DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Chief Webster Passed Up His Opportunity
As Joe stands outside of Sams Club ringing the bell for the Salvation Army this morning, Chief Webster drove by checking him out. When Joe saw the Chief he tried to flag him down to ask him to join him. Our Chief of Police would have nothing to do with the bell ringing or Joe. He just drove right by him. Now some might say he didn't see him, that would be untrue. Chief Webster looked right at Joe as he was flagging him down and chose to ignore him. What if Joe had been in need of help? What a shame Chief Webster won't put things behind him in the spirit of Christmas and be willing to work to help others. Chiefy, your true colors are showing.
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Oh come on, if someone blasted you everyday on the internet would you stop and say hi and ring bells with him?
You really should stop criticizing the chief, Joey brought all of this on himself. "He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" So live with it!!
The chief follows Joe everywhere.
I think his time could be better spent , but , he does what the mayor tells him to do.
This reminds me of the story "when a boy cries wolf". If it were just a social call, then please get his phone # and call him at home. It is my tax dollars you would be holding up after all and I want my money working.
Stop giving Joe reasons to blast him is my advise. Dont shoot the messenger just because you dont like the message.
Joe says what he has to say about the chief openly. The chief on the other hand does not, he does all of his Joe bashing at the police station. If he were doing his job the way it should be done Joe or anyone else would have nothing bad to say about him. The chief made a choice, he now has to live with it. Ask anyone at SPD if they trust Chief Webster. You will be amazed to hear how many do not.
It wouldn't hurt his image or the perception held by others to go and ring the bell with Joe.
"As Joe stands outside" in incorrect. Joe was sitting on his lazy ass.
Anon 148 you have got to be the chief himself to know this. Since Joe has been out there most of the morning I'd say sitting is not going to hurt a thing. Have you spent any time ringing the bell or doing anything for anyone that doesn't benefit you recently? Ever?
To say you are an a$$hole would be a disgrace to the rectum.
Anon 1:48 sounds more like Chief Webster. He is a disgrace to the community. Oh SPD also has some cadets in the works at the eastern shore police academy, but I've only seen two.
I always love how when someone has something negative to say its automatically the chief or the mayor or gary..it can never just be the public that doesnt like joe.
Joe, the Chief may not ring the bell with you, but I know some of his officers will be ringing the bell this year! He cant bring the whole department to shame!
anonymous 1:48,
For your information, I worked the WalMart entrance last night in the cold for quite some time. I then covered the same location on the morning shifts and once I was done there I immediately went over to Sam's Club and covered the missing shifts there. I'm home now thawing out and spending time with my Family celebrating a Birthday in our home. Thanks to the Fykes Family, PRMC and Bullard Construction, I was able to go home. I did bring a chair up there today as my feet were killing me last night but I changed shoes and feel a lot better. I did sit for maybe 5 to 10 minutes the entire day today but got off my lazy ass to ring the bell and wish each and every person going by a Happy Holiday. I also purchased 300 Candy Canes and handed them out to all of the children passing by.
You must have been one of those kids just over the age I felt should get one and now your pissed off at me for not giving you a treat?
Nevertheless, I encourage YOU to step up to the plate and volunteer, even out of spite. Then again, you're not the type to put your money where your mouth is.
By the way, this should kill you even more. I enjoy each and every minute of being out there. You wouldn't understand just how special it is and that's OK. You should sign your name Barrie Tilghman or Chief Webster after your comment as well.
Merry Christmas
I just wanted to tell you that we may not always get along, but when it comes to helping the community you are there in a flash! Some of us really appreciate what you do for the community! Some people don't realize how rewarding it truly is just to give back a little!
The Salvation Army, along with every other non profit, are there to help those in need of a specific service, and unfortunately for some people it takes needing that service before reaching out and helping! In most cases, especially with the bad economy, people dont have the extra money, but you will find that you can help you community with just a little of your time! It doesn't take money!!
So whether Joe was on his a@@ or standing doesn't make a difference, he is serving his community unselfishly and that deserves applause not mocking!
joe thats when u need the camera...Just remember to tell him "Sir you're being both audibly and visually recorded!"
Good for the Chief!
I wouldn't associate with somebody who lies and slanders others either.
Lies and slanders others? That is Webster dead on. Ask any of his officers how he operates when he has an ax to grind.
some people donate time and money to other organizations than the salvation army. Why does someone have to donate time to one of Joe's causes? Doesnt make someone bad. I dont give money to the Salvation Army but do give money to other organizations that do as good if not better service to the community.
anonymous 5:39, you're so full of crap.IF you did volunteer elsewhere you would have simply laughed it off and went away. I know a guy named Robinson who is the same kind of liar.
to earlssister,
you must be a moron just like joe. if I was the cheif I would spit on joe and then run him over. I mean how could you expect anything different with the way joe writes about the cheif.
Are you kidding me?
If I was Webster, I wouldn't have dared stopped to ring the bell...not while on duty!
Then you'd be bashing him for doing it during working hours.
Some people are just NEVER satisfied.
You know whats funny is that Sheriff Lewis (man seems to do his job)AND damned if he didn't find a few minutes to ring the bell with The God Awful Albero!j/k
Chief's a DICK bottom line. He'd be better suited to P~City's likes of "law enforcement" in my eye.
Jason S.
Chief Webster did the right thing by not stoping, he was on duty and why appease Joe after the things Joe says.
To all of you Joe bashers...if you hate him so much, why do you read this blog? Joe is doing a good thing and it is totally unselfish. When was the last time that you volunteered to help someone less fortunate than you?! Sheriff Lewis shows his true character by volunteering. Where are the other elected officials?
Joe works his a$$ off for our community, whether it's for the Salvation Army, or uncovering city and county scams that are a detriment to our life here on the shore. I relieved him earlier than my appointed time at Wal- Mart in hopes he could get back to what he does best, but he said he had to get right over to Sam's to fill in. Where's Barrie and See? not there.
I really wish I had a rich family so I could just go about doing nothing all day, but then Joe would'nt have anything to write about huh ? I think its great that the salvation army has something for Joe to keep busy at . Hey Joe , when does your rendition of "America's dirtiest jobs" air ? I'm sure you want to prove you can do all and know all.
Ive talked several times to folks about your blog and every single time I get the feed back of " Joe is a egotistical blow his own skirt up kindda guy". With this kind of feed back I often wonder " who is this Joe guy anyhow ? "
Do you really want to help out the community ? Help those of us that may lose our homes because of the economy. If so why don't you start by buying up the high interest mortgages and stop the money lords for raping the poor because of a biased credit report.
I pay nearly 10% more for my loan, which drove my payments up about $700.00 more a month because of a credit score.
Is it equal ? Not while I watch the "chosen" ones screwing any and all so that they may continue to feel superior.
I don't want to fall into the Joe syndrom and start bashing peeps myself, But there is a better way for all of us to live a better life than our parents could. It has to start with the elete awakening to the fact that they put their pants on the same way I do.(one leg at a time)
I do so like YOUR blog Joe , If I failed to mention this , I am sorry. You do do a great service to our local community. But Can't You Do More !
Do you actually think chiefy would respond 24/7 to any crime? His car not be a take home vehicle either. Coulborne Dykes was like Mike Lewis, he took his job seriously and could be seen anywhere at anytime.
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