility, ZERO! Tooting their own horns only serves to magnify their absurdities and their total disconnect from the public.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that it is libelous to word it the way the Daily Times did: assorted Web loggers motivated by revenge or borderline personality disorders." The paper was careful not to name these bloggers and used the conjunction "or" to suggest possible motivations.

I am a male, but I wonder how much of the vitriol thrown Tilghman's way was because of her gender. She is a very strong person with a seemingly my-way-or-the-highway approach to leading. Would an equally strong male mayor have received this much animosity? Would a strong male have been called whatever the masculine equivalent of "witch" is? To be compared to Margaret Thatcher is quite an honor.

Anonymous said...

Jo Albero 10:50. You know it all; there's only one way, Joe's way.

joe albero said...

While they have the right to their opinion, Barrie Tilghman and her Administration have done every sneaky thing they could do to paint me to be a bad guy. Yes, I have stood up to this woman and her Administration head on and gave her a taste of her own medicine, in the same kind of personality disorder she spews. Perhaps many didn't like that style but it mirrored hers and we fought fire with fire.

Today, Salisbury News is a whole different kind of Blog. We knew long ago Barrie wasn't going to run again for several reasons and regardless of what the Daily Rag says, the Court of Public Opinion, (the Blogs and its commenters) have obviously seen the light.

Last Friday we experienced the biggest day we've ever seen. When we posted the article about the Armed Robbery we received 40% of the entire days hits in 1 1/2 hours. For what that's worth Folks, EVERYONE on Delmarva that wanted to know about what was going on came to Salisbury News and guess what, we not only had it, we delivered it faster than any other print, television and on line source out there. Once the word got out that we had it, everyone popped in to see what it was al about.

That being said, there's NO QUESTION in my mind that has a much bigger following than the Daily Slime and when it comes to up to the minute local news, we own it. That being said, Barrie Tilghman knows how well received and visited this Site has become and guess what Folks, she created it. If she hadn't lied to me time and time again and hurt so many people along the way, would have never been started.

So let the Daily Rag say what they want. Not many read it any more as a respectful, trustworthy newspaper.Most go there just to see what they're saying towards articles already written here days earlier.

Isn't it hilarious how it used to be the Blogs everyone thought was whacked out and now everyone feels it the Daily Slime. I'd say we have ALL come a long way and we have al grown. Every time they produce articles harsh about us they simply close the door for their future. They banked on us failing because the Daily Times said so and look what happened, it to backfired on them.

The ONLY way they can compete now is to start buying us up one by one and quite frankly, should they offer, only take cash guys because their credit isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Long Live The Blogs!

Anonymous said...

The record speaks for itself. The public was fed up long ago and she remained. There aren't enough voters in the City to have a barn raising. The place is mostly rentals and they cant vote. The newspaper is in her back pocket. What do you expect. Shes a big fish controlling a small pond and theres not a shark in sight.

In the end the record will show a flawed track record of blunders and questionable activity. Unfortunately we are left to live with the mess. She can just move, like she did from Camden Ave. The lesson to be learned is to not elect another person like her. She has always been what she is today. If we make the same mistake again, then we are the fools.

joe albero said...

anonymous 11:08,

That's just not true, ask my Wife.

Secondly, thanks for varifying I was correct about Barrie not being up against any odds when she ran for Office. Many feel she lied her way in numerous times, especialy on the Good Ol' Boys crap.

Anonymous said...

Somebody had to throw the bucket of water on her.

Anonymous said...

Sir Joe: 11:20 YOU'RE FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that the newspaper articles are a bit holiday spin / cherrios for Barrie. After all she looked mighty lonely in a recent community fundraiser.

She has been an unpopular mayor for a long list of reasons, one being a poor adminstrator. But for whatever reason, her legacy will be her failure to earn the trust & respect of her constituents. Something that reflects directly on her not anyone else.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was not against the mayor until her tactics against Timn Spies. I will not forget that, nor will I forget it in this election. Comegys was behind most of it.

10:51 AM

Comegys lost in the primary and they were desperate to keep him on board so they went on the attack and used ACORN style tactics to get Bubba re-elected.

Anonymous said...

G. A. the election can't come soon enough for me. We have to get rid of these pariah's or the city will totally impload. Good post G.A.

Anonymous said...

I hope G.A. sends this post in as an op ed. The Times truly is a Disgrace.

Anonymous said...

G.A. , Think about it! That woman has made so much money with all the
shady deals , she could care less!
Her and Mike Dunn have done very well and they both have acquired millions on the side. Oh well , that's politics in Salisbury City.

Anonymous said...

ANYONE who has had to deal with the Tilghman administration is celebrating! Hopefully the new people will be more organized and logical in the way that they do their job. Whoever is the next Mayor-YOU NEED TO CLEAN HOUSE! Start with all those slackers who have been passing time while on the city's clock. Then get rid of the Power Mongers (Public Works, to start), Move onto the Chief of Police (not effective), Fire Dept.,
(how much time do we have??), City Attorney (He should probably be first to go, oops).
This place will be better just by being rid of this element.
How many days left????

Anonymous said...

10:46 --

The crucial election was in 2002 -- against Duke Shanahan -- who the Daily Times brought down over an absurd matter (photo of a river, but not the Wicomico) and Barrie's false claim that he was cheating the City.

Had he won then, Salisbury would be much better off today.

This year is really critical -- we can't allow Bubba Comegys to gain the mayor's office!

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen,


joe albero said...

Larry H.

Wouldn't you love to know. I owe you nothing and I deliver news and information to you for free every day. Your challenge will not be posted and if you don't like it, click the x at the top right corner of the page and simply go away.

To comfort your curiosity a little bit, look at the sell out crowd at the Civic Center for the Fernando fight. Look at all the animals being adopted at the humane society and the fact that they're completely out right now. Look at all the volunteers for the Salvation Army. It's not a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

No, those are not coincidences.
This blog is PROOF of how much difference ONE PERSON can make.
You, reading his blog this very minute, might not agree with him, might not even LIKE him, but you've got to admit that he's made a HUGE difference in Wicomico County. If you don't believe me, look around. What you see, but might not know the word for is...SUNLIGHT! That's right...all those things which were going on under the cover of sneakiness or manipulative tactics are now visible to anyone who can type
Keep up the good works, Joe. And, if you have to p*ss someone off in the process, SO BE IT!

Anonymous said...

GA & Joe:

I don't care if you are as bad as Greg Bassett said in that editorial -- if you are you each can be my Nutty Buddy.

Keep up the good work!

Let's make sure that "FOB" don't mean "friend of Bubba" next year.

Jason S. said...

I have "turned" several people onto this blog and most everyone of them loves it. Agree all the time no. But appreciate the news that gets through to US THE PEOPLE that would usually fly under the radar they love. Mother and Mother In Law included.
Joe has done a great thing and a great job "keepin it real". So for all the haters you can continue to read the stories the THEYS of this town want you to read in the Daily Rag. Enjoy being an ostridge. As for the rest of us we prefer to see the light.

Anonymous said...

Who's a$$ will the Daily Slime be kissing once the old witch is gone?

Joe, great job! As for the fool that is bothering you, well, that fool keeps coming back to where..Salisbury News!

Anonymous said...

Talk about two people with personality disorders...

Hey kettle (tilghman), pot (dunn)called, he wants his black back.

Anonymous said...


After all that phony praise in the Daily Slime, Barrie is going to award herself a "certificate of appreciation" at the next City Council meeting.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, change is not always for the better. Be prepared for it.

Anonymous said...

Is 4:47 Mike Dunn posting anonymously? (Not accusing, just asking.)

Based on his previous appearances here and the comments that sound like him on the Daily Rag's online blogs, this sounds like him sowing the seeds of suspicion.

I have every confidence that if we change to a person of honesty and integrity like Jim Ireton in the mayor's seat, change will be good.

Reality is, just like with the new president, things are sooooo bad now, that St. Patrick, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Joan of Arc, St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi and every other saint in that seat would have a monumental task ahead.

Elect Jim Ireton.
Re-elect Debbie Campbell.
And a person of honor, PLEASE replace Shanie Shields.

Anonymous said...

How low will Greg Bassett go as Editor--listing private citizens by name when they have merely done what is allowed under the Constitution. They stood up publicly at Council meetings and stated their case against Barrie and the City.

Bassett should be fired for such tactics. He is too afraid of Barrie to work as a true journalist.

Anonymous said...

If I may steal a quote from Joe...Greg Bassett is a PUSSY! The only reason that waste of ink was printed is so Barrie Tilghman can have something to pass on to her illegitimate grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Tighlman went downhill from day one.

The Times wrote: "In her first days in office, she dismissed an iconic police chief whom she believed to be corrupt."

This is total slander against a dedicated public servant.

Colburn Dykes was never indicted or convicted of any crime.

If the Times had any journalistic standards it would have asked Tighlman to put up her proof or shut up.

How much money did she cost the city settling the chief's lawsuit?

And it was all downhill from there.

Anonymous said...

the DT made a good point: why doesn't the anti-mayor group provide alternatives? You don't have a mayoral candidate who has the conservative background you guys follow. Why not? Too busy calling people pussys?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the DT made a good point: why doesn't the anti-mayor group provide alternatives? You don't have a mayoral candidate who has the conservative background you guys follow. Why not? Too busy calling people pussys?

8:48 PM

The biggest pussy is Anon 8:48 PM. Sign your name you PUSSY.

Jim Bloxom

Anonymous said...

Just came from the company Xmas party. Young and old were overjoyed with the news. I guess that says it all when all ages and economic levels are happy about her leaving. Jim Ireton was the only name I heard for the next Mayor. Things are looking up.

Anonymous said...

I see the Comegys people are on the prowl here! Face it, you can level all the charges you want at your opponent, but you've got nothing going for your guy. I encourage everyone here to attend any future debates for the mayoral candidates, and you will clearly see who has the intelligence and integrity.