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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Upcoming Fundraiser For Chuck Campbell


Not sure if it’s newsworthy enough to get on your blog, but there is going to be a bake sale fundraiser for me and my transplant expenses held soon. Tina Twilley, the owner of Designer’s Edge Hair Studio, Mary Jane Adkins, one of her employees, and many of the other employees of Designer’s Edge are organizing the bake sale for me. It is going to take place from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM on Friday, December 12, 2008 at the Designer’s Edge Studio, located at East Naylor Mill Road, Salisbury (behind the Centre at Salisbury).

Many local residents and business owners are donating baked goods as well as some “special items” that will be raffled off. I would like to personally invite as many people to attend so that all the hard work being done by the ladies of Designer’s Edge will be recognized.

Ms. Twilley is also challenging other local business owners to donate money for my cause. They can do so by coming to the bake sale or they can go online and donate directly. The web link is Any publicity you can provide for this event will be appreciated.


Chuck Campbell


Anonymous said...

I hope there is a great turnout! I am an employee at Designer's Edge and can assure you that there will be plenty of baked goods as well as some gift certificates from various businesses that will be raffled off. See you there!!

Anonymous said...

I understand that he has COPD, but do most of you know what causes it? Smoking.

Now understand that I do feel bad for his family, but he mentioned that he was diagnosed three years ago did he stop smoking? This is a diease that I feel could be prevented. By now everyone knows the risks of smoking and I feel that if you can't quit then why should I have to pay for you to get better? This isn't some diease like breast cancer that you acquire for no known reason this is something that you bring onto yourself.

Again I feel bad for his family, but is it my fault that he made a decission, knowing that there could be a lethal outcome, and now one of those many outcomes has happened?

If he didn't stop smoking 3 years ago when he was diagnosed what makes me think he won't start again when we all give all of this money to him and he gets his new lungs?

How much does thing cost? $200,000 $300,000 $400,000? What could our community do with that kind of money?

Do you feel sorry for a drunk driver who gets in accident and hurts himself? Do you feel bad for a person who plays russian roulette and shots himself? What's the difference?

Anonymous said...

Interesting...not sure if I agree with it, but interesting

Anonymous said...

4:02 pm, you don't know that smoking caused his COPD. Dana Reeve died of lung cancer and never smoked.

You don't know what Chuck Campbell's job was (if he worked among fumes) or what the cause was of his COPD.

Check your reading comprehension again. The link you posted said that cigarettes were the most common...NOT the sole cause of COPD.

Either contribute, or do not. But get the facts before you judge. A man with a wife and four children depending on him really doesn't need this judgment. The disease is punishment enough.

Anonymous said...

I have some of the same feeling as Anon 4:02, but I think it is wrong to make that post on a public blog when this man is in desperate fear of his life. I agree with many of your comments 100% as I have watched my mother die at the young age of 58 and my brother die just several months ago at an even younger age of 45, all of cardiac problems secondary to cigarette smoking and hypertension. Now my father is in his 70's suffering from COPD. He doesn't even have enough energy to take care of himself. He can't even walk 3 feet without stopping to puff on his inhaler. When he gets to his seat he lights up a cigarette while he is on Oxygen. Nicotine is an addiction and it is hard to break the habit. I find smoking repulsive, but I feel for these people that are suffer and we need to do something to help them. I would do anything to go back in time to help my mother and my brother even more to prevent them from smoking. There is nothing that can be done to help my father quit smoking. He is a stubborn old man and he tells you that is his choice and he wants to do it.

By God the gentleman in this post is a living human being and he is reaching out for our help. Please don't criticize him and do what you can do to help him. I don't know him, but I am sure there is at least one person out there that cares about him and doesn't want to lose him.

In closing don't be to quick to blame the smoker for their nasty and unhealthy habits. Nicotine and other chemicals are put in cigarettes for a reason. When my parents took up smoking many years ago it was a fad and a bad thing to do. There were ads, commercials and celebrities smoking on TV. The Government should have stepped in and banned cigarettes instead of just banning the commercials.

Mr. Campbell I wish you the best and God Bless you and your family. I will do my part in helping you.

Anonymous said...

To the Kind-hearted person who feels so badly for my family but could give a crap about me personally...

First of all, you are correct. My disease was caused by smoking. And just so you know...I DID quit the day I was told about my disease. Unfortunately, I was the proverbial day late and dollar short. I will tell you the same thing my doctor told me when I told him how I kick myself in the ass EVERY SINGLE TIME I am gasping for air and feeling like I am being suffocated. He basically told me something along these lines...That I shouldn't blame myself for it. People in our world make lifestyle decisions every day that are not the best choices for them. Some people eat too much, other drink too much. Some do illeagal drugs. And yes, some even smoke. I simply hope that you or no one in your family falls into any of those categories, or any that I may have left out!! I'm sure you have always made the right choice in everything you have done!! You are perfect. You and God. I hope that your comments will help some readers quit smoking. But I'm sure that when you wrote it all out, that is exactly what you were trying to do...since you are so perfect and all.

Now as far as how much it costs...the avereage double lung transplant runs somewhere around $550,000.00. Since you don't want to donate any money to "my cause' per say, I challenge you to donate to q cause that will indeed help OUR community. Anything you can donate, other than your opinion, will be greatly appreciated. Let me know which charity you choose and if I can, I'll match your donation.

So, enough for now. Please continue making all the right decisions in your life and thanks for caring about my family.

Semper Fi,
Chuck Campbell

Anonymous said...

I know Chuck and he is not only a great motivator but obviously has a sense of humor.
I will see you at the fund raiser my friend.

Anonymous said...

My very direct response to Anonymous 4:02's discompassionate diatribe...
Yes, I do, in fact feel compassion for the person with a drinking problem who has cirrosis of the liver or drunk drives and hurts themselves or someone else.
Yes, I do, in fact feel compassion for the person who unwisely participates in Russian roulette and takes their own life.
But I'm just compassionate like that...Want a lesson?
Because you don't agree with the decisions that people have made in their past that result in them being injured or injuring someone else does not mean that you cannot be compassionate or supportive of them or their predicament. Would that we could all have a crystal ball and see the exact impact of every decision we make in our lives...then no one would have to live with past regrets. Or even worse in my opinion, have their life marked as lost or unworthy because of those very decisions - as you would suggest is the appropriate disposition of Mr. Campbell's life. But don't fear...your post only makes me happier that God is more forgiving and compassionate than some of the misguided people He created. Here's the bottom line for me - if you can't muster compassion for a human being who is literally battling for every breath - no matter what the cause of that battle - then don't contribute to a fund to save his life (and you might want to possibly spend some time in meditation or prayer to determine the underlying cause for the absence of compassion in your heart...just sayin')...but it is pretty irresponsible and mean-spirited IMHO to use a public blog forum in an attempt to spread your lack of compassion to others.

Anonymous said...

4:02pm It takes a big person to post something like that under anonymous. You must be proud of yourself.

Anonymous said...

TO 4:02pm
You are suffering from a major case of delusions of grandeur! No one honestly cares about your opinion or feels you should "have to pay." Where was it ever implied that it was your "fault that he made a decission , knowing that there could be a lethal outcome...?"

What makes you think at all? You mention thinking on a few occassions, though I don't see where the filter between your brain and your typing fingers turned on. Besides your horrific grammar and spelling, you are obviously lacking any respect for human beings in general.
People make mistakes, and it is not our place to rub them in their faces when the time has come for compassion and fellowship.

You are sadly mistaken a man's will to live and the humilty it takes to reach out for the help he needs, with our government taxes that force the money from you. This is a choice to contribute you dumbass! You have obviously made your and that is okay. What is not okay is you vomit of the fingers approach to judge a man and a situation as if you are somehow better. If you had questions, fine. But for you to sit on top of your high horse and have the audacity to look down your nose...makes you an the scum.

So while you sit in your glass house casting stones, I will pray that such circumstances that you listed, and those you forgot as well never cross your path. I will pray for you that you don't belittle yourself to the level of human and ever make a mistake.

In short, screw you!

~Jenifer~ said...

Well let me just that I am very proud of most of the post here.
Chuck is a great guy and a most excellent friend, we have known him about 10 years and was there when he received his diagnosis (well close by anyway).
It makes me sick to think that YOU 4:02 have the audacity to say anything about a man and family you have never met and don't even have all of the information on. What gives YOU the right to judge him anyway. Who gave YOU that privilege. If this was someone in your family that was asking for help to save their life you would be doing the same thing ... asking for help. Really.....I want to know where your Christianity IS or did you lose it when you became the JUDGE. I grew up in church and know what is taught - love, helping families in need (like Chuck), and FORGIVING!!!!
We (me and my Family) LOVE the whole Campbell Crew and are trying our best to help them. I am to far away to be of much help there but we are starting all kinds of stuff here in the South.

Anonymous said...

I would first like everyone to know that Chuck Campbell is my friend. No, let me correct that, he's my best friend and has been for the last 10 years. So if my comments seem a little biased you'll know why. For anonymous 4:02, you apparently have mo heart or soul. If you didn't want to give(or can't) that's all you had to say. Your words smack of someone who's never experienced loss or if you have simply didn't care.

But let's take a step back for a moment. I want YOU to remember this, Charles L Campbell is a son, husband, father, cousin, friend, and a former Marine. As an old Army dog, I think YOU(4:02) should at the very least be thanking him for helping provide the blanket of freedom which YOU sleep under every night. Remember he fought for your right to say the ignorant and disrespectful things you posted here.

I now currently live some 800 mile away from my good friend due to fate and other circumstance but I take comfort knowing he's here with us. Chuck don't pay that ***hole no mind, he or she knows not of what they speak. Remember we love you, me Jen and the kids are going to stick with you and help you fight the good fight. My offer stands about digging the hole, and I'll even bring the lime

Go Army, Semper Fi
J.C. Coverdale

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 4:02…
I read your comments and I want to tell you a bit about Chuck Campbell. He is a wonderful human being. He has made more true friends in his short lifetime than most people will ever have. Has he made mistakes? Of course. Does he have regrets? Who doesn't? Should you be intolerant of him for those mistakes? Should you write things on a blog, purposely to discourage others from helping him? Of course not.

Chuck has four well-behaved and very intelligent children. I wonder if you would care at all if he were to succumb to this painful and horrifying disease. If so, could you look these children in the eye and tell them the things you wrote. Could you look at his wife, only 37 years old, and tell her that you don’t care if she and her children will be forced to live the rest of their lives without the man they deeply love and rely on for EVERYTHING? Without the man who worked 60 hours a week for them, laughed with them, and when they needed it, cried for them?

Tell his oldest son, Chuck, that his dad is a stupid individual who deserves to die. Tell his youngest daughter, Jenna, that Daddy can’t kiss her goodnight ever again. Tell her that he obviously doesn’t want to ever see her again, because he caused his own ruin. Would you be there for his #2 son, Donny, when the rest of the family can’t step in like Dad always did; could you hug this broken-hearted young man and make the searing pain and loss of his Dad go away. Then tell Donny he has to watch football without Dad from now on. Tell Chuck’s beautiful first daughter, of whom he is so proud, that it’s his own fault that her Daddy can’t go skating with her anymore, or ride bikes. Look into Bethany’s deep blue eyes and tell her it's silly for a 12-year-old to cry. Then tell these children, whom Chuck Campbell loves beyond compare, that when the chips were down, YOU chose not to do anything to help save their father's life because you are so petty that instead you chose to disparage him, without consideration of anyone or anything, rather than try to help in any small way.

Chuck has a way of brightening a room when he enters. His smile is contagious; his laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world to me. Please look ME in the eye and tell me that YOU aren’t responsible (of course you're not) and that YOU shouldn’t contribute to help save his life (it’s a choice, not a requirement). If this disease should win the war it has waged on Chuck before we can raise the money to get the dangerous and costly transplant that he needs, please look at me, his Mother, and tell me…well, what WOULD you tell me?

[Chuck, I am terribly sorry if some of the things I've said make you sad...please understand.]

Thanks be to God, we will get through this terrible time. I know in my heart that Chuck will get his life-saving operation. Not because people are like you, but because the vast majority of people are NOT like you, but are loving and compassionate and generous. Certainly you are entitled to your misguided opinion, but next time please think about how many people you are hurting before you judge those less fortunate than you. And by the way, may God continue to bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to know a parking lot to wait in for Anonymous 4:02. Just sayin'. :) Team Chuck!

Donna Montgomery Newell said...

My Navy man has COPD. He was exposed to all kinds of chemicals in Vietnam. He used asbestos to insulate ships he repaired while in the Navy. And being in Special Services there are things that are still classified that he was exposed to that "if I told you about I would have to kill you." LOL

I call him my Santa because he looks and acts like Santa and treats me like a Queen. I have severe arthritis and I'm in pain a lot. We trust God to get us through each day and treasure every minute we have together.

My Santa has been out of work since February so we've been making it on my SSD and his Unemployment Ins. which total about $1,150 a month. Chicken tastes really good because Santa knows a lot of different ways to cook it, and that the large ones are tough.

He had Asthmatic Pneumonia the first 12 yrs. of his life which scarred his lungs but he passed his physical for the Navy. His parents had to sign for him to go and they were taking anyone who could walk, talk and add 2+2 about that time. He learned Vietnamese in 6 wks. so he was especially gifted, and can build a ship from bottom to top, every nut, bolt and screw.

It isn't always smoking that causes COPD, nor idiots that get it. Sometimes geniuses that are gifted, kind Saints get it. Only God knows why. Sometimes the things that make us weak make us strong. We must always remember to be kind and loving when those around us are not so kind and loving, because they do not understand. They may be crying out in their disappointment, hurt and anger and we must try to understand them and "forgive them for they know not whay they do."

Let Love abide in your hearts. We are only here a short time, and He has gone to prepare us a heavenly home where the streets are pure gold. We all want to go to heaven. We just don't want to go now. We want a chance to take all our friends and children with us when we go, and the harvest is golden. Sow love for He is love. Tell the Good News to all. Christ died on this earth so that we may live with Him eternally. The whole plan is set out in His Word, the Bible. So many of our young men have died so that we may be free to spread that Word freely and without shame. In God We Trust. We are still "one Nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. First let us love the whole world while we can, and let it start with you. When you love someone, you can't help but share the message about your best friend and Saviour with them. He is your Everything. You walk with Him, talk with Him, and trust Him for everthing.

Love, Donna Montgomery Newell

Anonymous said...

This is Jenna Campbell speaking; Chuck Campbell's youngest child- eleven years old.

I care about my daddy extremley. It's really hard for him to breath and he has these problems 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's tough for me to see him like this. I worry about him soo, soo much. It hurts so bad to know that you can barely breath and that you have to be connected to a machine that produces air ALL the time and that it's really hard for you to perform every day tasks. I really have never ever felt your pain, but i understand what your going through, somehow, Daddy. Your still standing strong even with this disease, Daddy.

Even if you don't care about him, I do; alott! But if your going to be that stuck- up, then be it. I'm Christian and I will still feel bad for you if anything ever happens to you. Just remember; people will be praying for you tonight, including me, to keep you safe which my Daddy once did as a part of the Marine Corps.

Now remember that we have to raise about ONE MILLION DOLLARS to get my daddy this transplant that is willing to save his life. If you donate even a penny it's going to go to an amazing purpose and every donation counts and helps tremendously. Thank you so much if you've donated any money, or if you plan on donating.

I love you Daddy♥- Jenna Renee(:

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I hope the negative blogger feels good about her comments!! A very dear friend of Chuck's and myself may think we know who you are. If correct, we are NOT surprised one bit! Keep your thoughts to yourself. Like Robin said, you do not "have" to pay for anything!! so DONT. Im pretty sure the good people in this community outweigh the people like you. Chuck is a great person, a great father, and an awesome boss in my opinion. If you ever had to see him walk across the room and stop just to catch his breath (which Im sure you have) your heart may go out to him and his family!! But, if we are correct with the intuition we have on who you may be.. you dont have a heart anyhow. So, I have to agree again with my girl Robin... In short, screw you!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a HUGE success. The ladies at the Designer's Edge helped raise over $1,000.00 at the bake sale today, and they are still selling raffle tickets until tomorrow at 5 PM for some pretty cool things. The turn-out was fantastic and the food was delicious! I want to thank all of the people who made this possible. Teeena Twilley, the owner of Designer's Edge, Mary Jane Adkins and Chelsea Pipes were all very instrumental in this event; as were many others. I apologize to those of you who I did not mention by name, but I am terrible at remembering names. You all have my sincere gratitude and I hope to one day be able to repay your kindness!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!

One more thing...let's move on and NOT give ANON 4:02 any more of our time. It's not worth it. I definitely appreciate all of the nice things that have been said about me and in my defense. But, there's one thing that I learned in the Marine Corps many years ago, and it has proven to be true over and will always have "the 10%". They are the 10% that ruin it for the rest of us. The 10% that make things more difficult for the other 90% of us. The 10% of the "shitbirds" as we used to call them in the Corps. The one good thing about them...they make the rest of us look that much better. Now, let's move on and get this money raised so I can continue living among the 90% of the people who are so good!


p.s. I do want to say, however, that I'd like to slap the shit out of anon402 for making my daughter cry. LET'S MAKE THAT THE FINAL WORD ON THAT!