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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Question of the Day, Tue 10/21

McCain and Obama have stated that they are against gay marriage.

What's your belief on gay marriage? Should it be legal to marry? Should there be a prerequisite on gay marriage? Would your vote sway differently on this matter?
Updated 10 a.m.-
After MANY comments this morning, maybe I should elaborate:
Would your vote sway differently on this matter? This pertains to the election. Let's have a family member that's in a gay relationship (for farts and giggles), Obama was against gay marriage and McCain was for gay marriage. You were set to vote for Obama, however, you have since found out that he is against gay marriage. So, do you consider changing your vote to McCain?
I know this is an "attackable" subject. I knew this before I wrote it over a week ago. I did NOT answer the question. But if you would like for me to answer the questions, I'd be happy to.


Anonymous said...

WTF does that mean:

"Would your vote sway differently on this matter?"

Anonymous said...

Who are we "heterosexuals" to deprive an entire segment of our society to the joy of divorce?

Nikki said...

Everyone needs somebody to love and the even the ugly people. :)

Anonymous said...

Lets have civil marriage for everyone, gay snd straight. If you want a church wedding that is up to the individual church and you.

Anonymous said...

I guess Im from the old school. Marriage should be between a MAN and WOMAN.

Anonymous said...

AGAINST! Dont these liberal Gays have enought o bitch about, lets make a new state and put them all in it so they would stop screwing the country up.... GAY PRIDE, good reps like Rosie O, Ellen D, Elton J, Melissa E.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that a homosexual should be allowed to marry...Personally it shouldn't be lawful, and I have a homosexual sister that I love dearly but I can not stand that she chose this way of life. It is wrong and goes against the natural order. Same sex couples can't procreate which is the ultimate means of species survival. Its wrong and shouldn't be allowed. Its just my opinion call me closed minded I don't care but its how I feel..thats not to say that they are bad people I just totally disagree with there life style including my sister.

Anonymous said...

The stance was made during the Biden and Palin debate. Where Biden stated Obama and himself are for everything, while Palin stood by her Christian values and stated she was not for it (gay mariage and seperate gay rights)along with McCain due to there beliefs of men and women's sanctity in mariage. I did note that S. Palin did state she believes in gay couples should be able to visit each other in the Hospital.

Anonymous said...

I used to be against it but with all the issues in our country, I've realized that I just don't care that much either way. I would rather not explain certain things to my small child at this point but since there are gay couples more open in society, he will ask questions regardless of whether they are married or not so I guess it doesn't matter either way. How a candidate feels on this issue would not sway my vote either way.

Mardela said...

I'm against gay marriage and for the traditional marriage between a man and a woman.

This ceromony takes us to the real meaning of why we are here. To reproduce and populate the earth. That is very hard to do if you are not a man and a woman.

Should a gay couple be afforded certain rights like hospital visits and retirement benefits? That should be determined state by state. But the people of that state should be allowed to decide. Not every state should be forced to accept this.

Anonymous said...

It seem's gay couples are very excepted in this day and age. I guess we all are suppose to except it. Shame on me, but I am one to blame. I keep my mouth shut and pray. I am a Christian with Christian beliefs. I am a man that was designed to be with a women. I do not except those things (way of life) that defies God, and basic human nature. The day men on men and women on women can make children, and God (not Satan's temptation's) tells us it is OK I might be OK with it (not really). We as a people should just hand it over to the Democrats and be Gay and have abortions based on there views. Due to this the Democratic party will be extinct in a couple of generations.

Anonymous said...

If your against same sex marriage don't marry someone of the same sex. If your not gay why do you care? Nothing changes for you.

Anonymous said...

As far as having children, there are so many children in this world without parents or homes that I don't see how that matters. Being gay is not a choice, it's who you are. It doesn't mean you are a pervert or deserve a different set of rules. If a man and woman marry, and a month later, the man is in a car accident, the wife determines his medical care and makes decisions for him. But if a woman and another woman spend 40 years together as a couple, and one is in an accident, the other does not have those same rights. It seems ridiculous to me.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 8:32 - if you think this is a choice, then you chose your opposite sex spouse and can easily choose a same sex partner. There's enough medical research out there now to prove there are genetic factors that determine which sex you're attracted to. As for going against the natural order, there's also ample evidence of homosexuality in all areas of the animal kingdom, it's not just humans. Did you ever think that maybe there's a reason for homosexuality? Maybe originally it was nature's way to limit populations? Today, same sex couples can and do procreate together. So if we're producing families, shouldn't our families have the same rights and protections as yours?

I agree with Anon 8;10. Let's make all marriage civil and leave church weddings to the religious. We all pay into the same tax system, it's not fair for some families to receive tax benefits, social security, retirement, health insurance and thousands of other benefits that are denied to other families. If it's truly about marriage, then take all the State and Federal benefits away from marriage and you wouldn't have gays as anxious to participate in the institution.

Anonymous said...

I have a friends who are a gay couple who adopted a child. They are a happy family. That child would be living in squalor with an early, horrid death.

My God is a loving God who embraces all three and rejoices in their joy and the better life for this child.

I am straight. I cannot understand people's intolerance and blame toward gays.

Anonymous said...

I think two consenting adults should have the right to establish a civil union between them, no matter their gender. Who am I to tell people who they can be with or not?

Religious wedding is something else, tho. Let each religious organization decide whether they'll marry people from the same sex. That's got nothing to do with the government.

And being gay isn't a lifestyle. People don't just wake up one day and, guess what, I think I'm gonna be gay. That's just backwards thinking, not backed by the majority of psychologists.

I just hate to hear people saying that "my brother chose to be gay and I can't agree with it". He didn't chose, nor does he need any one to agree with it. That's just the way he is.

So, yes, that would definitely sway my vote. I believe in the civil rights, and gays are this generation's issue -- just like blacks and us women had to fight for our rights not too long ago, it's time that homosexuals enjoy their rights too.

tedh said...

What nobody is mentioning here is the biggest reason for marriage is to proliferate and raise a family. With that Please don't bring up gay adoption either because that is just not right. How confusing it would be for a child.

Anonymous said...

Why should this be an issue in the first place?

I don't care about poeple sexual orientation, but I despise the fact that those with certain agendas have to cram it down my throat every turn I get. Enough already.

Anonymous said...

Here's a shout out to Anon 8:10. You are spot on in your thinking. The constitution is no place to harbor discrimination of any type.

Anonymous said...

"What nobody is mentioning here is the biggest reason for marriage is to proliferate and raise a family."

I thought it was people falling in love and wanting to share their lives -- which may include kids or not.

If I just wanted to procreate I'd have married anyone. Or went for the guy with the best "genes". It's natural selection, right? And I'd get divorced if I found out my husband can't have kids.

Plus, I wouldn't even need to be married to have kids. So I think marriage is not just about procreation, at least for me. And I guess for a lot of other people too.

So why would I tell people who can't have kids (man & man, woman & woman, and man & woman couples too) that there's no point in getting married if you can't have kids of your own?

SunnyInOC said...

9:05 - I couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

I am a realist and a naturalist in my beliefs. The animal kingdom has homosexuality within it in some species of animals. Mother nature created this so she must have some sort of plan. Because of this i dont care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home, How-ever I personally believe that a family consist of a father(man) and a mother(woman). I believe this is the best situation for raising a family. Not to say that alot of families that fit this mold are doing a fine job at all, but personally this is the way i believe it should be. Families should eat dinner at the table TOGETHER as often as possible. The break-down of the American family is the biggest threat we as a nation face. I dont have a problem with domestic unions or partnerships for tax purposes, but that is as far as ole crugger can go.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I get why people wouldn't want there to be a religious ceremony, and nobody is trying to force a church to do that. But I do find it hard to believe that some of you think it is ok for hospitals to prevent long-term partners from seeing each other. Why? How does that hurt you? It is just plain mean-spirited, and dare I say it? Unchristian. As for gay parenting, my sister and her partner adopted a child who had been in the foster system for YEARS! No heterosexual couple would take her. My sister stepped up, worked her ass off to help this kid get over her very traumatic childhood (with her hetersosexual parents), and now the kid is doing great. How dare you people demean the sacrifice and hard work my sister has done. You should be thanking her. By the way, Obama and McCain have the exact same view on gay marrriage.

Anonymous said...

Marriage has been, and always will be, a contractual agreement between two parties that is used to secure property. It's not about love, or procreation. Both can exist completely without marriage.

Why gays would be disallowed to be involved in that is beyond me.

Anonymous said...


Please explain to all of us how gays are "screwing the country up" please.

Kris said...

A lot of people here are saying that homosexuality is a choice, and I agree with anon 9:15. You cannot choose who you love, your gender, your sex, anything of the nature.

And for those that preach of a loving God, take a look at how you are judging US. A community. A people. Your peers, SISTERS, neighbors, church goers, etc.

Futhermore, to protect the institution of marriage? Take a look at the divorce rate among straight couples, the affairs, on BOTH SIDES OF THE POLITICAL LINE. What are you protecting marriage from, exactly?

If this is such a big deal, leave marriage out of the equation...but give us the civil rights and liberties we deserve. It wasnt so long ago that interracial marriage was illegal...

And to the anon 8:25 are the representation of hate. Put us all in a new state so we stop screwing things up? How closed minded can you possibly be???

Anonymous said...

Gay marriages wouldn't have any
effect on who I would vote for.
I believe those people (gays)
are sick anyway!

Anonymous said...

This is such an obvious answer The definition of marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Give the gays some kind of civil union, they deserve that, but not marriage.

Anonymous said...

I agree wil Anon. 9:05! What do you care?! They aren't inviting you to the wedding! I feel that everyone should have to right to marry whomever they want to marry. I may not agree with it, but who am I to judge others!

tedh said...

Yes that is one of the reasons I got married is because I wanted a family. Natures way of a species to survive is by procreation and the last time I heard you can't with gay sex. Anyway love is why we choose that special person to be in our lives and marriage doesn't change it except for the tax write-offs and health insurance.

katsmominmd said...

These answers are like those of the candidates--they don't answer the question. Its not about whether there should be civil unions, is gayness a choice, etc, even though gays should have equal rights to hospital visitation, medical decisions, insurance, inheritance, etc.and it's NOT a choice. The question is about the candiates' opinion of 'gay marriage' which does not influence my choice.
First of all the legislature has more affect on the issue than the presidency. Secondly, I'm a gay Replublican (I know that's an oxymoron), who believes that if I ever do say "I do" I want it to be in English not Farsi. Keeping the USA strong for EVERYONE's freedom is more important than my individual right.

Go McClain, Palin

Anonymous said...


You are going to vote for the one person who is explicitly anti-gay, Sarah Palin. Wow. That is pretty sad. Look at some of the comments here of your fellow voters--is that the kind of ideology you want in the White House?

Anonymous said...

Great Answers Stupid Question.

I think that most answers have been given thought, and conscious appraisal. Some a just jerks as usual.

In a democracy rights are important, people being discriminated against for any reason is wrong, and this discrimination happens to include; health care, pension sharing, medical benefits, inheritance, (without at will) and some other very serious questions.
A person told me that being part of a "non traditioal couple" he could not sign the documents in the hospital for the unconscious person, his partner of 20 years. would you feel if your spouse were dying and you could not sign release for medical treatment papers.

This issue is "rights" not religious, and not moral.

Thanks for the good discussion Joe.

Anonymous said...

8:32 did not say that his sister chose to be gay. Rather, he said that his sister "chose this way of life." There is a difference. One does not choose to be gay or straight, but one does choose the lifestyle. There are many gays who, for obvious reasons, choose to live a heterosexual lifestyle or an asexual lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if people would quit discriminating, those "obvious reasons" you cite would no longer be obvious. I think it is absurd to ask gay people to simply be asexual. The big questions is: why should anyone care? Why does it bother stright people if gay people get married? It has zero affect on you, and I am tired of my tax dollars supporting heterosexuals and their procreative proclivities. YOU pay for that kid you had from a one-night stand, how about that? You dead-beat dads who owe $30,000 in child support, and then go father another kid, YOU pay for the entire cost to society. YOU pay to jail the children of heterosexuals, YOU pay to educate the children of heterosexuals, YOU pay the health care costs of children of heterosexuals, and QUIT MAKING ME PAY FOR IT! If you hate gay people so much, then QUIT TAKING MY MONEY!!!!! I pay taxes just like you people; in fact, I guarantee I pay more than the vast majority of you. So if you can't stand to have me in your world, QUIT TAKING MY TAX DOLLARS. Let me opt out of your tax system if your laws are not going to apply equally to me. Or maybe you should let me have the same benefits you get, by virtue of your heterosexuality. Whew, I feel better now.

tedh said...

I believe in certain rights that can be granted. I know I have a living will that gives a person the right to decide for me if i can't. Why not support something that will give someone certain rights for decisions and visitations without calling it marriage. I think that is where the problem lays. Give people certain liberties that can unilaterally be beneficial for everyone and not call it marriage. It would give me an opportunity to give someone I love certain liberties even if I do not intend on getting married again. That seems like a fair middle ground.

Anonymous said...

No matter what the legislative members or others do I will remain in my relationship. The marriage matter is important but fair legislation on other matters takes priority.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuals should be able to get married. We shouldn't say no to gay marriage because the bible forbids it. As a matter of fact: most christians are highly devoted to the bible and their beliefs and quote Levidicous everytime about homosexuals... but in that same book it mentions that pork, rabbit, and shellfish are an abomination... and most christians do eat shellfish, but not just that... doesn't the golden rule basically say love thy neighbour as thy self? If you want to follow the bible, follow it completely, don't just pick peices you want out of it and ignore the rest. Yes, i know i'm going to be attacked and such, but that is because people are being childish and are close-minded, times change. To be honest to be old school about marriage is giving no rights to women and using them to just make babies which is what marriage used to pertain to. Ive seen all these comments about gays not being able to procreate so they cant get married and that is what marriage is for... so people that CANT have babies for medical reasons and elderly people are not allowed to get married, same with people that get a visectamy or hisdirectomy - should they get a divorce since they "threw out the natural order" and can't procrate anymore? this is my belief, if you disagree with me that is your belief...

Anonymous said...

Joe... What is your opinion on this??

joe albero said...

I think gay people have received the short end of the stick. If you're against gay marriages, what's YOUR problem? That's how I see it.

I have several friends who are gay and quite frankly I am honored to call them my friends.

So why shouldn't they have the same rights as any other marriage? Why shoulodn't they have access to health insurance?

Yes, I was born and raised as a Catholic but do tell me one thing. If there are so many GAY Priests practicing under the umbrella of the Catholic Church, I say, how dare the Church challenge ANY human being.

Oh well, there goes the rest of my otherr Catholic friends.

It's my opinion that Americans have forgotten where they came from. There was a day when blacks were slaves, now they're not. There was a day when women couldn't vote, now they can. Wake up Americans and stop your controlling BS! Shame on BOTH Candidates.

There, does that make you feel any better. Oh, keep that holding hands and kissing bullsh!t to yourselves. Unless you're two women, then it's OK. LOL