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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daily Times Endorses Comegys for Mayor

Today Salisbury City Councilman Gary Comegys is expected to announce his candidacy for Mayor.  If this wasn't so serious for the taxpayers of Salisbury it would actually be amusing.

Think back a year.  When Councilwoman Debbie Campbell criticized the administration for failing to “balance the city's checkbook”, it was Comegys who viciously attacked  Campbell.  Yet, we learned a couple of months later that the city actually was unable to balance its checkbook – to the tune of over $10 million.  Ironically, we learned just yesterday that the administration of Mayor Barrie Tilghman, one of Comegys' staunchest ally, has again petitioned the state of Maryland for an extension in completing the city's audit for this past fiscal year.

This is just a portion of the record of a man who believes he is fit to be Mayor of this once fair city.

Higher taxes, more wasteful government spending, higher water and sewer rates, a crime rate that boggles the mind, and an overall degradation of city services – these are just a few of the things that have occurred under the stewardship of Gary Comegys and Barrie Tilghman.  As one condo development is going up for auction and another has sold only a fraction of its units Comegys wants to sink millions of tax dollars into the North Prong boondoggle.  As unemployment rises, it is the policies promoted by Gary Comegys which are driving the few businesses that want to move in to Salisbury OUT.

Now the Daily Times has come out with a de facto endorsement of the same old tired and grossly ineffectual policies.  By printing today's farcical article by city reporter Laura D'Alessandro, the Daily Times has made it clear which side they are taking in this battle for the literal soul of a once great city.

“Candidate is for community policing”?  Comegys supported shutting down the police substations which were the heart of a community policing effort.

“He (Comegys) said he hopes to find areas to save revenue (in the budget) ...”?  What has been Comegys' record on city fiscal policy?  Tax increases.  More wasteful spending on the bureaucracy of the Mayor's office.  A $10 million white elephant for the fire department and plenty of “big toys” for “big boys”.  The list goes on and on ...

After the disgraceful stewardship of Barrie Parsons Tilghman, can Salisbury seriously contemplate four more years of the same?

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings


Anonymous said...

Groff payz fo Groff

If he's for fighting crime why did he vote against the rest of the pay raise for the police department?

Whoever runs against him won't have to be digging up dirt on him, just run with his council voting record. Now that is a page out of Obama's book.

Anonymous said...

Difference between Obama and Comegys is Obama voted Present, Comegys always votes YEA for increasing his Volunteer Fire Department Retirement Fund and NAY on anything that will benefit the residents of the city.

Anonymous said...

Since The Times just prints whatever announcement the candidate comes up with (i.e., stays positive), I'll cut them slack and see how they cover things.

But question 1: why do they always use nice pictures of everyone else but use a 4 year old nasty lighting pic of the lovely Debbie Campbell?

Question 2: where did Gary get the balls to say what he did when it is so provable where he's really stood on things?

The big impression I got from the article was that Gary will be another mayor of "I'll get along with anybody who GOES ALONG with ME!"

In other words, GARY = BARRIE.

Thanks, but NO THANKS!

Hey, Jim Ireton! You got MY vote!

Anonymous said...

Please please people run for mayor, we need some change, some positive direction now. Or we can just do away with city government and save some money, combine them

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. Thanks Gary, you gave me my laugh for the day. Your service on the Environmental Policy Task Force is no longer needed. We know where you stand on the river. If you were anymore environmentally responsible we'd be able to walk across the river without a bridge. YOU voted against filtration on the larger drainage pipes that flow directly to the river. Is this your idea of environmental policy?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:46, regarding your Question 2, this falls in line with the City's new document retention program. They'll soon be getting rid of any record of Gary's that will make him look like the idiot he is. Better get those FOIA requests in quick!

Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh too. Why does this mistake for a councilman think he can pull enough votes to take the mayors job? No way will that ever happen, nor will he ever be voted back in as a councilman, volunteer firemen or not!

Anonymous said...

1023 to clarify, the firemen did not support Comegys in his run for council, I can't imagine they would support his run for mayor, even if Gordy threatens them again.

Anonymous said...

That Daily Times reported is about the worst yet.

Let's hope that enough folks watch PAC14 and read this blog to stop Bubba in his tracks.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but doesn't Shanie Shields work for The Daily Times?

Anonymous said...

Laura D'Alessandro IS a terrible reporter. I think journalism courses were not her forte, if she attended any at all.

Anonymous said...

Comegys is a joke. Look for him to run a negative campaign, using SAPOA dollars.

Anonymous said...

They can get rid of the records, we know how he voted in slick deals like the Hearne property, Old Mall TIF, Sassafras TIF, voted against giving the policemen the other half of the raise that he promised them and he really shafted the fire department. Nobody's going to forget those votes and it's been recorded from PAC-14 meetings for future reference.

Anonymous said...

And, his press release said he was going to create one new police position to focus on a neighborhood watch program! Jim Ireton is like many of us, feed up with crime and the lack of will by the City government to recognize it and fight it aggressively. Jim will have my vote!