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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Main Stream Media Polls Are B.S.

The other day I was looking at some information on the Internet and I came across everyone and their brother putting up polls asking if they were for or against the Bailout.

The funny part was, on the big MSM Sites, the majority of Americans were for it. However, I'd go to the local Sites and it was overwhelmingly proving 80%+ were against it.

IMHO, I believe the MSM is controlling the way we think and understand matters of serious nature, similar to our local Daily Times.

The Blogs are the future Ladies & Gentlemen because YOU can participate by being vocal and expressing your opinions. Sure, we deliver our Opinion as Owner and Contributors but at least you get a voice.

I just can't believe that 84% of Americans are for the Bailout and that's what many of the BIG MSM Sites were shoving down every one's throat. B.S.! Am I wrong? Do you actually believe we should Bail Out these Crooks?


Mardela said...

To put it simple, NO!

Anonymous said...

"...I believe the MSM is controlling the way we think and understand matters of serious nature..."

Don't be so surprised...this has happened FOREVER. Whatever the main medium of communication is, it will be used to "guide" the people into thinking, saying, and doing what the owners of that medium want them to think, say, and do. And this is true in both good cases (many PSA's) and bad cases (Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, Comedy Central, New York Times, Washington want me to go on?)

Don't believe me? Take a gander at the bible...complete propaganda to make us believe in God and Jesus and all the prophets. And that is why I am a God-fearing Christian.

Thank you MSM!

Bottom line, communication media are technologies. And, like every other kind of technology (guns, computers, electrically-activated sexual devices), they can be used responsibly or irresponsibly.

I'll go have another glass of my dittohead koolaid now.

Anonymous said...

Sure I'm for it...NOT! Put the money to good use by bailing out all the people who've lost their homes and jobs, and let the ones who caused all this mess get their just desserts. Otherwise, we'll just keep getting screwed.

Thank goodness I have less than five years until my nice, low house payments are finished. I'll be perfectly happy to stay right where I am until my little shack falls down around me.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we have such big thinking world class Economists here on the Eastern Shore. Do you think maybe...just maybe FOX could be controlling the way YOU think?

Anonymous said...

I bought what I could afford!
I had ONE child because it was all I could afford!
I drive a car that I can afford!
I eat what I can afford!
I spend what I can afford!
Now...nobody told me while I was making these decisions that I would have to pay for everyone elses mistakes!!! NEVER!!
Where can I get my handout now to help all the people who were spending my money and I was not aware of it?

Anonymous said...

Everyone keeps talking about how sad it is that sooooo many people are going to lose their homes.....
well, it's not like they're going to be living under an overpass in a cardboard box. They managed to secure a dwelling once that they couldn't afford....maybe they can rent for awhile....until they have a downpayment for another house. One that they probably CAN afford this time.
BTW, I'd love to live in a big fancy house on the water somewhere, BUT I CAN'T FRIGGIN' AFFORD IT. SO I DIDN'T BUY ONE.
The more modest house that I call home will remain my address, because I put money down, and can easily pay the payments and the property taxes and insurance. To those who "chose a different way",
Don't use my money to rescue them!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not!
Let them finally see what GREED gets them.

Anonymous said...


I don't watch "FOX" so I'm not controlled by them. But I'm concerned about being controlled by those "world class economists" in Washington and on Wall Street.
It's time to hang them out to dry now that they have royally screwed the rest of us. NO BAILOUT!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:35:
AMEN! How are the majority of responsible taxpaying citizens going to pay anyone else's bills when it's taking all they've got to keep up with their own? MY MONEY IS MY MONEY, and I should not be required by anyone or for any reason to give any part of it to anyone else unless I choose to do so out of my own feelings of charity, compassion, etc. Yes, bad things legitimately happen to good people who could afford what they had at the time, but it's not my responsibility to pay for you to have things you can't afford on your own. If you can't afford (more) kids, why should anyone have to help you pay for them? Try keeping your legs closed or your little man in your pants rather than elsewhere. Far too many of us have been responsible with our bills and spending but are required to prop up those who have not, and we're getting damned fed up with it!

Anonymous said...

You are 100% right, brain washed by the media. Have been, for years.

No the 1980's when we had the savings and loan crisis, anyone remember Jeffery Levitt? he went to jail,(old court bank) thousands of homes all over the country in forclosure?

The Resolution Trust was established and the houses were put into that "company" and they were sold by that company.
There was no bial my lips no bailout.... We can do the same thing again.

The theives should boil in their own soup, we should not bail them out...nor support the criminal CEO's and their golden parachutes...remember Enron.....???

Tell your now...

Taking a religious holiday when the county is in "dire straights" to me tells it all...there is no "dire straights" this is a ploy to get the american people to pay for the Greed of GWB's friends.

Anonymous said...

That voice we get doesn't seem to be working to good for us today. Somebody filtering comments. No surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not Fox Network, but I'd bet you listen to Rush Limbaugh daily.

Anonymous said...

Religious Holiday? Wall St. is open today....I'd bet the farm that there are far more Jews on Wall St. than in congress.
Congress and Senate-YOU WORK FOR US! In an emergency such as you've declared this to be, THERE ARE NO HOLIDAYS!
As if we needed another reason to be mad.

joe albero said...

anonymous 4:24, you would have lost that bet.

Anonymous said...

Now I am in the same boat they are and I only bought what I could afford! Tell me...Can I sue the government for spending my money without MY knowledge?

joe albero said...

Let's see, so far we're at 100% against the Bailout. What does that tell you about MSM Polls?

If they screw Americans by passing it, we'll know they LIED again and CHEATED us again.

Mardela said...

I think the MSM polls are conducted on Wall St. Of course they want our money.

Anonymous said...

Just look at how far Obama has gone due to the MSM.
Everywhere I go people just keep shaking their heads in disbelief at the poll showing Obama as high as he is. Democrat and Republican alike.
The you look at the details in the polls and find out that they only surveyed people in the inner city VERY blue state area codes.
Polls aren't used to show the opinion of America, they are use to shape it!

Anonymous said...

When my husband and I went to secure a mortage years ago, you had to have money to put down to get one! I remember getting loads of paperwork together to prove that we could actually afford to make the payments. We had to do it the hard way, like so many of you had to. Now all you have to do is show up to the bank and ask for a loan. I am against a bail out! Why should I have to pay for the screw up of others? Yea, we actually had to budget. Imagine that!

Anonymous said...

Marxist? Please stop it.

Senator Obama has done well in the campaign becuse he is a good candidate. You might not like but some does. Please deal with.

Anonymous said...


You as most Americans are finally waking up to the fact that we no longer have an unbiased media with critical thinking skills. Take your fair chicken town for example. Salaries at these local "news outlets" are reduced by the mega corporations trying to squeeze profit from our newspapers and tv stations, (think gannett) so the smart ones leave, or find other jobs. This then leaves the public school/liberal arts/alternative lifestylers/ uneducated/indoctrinated losers behind to fill the gap at the local level. Those semi talented individuals, who make it to the upper tier stations, well, after having passed all of the litmus tests, they then just sit there staring at themselves nascissistically and spout out whatever is put in front of them or whispered into their ear. The phrase "I just have to look good I don't have to think clear" from a song comes to mind.

For the record, I'm against the bailout.

Anonymous said...

Were still quilty about W.W.II.

Anonymous said...

"How fortunate for leaders that men don't think"
Adolph Hitler

That's exactly what the MSM and their liberal benefactors are banking on folks. That we just nod our head, and follow like herded sheep to the slaughter.


Mardela said...

here's a question for us all. If Wall St needs the money so bad to keep us out of economic trouble, why don't we hear them asking for this money. Why don't we hear them explain why this happened and what we need to do to help. Have any stock holders in these companies received anything pertaining to this great money problem? The only people I hear saying anything about this are politicians and their appointed department heads.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its "JACOBS LADDER".

Anonymous said...

Heres some trivia, there is as we speak a RUSSIAN nuckear war ship in our hemisphere, bay of pigs we would be flippin, now doesnt even make the news.

(who controls the media)
(who controls the money).

Anonymous said...

good night fellow AMERICANS sleep tight.

Jim said...

When my husband and I went to secure a mortage years ago, you had to have money to put down to get one! I remember getting loads of paperwork together to prove that we could actually afford to make the payments. We had to do it the hard way, like so many of you had to. Now all you have to do is show up to the bank and ask for a loan. I am against a bail out! Why should I have to pay for the screw up of others? Yea, we actually had to budget. Imagine that!


Back in 1995 my wife (fiance at the time) decided to buy a house instead of rent. We went to many realators who at the time qualified us to buy a house at 95,000. We said, and when can we eat? We ended up buying a house with a a nice yard on Chestnut Way for about 57k. We could afford that and eat.
We had a child and had room for her. After about 5 years we decided to have another child and knew we needed a bigger house. We looked around, but decided to build a house in a better town (Pittsville) We got a steal on a 1 1/2 acre lot and built at the grat time when lumber was cheap and so was labor.
And the mortgage we got was FIXED. We knew and still know what our payments are. They havnt changed.
The point is people who took sub-prime didnt realize how much more their payments would go up up after even a few years. Read the fine print!!
My main point I guess is that the buyer also needs to know what he is geting into. And the lenders also need to know if the buyer will will be able to pay when the payments increase. I think the lenders just wanted the quick interest payments upfront, not realizing that in the long run they would lose the mortgage payments.
Losing a house must be the worst feeling in the world, especially with a family. I blame both the banks and people who really dindt pay attention to the paer work.
And I do not beleive I should have to bail these people out for their mistakes. NO to the bailout on any form.
btw... if my mortgage company is desolved... does that mean I dont have to pay anymore?? hmmmm



Anonymous said...

Let Wall St crash. It crashed before and came back stronger. Let it crash and those creating this fiasco can crash right along with it. Why on earth does anyone making millions in salary annually need to be bailed out of anything. Who is going to bail us out? All of these companies going under, who offered to bail them out?

The rich get richer and the poor keep on getting poorer. Screw Wall St and all involved. LET IT CRASH!

Unknown said...

Talking about MSM.. Obama has his own channel on Dish Network!!