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Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome To Canada


Anonymous said...

The problem here is I know people in Canada (some may be reading and laughing their backsides off right now).....THEY WON'T TAKE YOU (they have this funny grudge against gringo non-citizens coming across their porous southern border to take THEIR jobs....go figure)!!

Anonymous said...

It should say "Your guy lost. Welcome to Canada." Seemslike both sides are willing to give up so easily on the thing they are willing to fight so hard for right now.


joe albero said...

I love it Bobby! Great comment!

Anonymous said...

Really starting to like you R.B.

Anonymous said...

With some of the kinds of comments that I have seen here, it may be a blessing for the US if some do run to Canada!

tedh said...

Thats funny because they won't take us south of the border either. If you every saw the Mexican immigration policy you would fall out of your rocker.

Anonymous said...

What I find really disturbing about this election is the stance by one side that you are un-American or a bad American if you vote for one candidate. The fact of the matter is that because we are Americans we have the right to vote for the candidate that we favor without the fear of reprecussion. Remember that everything that is being stated by each candidate is really just rhetoric. Any candidate will say what is the most likely to get them elected. It is what they do after they are elected that really matters.

As voters it is our duty to gather as much information as possible and educate ourselves about the candidates and there policies. We should not take the word of any media agency as the complete truth and decide our vote solely on one source of information. Vote for the candidate that you feel will do their best to promote the polcies that you and your family believe in.

Personally I do not care who you vote for, only that you vote. Remember to vote based on the basis of knowledge and not on the basis of fear, because to vote due to fear would only be a vote of ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit ya' on the way out!