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Thursday, November 06, 2008


I'm a lifelong Republican and more times than not I vote for the Republican candidate. However, on some occasions I tend to vote the opposite party when I see a conservative Democratic candidate.

Generally speaking a Republican usually takes-a-stand for smaller government, less taxation, and generally tends to defend traditional American values like opposite sex marriages, pro gun rights, and pro-life positions.

So when a candidate comes along and professes to be a conservative. . . most true Republicans believe they should vote along the lines drawn by our Conservative values. That's why I have questioned Ehrlich's judgement while he was elected as Maryland's Governor. Here are some pertinent facts:

Under Ehrlich we had:

1. Highest increase in State portion of Real Property Tax - even despite the Revenue Cap for Wicomico County.

2. Highest increase in tag fees for Maryland residents ever. Almost 400% higher than Delaware.

3. Flush tax imposed on our citizenry.

4. Highest increase in electricity rates -(72%)- for Constellation residents - in the entire Country.

5. Virtually no renewable energy policy for Marylanders . . period. . . while our sister state of Delaware is setting a national standard envious for the rest of the world.

So when I see someone like Ehrlich endorse a candidate - Harris - for the House of Representatives I tend to perceive the candidate with a high degree of skepticism. Surely, the same scenario must exist for other brethren Republicans in light of what has transpired under his former leadership as Governor.

Now I voted for Andy Harris, but, I must admit that I had some reservation about doing this because Ehrlich's endorsement.

What I believe we need here on the eastern shore is a 'NEW BREED' of Conservatism that will 'walk the talk' and reflect the traditional core conservative values. I know that is easier said than done but with all that has transpired under the Republican party's domination is an abomination to say the least.

The Republican party's new leadership needs to be bold, stern, and not waffle on issues of increasing taxation, larger government no matter what the consequences. I've have often said that a good Conservative candidate that 'walks the talk' will also earn the respect of his fellow Democrat if he'll just adhere to his primary conservative philosophies.

What we have witnessed at both the Federal and State levels is Republican Conservatism wandering way-off its traditional core course.


Anonymous said...


Latest State Bd. of Elect. data has Kratovil leading by 1,871!

The totals indicate that about 11,000 or so of the absentee ballots have been tallied.

Anonymous said...

Even if Harris manages a miracle win, it's for Shore that Ehrlich is persona non grata on this side of the Chesapeake.

Bye, Bye, Bobby!

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of the politics!

Anonymous said...

Ehrlich's endorsement not only hurt Harris, I believe it hurt Ruddy Guilliani also.

Rudy probably didn't even know about Ehrlich's performance as Governor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Uh, Bozo, I mean Beezer, did it ever occur to you that "under Ehrlich" the majority of your issues was due to a dumbocrat house and senate? No go crawl back under your rock.

Anonymous said...

Bob Ehrlich,was and is a snake in the grass. He is no more a true Republican than I am and under ground aviator.

Ehrlich is a Mepublican, defined as someone who is all about his self and the hell with the tax payer. He never supported any program or person if he personally did not benefit from his actions.

Anonymous said...

Cruel Intentions
Though I am not splenitive and rash,

Yet have I something in me dangerous.

Hamlet. Act v. Sc. 1.

In the end, picking the wrong sex partner brought the downfall of John D. Robinson, Sr., and exposed one of the most bizarre and lengthy homicidal careers in American criminal history.

The Midwestern serial killer, whose brutal treatment of his sometimes willing victims stands in stark contrast to his benign, fleshy appearance, sits on death row in Kansas facing execution for two murders (and a life sentence for a third). The 59-year-old grandfather also admitted to five slayings in Missouri, which accepted the guilty pleas in return for taking a pass on the chance to execute him.

Robinson compounded his murderous ways by taking the infant of one victim and selling it to his brother, pretending to be a do-good adoption broker. He seduced vulnerable or lonely women he met through Internet chat rooms and killed them, continuing to cash their government checks or alimony payments for years with just minimal interference from their desperate families and frustrated investigators.

As Robinson's case winds its way through the long appeals process, his family is left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Examining the past for missed clues that could have tipped them to his shocking behavior, they must come to grips with the idea that the man they thought was a doting, loving grandfather was secretly an influential member of a clandestine bondage and sadomasochistic network who seduced and victimized women he met online.

The lucky victims walked away with mental and physical scars. The unlucky ones ended up dead, left to rot in sealed chemical drums. Still others simply disappeared into thin air like the clouds of dust that blow across the prairies on the Missouri-Kansas border.

John Robinson
Robinson was no stranger to Kansas and Missouri law enforcement when he was finally arrested in the early summer of 2000. He had long been suspected in the disappearances of women in and around the Kansas City area, but had managed to stay a half-step ahead of justice using his charm and wits. When he crossed the line with a pair of women he met through his BDSM network and they filed complaints with Kansas police, Robinson finally made a mistake that gave authorities the chance they needed to stop his murderous ways. But even the police who had already tapped his phone, listened through the walls as he engaged in his preferred brand of rough sex, and followed him around while he visited his numerous paramours were not prepared for what they found when they peeled back the layers of Robinson's personality and peered underneath.

Anonymous said...

This is really an interesting point... I never really thought about this... but it really makes sense...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is really an interesting point... I never really thought about this... but it really makes sense...

9:01 PM

Thanks for the follow up beezer.

Anonymous said...

With 11,000 of the absentees apparently counted and Kratovil increasing his lead to 1871 votes, then, of the 14,000 or so remaining absentees - Harris has to win about 8900 of them to win - that's almost 64% of the remaining vote - Andy is dead meat - turn out the lights, the party's over Dr. Harris, sir! LOL!

Anonymous said...

10:36 PM

Possibly not dead meat. Late military voters are mixed with held over absentees so that's what's making up the 14,000 at this point. It's not unreasonable to expect those to break toward Harris more than the early absentees did.

However, the 6,000 provisional vote total should be especially distressing to the Harris campaign - I suspect there is little good news to be found there.

Anonymous said...

Conservative does not mean stupid.

The people voted for Frank Kratovill for reasons, obviously his appeal to conservative values exists. I personally feel that conservative democrats (at this point in history) seem to be better leaders. It will only take a couple of cycles for that to change. However, Kratovill is not only a "good man" he is a law and order guy, that is what I want, I want someone to represent "right and wrong" and vote that way..and he will.

Anonymous said...

Your rational is completely flaud. Please don't take yourself so seriously.

Anonymous said...

What? are you suffering from a complex called Ehrlich or somethng hope it's not terminal

Anonymous said...

You and all your republicans egos are precisely why your republican party is in shambles. You guys will turn on each other in a NY second. But that's fine for us, you continue to bicker and we'll continue to win.
By the way, I thought your Mr. Harris was a pretty good man, too bad we differed on a few core issues.

Anonymous said...

So what the hell do you think of O'Malley. We have gone from the
4th ranked State to 47th.

Anonymous said...

pst... anon 6:27
Kratovil is not a conservative or even a moderate.

Anonymous said...

RE: Posting 7:13

O'Malley is no better than Ehrlich. Look at the condition of the schools in Baltimore City while he was Mayor. What a disastrous mess. They ranked bottom on the recently released graduation test results. Crime is off the scales.

And the corruption under O'Malley is also ramphant.

Maryland really has not had a really good Governor in a long long time. At least Schaefer told it like was. And look at how the Democrats reacted when he endorsed George Bush for President.

Personally, I even began to like Schaefer, especially, at the tail end of his tenure as Governor.


Anonymous said...

O'Malley endorse Kratovil, campaigned and supported Kratovil. That's why Kartovil will be our new Congressman.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget, Baltimore City elected O'Muttin! Probably go down as the Maryland's worst Governor, same as Tilgman as the worst Mayor. Simply put grow the goverment. Spend! Spend! Spend!

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting that Ehrlich was preceded by Paris Spendening, oops I mean Glendening. State government expanded during his tenure at the state house....Ehrlich was left with having to clean up behind him.

And O'Malley inherited some of the issues that Ehrlich hadn't been able to resolve.