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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Did The Gas Companies Destroy The American Economy?

Citco claims gas could drop to a dollar a gallon within the next few months. So what happened? My guess, the Oil Companies have had an Oil Man in the White House allowing them to do anything and everything they wanted and now that Obama is heading into the White House, (a non Oil Man) they're scared to death.

Obama won't have time to look into the illegal activities brought to Americans by the Oil Companies but could you just imagine if he did have the time.

SO, that being said, the MSM is claiming the gas companies could salvage this economy. What a group of Idiots with their lips stuck up the a$$es of the oil companies! IF that were the case, why aren't they blaming the oil companies for destroying the American economy to start with?

Oh, that's right, this is America where we just don't give a shit.


Moon Willow said...

Your post reflects exactly what I've been thinking and saying. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I was beginning to think I was a bit paranoid. At least I'm in good company.

And remember: Just because you're paraniod, it doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you!

Daddio said...

Don't get too used to cheap gas, even if it manages to get down to a buck a gallon.

Politicians are already salivating at the prospect of raising taxes substantially on gas, since we are already used to paying much more than these seemingly low prices.

The prices won't stay low for long, you can count on it.

Anonymous said...

No, the Democrats and their evironazi masters destroyed the economy.
The gas companies must buy oil on the world market because the Dems won't let us get our own!

Anonymous said...

Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton destroyed the American economy.

Anonymous said...

That post exemplifies the complete lack of understand most people have with the world oil market.
American oil companies (w's friends) only buy a very small percentage of the worlds oil, and have very little effect on the world price of oil.
When the "gas company" is forced to buy oil at $150/barrel on the world oil market then the price at the pump will refect it.
You want to control the price of oil? then drill our own!

Anonymous said...

Democrats and their hostility toward American corporations has slowely destroyed the economy. When American businesses can't compete with foreign companys that don't have to obey the useless rules and regulations imposed on them by Washington.
Corporate income tax that is the second highest in the world kills competitivness.
Union work rules that protect the slackers and punish the performers.
Environmental rules that are obscenely restrictive.
Wake up America! The Democrats have detroyed this economy with their socialistic policies!

Anonymous said...

The oil man is Dick Cheney. Try FOIA to get the transcripts of the "secret" meeting he had with the oil companies back in 2000.

Anonymous said...

Funny how parapnoia has been mentioned here. I have my own feelings. First , was the oil prices raised to help our economy to fail, just in time to elect a non-citizen to run our country ? With all the pay-offs (bail-outs) to private industries being made is it so far fetched to think that a recession would'nt be the perfect distraction to allow infultration of our government by those that would like to see us fail. Yes folks change is coming and all those who find that it is'nt what you were told it would be, remember who fell for this enormous scam in the first place..

As far as gas prices going back up, of course they will. opec is meeting already to discuss how to lower supply so that they can warrent the rise of their prices.

My last thought is that the cost of oil went up so that we could pay for the "other sides" cost of the war. We first pay for our side, then pay for the other side so we can pay for our side. Pretty deep huh ? Not if it can be conceived. I have been reassured in my total disgust with how humans can betray fellow humans. How unfair to control another so that ones self can be controlled less. Personally I think the entire way this earth has been manipulated into what it has become is horrific. And that is why I won't win the lotto. Because if I ever did , I would find me a place where I could just go and live without any need of help from any of the worlds con artist.

The entire world is so full of egos and greed and need of reconition that a huge dose of self esteem , it turns out, is really all it needs. I'm so disgusted with all this shit that I think I will go out and over charge some one for a job just to make myself feel better.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa. And so the cycle continues.

Anonymous said...

What "illegal activies" by oil companies, Joe? Selling oil at a higher price than you think it should be sold at? You are a businessman. I presume you have a very good idea of how supply and demand works to adjust prices. Oil companies work just like your business does. It operates under the same principles.

joe albero said...

anonymous 2:25,

I guess there weren't any Dot Com Companies screwing American's back in the Clinton Days too, right?

You guys love to stir the pot but if they can afford to sell for a dollar a gallon allegedly coming soon, they didn't need to be at four dollars a gallon.

I stated months ago, this Government will take every last penny you have until you are completely broke and then finally state we're in a depression. Fools like you that trust our Government are the exact reason they haven't stated the Country is Bankrupt yet. What an Idiot, respectfully.

Anonymous said...

blame the democrats , who else can a republican blame.
Try george bush or dick chaney.
Dick chaney is why salisbury state owns dressers building .
Haliburton bought it while dickthe prickchaney was ceo (not to good at spelling) and dresser in salisbury was told that haliburton wanted nothing to do with that part of the oil business.
Can i get a job at the new parking lot on college ave?
Yea the dems destroyed america.
George and dick go to ----

Tidewaterbound said...

Collectively, we've all destroyed the America that WAS, the proud, the strong, the industrious, once most profilic nation of workers and producers to be found.

Now, America is filled with LAZY, selfish, dirty, nasty, and STUPID people by and large.

While there are pockets of goodness left in America, if you aren't paranoid and terrified about the future--all of ours, you are STUPID.

Anonymous said...

Joe, this is anon from 2:25 checking in again. You still didn't answer my question about what illegal activities you think oil companies did.

And the price of oil was high a few months ago because people were willing to pay that price. People aren't willing to pay it today, so the price falls. That's how prices work. When demand is high and supply is tight, people will pay more to get what they want. It's pretty simple. Don't call me an idiot because you can't understand this. In fact, I think you do undertand this because you are a businessman. How did you decide what you would charge?

According to your logic, if they can sell oil for $140 a barrel earlier this year, why aren't they doing so now? You seem to think that oil companies just arbitrarily set prices. If they act the way you think, why do prices even fall?

And who said anything about trusting in the government? The government doesn't run the oil companies, you know. I'm a libertarian and I don't trust government at all. What does trusting government have to do with the price of oil, anyway? Your comments don't make much sense.

joe albero said...

anonymous 10:23,

Let me explain a little something to you but it might be VERY difficult for YOU to understand.

You see, my name is Joe Albero and I use that name every time I comment. That means my name, my history, experience and wisdom is on the line when I do so, unlike you. You go by an anonymous name who THINK people are supposed to listen to you and respect you.

I had a lengthy detailed reply but chose to make it simple.Use your real name. Show us you deserve to be respected as a successful business person. Till then, you're nothing but a brainwashed turkey following what Fox News tells you and your co workers at McDonald's believes and respect you. Not Me!

I retired at 40 years old and everything in my name, EVERYTHING is paid for. No mortgages, no Banks, NOTHING. When you can come back here and prove you are worthy of respect, then I'll listen to what you have to say. In the mean time, how much do they pay you to wear that Ronals McDonald Uniform and what size shoes are with that costume. We look forward to your reply.

Chimera said...

A coworker and I discussed this oil thing today and we figured that as long as people didn't revert to their old gas-guzzling wasteful habits,we might have a chance to keep it affordable.I learned my lesson,and no longer will I drive a behemoth that inhales gas.(maybe Detroit will catch on?)But "Big Oil" knows a new Prez is coming in and their days of ruling are over!
Now there just one more question-when will food and electricity prices follow suit?

Anonymous said...

oil cos. make 5 cents on the dollar for a gallon of gas. the federal govt makes 18 cents on the dollar. don't know about the state & local govts.
now in whose interest is it to keep gas prices up?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:25 and 10:52 here again, Joe. I guess I really got under your skin, huh? I can tell because instead of answering my questions you instead decide to try and pull your BS where you brag about your achievements and evade the question by trying to put me down. Whatever. It's not the best way to win an argument, you know. To do that you actually need to use facts, not engage in name calling.

I don't need to prove anything to you. I was simply asking you a few questions. If you don't want to answer them, fine. Don't try and say that you had a great answer all written up but decided I don't deserve your respect and so you won't answer.

As for me, I don't work at McDonald's. Unlike you, though, I don't look down on people who do. I respect anyone who has an honest job. There are plenty of great people who work at McDonald's. I may not be one of them, but I'll defend anyone who wants to work there.

Who I am really isn't important. How does that relate to what I asked you? If what I asked is intelligent, then that stands on its own. If what I asked isn't, than that stands on its own, too. A variety of your other contributors here are anonymous. You only get pissy about anonymous contributors when they disagree with you. I haven't called you any names or brought up anything personal, Joe. In fact, I think that the people who do those things over at the anti-Albero websites are a bunch of idiots. I just disagreed with you and asked you some questions. Why the need to get so defensive? Go back and look at my post at 2:25. I think it was respectful towards you. I don't understand why you think it's necessary to have such a tantrum about it and call me an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I remain anonymous so as to keep my own ego in check ty vm.And this allows me to openly comment with out the personal gain or loss that a comment may warrent.Now I did veiw opecs comments on how they would intentionally lower supply so as to raise profits.This is what supply and demand means.If you supply less ,even if demands go down, then price can go up.Don't think by someone not driving a big car is gonna make the greedy not get richer.Either way it does seem more than odd that the gas went up during the election time or was this just a coincidence ? Such blind little sheep, I hope you are enjoying your shepard as he leads you to slaughter.

Anonymous said...

Im sick and tired of everyone blaming bush. HE DID NOT RUN UP OIL PRICES. The bubble broke just as the Housing bubble broke.

High gas prices are the direct cause of this financial crisis.

It caused the prices of EVERYTHING go up.

Anonymous said...

If you aren't paranoid, then, you aren't paying attention!

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY AGREE with Tidewater!!!! Does anyone even understands of this bullshit which is going on??