
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama Supporters

Dear Mr. Obama Supporters,

I thought it was a well put together letter that makes alot sense and highlights many of the reasons why alot of people dont like Obama. As for calling "Mr. Gregg" a racist? Come on, you people are sad. People always say," the only reason you dont vote for Obama is because he is black." No the reason i dont vote for him is bc he is wayy liberal and all he has is a charismatic charm and black skin. If there was a black Republican i would happily vote for him as i did Ehrlich/Steele years back. Huge amounts of blacks that have never voted before are going out and voting for the first time and let me guess it has nothing to do with the fact that Obama is black, right? Yeah ok. And to the person who called "Mr. Gregg" a racist because he called Obama an angry black man, you are absolutely out of your mind. Ignorance lives inside your head. When is the last time you turned on BET Comicview and listened to the comedians talk about white people? I am white and i could care less what they have to say about me as a white male, or my race as a whole. I invite all of you to watch BET Comicview (or YouTube) and listen to what they have to say, and then picture a white person saying the same thing about a black person. All hell would break lose, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have a field day and whichever white person said it would be shunned forever. If a white kid gets beat up by a group of black kids, thats it, he got beat up. If a black kid got beat up by a group of white kids, its a hate crime there will be rallies and protests all across the country. I mean come on just think about it for one second. If you need to, re-read the last couple sentences and ask your self if what i just said is the least bit true? Of course there are many people out there who wouldnt vote for a black politician whether they agreed with him/her or not. But just to clear the air for all you liberal wackos, the reason I am not voting for Obama is because i dont care for him or his policies (or lack thereof) , nor do i care for the reason why half of you are voting for him.



Anonymous said...

"all he has is a charismatic charm and black skin"

It can't help but slip out, huh?

Racist fail.

Anonymous said...

OPINIONS - Everyone has them.

More often than not you should just keep it to yourself.

Anonymous said...

More than half of Americans are now supporting Obama.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting into writing what a lot of us are feeling. I am white and voting for McCain but it has nothing to do with Obama being "semi-black". In fact before McCain chose Palin I thought he should have considered Colin Powell. He certainly has the military experience to help make decisions about the on-going war. Yet, whenever I drive around with my McCain/Palin bumper sticker I get passed by countless black people looking at me like I just came from a KKK meeting. Absolutely ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I whole heatedly agree with this article. Of course if you want to do your research you will find that
Obama is 50% white, 44% Arab and only 6% black. His father was 88% Arab and only 12% black. So actually you would be voting for an Arab-American for president. How does that make all of the racist black voters feel about it now. So if you are just voting for Obama because you think he is half black you are wrong. Not to mention
that if you take home only 2/3 of your paycheck now. If Obama becomes president you will only take home 1/2 or less of your paycheck because the rest he will take for taxes. Just think about how good that will be for you personally and the economy.

Mardela said...

Please, both side, stop dividing us along racial lines. We should stop writing anything that describes ones color. Because we all know that color has nothinhg to do with it.

The Democrats have propped up Obama because of his color. They have tried to get the number of minorities who vote to increase in order to win an election. What a scam and a shame. Put up a person who has character, experience and who stands on principles regardless of the party line.

The Republicans want to try and attack Obamas color, saying he's not much african at all. Who cares? I 'm not voting for him because of his color. Keep pointing out his weaknesses. Keep pointing out McCain's stregths. I want substance to make my decision.

Whoever you are, black, white, yellow, vote for a President who will keep our country strong in all facets, Military, Money, Love, Educated, Touch on Crime, Help for the Weak (not free rides, help), Equality, Justice, and most off all, Strong in Faith. After all, it was the Faith of those who gave this country it's first breath that helped us leap to the top. Faith will keep us there. Lack of faith will be our destruction.

Anonymous said...

So he's 44% arab?? That really makes me want to vote for him!!

I say fair is fair. Let's start a National Association for the Advancement of White People, a White Entertainment Television channel, a White Ms. America contest, a White scholarship fund, etc. and see how far we get. We've give them everything else, let's not give them the White House. Sound racist? Well, I'm just saying what they say about us. Fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

Now you've done it Joe. This is a great opportunity for all the Conservative (KKK) folks on the Eastern Shore to speak out against the discrimination of the White Man. I can almost hear those closet doors swing open, white sheets and hoods comming out and the crosses burning now. Don't ya just love it?

Anonymous said...

How about who is the smartest, level head for president. Obama!

Anonymous said...

I think that both Candidates suck!

Anonymous said...

Come on people wake up. If I said I was only 6% Indian everyone would laugh and say no you are white. Now you want a person in the white house that is half Arab.
Come on have you forgotten about 9-11-2001. In this days Salisbury News it tells of many false state-ments he has made. If he is elected he will do nothing for you or this country. He has a hidden agenda that none of us really know about. But this should be a no brainer. All American war hero that loves this country and would give his life for it or Arab American that doesn't give a damn about you or this country. He just wants the power to kill this country without making it so obvious. By passing laws and using political mumbo jumbo to destroy us. Now you choose.

Anonymous said...

I say get over it. None of the black people in this country, their parents and unless they are very old not their grandparents were ever slaves.

Was it wrong, Yes! Have blacks been treated wrong over the years, Yes! But so have a lot of other races and they don't harp on it. Its what it is HISTORY and should stay there. Learn from it and make yourselves better for it.

Now a days ALL races have the same if not more opportunities then the whites. There is no excuse for not achieving better for yourself if that is what you want. We ALL have the same tools to get there.

Anonymous said...

Lets start with the obvious. The writer of the letter has no balls to put his name on it.

I have noticed that today there is more than usual Obama hate propaganda on the blog... must be becuase of the polls and that McCain has proven to be nothing more than a hot head with no judgement.

What about your beloved Palin, who just two weeks ago was the republican god send... she looked great on Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric's interviews. Give me a break, it is more obvious now that McCain's pick of Palin was not a country first moment, but a campaign before all moment. Just like his grandstanding about the suspension of his campaign.

Obama has offered solutions and change to the mess that 8 years of a republican president has brought us. Joe can print all the BS lies about him being Muslim or Arab, but if you do your research and don't simply follow like blind sheep, you will see that McCain has no differences than Bush.

Taxes - same
Iraq war - same
Social security - same
Deregulation - same

The scary part of McCain is that he is so spontaneous and irrational that if he were president now we would be at war with both Russia, Iran as well as Iraq and Afghanistan.

Get real - McCain has no answers and Palin is just plain idiotic.

joe albero said...

Pot calls kettle black!

And your name Sir?

Anonymous said...

Roland Haddad

Anonymous said...

Mr. Haddad,
Let's not forget that the President can only do so much. If I'm not mistaken, isn't the majority of the House, Democrats now? Doesn't this mean that the Democrats helped to get us in the big pile of sh!t that we are in now? Don't get me wrong, I don't care for President Bush, but I get so sick of hearing people blame Presidents for everything that happens! They can only do so much! The voters need to take this country back, get rid of electoral votes, have the popular vote actually win, clean out the House and Senate, get rid of all of the "special interest" groups and put people in office that can actually make a change for the better without worrying about who they are going to piss off.

Anonymous said...

Roland Haddad uh? Well, from what I can see there's no one around here with that name so I guess you're the one without 'balls' enough to give your real name!

This election is easy. Love your country and want a President who does too, vote for McCain. See how easy that is?

Anonymous said...

Pack em up and send them all home. Lets clean up America for a while shut down the boaders in every direction. A clensing if you will. LOL Get real Ohbama is as anti American as you can get. Dont throw stones when a man sits in a church for twenty years listening to the "White Man Is the devil bullshit and God Bless America, No God Damn America." His mentor and clergy Rev Wright from the pulpit no less. Pack em up send them home to Africa and let them see just what is there. I bet if that were actually feasiable they would all of a sudden become very BLACK AMERICANS. So as I see it not only is Ohbama a racist he is very privleged and appears to have had a good life here in America. We as a nation are so hungry for change we are willing to accept the first thing that appears different or new. Offer a starving man a shit sandwich he may eat it. Hmmm enough said