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Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Death Of The American Ideal

On November fourth, the Year of our Lord two thousand and eight, the majority of the American electorate consciously chose to reject the vision of the founders for a constitutionally limited government whose sole responsibility was the protection of the rights we had been endowed with by our creator. Instead, we the people elected a man and a party that believes what you earn does not belong to you and if you think it does, you are selfish and deluded. We chose leaders who openly advocate using the power of the government to restrict the opposition’s right to free speech and everyone’s right to keep and bear arms. The majority of the people did not care that the winning party engaged in electoral practices like phony registrations, cheating and intimidation, activities accepted in third world dictatorships, not in the supposedly civilized West. To the majority of Americans, it did not matter that their president elect absorbed the rantings of an anti-American hate monger for twenty years, launched his political career in the home of a domestic terrorist or heaped praise on a man who thought it a good idea to kill as many Jews as possible. We have chosen a man who voted for infanticide and has been endorsed by terroists and thugs. We did not care that our president elect promised to bankrupt an American industry and cause our own electricity bills to skyrocket. We have chosen a president who believes unabashedly in the Marxist formula of the redistribution of wealth and has promised to use the legislature and the courts to accomplish that goal. We have empowered a party that thinks it a good idea to emasculate the military at a time when our enemies are seeking to destroy us. We have elected a man who believes our foundational document is fatally flawed because its primary focus is on prohibiting the government from doing things to us instead of empowering the government to do things to and for us. In this election the majority of the American people consciously choose a man and a party who reject the principles of the founders of our great country and openly embrace European socialism. We the people have put the final nails in the coffin of American exceptionalism. We have formally rejected liberty and responsibility and have chosen the warm embrace of the nanny state. Will president Barack Hussain Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid be able to accomplish all they desire? I hope not. But the majority of the people in our great country believe they should and respect for the limiting power of our founding documents is gone. Today the majority are celebrating at the funeral of the American ideal. God help us all.

Patrick Samuels
Author of “Memoirs of a Former American”


Anonymous said...

Watch the DOW today,

Anonymous said...

I share your feelings and beliefs ,
I will not support a government
who will take away our rights and freedoms.(nice boat!)

Anonymous said...

hey 9:07 am

The DOW will become non-existent!
That's the plan.
Get ready to humble yourself with- out retirement.

Anonymous said...

break that into paragraphs or i won't read it

joe albero said...

Up Yours!

Anonymous said...

9:07 Right now im more concerned with my home and my family, retirment will come the day i die.

Anonymous said...


The election was democracy in action; if you don't like that, you can leave now.

Anonymous said...

"Memoirs of a Former American" - good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Just tell me when you would like me to drive you to the airport.

Anonymous said...

All this talk, but what can we realy due about it.

Anonymous said...

What a buffoon!

Anonymous said...

I bet none of you would have the balls to face me in person, none of you.

Anonymous said...

10:06 am

Something is already being done ,
we are expessing our feelings.
Next step is to plan , next step is to take action. Are you a follower , maybe , most are.

Anonymous said...

Plan for what, most people I talk to only care about them self and the money in there pocket. They dont care one rat @ss where this country is heading and the problems we will face down the road.

Anonymous said...

We did it to ourselves. The Republican parties Hard line moral position is in fact it’s downfall.
It’s position on gay marriage cost a hell of a lot Of votes. Most gay men are financially conservative, And would never support a socialistic party. But of course We pushed them that way. Really, What does it matter? If
You believe it’s morally wrong, and they will go to hell for it.
Then don’t they have the right to make that decision? That’s what
Freedom is isn’t it? The freedom to make our own mistakes.
Lets look at abortion. Same thing! I personally don’t like it,
But who am I to think I should make personal decisions For another grown adult. The Party says we want to limit government interference In our live. But then turn around and say that’s morally
Wrong and I stand against it. You can’t have it both ways, You’ll just cut your own throat. Oh ya, I forgot, we lost.
It’s time for the Republican party to grow up. Religion and
Moral values are personal matters that have no place in politics.
As long as a persons behavior and actions do not interfere with
Another unwilling persons pursuit of life, liberty and pursuit of
Happiness, he should be free to do as he pleases. Even if it might,
In your view, damn his soul.
We’ve got 4 years. I hope Palin runs for President next time. But she’s got some work to do first.

Tom Sawyer

Anonymous said...

It's written in the word of God, its going to happen.They've voted in a man with empty promises and NO experience. In his frustration and greed to rule he will go after our flag and constitution. When he does this country will erroupt at its bowls with civil war. There are far more true Patriots willing to stand and fight for our flag and constitution, as our fore fathers did.

Anonymous said...

LOL - have you seen this guy's webpage - LOL! What a freaking KOOK! And he wants everyone to buy his BOOK! A serving-serving KOOK at that! Joe - IMO, this is not a good posting if you're trying to back a Republican charter...LOL, in fact, it is so silly that it probably well-defines what is WRONG with the party today and why it lost so big in the past two elections...JMHO...thx!

Loblolly said...

What happened is easy. The American people voted against a small group of wealthy, elitist, self centered individuals who destroyed our economy for their own selfish gain. They voted against a group that fought a war in the wrong place without a reasonable and truthful explanation. Finally, the American People rejected the deceitful trash talk advertising that was used to elect Bush for two terms.

Anonymous said...

Have we hurt your feelings Doug Wilkerson? Please don't hurt me ,
all we want to do is let people know how we feel . Isn't that what the blog is about? Take a pill and
settle down.

Anonymous said...

re: anon 10:35 ! ROFLMAO! Joe, dude, THESE are your followers? LOL! Are you kidding me? I'm going to Cherokee lanes so I can "errupt at my bowl" for civil wars....I am laughing so hard as to cry right now! The more of these you publish, the more it shows what is WRONG with the right these days!

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul for 2012,

joe albero said...

No, Sir, YOU are one of my followers, like it or not.

Secondly, everyone has their right to freedom of speech.

I'll make you a deal. Why don't YOU author something and send it to me and I'll be happy to post your opinion as well.

Your Leader, Joe

Anonymous said...

Joe - I am one of your followers - I like the fact that you bring the masses to the's a great insight into the true belly of America - esp. as it relates to the Shore...and, you are right - everyone has a right to their opinion - I won't argue that in fact, I thank God for that...your blog just seems to harbor a lot of exposure to the underbelly of society as well - not a bad thing - in fact, very enlightening and a little disturbing at times. Hence my post about the "errupting my bowl"... chill, no harm intended, and thank you for posting my message in the first place!

Anonymous said...

10:41, Just letting you know that i am a man, and i will stand face to face with any man for what i believe in, violence has nothing to do with it. I dont take pills . When you start talking about getting us out of our country because of what we believe it does piss me off. If your so set in your comments and beliefs why do you not have the balls to sign your name, are your convictions only as true and as deep as anonymous. I would die for mine. This country is going down the tubes and you want me to come down, when shit hits the fan your one of the ones will want me to protect you. Until you man-up an sign your name i dont give shit about your stupid little comment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This just in... Stand by America.

Iran leader offers Obama landmark congratulation

The Associated Press
Thursday, November 6, 2008
TEHRAN,Iran: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has congratulated Barack Obama on his election win — the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes to a U.S. president-elect since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad sent a message to Obama in which he congratulated the Democrat on "attracting the majority of voters in the election."

The text of the note was carried by the official IRNA news agency on Thursday.

In the message, Ahmadinejad also says he hopes Obama will "use the opportunity to serve the (American) people and leave a good name" during his term in office.

Iran and U.S. have no formal diplomatic relations since 1979 and the hostage drama when militant Iranian students held 52 Americans captive 444 days.

Maryland Progressive said...

I do, doug. Name the place and time.

Maryland Progressive said...


Damn right we did.

This year, we voted for our OWN interests, and AGAINST the interests of the corporate masters.

Maryland Progressive said...


"I don't give a shit about your little comments"

Obviously you DO, Doug, or else you wouldn't have responded to it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to talk to Mr Wilkinson in person, why not? I'm not afraid to talk about my beliefs with you--here's one of them--if you are so unpatriotic as to think the election of Obama will destroy this great country, then feel free to get out! Don't you guys always say "america, love it or leave it!" It goes for you, too. Where would you like to meet to talk about this, Doug? See, I'd rather talk than fight about it, because I have ideas.

Anonymous said...

No matter whom you voted for, the sky is not going to fall in with the election of Barack Obama. While I am a committed Republican, I can see why the electorate voted for him by a substantial majority. His mantra of change energized so many people. If the "change" that occurs over the next four years is not to our liking, we can vote him out in 2012. Somehow we survived the tumultous Clinton years, impeachment and all, and we've gotten through the last eight as Bush's popularity has gone innto the basement.

Americans are resilient people. We can either unite behind Obama or spend the next four years complaining. I know which choice I will make.

Anonymous said...

38278 Providence church road delamr delaware, come get some