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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Delmar Elementary School Has Issues

The problem is, the physical facility is sorely lacking. I asked one of the teachers if they expect a new school, or at least an addition and updating, anytime soon.

She laughed.

There are currently 14 temporary modular classrooms in use. There are paraprofessionals working with students in the halls. The P.E. classes are apparently held in half of the cafeteria… I’m not sure how that works.

My point is, if there is not a timetable to modify and UPDATE this facility, there should be.

Does anyone know when and if Delmar Elementary will see upgrades? I believe we touched on this subject quite some time ago but wondered if anyone had heard anything new?


Anonymous said...

Delmar, DE needs to build an elementary school. The state of DE pays Wicomico County for all DE students educated at Delmar Elementary, and the county needs the money. But if you want to end the overcrowding, you'll have to get the Delmar DE elementary students to be educated in DE like the Laurel and Seaford kids are. It will never happen but that's the solution.

Anonymous said...

haha man I work at the WCBOE and don't even get me started on how messed up their way of thinking is. Their priorities are so backwards it's ridiculous!

Anonymous said...


All of the information you need can be found on the BOE's Facilities website. Specifically, the Capital Improvement Project timeline for each school is listed at...

Please remember that much of the plan depends on state funding, not local. Also, the JMB project is getting most of the attention now.

Anonymous said...


Here is the BOE Facilities main page...

Anonymous said...

I think it is just terrible that the children have to be put in small portable classrooms and during the day have to change classrooms especially now with winter here in the bad weather. I do agree that Delmar Delaware should provide there own Elementary School for the students. If that is not possible then another solution should be availble instead of the students having to suffer.

Anonymous said...

You wont see an elementary school in Delmar DE. And the Delmar Elementary School isnt scheduled for up grades for quite a while. as of last year it was near the bottom on the list of schools, so im guessing around 2015 you may see upgrades

BTW the State of MD pays the Delmar DE high School for all the Maryland students that attend that facility so its a wash on that point.

Anonymous said...

What you folks do not understand is the history of the Delmar MD/DE students.
It was decided LONG ago to let the students attend either of the schools. It was done this way so that a student on the Maryland side of town would be able to go to the same school as their friend ACROSS THE STREET.
Otherwise, there would have been a TRUE separation of the towns and you would have had kids not even be able to attend school with their friends.
There was a strong agreement put in place but the latest Wicomico County Superientendant was determined to get the agreement thrown out.
There is overcrowding on the Delaware side too at the Jr/High school...they were at capacity the day the new school was built but fortunately Delaware handles their money better than Maryland does, so they have been able to add on to the school.
There are no funds at this time to build another school on the Delaware side, which would again, split up the town.
There is overcrowding in just about every school no matter where you are talking about. It is not unique to Delmar so I really don't see that the exchange program is really the root of the problem.
The problem is growth and the states not being prepared for it.

Hey, Maryland approved slots (for education, so they say)...maybe that will help the problem! NOT!
The schools will never see that money. The state snookered you all AGAIN!
Go back and look at just how many programs in Maryland were put in place just for EDUCATION...and take a look at just how much of those monies made it to EDUCATION!

Anonymous said...

didja not see that Beaver Run made USA today's top 57 posious schools, for benzene contamination?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather my kids be in a portable than in an old school with benzene, mold, and mice!

joe albero said...

anonymous 6:16,

you can't argue with that logic.

Anonymous said...

PE classes in the cafeteria?? Thats been done at Northwestern Elementary for 40 years! It does'nt even have a gym. At least Delmar does have gym. But then again, alot of people don't even know where Northwestern is.